Is Parallel Parenting Right For Me?
Separation or divorce may be a life-altering event that is both emotionally and physically exhausting. There is a shift in the daily routine, and some couples do better than others in adjusting to the new reality.
Adopting a new method of doing things cannot be simple. It will take time. It is now my responsibility to pick up the kids from school, prepare supper, and clean the home. This requires more preparation.
When two families are combined instead of one, everything may fall into place.
The ability to manage your schedules so that you may effortlessly split parenting tasks is something you possess. Although this is often the case, it is not always the case.
Acrimony, anger, and stress may derail even the most well laid out plans. It’s usually a good idea to start with divorce therapy. It may assist in easing the transition from married to divorced status as well as providing remedies for conflict and rage.
It is hard to go through a divorce, and when tempers boil, children are the ones who suffer most.
A lot of conflict is centered on children, and sometimes the children are the ones doing the arguing and avoiding. When a couple is going through a divorce, the most difficult choice they must make is who will have custody of the children.
It is not a simple thing to negotiate custody arrangements after a particularly unpleasant divorce.
Conflict is reduced and the most amicable solution is provided by the greatest option for any family going through a divorce. When it comes to parenting, parallel parenting may be the greatest option for one family but not for another.
There are advantages and disadvantages to this parenting arrangement, just as there are to other custody arrangements. Parallel parenting, on the other hand, is often the only choice, and in certain situations, it is even mandated by the court system in certain circumstances.
What Is Parallel Parenting and How Does It Benefit Your Children?
Separate houses, shared custody, and parenting with the least amount of interaction between the parents are all part of this style of parenthood.
A parenting coordinator/mediator/court-appointed third party will most likely be appointed to assist the couple in setting ground rules and negotiating amongst themselves if difficulties develop.
Each parent is responsible for their own household, which is independent and different from the other parent’s home. Parents’ disagreements may be reduced as a result of this. However, although this may seem to be the ideal situation for the parents, it may not be the greatest situation for the kid (ren).
When amiable conduct is not an option, this kind of parenting may be challenging, but it may be the only way to go ahead in certain situations.
Parents that follow the rules, pick up and drop off their children at predetermined times, and meet with the parenting coordinator to resolve disagreements will find success with this method of child rearing. While caring for the kid, this kind of parenting allows each parent to have influence over how the child is brought up.
Explaining the Process of Parallel Parenting
Keeping the peace is the most important aspect of this parenting method. Face-to-face contact with the parents is almost non-existent, since almost all communication is done through email or via a mediator.
Arrangements are made for the time of pick-up and drop-off. Once the timings have been agreed upon, both parties are required to adhere to the schedules.
The kid’s diet, clothing, and activities will be controlled by each parent while the child is in the care of that parent, as explained above. It is necessary to arrange with the mediator any special events or other activities that both parents may like to have a voice in.
Although separate norms of conduct are established, it would be great if they were all agreed upon by all parties in attendance. In order to meet the needs of each family, parallel guardianship might be designed.
In order to ensure fair and sensible results, the parenting coordinator will do their best efforts. It is addressed with the organizer if certain couples are adamant about having no face-to-face contact and whether other couples are more flexible.
It’s All About the Child
The mental well-being of the kid is the primary concern of parents and courts. Parallel parenting is intended to guarantee that every kid of divorce may have a good connection with each parent. Here is a summary of the several reasons why a couple could choose this method of parenting:
The youngster gets caught in the midst of a heated argument between his or her parents.
Parental conflict makes it hard for each parent to have a meaningful parental bond with their kid owing to intervention from the other parent.
In order to prevent a youngster from being exposed to family strife,
Parents are unable to get along with one another.
A protective order has been issued against one or both parents.
To reduce or eliminate the need for parents to meet face-to-face in order to manage conflict.
Parents are unable to get along and make choices jointly on fundamental aspects of parenting.
The Effects of Divorce on Children
Parallel parenting is meant to lessen conflict between parents, hence reducing the influence on the well-being of the child(ren) involved. In high-conflict divorces, choosing a parenting arrangement other than this kind of parenting might have a significant impact on the child(rensocial )’s and academic success.
While the impact of divorce may differ from kid to child, it is usual to notice a fall in academic achievement during a divorce. This is primarily due to the fact that I am distracted by conflict and struggle at home.
Other typical impacts of divorce on children include a decrease in the child’s ability to engage with others. Children may begin to withdraw from their peers and lose interest in activities that they used to like. They may also begin to have trouble connecting to people and may begin to shun social engagement completely.
