Natural Ways To Lower Cholesterol

Natural Ways To Lower Cholesterol

Nowadays, whenever we sit down to a meal, we mentally analyze the food into its constituent vitamins, minerals, calories, cholesterol, and other components before we ever begin to consume it. There are also applications that may make our lives easier by informing us how many calories we would acquire from a certain food item or the amount of cholesterol in a particular food item and the level of cholesterol in our bodies.



The fact that consuming food has become such a significant part of our lives is a testament to how important it has become. It need more than simply eating in order to carry out the daily tasks of life. It has now been identified as both the cause of an unlimited number of ailments and the remedy for an endless number of health issues. Some of our health problems are caused by high cholesterol levels in our bodies.



How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally and Effectively without Medication
While cholesterol may be of the beneficial kind, there is also bad cholesterol, which can cause a variety of health concerns.

How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally and Without Medication is what I’m going to discuss.

Cut down on saturated fats, trans fatty acids, and dietary cholesterol.
Foods that have a high amount of fat are detrimental to one’s health. Butter, fatty flesh, and red meat are examples of foods high in saturated fats. Even dairy products include a high amount of fat, which may result in high levels of harmful cholesterol in the blood. You should make every effort to restrict your consumption of these items. Egg yolks and shellfish are both sources of dietary fats, which may be problematic for people with diabetes. When you go food shopping, read the labels carefully to ensure that you do not purchase any goods that contain fat as a byproduct. Whenever you see the phrase ‘partially hydrogenated oil’ on a product label, you should be aware that it indicates that the product contains trans fat.


2. Keep an eye on your weight.

I’m not referring to a diet or exercise program. Keeping your weight under control is more important than everything else in order to keep your cholesterol levels stable. Several studies have shown that losing 10 pounds might result in an 8 percent reduction in harmful cholesterol levels. Maintain a healthy caloric intake in order to avoid gaining undesirable weight, since weight increase and high cholesterol levels are often associated with one another.


3. Continue to be physically active.

People who maintain a healthy level of physical activity have a decreased chance of developing high cholesterol levels than those who work in jobs that force them to remain in the same spot for long periods of time. Performing moderate-intensity exercise for at least two and a half hours per week can allow you to significantly lower your cholesterol levels. If you are going to start exercising right away, start slowly and gradually increase the amount of time you spend working out each day. When seeking for encouragement, it is usually preferable to find a buddy who is willing to accompany you on your journey. A buddy system helps you remain on track and motivated by keeping you accountable to someone else.




4. Increase the amount of fiber in your meals.

There are several fiber-rich foods available, and chances are that you are currently consuming some of them. Oatmeal, apples, prunes, and beans are just a few of the foods that are high in fiber. These foods prevent cholesterol from being absorbed by the body. Additional benefits of high-fiber diets include the ability to maintain a feeling of fullness for a longer amount of time. This helps you prevent those unexpected cravings for food that you may experience in the middle of the day or in the middle of the morning. While I believe that fiber is beneficial in a variety of ways, it is critical that you increase your fiber consumption gradually. This is due to the fact that eating too much fiber all at once might produce intestinal cramps and bloating.




5. Increase your consumption of Omega 3 fatty acids.

Omega 3 fatty acids are a form of fat that aids in the growth of good cholesterol while simultaneously reducing bad cholesterol levels in the body. Fish is one of the greatest sources of Omega 3 fatty acids, and it is available in many varieties. Their consumption is considered heart-healthy and may help you prevent a variety of cardiac ailments. However, you must exercise caution while consuming fish since certain species contain high levels of mercury, which may cause health problems. Seafood such as wild salmon, sardines, and Bluefin tuna are better choices since they contain less mercury. Walnuts, flaxseeds, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts are some of the other foods that contain Omega 3s.



6. Opt for Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Olive oil is a fantastic alternative for butter in many recipes. Hemp oil offers your body with healthy lipids that lower your chances of developing cardiac issues. Make use of olive oil to maintain your health and eliminate harmful cholesterol from your body. It also has a high concentration of antioxidants, which help to prevent a variety of ailments and keep you healthy.




