List of Reasons for Resigning from a Position

List of Reasons for Resigning from a Position

Identify the reasons for quitting a job or the reasons for leaving your previous employment and compile a list of these reasons. It is necessary for an employee who wishes to resign from his or her present employer and seek new employment to have a valid cause for leaving their current company. Job seekers and job candidates will be questioned in a few instances why they are leaving their present employment, and this will be one of those instances.



 Job applicants may be asked questions as part of the hiring process. Alternatively, in a job interview setting. The same goes for when a candidate decides to leave their present place of work.

In most cases, the first time a job applicant is asked about the reason for their resignation is during the interview. “Why did you quit your previous job?” a recruiting manager would inquire during an interview. 



During this interview, it is possible that the job seeker will still be employed by their existing company. Employers and job seekers should identify reasons that are consistent with the ones they want to use in their resignation process. This will occur after the acceptance of a job offer and the need of resigning from one’s existing position.




The cause for resignation must be valid in order for the candidate to be considered for the position. Job seekers should be aware that when they provide a bogus explanation, the interviewer will be able to tell. For example, if a job applicant claims that their reason for leaving is due to organizational changes, but there has been no word of layoffs, this might lead to complications. Select a reasonable justification.



It’s difficult to choose the best reasons.

It is best to avoid some situations. In addition, you must highlight the correct choice to leave the organization. In the case of former employers (or current employers/current roles), one of the most prevalent reasons is working conditions. While this is a legitimate cause, it is one of the reasons that you should refrain from discussing with your interviewer or potential employer. Suppose a future employer contacts the old employer; this may be a source of contention. Identify professional reasons for quitting, even if they aren’t totally consistent with your personal point-of-view.




When departing from a current position and sending a resignation letter, the employer (and forthcoming former employer) may include their reasons for resigning or leaving in the letter as well as their signature. Ideally, the justifications should be consistent with those provided to the prospective employer and employment opportunity (the new job). Making the decision to quit one’s work should not be taken carelessly or without consideration.




Make a professional exit to avoid being labeled as a “bad employee.” Tip: In the course of the resignation process, the objective is to quit with sufficient notice time and with good reason(s). A job seeker’s career may benefit greatly from leaving open chances for reference contacts.


The following is a list of reasons to quit your job (Job Application or Interview)


Good reasons for quitting a job are outlined below.

 Every one of these reasons is regarded to be legitimate and professional reasons for leaving one’s present job.


Job applications or job interviews may benefit from this list of explanations, which may be used to support your case. “Can you tell me why you’re searching for a new job?” the boss may inquire during the interview. Alternatively, you might inquire as to “why you decided to quit your previous job?”. They will next inquire as to the reason for your departure from your existing position.

It is not necessary to go into great detail about why you are leaving. “Why did you quit your previous job?” is likely to be one of the upcoming interview questions. Also, make certain that they are in sync with one another. 


Maintain a straightforward approach.

Reasons for quitting a job: a list of the most common ones

1.Changes in the Organization
2.Restructuring and layoffs at the company are taking place.
3.Layoffs in a given department as a consequence of organizational changes.
4.A reduction in the number of employees
5.Change in work description, as well as a lack of enthusiasm
6.The corporation made the decision to outsource the job title in this instance.
7.In the course of yearly budgeting, you may find yourself laid off or fired for “good cause.”
8.Individual Motives
9.After a number of years in the same position, you feel the desire to change.
10.Due to familial obligations, I must migrate.
11.Because of spousal considerations, you must migrate.

12.The desire to retire is strong. Alternatively, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is important.
13.Looking for part-time or contract job since I want to travel full-time and don’t want to work full-time.
14.Searching for a job with a more flexible work schedule and hours.
15.Becoming a newlywed and reevaluating one’s professional options.
16.Aiming for a Promotion
17.Making the decision to alter one’s job and one’s life path.
18.After many years of work, I was looking for a new challenge.
19.To get experience in different kinds of work and functional domains.
20.The reason for leaving is a higher pay or better perks.
21.In the event that you work part-time, you may be given a permanent employment.
22.A seasonal employment being presented a full-time position when it is not.
23.Seeking professional development and advancement.
24.Employer that offers a position that better corresponds with your professional objectives.
25.seeking to fill a position that has become available
26.A greater chance to progress in certain talents and abilities.
27.Re-entry into the educational environment
28.Intentionally pursuing an MBA after a break from education.
29.Wishing to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in order to further advance in life.


