Is it okay to quit a job that is making you depressed and anxious?

Is it okay to quit a job that is making you depressed and anxious?

If you left your work because of anxiety, you may be eligible for unemployment benefits as long as the anxiety is a medically verified illness. It is possible that the medically verified issue includes suffering from a condition that is exacerbated by stress. 

A medically documented reason refers to the fact that you went to the doctor while on the clock at your job.


My story to you all is as follows:

It will be early May when I finally leave my corporate work, which I quit only a few weeks ago. I have one and a half weeks left till I can officially depart.



Fortunately, I was able to save money and was able to keep the job, but I was unable to continue since my melancholy had become overpowering and my workload had become more difficult to handle. As a result of the company’s disorganization, I had no training or handover with regard to four big projects, and management didn’t care; they just expected me to produce by working unpaid overtime.


One day, I was sitting at my desk weeping, and fortunately, no one saw me doing it. A few of my coworkers are awful and cruel; one of them made fun of me by claiming that I was going to fail in delivering one of the projects, and another remarked that I was too unattractive to have a female companion. I’ve been single for a very long time, but I do have a few close female friends. However, I’m stuck in the friend zone, which is likely contributing to my melancholy and loneliness more than it is helping.



It’s difficult for me to get out of bed every day because of the sheer amount of work I have to accomplish. Even on my days off, I have trouble sleeping and when I do get up it’s usually between 1-2pm since I lack any desire.


I have informed them that I am going for personal reasons, as I want to spend more time with my elderly mother. I did not trust them to inform them that I was miserable and unhappy at the firm and in my job, therefore I have not informed them of my intentions. 


In fact, I requested three months of Long Service Leave, but they denied my request, claiming that we were too busy and that they couldn’t afford to give me the time I requested. I have nine weeks of sick leave remaining, and I occasionally wonder whether I should have taken the sick leave instead, but I know deep down that I despise my work and the business, and that delaying the inevitable would just prolong the inevitable even more.



When I was working for a fair income, I was terrified of losing my job. I haven’t sought for another since I don’t know what to do. I don’t believe I can work in wicked, selfish corporations that exploit you any more; I was just making the executives wealthy by working all the overtime.

Nevertheless, I am aware that my mental health is deteriorating, and I recognize that I must remove myself from the surrounding chaos in order to regain my health, happiness, motivation, and enthusiasm. 



It’s really difficult for me to apply for new jobs while I’m always sad since this would come through in job interviews and is difficult to conceal. However, I have been employed by my present firm for about ten years and am concerned that the fact that I left would be used against me when I seek other employment.

Could someone who has been in a similar circumstance, or who is currently in one, maybe provide me with some advice? I’m quite depressed and hope that my mood will improve as I walk out the door.










It is the purpose of this short guide to explore leaving your work due to depression, and the advise of experts on how and why you should do so, in addition to other parts of the process of quitting your job due to depression.


Depression is causing you to consider quitting your career.

In the event that you are considering leaving your work due to depression, you are not alone, and you are not making a mistake, since addressing your mental health in the same way that you would your physical health is critical. Burnout and depression among workers are more common in the current economic climate than in the previous one, but even now, approximately 83 percent of US workers suffer from mental health problems such as depression, and only approximately 42 percent of them are concerned about work-life balance and are willing to take action to alleviate the stress.





In the event that you are considering leaving your work due to depression, continue reading for advice, reasons why you should do so, and other information you may want regarding how depression might impair your job performance.




To determine whether it is appropriate to leave your work due to depression, consider the following questions.

It is critical to know when to leave your work due to depression since waiting too long will only make you feel worse because of the pressure of the job and the sense of worthlessness that will result from your decreased production. If you wait too long, your depression will only worsen.

Some people find that they must dig within themselves and examine their personal condition before they can figure out when to leave their work due to depression.





Another option is to follow in the footsteps of Jessica Goldman, a freelance graphic designer who took the decision to leave her work while she was suffering from depression.

