10 Men’s Most Embarrassing Lie

Men’s Most Embarrassing Lie

Guys lie about who they’re talking to, who they’ve slept with, who they’re sleeping with now (only you, he promised! ), where they’ve been all day, according to these females (and a few men who also agreed to participate).


There will be far less reason to lie in the future if we are honest from the outset of our interactions.

These types of answers make us question if guys understand how awful it feels to be lied to. It is excruciatingly painful and takes a long time to recover from, particularly in partnerships.

You’d think they’d know because they, too, despise being lied to (don’t get ahead of yourself, women. It’s not only men who lie around here). Men’s falsehoods, on the other hand, appear to be far more bizarre and severe. Or so it appears based on the overwhelming amount of answers we’ve seen.

7 Things Most People Aren't Aware Of Because you're afraid of heartbreak, you're doing what you're doing.

Everybody who has gone through a breakup understands how difficult it is to get the confidence to put yourself out there and start dating again. Heartbreak has a long-term effect on us, causing us to build barriers and act in ways that safeguard our emotions.


It’s normal to want to isolate yourself from people in order to avoid being wounded again, but you’ll have to — and will — move on and open up again eventually. You can start the healing process once you understand what you’re doing (and why).
Selecting partners who are emotionally — or otherwise — unavailable.
You won’t notice you’re doing it unless someone points it out to you if you’re extremely good at it. You’ll meet someone you like sufficiently, but it won’t work out for one reason or another – typically because the other person is unable or unable to commit.


Asking explanation for what appears to be minor matters.
When you’re afraid of heartbreak or rejection in general, you’ll feel compelled to seek out a second opinion on almost everything. You’ll probably apologize a lot for things that others don’t think require an apology. Not everyone will get it, but those who are worth it will at the very least learn to be patient.


On certain issues, I’m quite all-or-nothing.
Fear of heartbreak may sometimes place a “yes” or “no” filter on things. What’s the point if it doesn’t lead to that? (An overdone Marilyn Monroe phrase comes to mind as well.) Because love necessitates balance, this attitude is often adopted out of dread of heartbreak.

Perfectionism is something I’m still working on.
You “won’t settle” for anything less than impossible perfection, similar to the last point, and especially given this generation’s preference for alternatives.

This is usually due to the misconception that love equals perfection. You may assume that if you are flawless, you will be lovable, resulting in a never-ending cycle of non-perfection and feeling unlovable.
You’re looking for assurance in every way you can.
Reading the last page of a book, researching movie endings, accepting spoilers, and so on.

You can prepare for the impact if you know how it will finish before it begins. Unfortunately, this is not possible in real life. Even if it’s all fantasy, it might feel wonderful to exert control in any manner imaginable.


Pain is being used as a joke.
Those who are in the most agony are generally the ones with the best sense of humor.

“If I keep laughing and everyone else is smiling, maybe the agony will be forgotten for a minute,” you reason.

Giving your best to something you know will only last a short time.
Despite the fact that forever is a strange notion to you, you still have a lot of love to give.


You assume you’ll go on a love binge with the few inconsistencies you have in your life right now, whether it’s a person, a career, or a location.

You’ll adore it to the point of exhaustion.

When it’s over, you’ll believe you’re ready for a minor heartbreak, but you know deep down that you’ll never be completely prepared for any sort of heartbreak.

That, however, will never be enough to discourage you from attempting.

What Are Women Looking For In A Relationship

How Betrayal Permanently Alters Your Heart

You weren’t always like this.

You weren’t always a thorn-lined body with a razor-wired heart, harsh lines, and jaded eyes.

Distant, distant, and wary.

There was a moment when you were pastel-colored, when your heart understood love and trust was at your fingers.

There was a time when your days were filled with childlike wonder. Where your heart was still bright and new, your eager eyes stared at the world with hope and amazement.


However, everything changed the minute you were deceived by someone you cared about. Someone you had faith in. Someone who was supposed to be on your side. Instead, you got someone who harmed you. Someone who stood by and let you be hurt by others.



The anguish of betrayal breaks a heart like nothing else. It pulls your heart out of your chest and rips you open. You don’t want to put it back; instead, you want to leave it on the floor to bleed until there’s nothing left, until the blood stops flowing and you don’t have to feel a thing. However, you are unable to do so. You’ve got to keep going. So you take up your broken heart from the floor and replace it in your hollow chest.


