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Keeping Him Engaged While Texting: 9 Tips

Keeping Him Engaged While Texting: 9 Tips

It’s exciting to meet a new person, and you want to continue getting to know him more and better. Even if you’ve just gone on one or two dates, it’s still important to take use of texting to your benefit.




 It’s a great method to discover more about someone, and you can utilize it to help the relationship go further as well. 



Is there anything you can do when a man doesn’t seem to be participating in discussion via text messaging, though? What strategies do you use to persuade him to pay attention and remain interested?

Examine this collection of texting tips for guys, which was put together for your convenience. It is likely that you will find these nine discussion starters to be really beneficial. 



Hopefully, you will be able to employ a mix of many of these strategies to assist keep your writings interesting and interesting. It goes without saying that this advise will be very beneficial if you are hoping to create a long-term connection with this man. 



Read over all of the numerous options available to you and then pick how you want to proceed.



Make a cheerful disposition.

Remember that while you’re messaging a man you like, it’s crucial to have a positive attitude and to avoid being negative. You should never be ashamed of your emotions, even if it means being honest with others. However, you shouldn’t send low-energy messages all of the time if you’re having a bad day. 



It’s important to note that the messages you’ve been sending haven’t been that engaging if you want tips on how to keep him interested. Make an effort to be lighthearted and upbeat so that your good vibes will spread to him. This means that he should answer in like by sending a text.



Talking on enjoyable or good topics helps to direct the conversation in the direction you want. Some individuals find it difficult to learn how to steer a discussion using text messaging. 


In contrast to when you are conversing with someone in person, you will not be judging their body language while you are online. 


With your words, you must strive to be entertaining and to express your individuality. Using emoticons or GIFs to add a little flair to text messages is something that some people choose to do. Over time, you will be able to establish your own personal style that suits you.


2. Talk about things you both have in common.

It will be quite effective to talk about common interests with him in order to keep him engaged in the discussion..


 Do you listen to music that is comparable to each other’s preferences? Perhaps you begin to discuss the new music that you have been listening to nonstop. A wonderful technique to connect with someone is to chat about their favorite TV series or anything similar. 



Some may consider this to be a filler talk, yet it is an excellent technique to hold people’s attention. When it comes to texting, it doesn’t always have to be about your relationship. 



It’s OK to have a nice time and enjoy some laughs with your partner while chatting about something that both of you are interested in learning more about.



For those in new relationships who aren’t sure whether or not they have similar interests, it is possible to discover common ground. Find out what music and movies he enjoys watching most.


 The two of you will ultimately discover areas in which your interests are similar, and you can then begin discussing them.



 Increased opportunities to interact with him will help him stay engaged in the topic, and while discussing his favorite subjects, he should be more engaged in the conversation as well. 



Alternatively, you may express an interest in topics that he enjoys that you aren’t acquainted with; however, this should come from a genuine place if you want to go down that path.



3) Inquire about amusing things.

A great method to get to know a person is by asking him some amusing questions. 


Finding out about someone’s characteristics may be a thrilling experience in new partnerships. In order to get to know him better, there are several questions you may ask. 


Making a simple texting game out of it, in which you exchange questions back and forth, may be entertaining. Depending on how far you want to take things, it may even get a little flirtatious.



 It is common for couples to enjoy the “getting to know each other” stage of a relationship. Ask inquiries that will help you to discover more about each other’s personalities and encourage him to learn more about you.






4. Make Him Feel As Though He Is Important

It would also be beneficial to make him feel important. Texts that confirm your feelings for him might be sent to let him know that you appreciate him and that he means something to you.



 Simply sending a goodnight text may go a long way toward making a man feel loved and cherished. When you know he’ll be working or that he has an exam at college, you may send him encouraging SMS. These tiny gestures might assist to maintain his interest in what he is doing with you and keep him interested in himself.




Likewise, it is beneficial to inform him when you are thinking about him. It’s okay to tell him when you’re missing him if you’re already in a love relationship with someone. When you acknowledge your emotions, it may make you feel vulnerable, but being honest is critical if you want to take your relationship to the next level.





 It is likely that he will appreciate how you are making him feel if he feels the same way. His time is appreciated, and you express your appreciation by expressing your want to see him again in the future.

Keeping Him Engaged While Texting: 9 Tips

When it’s necessary, give him a little of space.

Overtexting someone is not a good thing in any situation. Because you may be a heavy texter, you may send more text messages than this man is capable of dealing with. 




