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Pet Guide for Cobalt Blue Tarantulas

Pet Guide for Cobalt Blue Tarantulas.

Are you thinking of expanding your family with a beautiful cobalt blue tarantula? In such case, you should start by reading through our guide to getting a pet.

In this piece, we would supply you with all the information you need to properly care for your new pet, including the need for food and housing, as well as the health and safety risks that you should be aware of.

Continue to read if you want to learn all you need to know about cobalt blue tarantulas, regardless of whether this is your first time owning a spider or you’re simply interested in learning more about this species.

Background with a Cobalt Blue Tarantula

The Cobalt Blue Tarantula is a species of spider that is indigenous to Myanmar and may be seen just over the border in Thailand. Andrew Snyder made the discovery back in the year 2014.

Because of the iridescent blue hue on its carapace, often known as the top section of the body, the blue tarantula was given its name. The exoskeleton of the spider is covered with minute scales, which cause light to reflect and produce a beautiful blue color.

The Cobalt Blue Tarantula is a burrowing spider, much like all other species of tarantula, and it favors living in habitats that are dark and damp. It lives in tropical woods and rainforests at altitudes of up to 1300 meters (4,000 feet). The cobalt blue tarantula is also recognized for its ability to dig tunnels in the ground, which it uses as a daytime hiding spot.

It’s well knowledge that cobalt blue tarantulas are among the tamest of all spider species, making them an ideal pet for those who are new to keeping spiders.

They do not call for a great deal of upkeep and care on your part and are really simple to maintain. Nevertheless, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind when it comes to taking care of your new pet.

Cobalt Blue Tarantula Size

The cobalt blue tarantula is a spider of medium size, with females reaching a leg span of around 5 inches when fully grown. The males are much more diminutive.

Up until they reach maturity, men and females seem to have quite similar appearances. At that point, males acquire a light grey tint.

Female tarantulas have an expected lifespan of around 15 years, whereas male tarantulas may live for as long as 10 years, which is still a very long period for the species.

It may be challenging for some individuals to care for a Cyriopagopus lividus or Haplopelma lividum, but if you have the appropriate knowledge, it may be a delightful pet that requires little upkeep.

Cobalt Blue Tarantula Care

Cobalt blue tarantulas, like other tarantulas, need a specialized level of care.

They are fragile animals that are easily harmed or even put to death if improper care is taken them.

Remember that tarantulas are wild creatures, and this is the most crucial thing to keep in mind right from the bat. If at all possible, one should avoid coming into contact with them. If you really must handle your cobalt blue tarantula, be sure to do it in a very cautious and kind manner.

The Cobalt Blue Tarantula is a carnivore, much like the vast majority of other species of tarantula.

The majority of their food is made up of different kinds of insects, including as mealworms, crickets, and cockroaches.

In addition, they will consume different kinds of tiny animals like as:

  • lizards
  • frogs
  • and newborn mice

It is essential to provide your Cobalt Blue Tarantula a varied diet in order to guarantee that it will obtain all of the essential nutrients that it requires.

You may collect live insects on your own by putting up a cricket trap, or you can purchase them from a pet shop already alive.

It is essential that you keep the cage for your Cobalt Blue Tarantula clean and clear of debris in order to maintain the insects’ health. This will allow them to live longer.

On a regular basis, both the water and the food should be replaced, and any food that is left over should be discarded to prevent it from going bad.

The Cobalt Blue Housing of the Tarantula

As can be seen, suitable habitat for cobalt blue tarantulas must be rather spacious. You should at least give some thought to providing an adult cobalt blue tarantula with a tank that holds twenty gallons of water.

You can get away with a smaller cage if you are maintaining a juvenile or spiderling, but you should be sure to update to a bigger one as your tarantula matures.

You have a few alternatives to choose from when it comes to the substrate.

You have the option of using coco fiber, peat moss, or a combination of the two:

Be careful to steer clear of substrates that are very sandy, since this might aggravate the tarantula’s eyes and lead to respiratory issues in the animal. It should be sufficient with a depth of roughly two inches.

