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Increasing the immune system of your kid

Increasing the immune system of your kid

The COVID-19 epidemic continues to loom over us as we begin another school year. Many parents are asking themselves, “What can we do to keep our children healthy?” Does it seem like there are any effective techniques to improve the immune system and fend against infections such as COVID-19?

In short, the answer is yes — but there are no magic wands or pills to help you do it. Simply said, the most effective strategy to maintain a strong immune system is to follow a healthy lifestyle. However dull and uninteresting something may seem, it is tried and true.

You can help your children stay healthy this school year by following some simple guidelines.






What does it take to strengthen the immune system of your children?


 In this article, you will learn some basic techniques for boosting your child’s natural defenses during winter.

Over time, children’s immune systems continue to develop and strengthen. We’ll teach you how to help your kid’s natural defenses grow at a young age and how to encourage optimal immune system development in your child.



Increased Immune System Strengthening by Breathing in Fresh Air

From the beginning, you should make an effort to spend as much time as possible outdoors with your children. As long as you keep them warm in the winter months, the fresh air will be beneficial to them and will aid in the strengthening of their immune systems, according to the CDC.



Researchers discovered in a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine that Amish children who grow up on farms are far less likely to acquire asthma and allergies than children who grow up in more ‘germ-free’ surroundings. If you want to help your child’s immune system grow, take him or her outdoors and play with him or her a lot – in the mud, dirt, sand, or snow, for example.



According to the findings of this research, the secret to increasing your child’s immune system may not lay in providing them with an always clean, perhaps over-sterile environment. The “dusty” environment of Amish farms may play a critical role in the development of immunological systems in young children.




The role that less sterile environments play in proper immune system development is highlighted in an article published by the New York Times by Marsha Wills-Karp, a professor of environmental health and engineering at Johns Hopkins University. She emphasizes how less sterile environments give children’s immune systems a boost. As Wills-Karp explains, “[w]hile it is important to protect your kid from aggressive illnesses, it is equally important to avoid creating an environment in which their immune system does not develop correctly, putting them at danger of acquiring immunological disorders.”



Eczema and asthma are only a few of instances of preventable autoimmune disorders that may occur in children who have a healthy immune system development. Nonetheless, Dr. Jack Gilbert, who was a co-author on the research on immunological profiles in Amish children mentioned above, states in the same New York Times piece that living in a less-than-surgically clean environment may do more than just improve your child’s immune system. Early-life exposure to bacteria may also have an impact on the endocrine system and, in certain cases, the neurodevelopment of the kid.



The use of natural cleaning products and home treatments is thus not only better for the environment, but it is also likely to be the healthier choice for your child’s immune system. The use of hand sanitizer is not required, even if you prepare it at home. Natural soap, or even handmade soap, is a better alternative for hand washing than conventional soap.




Consider experimenting with any of these extra all-natural DIY cleaning products and other housekeeping hacks:


What is the best way to wash stuffed animals: in the washing machine or by hand?
Cleaning with Citric Acid: A Guide to Its Practical Applications in the Home
How to Clean a Water Bottle (with Pictures): Keeping Your Reusable Bottle Safe and Secure Germ-Free Homemade Dish Soap and Dishwasher Detergent: Make Your Own Dish Soap and Dishwasher Detergent


What You Can Do to Boost Your Child’s Immune System: Eat Well


Help your child maintain a balanced diet by providing them with a variety of nutritional foods for kids, and you’ll be helping to strengthen their immune system as well. Incorporate some of them into your healthy shopping list, and bear in mind the following essential components of a nutritious diet:



Increase the strength of your child’s immune system by providing an abundant supply of fresh fruits and vegetables that are high in critical vitamins (such as vitamin C) and minerals.


Organic whole grain products are high in fiber, which is another nutritional need for maintaining a healthy immune system. Consider the following: Recipe for Quick and Easy Bread: Preparation takes less than an hour and is simple.


Make sure your youngster is sufficiently hydrated – ideally with water or unsweetened tea – throughout the day.



Sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system.

Making certain that your child receives adequate sleep each night will aid in the development of his or her immune system. Children, on average, need far more sleep than adults. A comprehensive description of suggested sleep needs for children of all ages may be found on the website of the National Sleep Foundation.



According to the National Sleep Foundation, infants to school-age children should sleep for a minimum of seven hours per night:


Infancy During the first three months of life: 14-17 hours

Infants (4-11 months old) need 12-15 hours of sleep.

Toddlers (ages 1-2 years): 11-14 hours each day

Ten to thirteen hours each week for preschoolers (3-5 years old).

Hours for school-age children (6-13 years old): 9-11 a.m.


Exercise is beneficial to children’s health and helps to strengthen their immune systems.

It is critical for everyone, especially children, to acquire enough physical activity. Set aside adequate time for your children to go about and burn off some energy from a very young age. Providing them with the chance to walk about and let their energy run wild will be beneficial. Arranging a playdate for them, enrolling them in a sports organization, or just bringing them to the playground, the park, or your own backyard are all effective ways to accomplish this goal.




Stressful conditions are just as bad for youngsters as they are for us adults, according to the American Psychological Association. As a result, try to prevent or lessen the tension that comes with a busy schedule or verbal fights at home whenever possible. A physically active routine will undoubtedly benefit your kid, but only to the extent that it is manageable for everyone concerned.



You may start exposing your kid to stress-reduction techniques at an early age if you do so. Moments of security, such as hugging or reading a book with your kid, are very vital for your child. Take some time to play with your youngster and spend quality time with him or her. This is healthy for the spirit and also helps to strengthen the immune system of your child.





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