7. Include nuts in your diet.

The majority of nut varieties may assist you in maintaining your health by lowering your bad cholesterol levels. Nuts are often high in sterols, which prevent the body from absorbing excessive levels of cholesterol from the diet. While nuts are nutritious, they should be consumed in moderation since they are rich in calories and you don’t want to end up tumbling off the weight-loss wagon.




8. Stay away from stressful situations.

Every time you put yourself under stress, your cholesterol levels in your body rise to unacceptably high levels. Look for strategies to keep your stress levels down. Everyone has a different method of de-stressing, so experiment to see what works best for you. It might be anything from catching up with a buddy to taking a well-timed trip to practicing meditation. Anything that may help you avoid being stressed..




9. Add some flavor to your meal.

Including a few spices in your meals may help you lower your cholesterol levels significantly. When you season your meal, it also helps to suppress your hunger and encourages you to consume food in moderation. Not only will you be able to enhance the taste of your foods, but you will also be able to get the most out of them since they will help you maintain healthy cholesterol levels in your system.

Considering how much emphasis has been placed on being healthy and eating well, cholesterol may play a significant part in keeping you in good shape. Follow these guidelines for lowering cholesterol levels quickly so that you may live a healthy lifestyle.

What is Cholesterol

What is cholesterol, and how does it affect us?

Despite the fact that you have certainly heard of cholesterol, you may not be familiar with its specific definition and effects. Cholesterol is a waxy kind of fat, also known as a lipid, that circulates throughout your body in the bloodstream. Lipides are chemicals that do not dissolve in water and hence do not separate in the body’s fluids. Cholesterol is produced by the body, but it may also be obtained from diet. Cholesterol can only be found in meals that are derived from animal sources.


What is the significance of cholesterol in our bodies?

Every cell in the body requires cholesterol, which aids in the formation of the layers by the cell membranes. These layers secure the contents of the cell by serving as gatekeepers, limiting the kind of items that may enter and exit the cell, respectively. It is produced by the liver and is also used by the liver in the production of bile, which aids in the digestion of meals. Cholesterol is also required for the production of some hormones as well as the production of vitamin D. The amount of cholesterol produced by your liver is sufficient to satisfy the demands of your body for these critical processes.


What exactly are the different forms of cholesterol?

cholesterol is transported throughout the body via lipoproteins in the bloodstream. These lipoproteins are as follows:

One of the two major types of lipoproteins is low-density lipoprotein (LDL). LDL cholesterol is referred to as “bad cholesterol” in certain circles.
The other major lipoprotein is high-density lipoprotein (HDL), which is the other major lipoprotein. HDL is referred to as “the good cholesterol” by many people.
A class of particles in the blood that transport triglycerides is known as very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL).


After all, if cholesterol is required, why do we need to be concerned about how much we have?
It is critical to have adequate cholesterol in your system to satisfy your requirements. Having an excessive amount of cholesterol might create issues. Hypercholesterolemia is a medical disorder that occurs when your cholesterol levels are elevated. Hypocholesterolemia is a medical disorder that occurs when your cholesterol levels are abnormally low. Low cholesterol levels are not common, although they may occur under certain circumstances.


What is low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and why is it important?

You may consider it strange that low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is referred to as “bad cholesterol” given we are always hearing about the need of lowering our cholesterol levels. LDL, on the other hand, is “bad” because of what it does.

LDL cholesterol may accumulate on the walls of your arteries, narrowing them as a result. The fatty deposits harden into plaque, which coats the inside of your arteries and may cause blockages. Atherosclerosis is the term used to describe this buildup.




Arteries are the blood arteries that deliver oxygen-rich blood out from your heart and to all of the other organs in your body. They are also known as capillaries.


Saturated fats and trans fats are the types of fats that have been related to elevated LDL cholesterol levels and that you should avoid consuming in large amounts in your diet. When saturated fats are at room temperature, they are solid or wax-like in consistency. Saturated fats are mostly found in animal-derived goods such as meat, milk, cheese, and butter, among other things.