A divorce accompanied by parental disagreement may also have an influence on a child’s cognitive functioning. As a consequence of having trouble digesting their feelings, children may become emotionally sensitive.
Excessive rage and irritation may be shown as a result. It’s also vital to recognize that a divorce characterized by excessive tension between parents and the absence of parallel parenting may have a physical effect on the kid involved (ren).
The physical consequences of divorce are often the result of participating in harmful or dangerous conduct, such as drug and alcohol usage or having sex. Additionally, the physical effects of divorce may express themselves in other ways, such as being sick more often, recovering from sickness more slowly, or even having difficulties sleeping.
Parental Behaviour That Should Be Expected
This may seem like an unimportant matter, but for many people, a divorce scenario combined with shared parenting may result in explosive emotions that are harmful to the kid, even if the child is not directly engaged in the conflict.
The following is a list of actions that are frequently predicted when parallel parenting plans are in effect. It is intended to assist parents in maintaining control over their urges and adhering to the plan.
Parents agree to detach and minimize face-to-face interaction with their children.
A parenting schedule devised by a mediator with involvement from both parents is established. Both parents agree to adhere to the timetable and anticipate that there will be no flexibility in scheduling in order to minimize conflict.
A single point of the timetable is left to chance; every item has been thought out and agreed upon, leaving no space for disagreement.
If a disagreement arises, both parents should seek the assistance of a mediator to resolve the situation. Face-to-face engagement is not permitted. This includes making angry phone calls or complaining in front of the child(ren) for whatever cause.
Both parents agree that they will parent separately. This implies that each parent is responsible for finding out about special occasions, school grades, and other significant events from the school or the kid. Neither parent is responsible for notifying the other.
Parents agree to split crucial care choices before they need to be made. For example, one parent may be in charge of health-related choices while the other is in charge of educational ones. Both parties agree to communicate with one another in the event of an emergency.
When a face-to-face scenario develops, both parents should conduct themselves in a businesslike manner, without squabbling.
If a face-to-face meeting is essential, it should take place during business hours rather than after, and it should last no more than 30 minutes.
Do not divulge details of your personal life. Maintain a clear line of demarcation between you and others to prevent conflict or damaged emotions.
Parents are unanimous in their belief that all communications should be conducted through email, rather than via texting, phone conversations, or face-to-face engagement. There will be occasions when parents will need to communicate, and email is the most effective method of avoiding confrontation.
Drop-offs and pick-ups should take place in a public area in order to minimize confrontation.
Both parents agree not to instruct each other how to parent, to keep to the choices that have been given to them, and to not be concerned about the decisions of the other parent.
If there are major concerns that develop and it becomes almost hard to stay objective in the face of the other parent’s actions, it is best to seek a resolution via a mediator.
No one is flawless in every way. Problems may arise, but adhering to the plan and utilizing the correct channels to handle them will assist to minimize conflict to a bare minimum, which is what your kid needs. It is never simple to share parenting duties while remaining independent from the choices made by the other parent. Caring parents are concerned about their children, but it is important to realize that disagreement will harm your kid much more than any perceived poor parenting choices ever could.
Parallel Parenting vs. Co-Parenting: What’s the Difference?
These are two very distinct things. Co-parenting is done in a collaborative effort. Parents get along well, and their relationship throughout and after the divorce is pleasant. Parallel parenting is done independently from the other parent, with no involvement or interaction from the other parent.
The majority of parents desire to co-parent since it is the most healthy approach to raise a kid after a divorce. Due to the fact that not all parents are capable of becoming co-parents, parallel parenting comes into play.
Counseling – Therapy – Making the Best Decision
Counseling with a competent therapist may assist all parties in dealing with the divorce in a less damaging manner. Many divorces are characterized by explosive emotional outbursts, making it difficult to make the best choices for the children.
Getting treatment with a qualified family therapist may help you put your relationship into perspective. Therapy is beneficial for any couple going through a divorce, but it is more beneficial and productive when there are children involved.
Listen carefully to the counselor and try to be as honest as possible about how the divorce is hurting the family’s functioning. Occasionally, one parent is unfamiliar with the responsibilities of single parenting, while in other instances, one parent defers all critical choices to the other parent
This sort of circumstance might result in a great deal of disagreements and emotional turmoil. Seeking therapy is the most effective way to avoid this situation.
The counsel and assistance provided may be effective in reducing the negative consequences that divorce has on children. Children may benefit from divorce therapy as well, as it can help them manage with their emotions both during and after the divorce.