Some guys are not as interested in exchanging text messages as others in exchanging text messages back and forth. He may be preoccupied with work, and he may be too exhausted to send many texts when he returns home from work. 




It’s possible that this is the case, and you should contact him less often than you would normally do. Not wanting him to think you’re overpowering or anything like that is your goal.




Additionally, texting all of the time is not required for a successful relationship.. In spite of the fact that you are dating, there may be days when your partner prefers to spend time with his friends or family.




 There are those couples that communicate by text message on a daily basis without missing a beat, and it seems quite normal. It remains to be seen what will come naturally for you and your boyfriend. 




However, if he does not want to text all of the time, do not attempt to coerce him. You’ll end up having the polar opposite impact of what you were attempting to do. However, depending on the scenario, it may be necessary to exercise some restraint while messaging a female you are interested in.



Maintain a low-key attitude toward conflict and drama.

Individuals that are too theatrical are few and far between. Getting sad and then lashing out on the phone might be a sign of something more serious happening. 



Everyone has emotions, and you shouldn’t attempt to hide or ignore your feelings regarding certain situations or individuals. In spite of this, having your relationship’s turmoil play out over text texts is not healthy. If at all possible, try to make SMS messages lighthearted and upbeat. If you have some severe concerns that need to be handled, it could be best to go ahead and do so..



The worst kind of fight is one over a text message. Texting might make it much more difficult to come to a decision since it is more immediate. You should tell him that you will speak about it later and then go on to something else if you suspect a quarrel is on the horizon.




 The messaging area will be more beneficial to your developing connection if it remains something you both look forward to.






Making plans with a group is a great idea!

Planning for the future is another effective strategy for maintaining his attention. Making plans for future dates or getting together to hang out may be done by texting back and forth. 




Communicate your excitement for seeing him, and build up the anticipation for your meeting with him. Also, he’ll look forward to seeing you more as a result of this. Depending on the sort of dates you’re interested in going on, you should be able to come up with some entertaining activities..




8.Never be afraid to flirt with someone new. 

Texting him and flirting with him is something that will maintain his attention. Text messages are a popular way for many individuals to flirt with their potential partners. In some cases, this may indicate that you’re just giving him nice compliments, while in other cases it could mean sending him something a little more risqué. 




Your willingness to flirt with this person through text messages will depend on how far your relationship has progressed. It’s possible that your chats may begin with a naturally flirty tone if you’re romantically interested in him.




9.Photographs are being sent.

In addition to sending images, texting your partner may be a fun method to interact with him. Sending him a photo of yourself when you believe you’re looking cute isn’t required; but, sending him a photo of yourself when you think you’re looking attractive is encouraged. His response will almost certainly include photos, which he will sometimes send you. 




A great method to generate excitement for your next dates is to play a game with your friends. You’re both attracted to one other, and you have the option of participating in a fun and flirtatious photo exchange if you so choose. 


Just remember to keep things appropriate, and that sending sexual photographs is not a good idea, particularly if you haven’t been dating this guy for very long.




Relationship counseling through the internet may also be beneficial.

In the event that you’re dating this man and don’t seem to have fantastic communication abilities, you might seek assistance. 


Online relationship therapy may be able to provide you with some aid in this regard. Using the services of a counselor like this, you and your lover may work together to improve your communication skills. 


Any lingering difficulties that may be preventing your relationship from progressing to the next level will be addressed by your online counselor. 


The fact that a professional can collaborate with you whenever you have spare time eliminates the need to confront the challenges alone.

Keeping Him Engaged While Texting 9 Tips


Over text, how can you maintain a guy’s attention?

In order to keep a man engaged in your text discussions, you should cultivate a comfortable give-and-take style in your texts.

To begin, show him that you are interested in him and his hobbies, preferences, and activities by expressing your interest in them.


 Listening is an important talent that allows individuals to feel cared for and valued when they are being heard. Waiting for him to answer, paying attention to what he sends, and responding in a kind manner are all methods to listen over text messages. 


The problem is that you need something to listen to before you can really listen to yourself. Inquire about his preferences by asking inquiries. Take, for example, the phrase “I was jamming out to song x at that point. Does it appeal to you?” 


Another option is to ask, “How do you think our football team has performed so far this season?” In the next text message, let him know you were listening by stating something quick regarding what he just stated. A simple query may be asked if you’re not sure what you’re looking at.


