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Increase Your Ability to Think Creatively do these 6 things

No matter what you do for a job, having a spark of originality is priceless! In her book The Five Faces of Genius, Annette Moser-Wellman states that “the most significant resource you contribute to your profession and to your company is your imagination.”
In the end, it is your ideas that count, not how much you do, what function you play, what title you have, or what you see as ‘output.’
3 A person’s capacity to think creatively is very important, although only a small number of individuals seem to be able to do so consistently.




If you find that you are not as creative as you would want to be, you may alter your way of thinking.. It is not always necessary to be innovative in order to be considered creative. It’s possible, in fact, that original concept has been mythologized. Most of the time, creative thinking is a synthesis of several other ideas that have been found along the path. 






Even the greatest artists, whom we regard as extremely unique, learnt from their masters, based their work after the work of others, and brought together a diverse range of ideas and styles to produce their own work in their own manner. Look closely at the work of artists and creative movements, and you will see common threads that tie them to the work of other artists who came before them.









If I question if you are a creative thinker, it’s possible that you have no idea what I’m referring about. Examine some of the features that distinguish creative thinkers:








Ideas are Important to Creative Thinkers.

“Highly creative individuals are committed to their ideas,” says Annette Moser-Wellman. Because they are disciplined, they aren’t reliant on their natural gift. A second skin covers them in their mind. They are well-versed in how to use it to the greatest extent possible.
4 Having a lot of ideas is essential to being creative. The only way to come up with ideas is to recognize the importance of brainstorming sessions.

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Increase Your Ability to Think Creatively do these 6 things


Options are examined by creative thinkers.

I’ve yet to find a creative thinker who isn’t enthralled by possibilities. Exploring a wide range of possibilities aids in the stimulation of the imagination, which is essential for creativity. “Imagination is more essential than knowledge,” as Albert Einstein once said.




Options are very important to me, as anybody who knows me well knows. Why? Because they are the key to discovering the best, not the only, solution. The best solutions are found by good thinkers. They build contingency plans to ensure that they have options. Others do not have the same level of liberty as they have. They’ll also have an impact on and lead others.






Ambiguity is valued by creative thinkers.

“The sure man is always sure, and the confident man is always boring,” wrote H. L. Mencken.
Uncertainty is not a problem for creative individuals. They see a lot of irregularities and holes in life, and they like investigating them—or filling them in with their imagination.






Offbeat Celebrated by Creative Thinkers

By definition, creativity deviates from the norm and goes against the grain. “There is a link between the creative and the screwball,” remarked diplomat and longstanding president of Yale University, Kingman Brewster. As a result, we have no choice but to put up with the screwball.” Be prepared to accept a little oddness to encourage creativity in yourself or others.








Connecting the Unconnected is a skill that creative thinkers possess.

Because creativity relies on other people’s ideas, being able to link apparently unrelated ideas has a lot of value. “The capacity to establish connections, to make correlations, to flip things around and present them in a new manner,” explains graphic designer Tim Hansen.
It’s like going on a road trip with your thoughts. You may know where you’re heading, but it’s only as you get closer to your goal that you’ll be able to see and experience things you couldn’t previously.




The following is an example of how to think creatively:







You are free to gather as soon as you start thinking. What material is related to this notion, you ask yourself?
You ask, “What thoughts can improve the thought?” after you have the material. This may help to advance a concept. After that, you may revise or improve it by asking, “What adjustments might improve these ideas?”
Finally, to make the notion full and strong, you link the ideas by placing them in the proper context.







Thinkers Who Are Innovative Failure is not a bad thing.

Because innovation is synonymous with failure, it requires the willingness to be fearful of it. You may be startled to hear this, but it is true. “Anxiety is the necessary condition of intellectual and aesthetic innovation,” according to Charles Frankel. To be creative, you must be ready to be embarrassed. It entails going out on a limb, despite the fact that the limb is prone to breaking! These are facts that creative individuals are aware of, but they continue to seek out fresh concepts. They just do not allow the failures of previous concepts deter them from developing new ones.






A person’s quality of life may be enhanced via creativity. Here are five particular benefits of innovative thinking:




1. All things benefit from creative thinking.

Wouldn’t it be great to have an endless supply of ideas at your disposal? That is what you get when you use your imagination. As a result, regardless of what you can achieve now, creativity may help you improve.
Creativity is the ability to see what no one else sees and think what no one else thinks in order to achieve what no one else has done. Sometimes inventive thought takes the form of breaking new ground. Other times, it follows the lines of innovation, assisting you in repurposing old tasks. In any case, it’s about viewing the world with fresh eyes and coming up with new answers. This is usually a good thing to do.