Parallel parenting is a viable choice for high-conflict divorces in which the parents have difficulties talking with one another peacefully, according to research. Given the unstable nature of face-to-face encounters, as well as the possibility for conflict, online therapy is an excellent option for divorce counseling.
In contrast to a regular therapy visit, working with an online counselor removes the need for a face-to-face interaction between the counselor and the client. Instead, parents may speak with one another as well as with the counselor via a virtual meeting room.

A painful process, going through a divorce may be made much more difficult if you are always at odds with your spouse and children are involved.
Parallel parenting is a method of achieving peace in high-conflict divorces while ensuring that a kid has a healthy connection with both of their parents. Navigating these waters may be difficult.
What exactly does parallel parenting entail?
Parenting is never simple, and parenting after divorce is much more difficult. While divorced parents may utilize a variety of parenting methods to raise their children, there are some that are more comfortable for both the parents and the children.
Parallel parenting is a parenting technique that is often used by divorced or separated spouses who are not on speaking terms. These parents are seldom or never in touch with each other. If they do communicate with one another, it is generally via texting or the use of a third-party intermediary.
Managing a parallel parenting arrangement may be tricky. While the kid is in the custody of one parent, the other parent will have no voice or involvement into the parenting choices made by the other parent. Parallel parenting has the advantage of keeping the peace by avoiding contact between the parents in order to decrease conflict, while the kid maintains ties with both parents.
What is the difference between co-parenting and parallel parenting?
Post-divorce parenting approaches such as co-parenting and parallel parenting are two distinct options. Co-parenting is the more beneficial of the two options since it involves sharing custody and parenting time. In most cases, the parents are still on good terms and desire to raise the kid as a unit.
They frequently come to an agreement on parenting, sharing responsibility for the kid as a team. When parents divorce, they should practice parallel parenting, which involves keeping separate homes while sharing custody of the kid.
The youngster will spend time with each parent separately, never coming into contact with the other parent’s family. During the time that the kid is in their care, the parent will have complete authority over all choices. When divorced spouses are fighting, this method may be essential.
The kid retains contacts with both parents, but the parents have little or no contact with their children (see Figure 1).
How can you draw a comparison between a parent and a narcissistic ex-boyfriend?
Parallel parenting with a narcissistic ex-spouse may be challenging, but there are methods to handle this and keep friction to a minimum. It is critical to document everything, including a parenting plan, in order to protect oneself as much as possible.
Only speak with your ex by email or text message so that you always have a record of what was said. When you do communicate with your ex, attempt to remain cool and unmoved by your emotions. Only the children should be brought up, never your personal life.
Please refrain from using your children to communicate between you. Keep contact with your children to a minimum while your ex has custody of the children. Narcissists have a proclivity to manipulate youngsters as a means of achieving their ends. Using a mediator may be beneficial if you are experiencing difficulty parenting with a narcissistic ex.
Divorce is never a simple process. Consult with a therapist for help in improving your emotional well-being. They can provide you with the skills and guidance you need to handle parallel parenting after divorce to the best of your ability.
Exactly what information should be included in a parenting plan?
Parenting after a divorce may be challenging, but a parenting plan can make the adjustment for both the parents and the children much less onerous. A parenting schedule is essential since it will assist you in planning how the kid will spend his or her time between each parent. Holidays and vacation time are two additional essential considerations to examine when creating a parenting plan.
A parenting agreement should include all aspects of decision-making, including healthcare, punishment, and education, in order to maintain a good parenting partnership. Children are costly, thus costs such as tuition, food, clothes, and extracurricular activities should be included in a parenting plan to help budget for them. Including the best communication medium as well as how to prepare for emergencies or schedule adjustments may also be important.
What does “good co-parenting” look like?
Co-parenting may be a difficult learning curve for divorced spouses, and it can require a great deal of work from both sides to achieve a healthy level of co-parenting.
The idea is to have the least amount of conflict possible while yet providing the youngster with a feeling of normality. A good place to start is by setting clear boundaries with your ex-partner.
A parenting plan is incredibly crucial in a good co-parenting relationship, and if done correctly, it may make the transfer from one parent to the other painless. However, life occurs, and being able to adapt to each other’s demands is a positive trait.
Another evidence of successful co-parenting is include each other in decision-making and being cooperative when it comes to choices. The kids should believe you and your partner are excellent friends. It does not imply that you must agree on everything or that you must always have the same parenting philosophy, but it is critical to maintain the child’s sense of disagreement.
It is critical for good co-parenting that you be able to attend school activities jointly as well as other kid life milestones. Realize that you and the kid are both essential persons in the child’s life, and that you both have a certain role to play.