It became clear to her that it was time to leave her work due to depression when she sought the assistance of a therapist since she believed she was going through a professional crisis.

Although she had a successful profession, she was dissatisfied with her life and puzzled why she was so depressed.






He helped her figure out how to move away from her so-called ideal career and find something that would be healthier for her mental health while still providing enough money to pay the bills with the help of an expert.





It is also conceivable that the stresses you are under at work are being exacerbated by your workplace. The employment situation may become untenable if there is an atmosphere of tension and dread in the workplace that causes everyone to feel immobilized, particularly when there is a possibility of being fired or a drop in salary,




A second person who was suffering from depression and anxiety as a result of their job shares how they realized it was time to leave when their boss informed them that they would have to work just as hard but that their salaries would be cut and that their future was in jeopardy as one person would be let go at the end of the month. She says, “This was not a good sign, and I knew at that moment, I had to leave.” The situation was deteriorating rapidly, and I didn’t want to be a part of it.”





In addition, you may understand that it is time to leave your work due to depression when a significant event occurs and you realize that your career is not satisfying you at all, and in fact, may be keeping you away from what is more important to you.



After visiting a loved one in the hospital, you may find yourself questioning what you are doing with your life one day after returning home from the hospital.




It may be quite motivating to believe that you will be stuck in a job you despise and that does not make you feel very good for an extended period of time.

After her husband was admitted to the hospital for a minor stomach ailment, Nadine Hays Pisani, a successful chiropractor, suddenly realized that she had to leave her job because it was making her miserable. She says, “I knew deep down that I would be working there until my sixties unless we made a run for it.”





In the end, they decided to leave both of their professions and relocate to Costa Rica for a fresh start. They describe their decision as “the most irresponsible, foolish, and romantic act of our lives.” The danger of not doing it outweighed the benefits of not doing it. In the back of my mind, I was thinking about how much I’d regret not going if I didn’t. This meant that the bravery I shown had been for nothing! Then you’ll understand. In situations when there is no other option As soon as that bold moment does not pass us by.”






A potentially unstable supervisor may also be contributing to your stress and bad sentiments, which may be compounding the effects of your work environment.

Another reason to leave your work because of your depression is having an authority figure that is continuously breathing down your neck and testing your self-worth, as well as engaging you in activities that are not beneficial to you.







If you begin to experience physical symptoms of depression, you may have reached the point where you should consider quitting your work due of depression.

If you are unable to work because you are not getting enough sleep or eating properly, or if you have to call in sick frequently because you are aware that you are not in a mental state to function at work, it may be time to quit your job and either take a break from your career or find a simpler job that is less demanding.



What is the best way to leave your work since you are suffering from depression?



Listed below are some suggestions on how to begin the process of leaving your work due to depression:



Set up an appointment to speak with a therapist, and begin discussing your employment and anything else that is causing you to feel melancholy with them. You should also begin formulating a game plan with them.

It may take a time before you can file for disability or unemployment benefits, which varies from state to state. Make sure your financial affairs are in order before you file for benefits.

Get assistance from family, friends, or significant others to organize your belongings before making the decision to leave your current position.




Keep an idea of what you want to do once you leave your job in the back of your mind.

If you discover that you don’t have enough resources to support yourself after quitting your job, look for something you can do from home or part-time, such as freelancing or consulting, where you won’t have to put in as much time or make as many significant choices as you would if you were still working.




You must also ensure that you are receiving counsel from someone and discussing any emotions you may be experiencing at all times; do not go through this alone.

