Why is it that my Ghost Shrimp is always dying?

In addition to being simple to care aquarium pets, Ghost Shrimps (also known as Glass Shrimps) are very popular. They do die very often, though, shortly after being returned home.

How do ghost shrimps continue to perish in such large numbers? As a general rule, shrimps are more vulnerable to toxins than fish…. Their survival might be jeopardized by even the smallest alteration in their surroundings. Temperature, pH levels, and the chemical makeup of the water are all affected by these variations.

It does not stop there.

It is common for individuals to make a number of little errors that result in ghost shrimps being killed.

What are these blunders, and how can we fix them?

Deficiencies in water chemistry
Begin with the most fundamental mistake you’re likely to do. And it is the practice of putting ghost shrimps in water with insufficient oxygen. Despite the fact that these shrimps are quite adaptable to a variety of tank settings, placing them in an improper habitat can lead them to get stressed and finally die.

Maintaining a healthy habitat for your shrimps begins with periodically checking the conditions of your tank.

In the following water conditions, ghost shrimps flourish the most:


  1. Ambient temperature ranging between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Three-to-ten-fold increase in glucose (GH) (50-166.7 ppm)
  3. The KH ranges from 3 to 15 days (53.6-268 ppm)
  4. Phosphorus ranges from 7.4 to 8.0.
Transparent shrimp with egg

It is possible that your aquarium contains copper or lead.

Gravel and heavy metals like as copper and lead are very poisonous to ghost shrimps, and even a little quantity of these metals in your tank might result in a shrimp slaughter.

Due to the fact that most residences have copper pipes, you need be especially cautious about the amounts of copper and lead in tap water if you fill your aquarium with it.

Anti-disease treatment for fish

Regarding copper toxicity, you should be aware that several fish treatments contain copper as well, and that adding these drugs to your aquarium can cause ghost shrimps to die almost immediately.

Water heaters Many individuals believe that they must use water heaters in order to keep the temperature of their aquarium at an appropriate level.


The desire to maintain constant water temperature is understandable; nevertheless, it is not always essential to utilize a heater to accomplish this goal.

For one thing, water heaters are prone to breakdowns, resulting in temperature swings that are either dramatically lower or higher.

Unlike the fish, ghost shrimps will very definitely not be able to acclimatize to this alteration and will ultimately perish as a result of the change.


When it comes to feeding ghost shrimps, just when they are hungry is the best practice. If you put food in the tank and don’t see your shrimp go for it within 10 minutes, this indicates that they are not interested in the food.

Because of this, you should remove the food and wait a day or two before the shrimps get hungry again, if possible. You will have ghost shrimps that will overeat and die if you do not remove the food.

This can come as a surprise to you if you’re a newbie.

Those that dwell in a large aquarium with many plants, such as ghost shrimps, may not need any additional nourishment.

Due to the fact that ghost shrimps are omnivores, leftover fish food, plants, and algae will be able to satisfy their bellies. In order to avoid accidentally feeding your ghost shrimps, use caution.

The Poisoning by Ammonia and Nitrite

They will perish from ammonia and nitrite poisoning if ghost shrimps are kept in an aquarium that has not been thoroughly cycled.

To have a completely cycled tank, what exactly does it imply.

In order for a tank to be considered properly cycled, it must have sufficient bacteria to convert the ammonia and nitrites emitted by fish waste to nitrates.

If you keep your ghost shrimps in a tank that has not been properly cycled, you will expose them to excessive levels of ammonia and nitrites, which will cause them to perish.

Tank is overflowing.

Ghost shrimps are able to thrive in a variety of tank sizes with no difficulty. Starting with the smallest 5 to 10-gallon tanks and progressing up to the largest 25 to 30-gallon tanks You must, however, be aware of the number of ghost shrimps you have in your aquarium at any one time.


Despite the fact that ghost shrimps are tiny in size, the quantity of waste they emit is sufficient to poison the tank with high levels of nitrates, which will ultimately cause the ghost shrimps to die.