After that, tell him a little about yourself and what you like doing in your spare time. Instead of writing him a huge, multi-page text, write him a few lines on anything you find interesting. Take the example of “I attended x concert last night and it was a fantastic performance,” for instance. 


Then you should wait for him to respond by text before bringing it up again in conversation. If he wants to know more, you’ll be able to tell when he discusses it in another piece of writing. He may have read and considered what you said, even if he doesn’t seem to have taken attention of what you said. 


Because he now knows more about you, you become more honest and comprehensible in his eyes.

Make sure you don’t dominate the text chat in order to make it light-hearted. 


To assist him in playing an equal role, you may wait for him to react before responding pertinent questions or providing observations on what he has said. Maintain a pleasant and happy attitude by avoiding fights and critiques.


 Maintaining your composure is also essential throughout this time. The phrases you choose and how quickly you send texts may indicate that you aren’t completely at ease, even if texting does not reveal your muscular tension or body language. 


However, don’t be concerned. Instead, experiment with some relaxation methods. Allow yourself to take a few deep breaths, relax, and enjoy your text chat.


When you aren’t texting, you may improve your self-esteem, which will benefit all of your text chats as well. 


When you feel good about yourself, people are more inclined to feel the same way about you. Because your self-esteem is not dependent on your ability to connect with this particular person, you will not come off as desperate or needy. In working with a therapist, you might learn how to improve your self-esteem and begin to feel whole in your own body.


While messaging, how can you tell whether a man likes you?

If you rely just on text messages to determine if a man likes you, you may miss out on some important information. 


For example, if a man likes you, he’s more likely to reply to your messages and requests. It’s an even more certain indicator that he’s interested in you if he answers by asking you personal questions about yourself. Whenever a man starts a text, even if it’s only to share a joke or a hilarious meme, it indicates that he is at the very least interested enough in you to communicate with you by text. In some way, he’s looking for you, whether as a buddy or as something more serious.


In response to input from men on a Reddit topic, Elite Daily identified some signs that a man could be interested in you and shared them with their readers.

They get enmeshed in a continual stream of communication with one another.


Instantaneously, he replies to your message.

Regular messaging and a flirtatious attitude are signs that he is interested in you.
He attempts to engage you in a lengthy chat on an almost daily basis.
Even if he isn’t rushing to finish the discussion, he seems to be making an effort in this regard.


Is it OK for men to begin texting conversations?

Having a text conversation is something that both men and women may do for a variety of reasons. Females, like men, are equally appreciative of getting an SMS.


Receiving SMS is something that most women and girls appreciate. Even if you are more engaged in the physical parts of the relationship, there is a strong probability that she is a very talkative person. 


Females are often interested in learning about your personality, who you are, and whether or not you are secure and self-assured in your own abilities. There is absolutely no reason why a man cannot be the one to initiate texting first, and there is absolutely no reason why he should not.



In the event that a man is interested in you, how often should he contact you through text?


The frequency with which a man should text you when he is interested in you is not something that can be determined with certainty. Making that expectation of him might make it more difficult to establish any kind of relationship with him. 


Please keep in mind that not everyone enjoys sending text messages. The ease with which words alone might be misunderstood over text is a source of irritation for certain individuals.


 Others might prefer to speak with you on the phone or in person rather than over email. As well as this, some individuals believe that speaking in person is more enjoyable and thrilling. As a result, the first step is to get to know him in a manner that is both comfortable for him and comfortable enough for you to be with him.


Typically, if a man loves you and doesn’t mind messaging you, he will text you at least three times every day for the rest of his life. 


They will text you a good morning message, a good night message, and another text message at some point throughout the day to wish you a happy morning and good night. 


Yet again, insisting that he messages you a certain amount of times throughout the course of each day is counterproductive. Opt instead for a relaxed approach that includes occasional outreach and a courteous response when he texts.


Does it make a difference to males if women text them first?

Yes. It is generally accepted that most men like it when women initiate contact through text message. In the end, males are human, just like girls, and people are driven by a need to be acknowledged. Typically, when a guy receives the first text from a lady, he believes she appreciates him and believes he is valuable. 


Aside from that, many men are dissatisfied with the traditional dating guidelines, which state that men should start all contact with females.


 The task of complying with this regulation falls on their shoulders, and it implies that they must assume any risks associated with the connection. To summarize: most males, just like most ladies, prefer to receive a text message before responding to one.


Keeping Him Engaged While Texting 9 Tips


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