For those suffering from depression, it is also recommended that you plan ahead so that you have adequate activities to fill in the gaps created by the loss of your job. This is because a sudden and severe reduction in working hours may be quite distressing.

case 2

I worked at a firm for many years and can empathize with the bullying that took on there. I had the experience of being bullied because I had been promoted to a position…and then I had the experience of all the gossip…when I first started working for the company, it was my first proper corporate job, and I was not used to the aggressive nature of the corporate workforce…




i remember there being a very verbally loud receptionist who would loudly complain about people in the kitchen…and I remember walking into the kitchen and this lady had been complaining about a dish I had left…and I remember walking into the kitchen and this After ten years, I developed a much thicker skin…I refused to participate in any’social’ events for work, never went to Christmas parties, and used lunch time to pay bills, read, and do other things for myself…that very strict division of my personal and professional lives worked wonders for me….I had initially attempted to befriend people at the company, and I believe that this left me emotionally vulnerable….. Always avoid adding coworkers to your Facebook friends list.




While at work, I focused on doing whatever was required… I also worked on setting little objectives for myself and just attempting to acquire the most training as possible….I also used earbuds to prevent myself from being drawn into casual talk while simultaneously protecting myself….

Although it may seem counterproductive, laughing at all of the ridiculous mind games individuals engage in may really be beneficial….ire,ember telling my spouse about the plate problem and laughing at how crazy workplace behavior can be…ire,ember



Take nothing that your coworkers say about you to heart…they are terrible judges of character since they are your competitors, not your friends, and the work atmosphere encourages individuals to behave in a negative manner.

Depressed or otherwise ill-advised employees who leave their employment for psychological reasons

There are many individuals who choose to put their mental health first above their careers, and the following are some testimonials or comments from people who have left their employment due to depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues.





“I found myself suddenly unable to perform the duties of the position I had worked so hard to get, and this was all my fault.” Even today, four years later, I find myself completely unable to do the chores that I used to complete with relative ease. I have a complete skill set listed on my resume that I should probably simply erase. 



I have the knowledge and the experience, but I think I have lost my ability. People who are diagnosed with depression should not be encouraged to abandon their occupations, as I am not advocating this. The same manner that I was, not everyone will be impacted in the same way. Many individuals feel that their employment is the one consistency in their life during a melancholy phase, and it provides them with comfort since it allows them to concentrate on anything other than their own thoughts. Simply said, I simply want to be absolutely honest about my experience and about what I personally did in order to become better.”




This individual discusses how tough it became for them and how they attempted to work through their problems since they did not want it to get to the point where they would have to leave their job due to depression.

“I’ve decided to keep it hidden. It’s something I’ve been keeping hidden for so long that I’ve become an expert at keeping it hidden from others. Although I was formally diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the age of 34, I now realize that I had the disease from infancy, having had my first suicidal thoughts as young as 12 years old, according to my doctor.




 That equates to more than 30 years of concealment, pretension, and deception. It has become a part of my identity. In the month that followed, between that meeting and my first day in the new position, I could sense gloomy clouds gathering above. As much as I attempted to deceive myself and everyone else in the room, I realized that I couldn’t continue to work in a setting where there was such a clear lack of regard and sympathy for those who were suffering from mental illnesses.”

“I left from a managerial job two weeks ago because I was suffering from depression and anxiety, which was exacerbated by the employment itself. 




I did have a new position set up, but I discovered some really terrible things about the organization before starting, and I realized that it would just serve to exacerbate my sadness and anxiety. As a result, I resigned from both positions and took some time for myself. Which is something I’ve never done in my 15 years of working in corporate administration. Both locations were enraged with Me. Employees were disgruntled, and they saw me as having failed them down as a leader. The financial effect of losing my paycheck was significant for me. As was giving go of a profession in which I had put in a lot of effort and studied for many years.





 However, I have certain things to take care of, and it was really liberating and liberated to walk away from everything. When I got out of the office, the first thing I did was go to the beach, take off my work shoes, and go for a stroll in the beautiful sunlight. After working 60-hour weeks and dealing with several confrontations and assaults, I finally felt like I could breathe.”

While the suggestions above may have worked for the individuals listed above, they may not be effective for you. Even if you do not want to consider quitting your job due to depression at this time, you can begin to consider it and determine whether or not it would be beneficial to you in the long run.