Trans fats are formed when liquid fats are subjected to the hydrogenation process, causing them to solidify. Trans fats are present in processed foods such as cookies, crackers, and baked goods, as well as fast food and fried meals. They are also utilized to increase the shelf life of processed foods such as cookies, crackers, and baked goods.


What is high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and why is it important?

HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol is referred to as “good cholesterol.” It is beneficial because it transports other types of cholesterol (including LDL) away from the arteries and into the liver. It may be helpful to think of HDL as a delivery truck and LDL as a dump truck while understanding HDL and LDL. HDL picks up other forms of cholesterol and deposits them in the liver, where they are excreted from the body. It is considered that having greater levels of HDL lowers the chance of developing cardiovascular disease.


What kind of test is used to determine cholesterol levels?

Every person over the age of 20 should have their cholesterol levels checked at least once every five years, if not more often. A blood test will be ordered by your healthcare practitioner to determine how much cholesterol is present in your bloodstream. Your cholesterol levels will be determined by this test. A lipid panel, often known as a lipid profile, may potentially be ordered by your healthcare professional. You will be given the following numbers by the panel:

Cholesterol in total.
LDL cholesterol levels.
HDL (high-density lipoprotein) values.
VLDL cholesterol levels as well as triglycerides.





Non-HDL cholesterol is a kind of cholesterol that does not belong to the HDL cholesterol family.
The relationship between LDL and HDL cholesterol.
There are sophisticated tests that can be used to determine the size and form of LDL cholesterol particles, as well as the amount of LDL particles present, however they are not often requested. Some test manufacturers claim that more complex tests are more accurate in identifying who is at risk for heart disease, however the majority of providers believe that the standard tests are sufficient.

What is the procedure for doing a total cholesterol, or blood cholesterol, test?





A blood test is a standard procedure. A phlebotomist is a medical professional whose primary responsibility is to draw blood. Most of the time, blood is obtained from a vein in your arm. You will be asked to sit down, and the phlebotomist will tie a rubber band around your upper arm such that the vein in your elbow protrudes from the band. A needle will be used to pierce the vein and draw blood from it at that point.




 The blood is transported to a laboratory for testing and analysis.

You’ve undoubtedly attended health fairs where you were able to have your blood tested. A drop of blood is drawn from your finger by the individual doing the test in this situation. The finger-stick test involves poking a tiny hole in the tip of your finger with a sharp blade in order to get blood samples.


What should you do in order to prepare for a cholesterol test?

Fasting for nine to twelve hours before the test is required in the vast majority of situations. Make sure you notify the person who will be taking your blood how long it has been since you last ate or drank anything other than plain water.


In rare instances, a cholesterol test may be performed without the patient fasting. This is true for tests performed during health screenings, and it may also be true for persons younger than 20 years old or for those who are unable to fast for an extended period of time.



Some medical organizations feel that fasting is not essential in order to provide an accurate image of lipid levels in the blood, whilst other organisations maintain that fasting provides a more accurate picture of a person’s risk of developing heart disease. Before you go in for the blood test, you should be clear on whether or not you need to fast and for how long you need to fast.


How long does it take for the results of a cholesterol test to be returned?

Your findings are usually accessible within a day or two after submitting your request. The results of screens and finger stick tests will be available promptly in these instances. In any scenario, you’ll want to discuss the findings with your healthcare physician once they’ve been obtained. The values are often expressed in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) units.

Are cholesterol testing kits for home use reliable?
If the tests are branded “CDC-certified,” the answer is yes. The Cholesterol Reference Method Laboratory Network, a body that works with test companies, labs, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to ensure that tests are accurate, has given its approval to the contents.

Fasting for 12 hours and obtaining blood for testing are still required for home tests. Some kits include envelopes for shipping findings to a lab. Other kits include a monitor, allowing you to see the findings at your leisure. The price of these house kits varies.




What are the typical cholesterol levels?

Normal cholesterol levels varies based on your age and gender. By age and sex, these standards indicate the ideal total, non-HDL, LDL, and HDL values.