Although the heart you replace is never the same one. It’s scarred and war-torn. It no longer wants love, preferring instead to shield itself from the agony of being deceived again.


It will no longer trust anybody, but will meet everyone with caution and terror, cautious of a world that has shown to only take advantage for its own gain. It stays hyper-vigilant in its urgent drive to show itself correct, always looking for flaws in others that suggest they, too, are untrustworthy. It must be aware of its adversary. It must always be one step ahead of the competition.

Generosity is seen with mistrust, since your heart has learnt that nothing comes without a price – there are always strings attached, and there is always a plan. Your heart is cold to compassion, skeptical about it, and refuses to embrace it. It would rather suffer alone than receive the kindness that would allow it to grow.



Your heart, too, has lost its ability to trust itself, and it swears to be harsh and hard. I’m not going to desire anything else in my life. I’ll never need anything else. I’m not going to trust anyone else ever again. I’m not going to love anyone else ever again.

These pledges serve as the cornerstones of the fortress it constructs around itself, serving as strongholds that keep the walls in place. It gives up hope of ever being protected and learns to defend itself instead. It gets enslaved by its liberty and independence. It is secure here in the stronghold. It may stay remote and isolated here, behind its walls.


Your heart can be trusted not to feel in this place.

Because betrayal has taught your heart that feeling is hazardous. Wanting and needing are the same thing. Desire for love, connection, and relationship. Your heart, on the other hand, must become deafeningly deafeningly deafeningly deaf It must strike your starving spirit every morning. To put an end to your ambitions before they put an end to yourself.

Your heart can’t afford to want; it’s too risky, too likely to lead to another heartbreak. This is how your heart remains secure – it will never be seduced by love again.



Your heart, on the other hand, was built for love. Your heart was made to be open to other people. Intimacy, on the other hand, is the adversary, the greatest danger. Intimacy necessitates exposing your heart and allowing someone to enter it. To betray one’s own goals in the sake of avoiding betrayal. The most hazardous of them is intimacy, which causes your heart to pull away and prefer to live without the promise of a connection, of closeness, of oneness with another.

You’ve had your heart broken by betrayal.


Your heart has been harmed.

It has rendered it impotent, helpless, and defenseless; it has rendered it wounded, injured, guarded, and shattered. Your heart is unable to trust and does not trust. It has lost faith in the goodness of other people’s hearts. It no longer feels it is deserving of affection and protection.

It’s worn down from living in continual fear of being injured or deceived again. It doesn’t want to love, and it doesn’t know how to love. You convince yourself you’re satisfied because it’s gone numb, deadened to its needs.

That you are secure here. You have the upper hand. You are impenetrable.

Except for the fact that you’re lonely. So despondently lonely.


And this is the betrayal dilemma.

You’re afraid of relationships, but they’re the one thing that can help you repair your heart.

There is a need for you to be protected, dear heart.

However, you have a larger need to be liked.

Love is the only way to recover. You must summon the guts to demolish your stronghold. It has ensured your safety. However, you’ve spent much too much time alone. In your alone. It’s time to put your guns down. Surrender does not imply loss; rather, it signifies the end of the struggle.

To love is to take a chance on being wounded. To trust is to put oneself at danger of betrayal. However, you must take risks in order to recover.

Your heart has figured out how to keep itself safe and live.

Do you find yourself in a one-sided relationship Subtle Indications That Your Husband Isn't in Love With You

Subtle Indications That Your Husband Isn't in Love With You

“You have my undying love. However, I am no longer in love with you “Over breakfast, my now-ex-husband casually stated.

I couldn’t believe it. He’d just returned from a month’s worth of business travel. While he was abroad, I saw he had become distant and aloof, but I had no idea my husband had lost interest in me. It would be an understatement to say I felt like I had been struck in the stomach.


We don’t want to think about falling out of love until it happens to us. You may believe you’re seeing things at first. However, it is quickly apparent that something is seriously wrong.

You wonder to yourself, “Does my spouse still love me?”
Many of us believe that people have no influence over “falling out of love,” even whether it occurs to ourselves or someone we love.


We are frequently driven into crisis mode when a once-hot relationship progressively turns sour, especially if we still love the other person. Then, lacking a real knowledge of how to repair a relationship, we either strive desperately to make the other person fall in love again, or we simply ignore the situation.