–Pregnant women who are unable to leave their homes due to an approaching delivery.
–Requiring a period of recuperation at home after childbirth or pregnancy
–Concerning the Work Environment
–A sense of unethical behavior in the workplace
–You have a sense that you are being treated unfairly in your job.
–Business management has left me dissatisfied.
–wanting to change jobs inside a company
–General work unhappiness was the reason for my departure.
–As a result of the long commute to work, I’m quitting.
–Workplace that is unfriendly to employees
–There is no possibility of advancing from part-time to full-time employment position.
–Lifting big stuff is now impossible.

Questions Concerning Family and Health

–Personally, I needed to concentrate on my health, and I did just that!
–It was necessary to concentrate on family health issues.
–It was necessary to concentrate on parental health issues.
–It is preferable to provide reasons for quitting a job if those reasons are supported by evidence rather than detailed explanations.


 Every single one of the good reasons listed above will be seen as professional and polite by both the potential employer and the existing employer.



Reasons to Refuse a Job Application That Are Valid

When asked “Why did you quit your former employment?” on a job application, it is appropriate to provide one of the following reasons: Remember to cite the same reason for leaving a former post on your job application as you did on your previous position while seeking employment. When a job interviewer inquires about a position, a cover letter and job application are examples of what is meant.



Reasons for quitting a job: a list of the most common ones

As well as situations in which a job applicant provides several justifications that do not fit with at least two of these job application resources. Afterwards, when the hiring manager inquires about the applicant’s past work history and receives an unexpected response, the employee is seen as unreliable.



An Illustration of a Negative Justification
A few instances of poor responses to job interview questions are shown below. A negative justification for quitting one’s existing work, on the other hand (an upcoming previous job).

To follow such interests, one must first find a “dream job.”
Working circumstances are a source of dissatisfaction for him.
Being dissatisfied with how one’s job is being carried out
The work environment does not meet my expectations.
Supervisor, boss, or management has made you feel uneasy.
Any legal issues, such as a DUI or other legal issues


We are in the process of filing for bankruptcy and must dedicate our attention to that process.
Listed below are a few unfavorable reasons for quitting a present job. While they may seem to be legitimate to the job seeker, it is advisable not to discuss these personal facts with the potential employer. As a result, they demonstrate variances in business culture as well as disparities in staff.

An often-made misconception among job searchers is to assume that quitting a job because of a “loss of enthusiasm” is a terrible reason to quit. When asked why they left, it’s not a poor response to respond that they left because they didn’t have any enthusiasm for their jobs.

That which Should You and Shouldn’t You Say or Do?

You have grasped the most frequent and reasonable reasons for individuals to leave their professions. Now it’s your turn. In the next section, you will find a list of various things that you should not say or do when discussing reasons for quitting a job, since you may end up getting on the wrong side of your interviewer.


External influences are to be blamed;

Consider the following scenario: you had a disagreement with a coworker.
Bring up the subject on your own;
Make the impression of being impetuous and uncertain;
Everything should be for profit.
Hesitate while you’re speaking;
Speak poorly of your employer, your supervisor, or your coworkers; and
Don’t be specific.
External causes are to blame.


It is not acceptable to completely exonerate yourself of all responsibility and place the blame on external sources if you were fired or had a disagreement with your supervisor that resulted in your quitting the job. You are not required to accept full responsibility, but you must acknowledge and accept responsibility for the activities for which you are liable. It is possible that claiming “I was not at blame” is more damaging than declaring “everything was my fault.”



Strike a balance and accept personal responsibility for the things you did, while also communicating the lessons you learnt as a result of your actions. Getting a job might be difficult if you come across as stubborn or unable to accept responsibility and learn from your mistakes.



Assume you had a disagreement with a coworker.

When it comes to professional affairs, it is not unusual for individuals to differ. In every business, it is possible to be dismissed or to have a professional dispute with your coworkers. When you say, on the other hand, that you experienced discord on an individual level, it does not reflect well on you. They may have reservations about your capacity to work well with other workers at their organization.

Bring the subject up on your own.

Do not bring it up until they specifically ask for your reasoning. You are under no obligation to disclose your motivations until you are specifically requested to do so.

In the event that you feel the need to explain yourself, come up with some spontaneous methods to do so. When asked to speak about yourself, you might go on and on about all of the significant professional shifts or life events that have occurred.

Make yourself seem impetuous and indecisive.

Employers are looking for evidence of commitment and devotion. If you come across as someone who has chosen to quit their work and is unsure of what you want to do next, they may conclude that you are incompetent to make a meaningful contribution to their firm.