Table 1: Cholesterol target values by age and gender

Total age and sex










People in their early twenties and thirties



Less than 170 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) Less than 120 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL)



a concentration of less than 110 mg/dL



a concentration of more than 45 mg/dL
Men in their twenties and beyond
between 125 and 200 mg/dL
a blood sugar level of less than 130 mg/dL a blood sugar level of less than 100 mg/dL a blood sugar level of 40 mg/dL or higher
Women in their twenties and beyond
between 125 and 200 mg/dL
a concentration of less than 130 mg/dL
100 mg/dL 50 mg/dL 100 mg/dL 100 mg/dL 100 mg/dL


The figures for typical cholesterol levels are shown in the table above. Cholesterol levels that are greater than usual are shown in the table below. High cholesterol levels vary by age and gender, and people with heart disease may have higher levels. These recommendations are for those who do not have heart disease and have high cholesterol levels.



Table 2 shows the prevalence of high total, non-HDL, and LDL cholesterol levels by age and gender.

Age and gender

Cholesterol total

Cholesterol that isn’t HDL

LDL cholesterol is a kind of cholesterol that is found in
People in their early twenties and thirties (children and teens)
170-199 mg/dL is on the borderline.

High: a blood concentration of 200 mg/dL or above.

120-144 mg/dL is on the borderline.

145 mg/dL or over is considered high.

110-129 mg/dL (borderline)

High: A blood sugar level of 130 mg/dL or above.

Men in their twenties and beyond
200-239 mg/dL (borderline)

239 mg/dL or above is considered high.


More than 130 mg/dL is considered high.
100-129 mg/dL (near-optimal or above-optimal)

130-159 mg/dL is considered borderline high.

160-189 mg/dL is considered high.

More than 189 mg/dL is considered very high.

Women in their twenties and beyond
200-239 mg/dL (borderline)

239 mg/dL or above is considered high.

More than 130 mg/dL is considered high.
100-129 mg/dL (near-optimal or above-optimal)

130-159 mg/dL is considered borderline high.

160-189 mg/dL is considered high.

More than 189 mg/dL is considered very high.



Levels of LDL cholesterol

The ideal (or best) score is less than 100 mg/dL if you do not have heart disease or blood vessel disease and are not at high risk of developing heart disease.

Your healthcare professional may want your LDL level to be less than 70 mg/dL if you have heart or blood vessel disease or a lot of risk factors. If you have diabetes, your LDL level should be less than 100 mg/dL, preferably less than 70 mg/dL, according to your healthcare practitioner.


Triglycerides are crucial since they make up the majority of the fat in your body. These levels are often greater in diabetics and obese persons. The following are the numbers you need to know about triglycerides:

If they are less than 150, they are considered normal.
If they’re between 150 and 199, they’re on the high side.
If they’re between 200 and 499, they’re in the upper echelon.
If they’re 500 or greater, they’re really high.

Levels of HDL cholesterol

The figure for HDL (remember, it’s the good cholesterol) is the one you want to be higher.

HDL levels below 40 are considered low and are linked to an increased risk of heart disease in both men and women.
For males, the HDL objective is 40 or greater, and achieving this is regarded desirable.
Women’s HDL objective is 50 or greater, and achieving this is regarded excellent.
HDL levels of 60 or above are thought to be optimal and protective against heart disease.
Is it possible to have too little “bad” cholesterol? Is it possible to have too much “good” cholesterol?
It’s not common for folks to have too low or too high bad cholesterol or good cholesterol. Studies are being conducted that demonstrate that extremes of any type are not good for everyone.

Although there is no definitive threshold for what constitutes a low LDL level, readings below 40 mg/dL have been linked to a variety of health problems, including depression/anxiety and hemorrhagic stroke.




However, data from clinical studies shows that when LDLs stay below 40mg/dl while on statin medication, there is no indication of damage.

Genetic disorders might lead you to have very low cholesterol levels in certain circumstances. Low cholesterol levels may also be caused by dietary issues, some malignancies, hypothyroidism, and certain infections. The underlying concerns must be addressed in any of these sorts of scenarios.