While daydreaming about the wonderful affair we could have with someone else, we could start Googling topics like “why men lose interest” or “signs your husband doesn’t love you.” Alternatively, we might phone our pals and spend hours debating what we believe he’s up to and what we should or shouldn’t do about it.


Women are traditionally the ones that watch over, safeguard, and nurture relationships (I’m addressing this to women, but these indications of someone falling out of love with you apply to anybody, regardless of gender).

How can you tell whether your husband still adores you?
If your spouse is still in love with you, you may tell by the way he completes basic tasks or duties around the house, especially the ones you despise. He will perform menial duties for you without your permission.


A husband who still loves his wife would show tenderness, offer you his undivided attention, and create short- and long-term plans with her; he wants to know how your day went and what the two of you should do this weekend.

However, the symptoms that a guy no longer loves you are far less positive and have a lot to do with a husband who has emotionally and physically checked out. If he closes himself off from you, never tells you what he’s up to, shows no concern in your well-being, or hides things from you, these are all signs that he’s not involved in your marriage.



1. He requires a great deal of room.
Do you remember how you couldn’t get enough of each other while you were dating? The feeling that your loved one is avoiding you or has to “find himself” has gradually replaced that joy.

He may be gone for hours or even days. You may still see each other, but he isn’t as in contact as he once was. He may avoid coming home after work if you live together. He starts making other arrangements if you used to spend your weekends together regularly.


He could have a plausible explanation at first, such as “I have to work late,” “I’m extremely tired after my week,” or “I have plans to do X, Y, or Z.” His justifications for visiting you less and less become increasingly weak. However, no matter what reasons he makes, it becomes increasingly difficult to connect with him.

When he does spend time with you, he acts as if he’s doing you a favor, which just serves to highlight the fact that something isn’t quite right between you.


He has ceased doing things for you or has made detached promises that he has not kept.
To make you grin at first, he’d jump through flaming hoops. When a man loses interest in you, on the other hand, he becomes increasingly self-centered.

He may have ceased bringing you small tokens of his affection or demonstrating his concern. He’ll emotionally retreat from you if he’s falling out of love with you.

He paints a picture of your relationship that is dismal and unpleasant.
Problem-solvers are more common in men. They get right into addressing an issue when they notice one. This inevitably applies to their female partners.


A devoted man will seek to resolve any conflicts with the lady in his life. If he loves you, he will try to make things better between you unless there are severe mitigating circumstances.

This approach sometimes include blowing off anger and seeking relationship counsel from his buddies. This is quite typical.

When he loses interest in someone, his tone shifts from genuine inquiry, affection, and respect to a sad, hopeless lament. “Is this all worth it?” he’ll ask aloud, and he’ll utter things like, “I’m simply not happy anymore.”


He is no longer interested in communicating.
You have strained, irregular, and tense communication with one another. There seems to be an elephant in the room over which neither of you has any control. He used to be flirtatious, lively, and talkative, but now he’s distant and short.

As your relationship progresses, it’s normal for someone to contact you less frequently. If you live together, the early days of continuous messages, calls, and interaction will inevitably fade. When someone is falling out of love with you, though, they prefer to avoid making touch with you on a regular basis.


The way you deal with disagreement has shifted.
When people are no longer in love with one other, they deal with conflicts in a different way than before.

Every couple has their own type of conflict, and everyone has their own way of resolving it. Some individuals fight like cats and dogs, but the energy of reconnection is so strong that it pulls all the air out of the room. Others seldom disagree, but make an attempt to collaborate to address difficulties.

When two individuals are in a good relationship, they use a fairly constant way to deal with life’s conflicts. When the affection fades, so does any focus on dispute resolution.


People frequently give up disputing or select confused and sudden confrontations as an excuse to depart the scene, obtaining valuable alone time in the process.

A spouse who is falling out of love will frequently stop arguing with you in any manner, opting instead to placate you (then do whatever they want regardless) or avoid fighting entirely. They are more concerned with reducing the basic annoyance of disagreeing than with repairing the relationship.


He no longer responds to your connection requests.
You know how you interact with your spouse throughout the day by flirting, messaging about the weather, exchanging tiny anecdotes, or a specific look or touch? These attempts to connect are known as “bids” by Dr. John Gottman, a renowned relationship researcher and marriage counselor.