Suggestions for persons who work in stressful environments and suffer from sadness
For persons who are suffering from depression yet also have occupations, the following suggestions are helpful:

In addition, try to keep contact with someone at work; it does not have to be about depression, but it may just be a friend with whom you can confide when you are feeling overwhelmed.

Breaks for tea or coffee or anything else you love are important to remember.

If you have a sedentary job, don’t work continually; stretch every now and then and make sure your body moves a little bit every now and then.





If you decide to leave your work due to depression, save more money than you would normally do so that you will have enough money to support yourself while you are unemployed.





• If your employer is contributing to your stress level, attempt to relieve some of it by working out immediately after returning to work and participating in activities like as kickboxing to help lessen some of the negativity that may be building up.




The topics covered in this short guide included leaving your work due to depression, advice from others on how and why to do so, as well as additional elements of quitting your job due to depression that were not covered in the guide.

To add a footnote, I’ve experimented with and tested a variety of items and services to alleviate my anxiety and sadness. See my top suggestions here, as well as a complete list of all the goods and services our team has evaluated for a variety of mental health disorders and general wellbeing in the last year.

case 3

After 12 years in the corporate world, I, too, have decided to go away. The business world is full with individuals who are self-centered and narcissistic. Companies, directors, and those workers who are naive enough to believe they are on their way there are all interchangeable. However, they all claim to be doing something unique and distinct, as if they are doing anything exceptional or unusual. Yes, just like the other 6 billion individuals on the earth, you’re correct. 




They are behaving in the manner of army ants in order to gain commodities. They are working around the clock to keep themselves occupied. They are working so hard that they never have time to stop and smell the flowers or enjoy the sunset. 



They are attempting to fill a hole that cannot be supplied by a new automobile or a nicer home, yet they are still unable to resolve the situation at hand. All of the things they are attempting to obtain are temporary and will eventually be destroyed. 



Getting out of the corporate environment is the finest thing you can do for your health and well-being. While you have some spare time, spend it reading the greatest spiritual literature you can get your hands on to help you grow. Your new life is waiting for you, and the road to get there is in your heart. I wish you a lifetime of love and happiness.

Story 4

It has just been 11 months since I was treated poorly at my employment, and I have decided to leave. On a regular basis, I was yelled at for doing nothing more than my job properly. Workplace regulations and procedures are non-existent, and I don’t even have a job description to speak of. Everything I did was just to keep the office operating, and I was continuously harassed as a result of my efforts. Every day, even on my days off, I was scared and agitated about what I would be shouted at for when I went to work the next day.




After months of being treated unfairly, I had a nervous breakdown and broke into tears at work. I had been made to feel inept and absolutely worthless at my job, which exacerbated the anxiety even more. I said that I was experiencing anxiety on a regular basis and that I couldn’t bear the thought of continuing to work there…but I’m certain that the manager who was creating the difficulties would not even acknowledge that she was the one who was causing the problems:



I was making a respectable $80K a year, but I had nowhere to go since I had nothing to do. In addition, I will be receiving payment for two weeks of earned annual leave and have some money set up….. Despite the fact that I still have two days of work ahead of me, I am hopeful that the anxiety will subside after I have completed my job.

I am certain that you have now left your toxic workplace, and I hope that you are back on your feet and feeling much happier:).

Story 5

I resigned from my work five years ago. I had been depleted of energy for some months before to this. By the time I realized what had happened, it had taken me many weeks to finally bring myself to tell my boss, and it was one of the most difficult things I had ever had to do.

I was working in a high-pressure sales atmosphere, which is stressful in and of itself. If you don’t create results, you shouldn’t eat. That time, it was my current partner (whom I had met as coworkers in the same position a few years earlier before she departed due to illness) who was attempting to persuade me to continue what I had started. Despite the fact that I was dissatisfied with my employment, I maintained my resistance until I could no longer do so.