Researchers are looking at the consequences of having too much HDL, or good cholesterol, in terms of having too much of a good thing. There have been no conclusions drawn, although there have been research exploring the probable link between high HDL and cancer, as well as a higher risk of heart attack among those at high risk. Excessively high HDL levels might indicate malfunctioning HDL rather than protective HDL.



What influences cholesterol levels?

Cholesterol levels may be affected by a number of things. They are as follows:

Diet: Foods high in saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol raise cholesterol levels. Saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol should all be avoided in your diet. This will aid in the reduction of your blood cholesterol level. The effects of saturated and trans fats on blood cholesterol are the most significant.


Weight: Being overweight may raise your triglycerides in addition to being a risk factor for heart disease. Weight loss may help reduce triglyceride levels and improve HDL levels.
Regular exercise has been shown to reduce overall cholesterol levels. Exercise is the most effective way to decrease triglycerides and raise HDL levels. On most days of the week, you should strive to be physically active for 30 minutes.


Age and gender: Cholesterol levels climb as we become older. Women had lower total cholesterol levels before menopause than males of the same age. Women’s LDL levels tend to increase after menopause, whereas HDL levels might decline.
Your genes have a role in how much cholesterol your body produces. High cholesterol levels in the blood may run in families.

What should you be aware of when it comes to cholesterol and cardiovascular disease?

Your healthcare professional is primarily interested in cholesterol levels in order to prevent and cure heart disease. Heart disease is a broad word that may refer to a variety of illnesses, but we’re referring about coronary artery disease in this case (CAD).



What are the options for dealing with high cholesterol?

High blood cholesterol (total cholesterol) may be reduced in a variety of methods, including lifestyle modifications, medicine, or a combination of the two. Your healthcare professional will work with you to select the optimal treatment (or combination of treatments) for you.



Changing your way of life

When feasible, healthcare experts prefer to begin with the least intrusive therapies, such as dietary adjustments. It is recommended that you do the following:

Tobacco should be avoided whenever possible. Quit smoking if you do. Smoking has a number of negative consequences, one of which being lowering your good cholesterol levels.
Modify your eating habits. Trans and saturated fats should be kept to a minimum. Fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, and whole grains are all heart-healthy foods to consume. Reduce your intake of red meat, sugary foods, and whole-milk dairy products.
Increase your physical activity levels. Try to achieve 150 minutes of physical exercise every week, or 30 minutes per day on most days.



Maintain a healthy weight by exercising regularly and eating a well-balanced diet. If you need to reduce weight, speak with your doctor about the best methods to do it in a safe manner. Even before you achieve your desired weight, you’ll start to notice effects. It makes a difference in your cholesterol levels if you lose only 10% of your body weight.
Negative emotions’ impact should be reduced. Learn how to handle anger, tension, and other unpleasant emotions in a healthy manner.
Blood sugar and blood pressure levels should be kept under control. Keep your blood sugar levels in check, particularly if you have diabetes, and your blood pressure in a safe range by following your healthcare provider’s advice.


High cholesterol may be treated with a variety of drugs.

One of the most well-known types of cholesterol treatments is statin medication. Statins operate by preventing the liver from producing cholesterol. One of the reasons statins are so routinely recommended is because they decrease blood cholesterol and may lessen the risk of heart attacks and strokes. In the United States, statins are available as:

Lipitor® is a brand name for the drug atorvastatin.
Lescol®, Lescol XL® are two brands of fluvastatin.
Mevacor® and Altoprev® are two brands of lovastatin.
Pravachol® is a brand name for the drug pravastatin.

Simvastatin (Zocor®) is a statin drug that is used to lower cholesterol levels.
Pitavastatin (Livalo®, Zypitamag®) is a statin drug that is used to treat high cholesterol.
Advicor® (lovastatin and niacin), Caduet® (atorvastatin and amlodipine), and Vytorin® are examples of statin-based combo medicines (simvastatin and ezetimibe).

Statins are not recommended for everyone who has high cholesterol, particularly those who have liver issues. Muscle soreness, increased blood glucose levels, and cognitive problems are all possible adverse effects, albeit they are uncommon.