In addition to this, you will need to provide your tarantula with some kind of concealment. This may be accomplished with the use of fake plants, cork bark, or a mix of the two.

Make sure that whatever you chose to use is stable enough for your tarantula to crawl on, and that it will not topple over if your spider chooses to investigate its surroundings.

It is essential to provide your tarantula with an environment with a temperature range of between 70 and 80 percent humidity and a range of 78 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit (25 and 29 degrees Celsius). You may find that moistening the substrate every two weeks is helpful in achieving these objectives.

If you feel the need to increase the level of warmth, placing a heating pad on one of the enclosure’s walls should do the trick; however, you should keep a close check on the temperature to ensure that it does not get unsafely high.

When you are building up the habitat for your cobalt blue tarantula, one thing you should keep in mind is that they like climbing.

Cobalt Blue Tarantula Behavior & Temperament

The Cobalt Blue Tarantula is a very calm and easy-going spider that requires little attention from its owners.

Because of their brilliant blue hue, they are also considered to be among the most attractive of all tarantulas. They are not aggressive creatures, but if they feel threatened, they will bite. Their venom may be painful to humans, but it does not pose a health risk.

Tarantulas with a cobalt blue coloration are endemic to the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia.

They are spiders that live in trees and spend most of their time up in the branches. In order to capture their prey, they construct webs in the branches of the trees.

Cobalt Blue Tarantulas are nocturnal hunters and will come down from the trees in the middle of the night in order to go looking for food.

The Cobalt Blue Tarantula is an asocial species of spider that lives in isolation.

They have no sense of territory and will not bother or try to kill other spiders. On the other hand, if other spiders are sufficiently tiny, they will sometimes consume them.

Cobalt Blue Tarantula Diet

Ensure that there are a sufficient number of climbing surfaces, such as:

  • bark from cork
  • artificial plants
  • or a lump of weathered driftwood
  • Last but not least, you should make sure to offer a water dish for your tarantula.

This may be a little bowl or the lid of a jar that is filled with clean water. Occasionally, your tarantula will drink from this and immerse itself in it as well. Simply ensure that the dish is emptied and cleaned about once each week.

Cobalt Blue Tarantula Life Span
It is possible for female Cobalt Blue Tarantulas to reach the age of 25 when kept in captivity.

The average life expectancy of a guy ranges from five to 10 years.

In the wild, they have the potential to live for up to 30 or 20 years, respectively. One of the most prevalent and serious health challenges these arachnids confront while kept in captivity is maintaining proper hydration.

Another issue that might arise is a multiplication of germs in the substrate, which could result in disease for the user.

Cobalt Blue Tarantula Life Span

When food is left out for an extended period of time without being consumed, bacteria may also begin to grow in the substrate. Leftovers, if they are not quickly thrown away, have the potential to introduce pests such as parasites and mites.

Aside from that, tarantulas typically don’t become ill and don’t have many other health issues.

The condition is known as “web rot” is a frequent illness that may occasionally affect Cobalt Blues.

This takes place when a fungus infects the spider’s web, causing it to deteriorate and fall apart. In many cases, the tarantula will destroy her web and construct a new one, but if the issue continues, it is possible that she could pass away.

Always a Smart Move: If you maintain the cage clean and dry, you may help prevent web rot from occurring.

Cobalt Blue Tarantula Molting

A tarantula goes through a crucial life cycle stage when it molts. It not only enables them to develop but also has the potential to assist in the removal of any parasites that could be present in their bodies.

The molting process of tarantulas often takes place in the seclusion of their webs.

During the process of molting, the spider will first chew up and digest its old skin.

This supplies them with the nutrients that are necessary for their growth. After it has finished eating the old skin, the tarantula will start the process of producing a new one.

The freshly shed skin is first quite sensitive and susceptible to damage. Until the new skin has toughened up and become a darker color, the tarantula will spend a lot of time during this phase in its web.

Molting may be a particularly perilous moment for tarantulas. If anything goes wrong, the spider may either get trapped in its old skin or pass away altogether.

Because of this, it is essential to monitor your tarantula closely when it is shedding its old skin in order to guarantee that the process is successful.