As a result of ignoring my creative instincts to pursue a career in filmmaking, which was what I was doing before to the work, I felt guilty and empty for the last 8 years. However, the climate became poisonous and political, and I was threatened with demotion if I didn’t improve. In addition, my boss and I had a problematic relationship since I constantly wanted to please him, but he also understood how to take advantage of my desire to please him. I was not a natural salesperson, but I acquired a strong work ethic, which forced me to work harder and longer hours, including weekends, in order to compete for my next promotion and to live. And he’d urge me to do more and more as the years went on. I didn’t have a social life. 




The majority of my buddies had vanished. It seemed like it was going on all the time. And, until his own marriage ended, my boss had no understanding or empathy for those who were suffering from depression. And I didn’t find out about it for a long, but throughout that time he was mentally gone, and I was on my own, attempting to move ahead without his active mentoring assistance. I felt like I was drowning.





I knew I wanted to go back into filmmaking, but I had no idea how to go about it. It would be like starting again from the beginning. It was terrifying to be confronted with the unknown. It was safer and more comfortable to continue in this sales job despite the lack of a steady salary than it was to give up. But I did it, I resigned. Eventually, I realized that continuing to perform that work for any length of time was more disgusting and dreadful to me than being unemployed and facing absolute uncertainty.




The day I decided to go was weird. Following my departure, I found myself with some unexpected free time to go into the city and browse the stores for a bit, something I hadn’t done in AGES. It felt weird, but it was also freeing.




I wouldn’t claim that things have been completely straightforward since then. Forging a career in the arts is very difficult; I have had depressive relapses as well as two major heartbreaks, but I would never, ever return to a sales atmosphere again. There were some nice memories and personal progress, but if you’re not happy, it’s necessary to take a clean break for the sake of your sanity and well-being from the relationship.

case 6

Despite the fact that I’ve been at my present work for over six years, there have been occasions when I’ve considered quitting due to depression, but I’ve persuaded myself that I must remain strong since there are no better positions available in my industry. 



All of my pals have been there and done that, and none of them seems to be completely satisfied with their current positions. Because I am paid a respectable wage, I just consider my employment to be a means of paying my expenses. The reason why I’m afraid to resign is due to the fact that I’m not sure I’ll be able to find a stable full-time employment that will allow me to contribute to our house mortgage payments (my partner only works part time, so if I quit my job, we’ll be in serious trouble). I’ve always been recognized as the most conscientious employee and as a role model for the younger members of the team to emulate.





 One of the few aspects of my job that I despise is my co-workers. Their customers are unimportant to them, and when they make mistakes, they attempt to cover them up without acknowledging their errors by inventing a variety of plausible explanations. When I make a mistake, I’ll do all I can to correct the situation, unlike others who just shrug it off.





 Despite the fact that I have a large number of regular customers who love my work, the management does not seem to be paying attention to my efforts. On the job, we have frequent meetings where everyone can voice their concerns about any difficulties or issues that have arisen in our workplace to the management, which then has the opportunity to develop solutions and plans to address them. Because of my dissatisfaction, I often speak out and offer a better approach to deal with such situations, such as putting adequate communication systems in place, such as leaving handover notes and reading others’ notes, so that we can resolve the customers’ concerns in a more professional way.




 My suggestion was criticized because it seemed to be focused on the general issue rather than the specific customer, but, once again, what are we attempting to accomplish here? Instead of endorsing my proposal, they suggested that we simply get things done from here on out and not bother with the matter. When you’re someone who is interested in learning how to do anything on the job, how would you feel if your boss only teaches select individuals how to do something, and when you inquire about it, they just state that it is not your duty and that you thus do not need to know? My colleagues who work at other locations told me that they were taught to handle everything, and I felt like I was missing out on a lot of important information.



 No, this job does not make me feel like a sad failure who deserves to be fired. It’s the thought of coming to work that makes me dread it more than anything else, since it makes me feel like I’ve never belonged here, and I’m not even sure what I’m doing is considered significant. Right now, I believe I will need a lengthy pause to recover from this ordeal.

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