Another family of pharmaceuticals used to treat high cholesterol levels are bile acid sequestrants or bile acid-binding drugs. The medications, sometimes known as resins, bind to bile acid and prevent it from being digested. As a result, the liver produces more bile as a result of the increased cholesterol consumption. Among them are:


(Questran®, Questran® Light) Cholestyramine
Colestipol (Colestid®) is a kind of antibiotic that is used to treat bacterial infections.
WelChol® ColesevelamHcl
Not everyone should use resins. Constipation and stomach discomfort are two common adverse effects of these medicines.


Fibrates, or fibric acid derivatives, are another name for fibrates. They work better at lowering triglycerides than they do in lowering LDL cholesterol. They could also aid in raising HDL cholesterol levels. Among these items are:

Fenofibrate (Antara®, Tricor®, Fenoglide®, Fibricor®, Lipidil®, Lipofen®, Trilipix®, and Triglide®) is a kind of fenofibrate that is used to treat a variety of conditions.
(Lopid®) gemfibrozil

Other types of medicines that doctors may recommend to lower LDL cholesterol include:

Alirocumab and evolocumab are examples of PCSK9 inhibitors.
Eztimibe (Zetia®), for example, is a selective cholesterol absorption inhibitor.
ACL inhibitors, such as bempedoic acid (Nexletol®).
Fatty acid esters with omega-3 fatty acids
Niacin, or nicotinic acid.


If you’ve been taking a statin and haven’t been able to get your LDL down to levels that your doctor considers acceptable, you could be prescribed these drugs.

A procedure known as lipoprotein apheresis is used to aid those who are not benefited sufficiently by lifestyle modifications and medicines, usually those who have a hereditary problem. This entails removing lipoproteins from blood and plasma using equipment before returning them to the body. Some of the new medication therapies might be paired with this technique.



What problems might arise if high cholesterol levels in your blood are not treated?

The primary goal of cholesterol treatment is to prevent or treat coronary heart disease (CHD), also known as coronary artery disease or CAD. CHD occurs when the heart does not obtain enough oxygen-rich blood to function properly, and it is the leading cause of mortality in the United States. CHD normally refers to the big arteries, however there is also a disorder known as coronary microvascular disease that affects and damages the smaller capillaries.



Can cholesterol deposits be removed?

The removal of plaque (cholesterol deposits) from coronary arteries is a goal of researchers. Combining medications (statins and PCSK9 inhibitors) in healthy persons aged 25 to 55 years old is one technique that has been advocated. It is thought that lowering cholesterol levels to dangerously low levels would enable the arteries to clean and mend.

A whole-food, plant-based diet, according to many studies, is the key to both reversing and preventing heart disease in the first place. Limiting one’s diet to whole, plant-based foods has been found to lower blood cholesterol and, in certain circumstances, reduce plaque accumulation in studies.



How can you avoid high cholesterol and CHD?

Methods of prevention and therapy are almost same. First and foremost, you should refrain from smoking. Make arrangements to stop smoking right now if you do. Find methods to include more physical exercise into your daily routine. Make a conscious effort to maintain a healthy body weight. Consume plenty of nutritious foods. Consider adopting a Mediterranean-style eating plan. It is the only diet that has been shown to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. Follow your healthcare provider’s advice and instructions for any other medical ailments you may be suffering from. Relax and calm down completely.



When should you discuss your cholesterol readings with your doctor?

Your healthcare professional will most likely begin by discussing your statistics with you. If you experience any new or worsening pain or other unsettling emotions, please consult your healthcare professional. Make sure you understand what drugs you’re taking and how they work. If you experience a response to the drug, contact your healthcare practitioner right once.

It’s a good idea to create a list of questions concerning your test results and any advised therapy before going to the doctor’s office and after you’ve had a cholesterol test.

Cleveland Clinic’s official statement

It’s vital to remember that when it comes to cholesterol values, you have the power to change them for the better. You have control over what you eat, how active you are, and how you handle life’s ups and downs.

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