Motherwort Care and Growing Instructions

Motherwort Care and Growing Instructions.

Motherwort is a kind of herbaceous perennial plant that is a member of the same family as mint, which is known as the Lamiaceae family. When broken or crushed, motherwort has a distinct odor of its own, much like the plant that emits such a strong scent.

The summer months see the appearance of this plant’s delicate blooms, which might be pink or purple, and its deeply serrated, ragged leaves. The top leaves contain just three lobes, whilst the lower leaves have five of them each.

This plant has a distinctive tiered look due to the highest leaves only having a single lobe on each leaf. This plant is utilized in gardens to draw in pollinators and to offer a one-of-a-kind beauty to the space. Be aware that motherwort has a very rapid growth rate and has the potential to become invasive.

Take care of motherwort.

Motherwort is a plant that is exceptionally resistant to damage once it has been established. It is resistant to a broad range of diseases and pests and may be cultivated in a diverse range of environmental conditions. It is necessary for a gardener to be willing to keep up with the quick development of motherwort so that it does not become unmanageable and spread over the garden.

After the plant has finished producing flowers, it is recommended to prune it so that it is only around five inches tall. This will assist with the problem. This will prohibit the seeds from developing into mature fruit and will hinder the plant from easily reproducing itself through seed. Growing motherwort in pots is another simple method that may be used to confine the plant.


Due to motherwort’s propensity for fast growth and spreading, this plant may soon become out of control if it is not contained. In the United States, motherwort is classified as an invasive species. If you wish to cultivate this herbaceous perennial, you must ensure that there are safeguards in place to prevent the plant from spreading to undesired areas.


In most cases, motherwort is successful in growing regardless of the amount of light that is available to it. Because of its distinctive quality, motherwort may be successfully integrated into gardens and landscaping projects that get either direct sunlight or total cover.

Motherwort may thrive in a broad range of soil types and textures because to its adaptability. When grown in soil that is rich, wet, and well-drained, it will provide the finest results. It is optimal for the pH level to be between neutral and slightly alkaline.


This plant has low watering requirements, and once it is established, it can tolerate extended periods of dryness. It is essential to maintain a regular watering schedule for the plant while it is still young or after it has been transplanted in order to maintain a moist environment in the soil. After this, water the soil anytime it seems to be drying out to the touch.

Temperature as well as Relative Humidity

Motherwort is able to adapt to a wide range of temperature and humidity levels, which is similar to the needs it has for the majority of other growth situations. It can thrive in USDA hardiness zones 3 to 8 and is adaptable to a diverse variety of settings. It is reported to grow in practically any place in those zones.


Fertilizer is often not needed for plants of this kind since motherwort is not particular about the soil conditions in which it is grown and naturally has a rapid growth habit. All that is required to keep this herbaceous perennial in good health is to amend the soil in the spring with compost or fertilizer that has a good balance of nutrients.

The Distribution of Motherwort

Motherwort is characterized by its quick growth and its ability to spread by subterranean rhizomes. Because of this, the division is an efficient and uncomplicated method for propagating this plant. If you want to keep motherwort from growing out of control, the division should be done at least once a year.

You are going to require a pair of gloves, a sharp set of garden snips, and a garden shovel in order to do this task. Then, be sure you follow these directions:

Dig around the plant carefully when it is dormant, either in the early spring or the late autumn, in order to get the root system to become looser.

Eliminate the plant as soon as it is possible to pull the roots out of the soil.

To split the plant into many parts, use the shovel and snips to make cuts in the rhizomes. It is important to check that each division has a healthy root system as well as good leaves.
Plant each division in its permanent place, being sure to enrich the soil with compost before to planting each division.

Instructions for Germinating Motherwort Seeds

Since motherwort can be successfully propagated from seed, this is another useful technique of plant reproduction. It is necessary to cold-stratify seeds in order for them to grow. After soaking the seeds in water for up to 24 hours, transfer them to a plastic bag along with some moist sand or peat moss, and then put the bag in the refrigerator. Place in the refrigerator and let sit there for one to two weeks. Following this step, the seeds are prepared to be planted.

These plants have a rapid rate of development, thus sowing their seeds straight into the garden is an effective method for getting the best results. To do this, just disperse the seeds in an area that has good drainage in the late spring or late autumn, and then gently cover them with a further 1/8 inch of dirt.

There is no need for cold stratification of the seeds if the planting takes place in the autumn. Follow these steps to get started within the building:

A few weeks before the final frost of the season, plant the seeds in soil with good drainage. Lightly cover with dirt to a depth of approximately 1/8 of an inch.

Keep the soil wet at all times.

After the seeds have germinated, you must hold off on transplanting them to the garden until the danger of frost has passed and the plants have reached a height of several inches.
Allow around two feet of space between each plant to facilitate its quick development.

Putting Motherwort in Pots and Repotting It

Growing motherwort in pots is a successful endeavor. People who wish to prevent motherwort from spreading across their whole garden might consider cultivating it using this approach instead.

Because of how swiftly it is growing, its current container won’t be able to hold it for very long. When this happens, you may simply pull the plant out of the ground and split it. The motherwort should be repotted, and the split plant should either be thrown away or repotted. Make sure that the container you choose has enough drainage holes, whatever it may be.


Motherwort is most successful in regions that have long, harsh winters. Because of this, the overwintering of these plants does not need any further care.

How to Activate the Flowering of Motherwort

Not only is motherwort well-known for its distinctive leaves, but it is also well-known for the fascinating blooms it produces. The motherwort plant produces long stalks of many, little flowers throughout the summer months while it is in bloom.

These tubular flowers may be pink or purple in color, and they appear close to the stem. They have a variety of pointed sepals. Because motherwort is such a resilient plant, it does not need any additional care or attention in order to stimulate blooming.

However, it is important to bear in mind that the plant’s first year of development could not produce many blossoms. Beginning with the second year of growth, you may anticipate a rise in the amount of blooming activity.

Problems That Often Occur With Motherwort

Motherwort is well-known for its tenacity and adaptability, and it is often seen re-establishing itself in neglected locations such as abandoned gardens or along the edges of roadways. Because of its hardy nature, motherwort typically does not need a great deal of assistance in its growth.

If your motherwort seems as if it is having trouble thriving, check to ensure that the soil it is growing in has an adequate supply of nutrients and that it is getting the appropriate quantity of water. Aside from this, motherwort ought to develop on its own in an exponential fashion.

Is it simple to take care of motherwort?

Motherwort is very low maintenance and just takes a little amount of attention on an ongoing basis. However, because to the fact that it is so resilient, it has a reputation for rapidly taking over a given area if it is not confined.

Is motherwort a weed that spreads easily?

Because of the rapid growth rate at which it thrives, motherwort has the potential to swiftly take over a garden. In the United States, some believe it to be an invasive species.

Where can you find motherwort in nature?

There are three to eight USDA hardiness zones where motherwort may be found. It may be found in a wide variety of habitats, from forests and meadows to riverbanks and roadside ditches.

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