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Love Stories of my fantasy

Love Stories Of My Fantasy

After a few months of dating, Paul and I were entirely at ease with one other and our relationship. “It’s a match made in heaven,” I told my closest buddy. “It’s absolutely and completely wonderful.” As soon as I got over the new-lover jitters, I discovered that sleeping next to him in bed with his muscular arms folded around my body was far more comfortable than sleeping on my own. I no longer needed my own space. But I suppose I shouldn’t have felt so at ease so quickly.


Allowing your guard to drop may be quite harmful. Despite the fact that I’ve learnt from my mistakes, I found myself relaxing.
Then he asked me to give him my most vivid dream, and the truth was, I really loved him at that point. Really liked him. This wasn’t just a one-night stand. It was the genuine deal. As a result, I did what any other female would have done in my situation: I told a lie. We’d only been together for a short period of time, and I didn’t want to put him off by scaring him away. 


I’ve been in that situation before, scuddled up against a new man, sharing the sort of sexy secrets that make me the wettest, feeling faux safety while nuzzling against a barrel-chested lover. And then hearing the surprise in his voice as he says, “You want what?” and knew it was all over.
For the first time in a long time, I was committed to the task at hand. Paul was one of my favorite people. 


Whatever his reasons for not playing dirty, it was OK with me. As I touched myself and imagined all the twisted ways I liked to get off, I’d get my kink on my own. I’d keep those seductive fantasies to myself and rely on my man to take care of the rest of my wants and needs.
This guy, on the other hand, was not going to let me off so easily. “Come on, youngster,” he said emphatically. “Can you tell me about anything that rocked your world?


“What do you think is your favorite?”
“Oh, you know, the things that all the girls like.”
“There is no such thing as a typical female.”
“All right, then, do anything you want.”
“It’s simply not true at all.” He looked at me as he pushed himself up on one arm. “Why don’t you believe me, Lia?” “Why aren’t you telling me?”
“Sometimes,” I answered, shrugging my shoulders.
“There’s no better moment than the present,” he argued.
“Later,” I said, like I promised. “I’ll wait till you tell me.”


“Fair enough,” he replied, settling up next to me once again in his arms. It has been on my mind for a while that I should tell you about a fantasy I’ve been having—”
I could feel him tightening up again, so I pressed up against him and squeezed our bodies together tighter than we had been before.


“I want to spank that lovely ass of yours until you confess to me what your favorite fantasy is,”. What do you think? Does that sound like something that would work for you?”
The muffled sigh that escaped my lips told him that he’d struck a nerve, and within a split second, I was dangling over his lap, ass in the air, his firm, steady hand quickly connecting with my blushing backside, and he was laughing. 


Love Stories of my fantasy



As I twisted in his embrace and discovered that I was unable to break free, I thought to myself, “Perhaps this man will be the one who hears my dirty secrets.” That made me even more drenched. In the event that I am on the receiving end, I do not want to be able to get away from the situation. I want to be restrained and forced to accept responsibility for my actions. Who would have thought that my charming new boyfriend would grasp the significance of this so quickly?


“Tell—” he insisted, bringing to mind our previous game. “If you don’t say something now, you won’t be able to sit down for a week.”
I didn’t want to be confined to a chair for a week.
I told him he had to tell or else I’d take my belt away.
Ooh, there’s a belt!


As the blows came down faster and harder, I was able to speak up for the first time, feeling more safe and secure than I had ever felt before. Here was a man who recognized that I needed to be spanked. He just had a feeling. Without the need for me to elaborate. That way, I didn’t have to tease him or drop hints or wear short schoolgirl skirts or be bratty and naughty until he couldn’t take it any longer. So it’s possible that he’ll be able to provide me with the rest of the items I require.


“It all starts like this,” I explained, and he pressed his hand against my warm skin and listened intently as I spoke. He did not, however, remove me from his lap. He coerced me into confessing my fantasies while I remained in the awkward position of a plaything who had recently been punished.


“You took me and put me over your lap,” I explained.
“Yeah?” His voice had a hint of a smile in it, and I could hear it.
In the meantime, you take my panties off and let them dangle from my ankles. “You place me over your lap. You place your firm, hard hand against my bare skin and ask me to guess how much it’s going to hurt before you even begin to work your magic.
“Can you tell me how much it’s going to hurt?” he inquired.


“Oh,” I said, sighing. “A great deal. “A good spanking has to be extremely painful.”
‘And then you spank my ass until it’s all pretty and pinky-red, and while you’re spanking me, you tell me what a mischievous little girl I am…’
It was he who told her, “You are a naughty girl, you know.”
“Yeah, I understand.”
“But there’s more to it, don’t you think?”


“Of course,” I said, thinking to myself, “there’s got to be more to this.” There’s always more to be had. It is your job to spank me until I squirm against your chest, but you refuse to let me go. After you’re done—not me, but you—you take me over to the mirror and allow me to see my hot, blushing bottom reflected back at me.”


“How about something like this?” Miles inquired, lifting me from his lap and hurriedly dragging me to the mirror in the bedroom. I looked at myself in the mirror over my shoulder, and then I met his eyes in the mirror, and I nodded in acknowledgement. That’s exactly how it is. It’s as simple as that.
I suppose we really are a perfect match after all.

Love Stories of my fantasy


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