The sight of their first bull moose is awe-inspiring for the majority of hunters.
A bull moose’s antlers soar 10 feet (3 meters) above the ground, making it a really stunning sight to see. A huge bull weighing 1,200 pounds (540 kg) has been documented, while moose weighing up to I,SOO pounds (SI 0 kg) have also been seen. The 65 Ys-inch (165.4 cm) spread of the world-record rack is impressive.


Palms measure 54 Yz inches (13S.4 cm) on the right and have 19 points; on the left, they measure 53 percent inches (136.5 cm) and have 15 points.
Moose, like other members of the deer family, have exceptional senses of smell and hearing, as well as superb hearing. 

However, their vision is less developed than that of deer. If a hunter does not move in close proximity to a moose, the animal will not notice him.


Although large, moose are capable of running at speeds of up to 30 mph (50.S km/h). When they get frightened, they run through bushes and tiny trees, completely disregarding pathways. Moose, on the other hand, can move stealthily through cover in order to evade a hunter.


Inhabitable moose habitat is comprised of young hardwood forests with scattered conifers and brushy lowlands. The thick undergrowth gives a plenty of food as well as sleeping cover. In older woods with minimal underbrush, though, they may thrive as well.



When browsing on foliage, a large bull may rise as high as 11 feet (3.35 m) above the ground. A moose will straddle the trunk of a small tree if it is unable to reach the top section of the tree. Then it will begin walking. The animal moves down the trunk of the tree, grazing on leaves and twigs as it does so.


 Feeding is most intense from just before daybreak until approximately two hours thereafter, and then again in the late afternoon and evening. It is possible, however, for them to eat at any time of day or night. When they are not eating, moose like to rest in the thickets.


Moose are solitary creatures for the most of the year. Bulls are normally placid, seldom moving more than Yz mile (O.S km/h) in a day, but during the rut, which starts in September, they become agitated and aggressive against other bulls.


 It has been reported that they have attacked automobiles and even trains. Rutting bulls frequent the wallows on a regular basis. During the rut, both sexes move far and wide, sometimes traveling more than 10 miles (16 kilometers) beyond their typical home area.


On clear, calm days, hunters have the best chance of seeing moose.
Heavy overcast, rain, snow, or strong winds keep the animals tucked inside in their beds.


Before you go hunting, check the area for animal tracks. When dealing with creatures of this size, the proof will be evident.
A stand near a wallow, an active stream crossing, or any location where the geography concentrates moose into a confined area should be considered. Arrive to your stand before the sun comes up, stay until mid-morning, and then return in the late afternoon.


Even in the middle of the day, still-hunting may be beneficial, particularly if there is snow to muffle your footsteps. In order to avoid making too much noise, you should avoid sneaking through dense woods and shrubbery.


 During the rut, antler rattling or yelling may be used to entice bulls out of impenetrable vegetation. Make a series of brief grunts with your cupped hands or a birch bark megaphone to simulate a cow in heat, and then repeat the process. After hearing a response, throw water into a puddle to make a cow unnanng noise to simulate a cow.



When hunting in steep or mountainous terrain, hunters may stalk moose after seeing them with binoculars and then pursue them.
Float-hunting is a popular activity around rivers and lakeshores.
The majority of moose hunters use large-caliber rifles and high-velocity ammunition, which are comparable to those employed for elk hunting.



 It is possible that a moose will not drop quickly after being shot. To avoid losing track of an injured animal, wait 10 to 15 minutes for it to lay down before beginning the tracking process.

The coat of a moose is dark brown, nearly black. A huge bull is 7 feet (2 meters) tall at the shoulder and 10 feet (3 meters) long. A huge palm runs around the outside border of each antler, with several points. 


Moose like to be near water. Bogs and lakes give food, a place to cool down, and a safe haven from bug infestations. Moose are excellent swimmers and will traverse a swift river or even a huge lake without hesitation.


 Moose footprints range in length from 5 to 7 inches (13 to 18 centimeters).


It is nearly impossible to distinguish moose from other mammals by their coat color. Typically, a huge bull is 7 feet (2 m) tall at the shoulder and is 10 feet (3 m) in length. There are several points around the outside border of each antler’s broad palm.



 In most cases, moose like to be in the vicinity of bodies of water. Boggy wetlands and lakes offer a source of food, as well as a place to cool down and seek protection from hordes of insects. These excellent swimmers will not hesitate to traverse a swift river or even a whole lake, if the situation calls for it. 5 to 7 inches (13 to 18 centimeters) is the length of a moose track.


Low-lying brushy regions are popular feeding grounds for raptors and other wildlife. Red-osier dogwood, willow, aspen, birch, mountain ash, and aquatic plants are among the flora that moose love.


Watch for moose at forest borders, in willow swamps, or in close proximity to other feeding places, and Ensure that you arrive at your vantage position early in order to finish your stalk before the animals return to their sleeping places.


If preliminary reconnaissance indicates that moose sign is prevalent along the stream bank, consider going on a float-hunting expedition. It is most effective when used in the early morning and late afternoon, when moose are most likely to come to drink and eat on willows along the coast.

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