Knowing Love Types And How To Love Your Mate

Knowing Love Types And How To Love Your Mate

Knowing Love Types And How To Love Your Mate

Knowing Love Types And How To Love Your Mate

When it comes to love, there are seven distinct sorts that have a huge impact on how we live our lives and how we connect to the important people in our lives. 



While we usually only think of one sort of love, the love we feel for a significant other, there are many more types of love that are as vital in our lives as the first. In the absence of all of them, you may have deficits in your life, but you may take steps to remedy this situation.



With a greater awareness of the many types of love, you will be able to identify areas in your relationship that might need some improvement. The happiest and most successful couples are where they are because they recognize that love is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. “True love” is made up of many various forms of affection, and when they are all functioning together, couples reap the benefits to a large extent. 



Understanding these different types of love can help you identify areas in which you and your partner are succeeding as well as places where you and your partner may need some improvement.




Understanding the Different Kinds of Love



This is, without a doubt, the most vital sort of love that exists. Without self-esteem, self-confidence, and believe in oneself, it is practically hard to sincerely love someone else. 


This is where you should start, and it is incredibly crucial for your general health and well-being to do so.

It entails having a realistic perception of your own significance, ability, and social standing, among other things. It implies that you have faith in yourself and your capacity to achieve goals, but that you do not see yourself as superior to or better than others.




If you are having difficulties with self-love, it will result in poor self-esteem. This suggests that you have a bad view of yourself, which leads you to believe that others have a negative view of you as well. Being in a relationship with someone else becomes challenging because you will continue to project your bad self-image onto them.



 Example: Though you dislike your appearance, you may have a persistent belief that others dislike your appearance as well, even if this is absolutely wrong.




Practical Love-Pragma 

There’s a good reason why this term makes you think of the word ‘pragmatic.’ In reality, it’s about practical love. Love grows or arises as a result of the comfort it provides. 



You may experience a Pragma kind of love for someone that you’ve spent a lot of time with and who shares your aims, has comparable or preferable characteristics, or is otherwise very compatible with you.

When couples are brought together in an arranged marriage, they may grow to care for one another, but they may not necessarily fall into the category of what we would consider “normal” love.



This is an essential kind of love that may assist couples in through challenging circumstances. In many cases, partners may state that they ‘simply don’t love one other anymore.’ In actuality, many of these couples no longer have anything in common with one another since they haven’t put out any effort to maintain that commonality alive in their marriage. They have allowed themselves to become more distant from one another.



Love-Ludus who hasn’t made up her mind


You’re having a bit more fun when you’re in this form of love. It’s more about going out there and having fun with a companion than it is about seeking for something too serious. 



Non-committal flirting, seduction, or anything else is permitted. Whether it’s a one-night stand or a short-term relationship, you’re wanting to spend some time with someone for a limited amount of time. It will be absolutely up to you, but both parties must be well aware of what they are putting themselves into.



This has the potential to develop into something bigger, but this does not imply that it will. This might be troublesome if one person’s emotions are continuing to build while the other’s sentiments are ceasing.



Love-Agape is a universal concept.

Love for the people in your life, the people in your environment, your deity, or even simply the people who exist (even those you don’t know) is referred to as universal love. It’s not the same as the feelings you have for your friends and family members.



 It’s not even close to the feelings you have for the short-term relationships we just discussed. Instead, it is an altruistic form of love that motivates you to do things for other people only for the sake of assisting those individuals in need. It’s about doing something kind for someone else and just taking pleasure in what you can do for them.





Storge of Love in the Family


The affection you have for your family is also a significant component of your entire state of mind. It is a kind of love that is based only on the fact that you are acquainted with the person or that you are reliant on them. It has absolutely nothing to do with their characteristics (whether they positive or negative), their general demeanor, or anything else about them that is known. 



They are the reason why you feel the way you do. In addition, there is a kind of love that is really vital to receive, and it occurs naturally. We get a sense of it instinctively, without ever having to work for it.

However, you must be careful not to allow your relationship to deteriorate to the point where this is the only kind of love you can sustain.

Knowing Love Types And How To Love Your Mate


That it might have prompted you to think of Philadelphia, and you would be correct. It is known as the “City of Brotherly Love.”

You value the affection you have for your pals as well. 





You have individuals in your life who you are connected to and who care about you. A special kind of love that goes along with this is quite essential since it demonstrates that you have a high degree of camaraderie and trust with this individual. It’s a gesture of kindness as well as a demonstration of your deep affection for this individual. 




This kind of love will not be shown to just any friend, but rather to people who are close to you and who have a lot in common with you in many areas. It’s also a vital part of long-term relationships to have mutual respect.





Numerous individuals are unaware of the significance of this kind of love in a marriage or in a long-term relationship. Those couples who have been together for years and are still extremely close are likely to be strong in this area, as shown by the fact that they have been together for a long time.




 The long-term success of a relationship is ensured by couples who like conducting hobbies and activities together and who enjoy being friends as well as lovers.






Eros is a passionate lover.