Gottman discovered that persons who stayed together reacted positively to one other’s requests for connection 86% of the time in his studies. Only 33% of divorced couples had favorable feelings toward one other.


I don’t advocate keeping track of how many times your partner ignores you. However, if you’re dealing with someone who consistently rejects your attempts to connect with him, it’s most likely an indication that they’ve lost interest in you.
Around him, you’ve started walking on eggshells.
Your once-adoring lover has started behaving badly toward you. He makes rude or disparaging remarks that appear insignificant on the surface but aren’t.

He could make an unfavorable comparison between your relationship and that of another couple.

He could make negative comparisons to other women or his ex-girlfriends. When you’re chatting, he could mumble hurtful things under his breath, then refuse to acknowledge you.


Your tiny peculiarities, which he used to think were adorable and part of what made you special, have now irritated him to no end. Everything you do appears to irritate him at the same time.

The loving voice of approbation has been replaced with the condemning voice of unhappiness, regardless of what he says. It begins to seem like you’re walking on eggshells, anticipating the next insult or nit-picky critique.


Your physical link is broken.
There are a variety of common reasons why your sex life may be suffering. If the passion has died entirely and your spouse isn’t interested in rekindling it, he’s either falling out of love with you, your relationship has devolved into platonic “roommate” territory, or a combination of the two.

It makes no difference how frequently a couple is intimate in a good relationship as long as they agree on what is best for them. When a relationship becomes sour, one person loses interest in sex, while the other begins to act out, cheats, or suffers anguishfully in silence due to a lack of intiation.


Couples that turn away from each other in the bedroom foster an atmosphere of pain, distrust, and undesirability. Not only does it hurt when someone you care about is falling out of love with you, but your attempts to reconnect are likely to be ignored.

With his phone, he’s become strange and guarded.
When you’re away, he might not prioritize communication with you, but when you’re together, he can be addicted to his phone to avoid spending quality time with you.

If he’s flirting with other women, he might never, ever leave his phone out in case you discover he’s been emotionally unfaithful (if not worse). In any case, I’d want to thank you for taking the time to read this.


He hasn’t communicated with you in a long time.
If your spouse has completely stopped talking with you and isn’t as open about his thoughts and feelings as he previously was, and you haven’t addressed the problem openly, he may begin to believe it’s normal. He’ll be living his own life without you in it before you know it.

If you don’t take the steps and make the effort to have a genuine talk about your relationship status, you’ll come to regret it later when he moves out or intends to leave you.

His reluctance to speak with you, even about little matters, demonstrates that he is no longer engaged in your once-caring relationship.


He’s grown tired of you.
Trying to maintain someone’s attention when they aren’t interested is the worst feeling in the world. There’s a problem if your spouse is terribly bored with you, and you realize he’s only bored when you’re together.

This might indicate that he’s thinking about something else besides you — another woman, his buddies, or something else entirely — but he’s choosing not to tell you about it. When you attempt to be with him, he may spend a lot of time watching TV or on his phone.

Take it as a hint that he might not be in love with you anymore if he exhibits utter disinterest when you’re trying to have fun.


He is constantly looking for a quarrel.
Arguments and disagreements are inevitable in partnerships and marriages, but making a mountain out of a molehill is a red flag. It’s a problem if the two of you can’t sit down and have a decent talk without it devolving into a quarrel.

You could be always on edge, afraid that if you say something, it will start a fight. And attempting to withdraw or defuse the situation exacerbates the problem.

This just demonstrates that he has no intention of addressing the underlying difficulties in your relationship, or that he is simply looking for a reaction from you.


He’s entirely self-centered and has lost interest in your needs.
When you realize that your spouse is no longer listening to you and isn’t doing the things you’ve asked him to do to assist, it’s a sign that he’s grown more selfish and unconcerned about your wishes and needs.

It’s a red sign if he just does things for himself and not for you, and if he doesn’t even think about you or consider you. If you want him to be happy, you may be hesitant to compromise, preferring to do activities or go places that only he loves.

There must be good compromise in a partnership. You’ll only feel pushed about and upset if your connection is one-sided.


You are continually rejected by him.
If you try to organize a romantic date for the two of you and always try to discover fresh things to do together, he rejects anything you suggest. This ties along with his egotistical inclinations.

