Positive Thinking Can Help You Deal with Stress

Positive Thinking Can Help You Deal with Stress

In the course of human life, it is natural to be concerned. Whether it is a pending presentation or a romantic date, we all have anxieties about the future, and in many circumstances, this sort of stress may actually be beneficial1.

In the case of a scheduled date, thinking about it may prompt you to purchase a new clothing or clean your home, both of which may help you wow your prospective spouse. Worrying may be pushed to a pathological degree in anxiety disorders, on the other hand. Worries are typically obtrusive and uncontrolled in these folks’ lives, and they may cause a great deal of discomfort. As a result, both research scientists and physicians are always on the lookout for simple treatments that might aid to ease such concerns.

When Negativity is emphasized.

Patients with pathological concern are especially distressed by the fact that they prefer to envisage only bad outcomes from future scenarios3, which is a characteristic of pathological worry. Returning to the romantic date scenario, a person who is prone to excessive concern can believe that their date would find their new dress to be unattractive and out of style, but they might also assume that their date will find it to be pretty and trendy.

Thus, their worry is countered by the chance of something good happening. When a person suffers from pathological concern, on the other hand, they will only picture the worst-case scenario. In this situation, the person may get obsessed with the anticipated terrible conclusion and fail to see that there are also favorable options.

Worry may be alleviated by thinking positively.

Recent study by a team led by Dr. Claire Eagleson of King’s College London sought to see if pathological worriers might be taught to envision positive endings to their concerns rather of fixating on negative possibilities.4, Individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) were selected to participate in the study, and they were instructed in the art of responding to concerns by picturing happy solutions to the events that had triggered their anxieties.

Participants were instructed to think about a scenario about which they were presently concerned, envision how that event may have a happy result, and then write down their positive outcome in a diary. A other set of participants was instructed to just envision something nice that was entirely unrelated to their original anxiety and to write this positive imagery in their diary. This group was not asked to worry about anything. This was followed by participants being given journals to keep track of their practice sessions at home, as instructed by the researchers.

Participants returned to the lab after four weeks and were tested to see whether or not their anxiety levels had decreased. The findings demonstrated that, on average, participants reported a considerable reduction in their concern as well as their experience of anxiety-related symptoms during the course of the investigation.

A rise in their sense of optimism was also noticed by them. Surprisingly, those who imagined unrelated pleasant occurrences reported the same reductions in worry and anxiety as those who imagined connected positive events, as well as the same rise in optimism. After just a short length of time, this intervention seemed to be of benefit.

In terms of treatment, this has implications.

According to the findings of this research, the mere act of envisioning good occurrences, whether or not they were connected to the original anxiety, was effective in counteracting the detrimental impacts of concern on the participants. According to these studies, even shifting anxious thoughts to any kind of happy imagery may result in significant reductions in the overall experience of anxiety and stress levels.

Furthermore, since even participants who imagined unrelated happy occurrences had benefits, this research implies that it may not be essential to question or modify the fears themselves. Instead, the mere act of diverting the mind’s attention to a pleasant picture may be enough to achieve the desired results. In spite of the need for more study, this work opens the door to new pathways of therapy that are simple for people to use in a variety of settings.

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Is it possible to alleviate stress by thinking positively? The answer is a resounding YES: When it comes to improving our general health and well-being, the value of positive thinking cannot be overstated.

Good thinking and having a positive mentality are both important in our effort to minimize stress, but they aren’t always apparent. Here are six ways to help us use positive thinking to alleviate our worry.

Positive Thinking’s Importance

We often blame our stress and worry on external factors. What’s the harm in that? Stress is unavoidable in the event of a worldwide catastrophe. We are concerned about our financial situation. We feel the tension when our children are going through a difficult moment. Even the holidays are stressful for us.

Unfortunately, this negative mindset implies that we are putting our mental health in the hands of others rather than ourselves. We also don’t have to. All we have to do now is learn how to use positive thinking to lessen stress.

You have no control over what other people do or what occurs in the environment around you. You may, however, take responsibility for yourself and how you react. You may shift your viewpoint to a different angle and feel the pressure dissipate. Accepting the value of positive thinking is really extremely liberating.

If you don’t recognize your own power, the negative impacts of stress will overwhelm you: bad sleep, high blood pressure, loss of joy, anxiety attacks, and unhealthy coping techniques that do more harm than good.

Consider this: if you could just make a decision to remove those things, wouldn’t it be worthwhile to try?

Positive Thinking Can Help You De-Stress in 6 Ways

The impact of optimistic thinking cannot be overstated. Here are six habits you may do to assist you minimize stress by thinking positively.

1. Begin by expressing appreciation to encourage good thinking.

The value of positive thinking cannot be overstated, and breaking out of a negative cycle is difficult. It tends to snowball into a mountain of self-pity once we start thinking about all that is wrong. Our minds are working overtime to figure out who or what is to blame.

In these situations, you must decide whether or not to turn on the light. Change your mindset from one of blame to one of grace. From a state of scarcity to a one of plenty. It’s much more successful if you take the initiative rather than reacting. (Like when you ride a bike and wear a helmet, or when you drive a vehicle and wear a seatbelt.) Build a regular practice of appreciation to help you cope with stress.

Perhaps you begin each day by stating one item for which you are thankful. Or, even better, you can make it a part of your family’s mealtime ritual by asking everyone to share one item they are thankful for. Make it a practice to notice the little pleasures in life. I’m glad right now for the window above my desk, where I can see the early sun shining through the trees.

This kind of positive thinking will assist you in releasing both negativity and tension.

2. Say a positive affirmation to yourself.

It’s easy to go into a negative space and let worry overwhelm you at stressful times of the day. That’s why having a pre-written affirmation ready to repeat is beneficial. Words have a lot of power. (You wouldn’t be reading this right now if they didn’t.)

A positive affirmation is a phrase or remark that you may repeat to yourself to help you refocus. You may use affirmation to get your positive thinking creative juices flowing in the same way that you can use gratitude to get your creative juices flowing. Every morning, recite it. Maybe five times a day, all day long.

Use it to remind yourself of your own strength when things become rough. There is a wealth of material on how to create your own (and it may be anything that empowers you), but here is one example:

“I am a source of light in the world, and I share it with others.” “I am competent, powerful, and in command of my ideas.”

Make it up. Make a note of it. Say that a lot.

You’ll see your tension dissipate as you succumb to your positive affirmation and allow yourself to experience that happy notion.

3. Visualization is a great way to boost your optimistic thinking.

A woman floats in the Caribbean, reducing tension with a cheerful attitude.
The connections in your brain shift when you envision something vividly in your thoughts. For a variety of reasons, visualization is a powerful strategy for taking control of your attitude. Athletes, stage performers, business executives, doctors, and, yes, everyone looking to relieve anxiety utilize it.

Consider a spot you like visiting that provides you with full calm. (I picture the sea.) Then shut your eyes and imagine yourself in that location.

Listen to the noises. Is there a crashing of waves? Birds? Take a whiff of the salty air. Feel the sand between your toes and the warmth of the sun on your skin.

The more specifics you can get, the better. Your body might start to experience the good impacts of where your mind is visualizing yourself when you use all of your senses. You may imagine on your own, or you can use one of the numerous guided visualizations available in meditation applications, on YouTube, or on other websites. This is a great exercise to do when you have a few minutes to spare.

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