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My turkey is overcooking What to do

My turkey is overcooking What to do

Whenever the Christmas season arrives, the pressure is on to do well. This leaves you with a lot of stress, not just about how many presents you need to purchase for your loved ones, but also about how to prepare the meal. The necessity to acquire and prepare a turkey coincides with the Christmas season.



Cooking a turkey is often the most difficult aspect of preparing holiday feasts because, for some reason, you simply can’t manage to get it perfect the first time around. Fast-cooking turkey is usually the most difficult problem for many folks.





What Should You Do? What Should You Do?

Those who have unintentionally begun cooking their turkey far earlier than they should have may find themselves wondering what to do while they wait for the rest of the side dishes to finish cooking, as well. However, we do have a few tricks up our sleeves that may assist you in keeping your turkey happy and healthy as it awaits the arrival of your guests.




Taking your freshly cooked turkey and wrapping it in as many layers of aluminum foil as you possibly can will be the first order of business. As soon as you’ve finished, wrap it in a huge beach towel and set it inside a cooler filled with boiling hot water.

In this manner, you will be able to keep your turkey warm while also avoiding the possibility of overcooking it.





Take the turkey out of the cooler and start serving it as soon as all of your sides are finished.

Other Frequently Asked Questions Concerning the Thanksgiving Turkey
Aside from having a turkey that has been cooked too rapidly, there are a variety of additional problems that might arise with your bird throughout the preparation process.

The turkey may have been frozen solid for a variety of reasons. 




Assuming this is the case, you will need to defrost the frozen food as quickly as feasible. This may be accomplished by immediately immersing it in ice cold water to prevent germs from forming on it as a result of exposure.

If you are unsure of what temperature to use, you can always test it by inserting a thermometer and allowing 20 minutes per pound of meat to cook.




It is always possible to cook a turkey cold if you do not have the luxury of waiting for it to defrost. Although it will not taste as delicious as the original, be mindful of this.

When it comes to your turkey, on the other hand, you can find yourself in a position where it just will not cook. If you cook a turkey at high temperatures for an extended period of time, you will end up with a raw bird.

The good news is that there are a few options available to ensure that you and your guests do not go hungry. Cook the turkey first by wrapping it in tin foil and putting it in the oven at 450 degrees for 15 minutes.



According to how much your turkey weighs, you should cook it for a certain amount of time. To get the best results, you should put in two to three minutes every pound of body weight.

Another option for expediting the cooking time of your turkey is to chop it in half before cooking it. You will be able to cook each side of the dish separately in this fashion.

Ensure that you cut the turkey in half along the center, between the breasts and the backbone. You’ll be shocked at how fast your turkey will cook! –


It’s also possible to remove the turkey legs and wings and cook them separately if you want.

Unfortunately, pieces of your turkey may just refuse to cook on occasion. Continuing to bake your turkey in the oven may be your initial response when faced with this situation. If you do this, however, it is possible that your turkey may get excessively dried.

Instead of re-baking the whole chicken, you may remove the sections of it that aren’t cooking and throw them in a pot of boiling stock to finish cooking them. Cooking the turkey in this manner not only allows for faster cooking, but the added taste from the broth enhances the experience even more!




Don’t be concerned if your turkey comes out a touch dry. Fortunately, this is a rather frequent issue that can be resolved quite quickly. Moisture is, without a doubt, the answer here. Using broth, gravy, or even turkey fat, you may keep the turkey moist and prevent it from drying out any more.

Spread the melted butter and chicken broth mixture on top of your turkey and serve immediately thereafter. Cover it with aluminum foil and let it aside for approximately 15 minutes to allow the flavor to blend. This should take care of the situation.





You can always add gravy to cover up the dry turkey if that doesn’t work out for you. As you chop the turkey, you might pour more broth mixture to it, which would be an alternative choice.





Lastly, a word about


Cooking turkey may be time-consuming and frustrating, despite its deliciousness. Because it includes numerous components that cook at various speeds, it is delicate. It’s simple to keep your turkey warm while you wait for the rest of your dishes to finish cooking if you notice that it’s cooking too quickly.

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