He’s demonstrating that he doesn’t care what you have to say, or even what you believe, by rejecting you in this manner. It may make you consider ending your marriage.

Consider that your spouse could be completely checked out if he isn’t appreciating you and all the effort you put into your marriage.


He’s kinder to others than you are.
If you observe that your spouse is in a better mood and is more courteous and giving with others, it’s a clear indication that he has lost respect for you and, as a result, has fallen out of love with you.

In a relationship, there should always be reciprocal respect, and by treating others well while not treating you well, he is demonstrating that he has no qualms about harming you. This isn’t a promising indication.

If you actively try to cheer him up and receive no response, he is abusing you by demonstrating that he is happy with others.

What Are Women Looking For In A Relationship

He doesn’t want to be in your company.
This may seem apparent, but if your spouse quits staying at home with you or just spends a few nights there and is always out with friends, it’s an indication he no longer loves you and can’t tolerate being around you.

Maybe he’s spoken out loud that he doesn’t enjoy being with you or that he emotionally drains you. If this is the case, you should have a meaningful conversation about how you feel about it. The connection will rapidly fall apart if there is no clear understanding or communication.


You have a feeling he’s lying to you.
Even the possibility that you suspect he’s cheating suggests that he’s emotionally numb.

His activities make you feel he’s seeing someone else behind your back, whether it’s through text messages, emails, phone conversations, or staying out a bit too late at night.

When you ask him whether he’s cheating, he may avoid the topic entirely, hesitate, or lie — and as his wife, you should be able to detect if he’s not being truthful.



What should truly bother you if he’s broken up with you is if you have proof of his adultery, since a man in love with you would never do anything like that.

He doesn’t go to great lengths to make you pleased.
In a relationship, couples express their love and devotion for one another by performing tiny acts of kindness.

If you’ve been fighting to keep your relationship together and he stops going out of his way to make you smile, it’s likely that his love for you has waned.

Falling back in love is one of the most difficult things to do.


If he won’t do even the tiniest thing to make you happy, there’s not much you can do to change his mind or compel him to put up an effort.

When it comes to real love, your happiness is their pleasure.

He doesn’t mention the possibility of a future together.
Any long-term partnership must include planning for the future together. In most cases, married couples talk about their future plans and where they envision themselves in 5, 10, or 15 years.

Perhaps there was a moment when the two of you discussed your future dreams or objectives, what you wanted to accomplish together, whether you wanted children, if you wanted to purchase a house, or if you wanted to travel. But now, the two of you must work together.


If you attempt to bring it up with your spouse and he shows no interest or refuses to even talk about it, he might not want to be with you in the future.

He may be seeing his life without you since he is no longer in love with you.

He expresses his dissatisfaction with his current relationship by telling you openly that he no longer feels loved.
While he may be emotionally and physically distant, rude, and reluctant to make amends, the most telling sign that he no longer loves you is if he tells you straight out.


If this happens and your spouse expresses his actual sentiments toward you, don’t believe he’s making it up; instead, accept the situation as it is. 


The agony and shock are, without a doubt, terrible. You’ll feel betrayed, abandoned, wounded, and maybe enraged.

What are your options if your husband has lost interest in you?
We’ve been taught that if someone loses love, it’s game over. This is unfortunately not the case.

If you ask any happily married senior couple how they managed to remain together for so long, they’ll tell you that their love story wasn’t flawless all the time. People are constantly falling in and out of love.

There are a few things, though, that will permanently drive him away.


Don’t freak out or attempt to push him to reconnect with you by doing all kinds of nice things. This will never make a man fall in love with you again. Not only have I tried and failed, but my successful customers say that no matter what they try to make someone fall in love with them again, it never works.

It’s impossible to make someone adore you by making them pay attention to you. Love is similar to a see-saw. When one person does more, the other is forced to do less. As a result, making a slew of romantic gestures in your partner’s direction will just lose him respect and make him walk away from you even more.


I don’t blame you if you feel compelled to do something right now to keep him from going. That’s precisely how I’m feeling right now. You must, however, maintain your wits about you.

People fall in and out of love all the time, but you can’t make someone recognize your worth. Backing up and focusing on yourself is exactly the type of strong magic you’ll need to get back on track.

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