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Me touching myself story

Me Touching Myself Story

The events unfold in such rapid succession that I am completely befuddled as to what I should do. In my underwear, I’m caressing myself in random, haphazard circles with my hands inside my pant legs. Finally, a second pair of hands is placed on me, covering my eyes. Before I have a chance to process this surprisingly sexy development, still another set of hands enters the scene, pushing my hands out of my satin bikini bottoms and caressing my pussy in my absence.


Because of the softness of the hands that are covering my eyes and the roughness of the hands that are tugging my gorgeous pearly-white underwear down my thighs and spreading my pussy lips wide apart, I believe it’s a lady behind me and a male below, but it might be either. My skin crawls with the sensation of being exposed, and if I had the opportunity, I would flush.


 However, since everything occurs so rapidly, I am unable to react in a regular manner to it. Screaming is not my style. My fighting style is non-competitive. My vision isn’t impaired by the blindfold covering my eyes. None of that happened when the feminine hands started pinching my nipples and causing them to tent the slinky fabric of my semi-sheer T-shirt. I just sit back and enjoy every second of this unlawful pleasure.


The harder and ever-so-insistent hands on my sex stretch me wider and wider, and I gasp out when a sticky smear of lubrication gets stuck between my inner lips and causes me to scream out loud.

My body is so moist and eager that I groan, “Oh, fuck me.” If you could just fuck me—” “Please, fuck me—”
However, despite the fact that those hands are hard at work on me, nobody says anything. Fists grip down tight and push my hips high in the air as I appreciate every second of being pressed into my pussy by a pair of ferocious fingers. In paradise—the roughness of those hands palpitating my clit leads me on a lovely journey, alternating nicely with the tightness of my thumb and finger on my nipples squeezing, harder and tighter—I’m in heaven. Lie down on my back and let the hands caress and massage me.


The sound of “Oh, god,” followed by the arrival of a massive firm cock, makes me groan in exasperation. My groans and gasps are now muffled by the unyielding instrument, but at the very least I have something to do, something to strive for, something to be productive with. Beginning to suck on the cock, I concentrate on how it feels and how I know how to swallow it automatically. As a result of the thrill of surrendering, it takes me a while to realize that a second cock has taken up residence in my pussy. 


So it was two guys, according to Jesus Christ! There’s one that’s a little more feminine than the other. Nonetheless, it’s not a major problem. Now is the time for me to begin. This is something I can deal with.” I can suck and suck, working the cock down my throat, and I can fuck and fuck, my pussy constricting on the cock within me, bucking and thrusting, lost in this visionless world until I reach the end. It feels like someone is poking around in my crotch with a finger.


A tensing sensation runs through my body. Fearful of the intrusion, goose bumps appear on my skin as a result of what has happened. It seems as if a cold runs through me, shaking my whole body, yet the finger is soft, so soft, and I felt the wetness of the lubrication as it glides over my delicate rear hole.
I create an exhilarating O around the cock in my mouth and rock back gently, impaling myself on the probing finger with my tongue.


It seems to be true, at least to my knowledge. Put your fingers in my ears. Almost as if the invisible lover can read my thoughts, the finger quickly obeys, finger-fucking my asshole as the rest of my pussy is loaded with cock. Every single second of it makes me feel like I’m about to burst, but I adore it. Every drop of blood is being drained by the cock in my mouth, which is becoming deeper and quicker every second. 


A firmer rhythm is established in my pussy, with a deep push in and out, followed by complete stillness until that finger enters the picture once again. There’s suddenly a second finger pressing forward and overlapping, and I scream out around the cock in my mouth at how fantastic it feels to have two fingers like that.
Having a finger in my scrotum is something I really like. One that is well-lubricated and moves slowly is especially noteworthy. Come on over, I’ll be there! 


This is something I’m able to detect. The pleasure ribbons and power waves that will accompany me will be a sight to see. In recognition of this, the unseen lover who is finning my cunt pulls out and begins to gently fiddle with my clit as I glide back and forth in my ocean of wetness. As that cock establishes the rhythm I need, I find myself on the point of both creaming and screaming. The owner of those daring fingers in my ass now begins to fuck me more quickly, moving at a delectable clip.


When I think about it, I’m such a slut. I raise my thighs up in the air and hold them there while widening myself, my rear cheeks, to allow the finger to go in even more. I’d want to say something about it. Here’s what I’m thinking: Every detail has been noted. As a result, I’m becoming more widely available. I’m going to come out and say who I am! While you’re touching my a**hole, take a look at me.





             Me touching myself story (in a threesome)



Until I come, shaking and groaning, and almost weeping, the cock in my mouth and the one at my clit pound me simultaneously. And as soon as I begin to approach, the cock at my clit glides lower and hands compel me to turn onto my stomach. In time, the one behind me begins to push forward, butting up on my back hole, so I delicately move my head while still sucking the cock in my mouth. 


While I firmly shake my head, never abandoning my grip on the cock that I am blowing, it is not with the intention of saying “no,” nor is it with the intention of implying “no.” Again, I’d want to come. The truth is that I’m a gluttonous little creature. This is something I’m interested in doing. That feeling in my asshole is what I’m looking for!
The cockhead creeps in softly, almost imperceptibly. As soon as I squeeze my eyes shut, the bulbous head appears in my mind. As the shaft glides effortlessly forward, I exhale a sigh of satisfaction.


That’s right, I’m talking about you. That’s right, I’m talking about you. Again, I’m planning to visit. Now with the cock in my asshole, to be more specific. The pain in my rear hole is so intense that I have to bury my own hands in it to touch my clit. Once I’m there—at the finish line, panting and sweating, and feeling so high from the release that I accidentally let the cock slide out of my mouth—I’ll tell you what happens next: I’ll tell you what happened next.


The blindfold is removed after a little while, and I am surprised to see that I am alone in my bedroom. There are no strangers making love to me; instead, there are a few filthy dildos and a half-empty bottle of lubricant on the mattress next to my side of the bed. I’m on my own for the first time in months.
The thought of tomorrow night makes me smile. That is the time when I may simply go for the triple threat once again.

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