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Make Use of Realistic Thinking for extra income

Make Use Of Realistic Thinking For Extra Income

There is a significant disconnect between a college education and the realities of the working world, as anybody who has been out of school for a few years will attest. To be quite honest, I went out of my way early in my career to avoid too much practical thinking because I believed it would interfere with my ability to think creatively. I was wrong. I’ve come to know, as my maturity has increased, how much more my life will benefit from realistic thinking.









Actuality is the distinction between what we want for and what really exists. The process of becoming a realistic thinker took some time for me. It was a stage-by-stage approach. First and foremost, I did not think in a realistic manner. As time progressed, I came to recognize that it was vital, and I started to participate in it on a more regular basis. )However, I didn’t like for it due to the fact that it was very negative.




 Every opportunity to delegate I took advantage of.) Later, I discovered that if I wanted to solve difficulties and learn from my errors, I needed to think in a realistic manner. I eventually learned willing to think realistically before I got into difficulty, and I made it a part of my daily routine to avoid getting into problems in the future. 






In this day and age, I urge my key executives to be realistic in their thinking. The reason we make realistic thinking the core of our company is because it provides us with confidence and stability.

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Make Use of Realistic Thinking for extra income

Consider the following reasons why you should value realistic thinking:
If you’re inherently optimistic, like I am, it’s possible that you don’t have a strong desire to learn to think in a more realistic manner. However, fostering the capacity to be realistic in your thinking will not weaken your trust in other people, nor will it diminish your ability to see and grasp opportunities when they present themselves. Instead, it will provide you with additional benefits in the following ways:






1. Using realistic thinking reduces the likelihood of negative consequences.

Actions always have consequences, and realistic thinking assists you in determining what those repercussions may be in the given situation. And that’s critical because only by acknowledging and understanding the implications can you begin to prepare for them in the future.
If you prepare for the worst-case situation, you may reduce the likelihood of experiencing a negative outcome.








2. Realistic thinking provides you with a target and a game plan to achieve your goals.

I’ve met executives that didn’t think in terms of the actual world. The good news is that they were very optimistic and had a great degree of confidence in their company’s future. The bad news is that hoping does not constitute a plan.




Realistic thinking promotes excellence in leadership and management because it forces individuals to confront the harsh realities of life. They start by defining their aim and devising a strategy for achieving it successfully. In addition, when individuals participate in realistic thinking, they tend to simplify practices and processes, which leads to increased efficiency in the workplace.


To be honest, just a few choices are critical in the world of business. Genuinely realistic thinkers distinguish between judgments that are critically vital and ones that are just required in the usual course of business. The choices that are important are those that are directly related to your goal. It was James Allen who said, “Until cognition is coupled with purpose, there is no intellectual achievement.” He was absolutely correct.






3. The ability to think realistically is a catalyst for change.

People who depend on optimism for their achievement are less likely to place a high value on change. If all you have is hope, it implies that you have no control over your own progress and success. It is a question of chance or good fortune. 





What’s the point of trying something new?
Realistic thinking might help to eradicate this kind of negative mindset. The act of looking reality in the face may be quite effective in convincing someone that they must change. Growth cannot be achieved by itself, yet it is impossible to achieve growth without change.









4. The ability to think realistically provides security.

Any time you have considered the worst-case scenario and devised contingency plans to deal with it, you will feel more confident and comfortable in your decisions. The knowledge that you are unlikely to be startled is a comforting one.
Disappointment is the discrepancy between what you anticipate and what you get. Realistic thinking helps to reduce the disparity between the two approaches.







5. Believing in yourself increases your credibility.

People who believe in the leader and his or her vision are more likely to follow him or her. It is not long before a leader who is always astonished by the unexpected begins to lose credibility with their following. Leaders who think realistically and prepare properly, on the other hand, position their companies to win. 





Their people have faith in them as a result of this.
Before laying forth a vision, the most effective leaders ask hard questions. They ask themselves questions such as… Is it even possible?
Is everyone included in this dream, or is it restricted to a select few?
Are there any instances in which I have recognized and expressed the obstacles that will make achieving this goal difficult?






6. Realistic thinking serves as a foundation upon which to build.

“The value of a good concept lies in the application of that idea,” said Thomas Edison. Overall, practical thinking may assist you in making an idea more useful by removing the “wish” aspect from the equation. 




The majority of ideas and efforts fail to produce the desired outcomes because they place too much emphasis on what we want rather than what is….
A home cannot be constructed in mid-air; it requires a stable foundation. The same may be said about ideas and plans. In order to construct anything solid, they need a solid foundation. Realistic thinking lays the groundwork for a strong foundation.







7. Those who are in trouble might benefit from realistic thinking.


It is possible to be creative without being terrified of the prospect of failure; nevertheless, coping with failure when it occurs is a necessary part of reality. When you think realistically, you have something tangible to fall back on in times of crisis, which can be incredibly comforting in difficult situations. The presence of assurance in the midst of ambiguity promotes stability.








8. Realistic thinking allows the dream to become a reality.


“Idealism rises in direct proportion to one’s remoteness from the subject,” remarked the British author John Galsworthy. Without getting up up and personal with an issue, you will be unable to solve it. Taking a serious look at your ideal — and what it would take to realize it — will ensure that you will never reach your goals…. The ability to think realistically helps to prepare the road for the realization of any desire.