Don’t put more than 3 to 4 shrimps per gallon of water in a tank as a general rule of thumb while setting up your aquarium.

…but hold on a sec…

There’s even more to it than that.

Not only is it critical to have the proper amount of ghost shrimps in your tank, but it is also critical to have them in the proper gender ratio.

Disproportionate number of men to women

Male shrimps will overwhelm female shrimps in your tank if you have a large number of them in your tank, causing the females significant stress with their frequent approaches toward them.

In addition, as we all know, stress is quite dangerous!

Last but not least, combining ghost shrimp with predatory fish.

In certain cases, putting ghost shrimps in the same tank as aggressive fish might result in their death.

This is due to the fact that ghost shrimps are very few organisms that develop to barely 1.5 inches in length. They are also accessible prey for bigger fish because of their small size. The hapless shrimp may be swallowed whole or bullied to death by these vicious fish.

You shouldn’t be shocked if your ghost shrimp perish within a few seconds if your aquarium contains fish such as Oscars, Goldfishes, Crayfishes, Cichlids, or other aquarium pets such as frogs and turtles.

Since you’ve made it to the end of this list, I’m certain that the majority of you have found out why your ghost shrimps have been disappearing.

What is true, however, is that

You may lose your shrimp even if you haven’t done any of these faults. And it’s not your fault, believe it or not

It is not your fault if your shrimp perishes.

There have been instances in which ghost shrimps have died simply because they have not been handled properly by the storekeepers. Even though ghost shrimps are hardy little gentlemen, they have been through a lot before arriving at the pet shop.

They are removed from their native environment and housed in a tank for the duration.

These tanks then transport them hundreds of kilometers before arriving at the pet shop where they are purchased.

They must then relocate to a new tank after they have arrived. Even as they begin to feel at home in their new surroundings, they are sold to new owners who relocate them once again.

This constant movement and changing of the environment wear out the shrimps to a significant extent, and by the time they arrive at your residence, they are already too weak to cope with yet another change and succumb to their injuries.

Then it’s possible that the pet shop is to blame for the shrimp deaths.

Although not always the case, this is a good example. Your ghost shrimps will almost certainly have a happy and healthy life if you provide them with proper care and a suitable habitat.

Looking for advice on the best way to provide the greatest possible habitat for your ghost shrimps?

Continuation of the text

Creating the ideal atmosphere for ghost shrimps is essential.
To develop healthy ghost shrimps, many people believe that supplying the proper water conditions is all that is required.

In fact, this isn’t totally accurate. Water parameters that are appropriate for the environment must be provided, and this is critical. However, there is a great deal more that goes into producing the ideal habitat for ghost shrimps to grow in than that.

Below is a list of everything I’ve said thus far!

Ghost shrimps especially like being among and around plants in their aquariums. Aquarium Plantation

Shrimps are similar to humans in that they like relaxing in their environment, which includes plants. Their presence provides the shrimp with a cozy and secure environment in which to relax and socialize.

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Ghost shrimps seek refuge in plants, particularly during the molting process, to provide them with a safe haven. Plants are also a source of food for shrimps, which is something else to consider.

A plantation should be included in your aquarium as a precaution. Most people select hornwort, Cabomba, or java moss as their houseplants, but you may choose any plant you prefer.

They don’t have any particular substrate preferences, despite the fact that ghost shrimps spend much of their time near the bottom of their aquariums. It is recommended, however, that you use sand or fine gravel as the substrate for the aquarium.

The reason for this is that sand and fine gravel contain microscopic particles that prevent the sensitive antennae of ghost shrimps from being damaged when they dig in and out of their habitat.

Water filter made of sponge
If you wish to produce healthy ghost shrimps, it is essential that you have a water filter installed in your tank.

However, this is not due to the fact that shrimps are messy. Ghost shrimps, on the other hand, are considered to be among the most effective tank cleaners by professionals.

For the purpose of producing a gentle current in the aquarium, you will need the water filter much more than normal.


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