2. Compounds for Creativity

I’ve discovered over the years that although creative thinking is difficult, it can be compounded with enough time and effort.
Creative thinking, maybe more than any other kind of thinking, reinforces and expands the thinker’s creativity. “You can’t use up creativity,” poet Maya Angelou noted. You’ll have more if you utilize it.
Unfortunately, rather than being encouraged, creativity is frequently suffocated. New methods of thinking, seeing, and questioning must be nurtured in the environment.” There’s no telling what kinds of ideas you can come up with if you foster creative thinking in an atmosphere that encourages it. (I’ll go into further detail about this later.)







3. People are drawn to you and your ideas when you use creative thinking.

Intelligence having a good time. That’s what creativity is all about. People value brains and like having fun, so the combination is ideal. Leonardo da Vinci was one of the few people who could be called to enjoy his intellect.
His thoughts and talents are so diverse that they dazzle the mind. He was a painter, sculptor, anatomist, pianist, inventor, and engineer, among other things. He is credited with coining the phrase “renaissance man.”
Individuals are attracted to innovative people now, just as they were to Da Vinci and his ideas during the Renaissance. Other people will be attracted to you if you foster your creativity.






4. It Enables You to Learn More Through Creative Thinking

“Creativity is the delight of not knowing everything,” writes Ernie Zelinski, an author and creativity specialist. The delight of not knowing everything relates to the awareness that we seldom, if ever, have all the answers; we can always come up with new solutions to almost any situation. Being creative is seeing or imagining a variety of solutions to difficulties in life. Having possibilities is what it takes to be creative.”
It may seem self-evident, but you will learn if you are always looking for fresh ideas.
Teachability is a key component of creativity. It is seeing that there are more solutions than problems. The more ideas you have, the more opportunities you have to learn something new.






5. The Status Quo is Tested by Creative Thinking

If you want to make the world a better place—or even if you just want to improve yourself—creativity may help. Creativity and the status quo are mutually exclusive. Innovation and creativity are inextricably linked.







“OK, I’m certain that creative thinking is necessary,” you could remark at this point. But where can I go to tap into my inner creativity? What is the best way for me to learn the pleasures of creative thinking?” Here are five different approaches:



1. Get rid of the stumbling blocks to creativity.

“Personally, I’d rather have created Alice in Wonderland than the whole Encyclopedia Britannica,” remarked Stephen Leacock, an economics professor and comedy novelist. Over cold facts, he preferred the warmth of imagination. If you agree, you must change your mindset to respect innovative thought.

Look at the phrases below. Whenever you hear (or think) these, they are nearly certain to destroy creative thinking:
I don’t consider myself to be a creative person.
Stick to the Laws
Do Not Interrogate



Make No Exceptions
Respect the boundaries.
There’s Only One Way to Get There
Don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re smarter than you are.
Consider the following suggestions.
Consider your options.
Consider Your Personal Branding
That Isn’t a Reasonable Suggestion
It isn’t feasible.






It’s Never Been Done It Can’t Be Done It Didn’t Work for Them We Tried That Before It’s Too Much Work We Can’t Afford to Make a Mistake It’s Never Been Done It Can’t Be Done It Didn’t Work for Them We Tried That Before It’s Too Much Work We Can’t Afford to Make a Mistake
Administering It Will Be Too Difficult
We don’t have the time or the funds to do so.



Failure Is Final Failure Is Frivolous Play Is Frivolous Play is Frivolous Play is Frivolous Play
If you have a brilliant idea, don’t let anybody talk you out of it, even if it seems ridiculous. Allowing yourself or others to be subjected to creativity-killing substances is not a good idea. After all, if you force yourself to remain in the same old rut, you can’t accomplish something new and interesting. Don’t simply push yourself to do more of the same. Change your ways.







2. Ask the Right Questions to Encourage Creative Thinking

Asking the appropriate questions is a huge part of being creative. “The uncreative mind can identify erroneous replies, but a creative mind can spot wrong questions,” remarked management trainer Sir Antony Jay. The process of creative thought is stifled by incorrect questions. They either lead intellectuals down the same old route or make them believe that thinking isn’t essential at all. Ask yourself questions like… to help you think more creatively.
Why is it necessary to carry out this procedure in this manner?
What exactly is the issue?



What are the problems that are at the root of the problem?
I’m not sure what this makes me think of.
What is the polar opposite of something?
What analogy or symbol can you use to illustrate it?
What’s the big deal?
Which method is the most difficult or expensive?
Who else has an opinion on the subject?
What if we don’t even try?
You get the idea—and you’ll probably be able to come up with better questions on your own. “If you don’t question ‘Why this?’ often enough, someone will ask, ‘Why you?'” said physicist Tom Hirschfield. Good questions are necessary if you wish to think creatively. The method must be questioned.