In part because I’m more naturally optimistic than realistic, I’ve had to take specific actions to alter my way of thinking about this subject. Here are five things I do to increase my ability to think in a realistic manner:

1. Acquire a respect for the truth.

I couldn’t progress as a realistic thinker unless I learned to value it. And that entails mastering the art of seeing and appreciating reality. “I never give’em hell,” President Harry S. Truman stated. They say it’s hell because I merely speak the truth.” Many individuals behave in this manner when confronted with facts. People have a tendency to overstate their achievements while downplaying their flaws.




They believe in Ruckert’s Law, which states that nothing is too little to be exaggerated.
Unfortunately, many people today are like Winston Churchill’s quote: “Men sometimes stumble upon the truth, but most pick themselves up and go off as if nothing has occurred.” “Our culture finds truth too potent a medication to stomach undiluted,” said Ted Koppel, a television journalist, more recently. 




Truth isn’t a friendly touch on the shoulder in its most basic form. “It’s a dreadful indictment.” To put it another way, the truth will set you free—but not before it enrages you! However, in order to become a realistic thinker, you must grow comfortable with the reality and confront it head on.







2. Carry out your assignments

Doing your homework kicks off the process of realistic thinking. To begin, gather information. “When approaching an issue, strip yourself of preconceived beliefs and bias, gather and study the facts of the matter, make the judgment that seems to you to be the most honest, and then adhere to it,” former governor, congressman, and ambassador Chester Bowles remarked. 




If your reasoning is founded on incorrect facts or assumptions, it doesn’t matter how sound it is. In the lack of facts (or in the presence of inaccurate information), it is impossible to think clearly.
You may also learn from other people’s experiences in comparable situations. Remember that your reasoning does not have to be unique; it just has to be sound. Why not take all you can from wise people who have encountered similar challenges before you? Other people have done some of my greatest thinking!






3. Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks.

There’s nothing like taking the time to carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages of a situation to bring you down to earth. Because all benefits and drawbacks do not have equal weight, it seldom comes down to just picking the course of action with the most positives. But, in any case, it isn’t the point of the exercise. Rather, it assists you in digging deeper into the facts, examining a problem from several perspectives, and calculating the true cost of a certain course of action.





4. Envision the Worst-Case Situation

Finding, envisioning, and analyzing the worst-case situation is at the heart of realistic thinking. Consider the following scenarios: What if sales don’t meet expectations?
What happens if sales plummet? (Not the rock bottom of an optimist, but true rock bottom!)
What happens if we don’t land the job?
What happens if the customer refuses to pay?
What if we are unable to complete the task due to a lack of personnel?
What if our star performer becomes ill?



What happens if all of my applications are turned down?
What happens if the stock market tanks?
What happens if the volunteers decide not to participate?
What if there isn’t anybody there?




Hopefully, you get the picture. Whether you’re operating a company, heading a department, pastoring a church, coaching a team, or organizing your own finances, it’s important to consider the worst-case scenarios.
It’s not about being pessimistic or anticipating the worst; it’s about being prepared in case it occurs. That way, no matter what happens, you’ll have the highest possibility of a favorable outcome.



You’ve had a reality check if you see the worst-case scenario and honestly evaluate it.
You’re all set for anything comes your way. Take Charles Hole’s counsel and “consider with prudence, yet act with determination; and concede with graciousness or resist with vigor” as you go about it.






5. Match Your Resources to Your Thinking

Aligning your resources with your aims is one of the keys to optimizing realistic thinking. Examining the benefits and drawbacks as well as worst-case scenarios can reveal any gaps between your ideal and reality. You may utilize your resources to fill up the gaps once you know what they are. That is, after all, the purpose of resources.


SUPER BOWL, SUPER DOME, and SUPER SECURITY are three words that come to mind while thinking of the Super Bowl.
Following the catastrophe of September 11, 2001, our nation got lessons in realistic thinking. The devastation of the World Trade Center skyscrapers in New York City vastly outstripped anyone’s worst-case scenario. We no longer have the luxury of evading or overlooking serious thinking in the aftermath of that incident.




When I went to the Super Bowl in New Orleans, Louisiana on Sunday, February 3, 2002, I was reminded of it. I’d gone to the big game twice previously, both times cheering on the home team—first San Diego, then Atlanta—and both times they’d lost! But this was my first time attending a game of this kind. A National Security Special Event had been declared for the occasion. 




That means it would be overseen by the US Secret Service, military officers would collaborate with local law enforcement, and the greatest level of security would be in place. Several hundred Secret Service personnel were sent to the area to guard it. The Super Dome was heavily screened in preparation for the event. Roads were shut down, the surrounding highway was shut down, and the region was declared a no-fly zone by officials.




We came early to the dome—officials advised fans to attend up to five hours before game time—and we spotted signs of the precautionary measures right away. Unauthorized vehicles couldn’t get near to the structure because of eight-foot gates surrounding the whole region and concrete obstacles. Sharpshooters were stationed in a variety of positions, including on the roofs of several nearby structures. When we arrived at a gate, cops touched us down and checked everyone’s belongings.



After that, we were taken to metal detectors. They let us inside the stadium only after that.
“That’s great,” you could respond, “but what if there was a terrorist attack?” Because they had planned for the worst-case situation, the Secret Service had also covered that.
Plans for evacuation had been made, and workers at the Super Dome had been trained to ensure that everyone understood what to do in the event of an emergency.




“We want to convey a message to all tourists that New Orleans is going to be the safest location in America,” New Orleans mayor Marc Morial stated a day before the Super Bowl.


The message was delivered to us. We were unconcerned in the slightest. When leaders understand the value of realistic thinking, this is what occurs.

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