If you discover that your tarantula is in the process of molting, you should not disturb it and allow it plenty of time to finish the process.

You may feed the tarantula a meal of insects or other tiny prey when it has shed its old skin and is ready to emerge from its cocoon. This will assist the spider in regaining its strength and allowing it to continue to grow.

Price of setting up a cobalt blue tarantula and taking care of it
The initial investment, as well as ongoing maintenance expenses for a cobalt blue tarantula, may range in price based on the size and age of the spider.

When compared to an adult spider, a young or juvenile spider will need a smaller containment, and it will also need to be fed more often. Adult spiders need to be fed less often but should be kept in a bigger cage.

Cobalt blue tarantula pet
Cobalt blue tarantula cost

A basic cage, food, a water dish, and bedding may be anywhere from $50 to $100, depending on the specifics.

It is possible that additional expenditures may be paid if the spider needs a heater or humidifier in order to maintain the appropriate environment:

A terrarium or tank of 10 to 20 gallons will cost you $25 to $50.
Dirt and Substrate: $5 to $10 per cubic foot
$10 to $15 for a Heat Lamp or Pad
$5 for the Water Dish
Cost of food ranges from $5 to $10 per week
You should budget around $135 for the initial expenditure, in addition to approximately $40 every month to cover the costs of food and substrate.

Remember that you will not need a heat pad or light to get the job done. The temperature within the cage should remain constant throughout the year at 75–85 degrees Fahrenheit.

If, on the other hand, the temperature drops drastically during the winter, you will need to make use of an additional source of heating in order to keep your pet warm.

The dimensions of the enclosure should be at least 20 centimeters by 10 centimeters by 12 centimeters, and it should have a wet substrate such as vermiculite or potting soil.

You may give some climbing branches and shelters for them, but cobalt blue tarantulas typically do not need a great deal of enrichment.

Health and Safety Concerns Regarding the Cobalt Blue Tarantula

The Cobalt Blue Tarantula is a beautiful spider, but it also has the potential to be harmful.

It is crucial to be aware of the possible dangers associated if you are thinking of keeping one as a pet at any point in the future.

If they perceive that they are in danger, Cobalt Blue Tarantulas are capable of delivering a painful bite. They also have hairs on their body that are like barbs and may irritate your skin if they come into touch with it.

Cobalt Blue Tarantula Health

Concerning the Health and Safety of the Oblate Blue Tarantula
In the event that you have an allergy to spider venom, receiving a bite from a Cobalt Blue Tarantula might result in your death.

Before you handle your Cobalt Blue Tarantula, it is necessary to properly wash your hands and remove any jewelry that could get caught on the spider’s barbed hairs. Also, wash your hands with soap and water.

Wearing long sleeves and trousers is another good way to shield your skin from any damage.

When you are holding your Cobalt Blue Tarantula, you should make sure to support its body from beneath so that it does not fall and damage itself. Never pick up a tarantula by its legs since this might cause injury to the joints of the animal.

If you have been bitten by a Cobalt Blue Tarantula, you should seek medical assistance as soon as possible. Actin to Be Taken Although the bite could be unpleasant and lead to edema, it is not often lethal.

You can keep yourself safe while still enjoying your Cobalt Blue Tarantula as long as you take a few common sense steps.

You may have a lovely pet that will provide you years of delight if you have the right amount of information and care for it.


The Cobalt Blue Tarantula is a peaceful spider that makes an excellent companion for those who are new to owning spiders. They do not call for a great deal of upkeep and care on your part and are really simple to maintain.

Having a pet Cobalt Blue Tarantula is like having a piece of art in your home. Having said that, it is essential that you be aware that they are not the kind of cute dogs that you can manage on a daily basis.

Those who are just starting out in the pastime need to do a lot of research before buying a tarantula of their own. For them to be able to construct an appropriate burrow, they need the appropriate quantity and kind of substrate.

In addition to this, the tarantula’s habitat should have a consistent level of humidity, and the water in the tank should be maintained free of microorganisms. Water that is pristine, uncontaminated, and fresh must be consumed on a daily basis.

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