As a result, once you resign, are fired, or are laid off, take some time to reflect on your career and figure out what you want to do next, where you want to go, and how you want to get there.

Make money from everything and anything.

If you left your prior work because you want a greater salary, do not indicate this as the only reason for your departure. Describe how your talents and expertise will assist the company in addition to stating your qualifications.

When speaking, pause for a moment.

It is possible that you may seem to be dishonest or lacking self-confidence if you hesitate while telling the interviewer why you are leaving your current work. Both of these situations are damaging to your prospects of finding a new position. As a result, after you have carefully formulated your argument, it is important to rehearse it multiple times, either by recording yourself or by repeating it in front of a mirror to yourself.



You are not need to remember your arguments word by word. Try to seem confident while being cool and collected during the conversation.

Make disparaging remarks about your employer, your supervisor, or your coworkers

The practice of badmouthing is widely and sensibly discouraged in interviews since interviewers may interpret it as a reflection of your personality and capacity to accept responsibility. They may believe that you would handle their firm in the same manner, and this might be detrimental to their reputation if you do so.


You must take responsibility for your actions, and even if there was no error on your part, you must never talk poorly of your employer, your supervisor, or even your coworkers.

Don’t be ambiguous.

It is critical that you be specific and open about your reasons for leaving your work. In the event that you have been laid off or fired, this is very important. Your interviewer may be suspicious of you if you use imprecise terminology such as “I was let go,” since it may cause them to wonder a variety of things.


If you are straightforward and transparent about being fired or laid off, it develops a feeling of trust in the other party and may make the process go more smoothly and efficiently.

Suggestions for a Variety of Situations

You may decide to leave for a variety of reasons and under a variety of conditions. Let’s have a look at some tips to keep in mind for a variety of situations, such as:

When You Have Been Fired From Your Job
When you resign after being fired, you are considered to have resigned.
When You Have Been Fired From Your Job


The fundamental distinction between being laid off and being fired is that the former is often the result of the employer’s negligence, while the latter is the result of the employee’s misconduct. Layoffs are situational, as a result of the constantly shifting economic climate and trends.



You should make certain that you express the facts simply and accurately. Avoid expressing your feelings or expressing your opinions; instead, be as neutral as possible. Do not express hatred or hostility against your organization or its constituents, which may include your employer. First, say something along the lines of the following suggestions to get the conversation started:


“The organization’s structure is shifting, which has had an impact on my employment position.”
“The organizational changes resulted in an inadequate workload, which caused you to be unable to fulfill your tasks and obligations.”

The majority of the time, layoffs are unavoidable occurrences that companies are cognizant of and will show their understanding for. You should be able to articulate your ideas properly if you keep the following tips in mind:


“Because I was unable to be completely absorbed in the product at all times, it was difficult to communicate the product’s worth to potential customers. “I recognized that this was not a good job for me and that my true interests lay with your company’s product or aims,” I said.
As a result, I was unable to perform the job’s duties since I lacked the necessary skills and knowledge. As a result, I’m seeking for possibilities that will allow me to maximize my potential and talents.

When You Decide to Give Up

There are a variety of reasons that might lead you to leave your work, but some ones are more appealing to most employers than others. After careful thinking, assume you have politely resigned from your position. Make sure you reveal facts that your former employer would agree with if they were to do a fact-check on your resignation. Although it is rare for such inspections to take place, it is wise to be prepared in case they do.



As an alternative to utilizing words such as “quit,” you may want to explore verbalizing in the following ways.

“I chose to leave the organization on my own initiative.”
“I had to quit because…”
“I wanted to explore different options.” says the author.


Even if you quit as a result of disagreements or professional dissension, it is preferable not to place the blame on the firm or your employer since it reflects negatively on your character.

When You Have Been Fired First and foremost, the organization has standards in place addressing the sharing of information when an employee has been terminated from their position. Consult with your Human Resources manager if you have any questions about these policies. Make certain that you understand what you are permitted to disclose to your recruiter about your past employer, since a breach of these restrictions may result in monetary penalties.



Take on responsibility while avoiding taking on too much of the same in return. Try to strike a balance between taking responsibility for your acts and clearing the air about your abilities.

To add a footnote, I’ve experimented with and tested a variety of items and services to alleviate my anxiety and sadness. You may find my top suggestions here, as well as a complete list of all the goods and services our team has evaluated for a variety of mental health disorders and general well-being in this section.




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