Despite the fact that we often associate passion with sexuality, this kind of love is not just about sex. However, it is not only about having a powerful form of love for another person that has a sexual component to it. It is possible to fall in love with someone blindly, to be overwhelmed by their affection, and to be without regard for their judgment. 




Someone who is in passionate love may be completely unconcerned with their partner’s flaws, yet it may also be a very crucial kind of love in one’s life, as described above.

You may find yourself in relationships that you do not want to be in if you do not exercise caution and pursue this kind of passion. It is crucial for long-term partnerships to have passionate love; but, a relationship cannot be built only on passion.





Strong relationships need a mixture of factors.

Relationships that are able to withstand the test of time do so because they combine many types of love. Happy couples don’t have relationships that are just based on love, pragmatism, or friendship; instead, they have relationships that are based on all three. 



Instead, couples who are content with one another may draw on a variety of different forms of love to help them remain together. 




There are instances when one of them may be a bit more powerful than the rest.

Seeing older folks who have been married for decades upon decades does not imply that they have the ideal marriage. 




Due to the realization that marriage and relationships are difficult, but they were determined not to give up. You will also discover that they have things in common, things they love doing together, and that they are supportive of one another in the other parts of their lives..






Having a Hard Time With Love

If you are having difficulty feeling love with any partner, whether sexual or otherwise, you should seek the assistance of a mental health expert. They will be able to assist you with anything that you may be experiencing, whether it is trouble with a mental condition (such as anxiety or depression) or any other questions that you may have.




 Learning about love, how to express it, and how to accept it is a crucial aspect of your life, and it is something for which you should seek professional assistance if you are having difficulty.






If you find yourself in a difficult relationship, this does not necessarily imply that it is time to end it. No relationship is flawless, and in order to survive the test of time, you must learn how to navigate through the many phases of love and develop as a result.





If you have an internet connection, you will be able to connect with a professional from almost any location. You go in and set up your account, and then you may pick the expert with whom you want to speak, ensuring that you speak with someone with whom you are most comfortable, regardless of where they are situated.



You’ll feel better as a result, and you’ll be more willing to open up. What’s more, you won’t have any trouble getting in contact with them no matter what the weather is like or where you are. Your appointments will always be able to take place.

The eight varieties of love are as follows:

Eight types of love may be found in a relationship:

Brotherly love, for example, is an example of philia, which is affectionate love between friends or family members that does not include romantic desire.



Long-lasting affection, according to the dictum of Pragma
For example, the unconditional love between parents and children is a kind of Storge-Familiar love.



Eros-Eros, often known as the Greek god of love, is the romantic love that exists between two people in a relationship.



It’s a lighthearted love affair between Ludus and Ludus. Ludus playful love is characterized by teasing, flirting, and other uncommitted acts.
Obsessive love between two people who are maniacal about each other.



Philippia is a Greek word that means “love for oneself.”
Love that is unselfish is known as agape love.
According to Gary Chapman, the five love languages are words of affirmation, spending quality time with one another, receiving gift(s), acts of service(s), and physical contact (touching someone). People’s relationships with their spouses, families, friends, and other loved ones will improve as a result of learning these love languages, which are applicable to all sorts of love. 



In knowing that each person has their own set of love languages, the 5 Love Languages may assist enhance these relationships by recognizing that each person receives love from others in a different way. Being aware of one’s love languages may help one’s relationships significantly.



What is the purest kind of love there may possibly be?

Philia is the purest and most perfect expression of love. This is due to the fact that, unlike eros and agape, it is a two-way loving love. 



philia is related with the eternal and mutually reciprocal love that exists between family members, friends, or other loved ones. It is believed that Eros is the god of love, and that he is related with the experience of falling in love that is not always reciprocated and that frequently fades with time. 



In the Greek language, agape means unselfish love for others, which is not always returned. Through Christianity, agape love is connected with God’s love for mankind, and it is not a type of love that can be returned or made available in human interactions.



The three stages of love are as follows: 

It is possible to experience three different degrees of love:



One’s personal needs always come first in a self-centered love relationship.


Relationships that are subject to conditions are known as conditional love.


If you are in love with someone, you should put their needs first. This is especially true in romantic relationships and familial relationships.
Is there a name for God’s love?



When it comes to Christianity, God’s love is known as agape love, which refers to God’s covenant-based, unconditional love for humankind.



Are feelings of admiration more powerful than feelings of romantic love?



‘Adore’ is thought to be more powerful than love, yet it is also considered to be fleeting and unreliable. When it comes to the long term, the word love, such as unconditional love, is considerably more powerful than “adoring.” It is also more sustainable and has the potential to endure an eternity. “Adoring” is not a long-term strategy..




How many times have you fallen in love?

An individual’s life is believed to have three periods of falling in love. Most people fall in love for the first time during their senior year of high school or early in their college career. Often referred to as “puppy love,” it is a short-lived relationship that introduces a person to love for the first time.



Afterwards, there’s “hard love,” which occurs later in life and involves falling in love and experiencing genuine heartache when it doesn’t pan out. The third time you fall in love is generally the one that leads to a lifetime of happiness and affection.



Knowing Love Types And How To Love Your Mate