3. Create an environment that fosters creativity.

“A fresh concept is fragile,” says Charlie Brower. A smirk or a yawn may kill it; a quip can knife it to death, and a frown on the proper man’s forehead can make it worry to death.” Thousands of amazing ideas are suffocated every minute by negative circumstances.
A creative atmosphere, on the other hand, transforms into a greenhouse where ideas are planted, sprung, and thrive. A stimulating atmosphere:




Creativity is Encouraged: “Studies of creativity reveal that the most important single determinant in determining whether or not workers will be creative is whether or not they think they have permission,” writes David Hills. People perceive that they have permission to be creative when innovation and smart ideas are publicly promoted and rewarded.




Individuality and trustworthiness are highly valued by the team: Failure is always a possibility when it comes to creativity. That is why, for creative individuals, trust is so vital. In the creative process, trust comes from individuals working together, from knowing that members of the team have launched successful, innovative ideas, and from understanding that creative ideas will not go to waste because they will be executed.



Encourages Creativity: The unusual is cherished by artists. What are the best ways to treat creative people? “Weed out the dullards—nurture the nuts!” as Tom Peters suggests. That is accomplished by spending time with them, which I already like. I like including others in brainstorming sessions in particular.




People anticipate such invitations because they know they will be surrounded by energy, ideas, and humor. And there’s a good chance you’ll end up with a new project, seminar, or company plan. They know there will be a celebration when it occurs!
Innovation, not just invention, is emphasized: “Truly innovative ideas are uncommon, but you don’t need one to create a career out of invention,” Sam Weston, the inventor of the iconic action figure GI Joe, stated. 




My notion of creativity is the logical integration of two or more existing parts to produce a novel thought. The greatest way to earn a career with your ideas is to create new applications rather than altogether new thoughts.” “Give me a good idea, and I’ll give you a great one!” creative individuals often say.



Is Willing to Allow Individuals to Deviate from the Rules: Even if the boundaries have been drawn randomly or are severely out of date, most individuals instinctively remain inside them. Remember that the majority of our restrictions are placed on us by ourselves. If you want to be more creative, go outside your comfort zone. “All human growth, whatever of form, must be beyond the norms; otherwise, we would never have anything new,” remarked inventor Charles Kettering. That is accounted for in a creative setting.




Recognizes the Importance of Dreams: The freedom of a dream is aided by a creative atmosphere. The usage of a blank piece of paper and the query, “If we could create a picture of what we want to achieve, what would that look like?” are encouraged in a creative setting.




 Martin Luther King, Jr. was able to speak passionately and say to millions of people, “I have a dream,” not “I have a goal,” thanks to a creative atmosphere. While goals provide direction, dreams provide strength. The world is bigger when you have dreams. “Dreamers are the world’s saviors,” according to James Allen.



The more creatively conducive your setting is, the more creative potential it has.






4. Spend Time With Others Who Are Also Creative

What if the climate at your workplace is unfriendly to innovation, yet you have no power to alter it? Changing employment is one option. But what if you want to stay at the job despite the bad working conditions? Finding a means to interact with other creative folks is your greatest choice.




It’s easy to get a case of the creative flu. Have you ever observed how a successful brainstorming session works? Someone makes a suggestion. It is then used as a springboard by someone else to come up with a new concept. Someone else decides to take it in a new, better path. Then someone seizes it and elevates it to new heights.
The collision of ideas has the potential to be electrifying.




In my life, I’m surrounded by a bunch of talented people. I try to spend time with them on a regular basis. I always feel motivated when I leave them, full of ideas, and a new perspective on things. They are very vital to my well-being.
It’s a reality that you start to think like the individuals with whom you spend the most time. You’ll become more creative if you spend more time with creative individuals doing creative things.






5. Break out from the confines of your comfort zone.

“If you follow all the rules… you will miss all the enjoyment,” actress Katharine Hepburn said. While I don’t believe it is essential to disobey all of the rules (many are in place to protect us), I do believe it is bad to let self-imposed constraints stifle our progress. To have creative breakthroughs, creative thinkers understand that they must continually break out of their own “cage” of personal history and limits.





Exposing oneself to different paradigms is the most effective technique to help you break out from your box. Traveling to new areas is one method to do this. Investigate various civilizations, nations, and customs. Learn about the lives and thoughts of individuals who are not like you. Another option is to broaden your reading horizons by learning about new topics. 







Although I’m naturally interested and like learning, I still have a habit of reading mainly books on my preferred topics, such as leadership. I have to push myself to read books that widen my horizons, even though I know it’s worthwhile. Get inside someone else’s box if you wish to break free from your own. Take in a lot of material.



Many people assume that if someone isn’t creative from birth, they will never be creative. However, as you can see from the many tactics and examples I’ve provided, creativity can flourish in the appropriate supporting atmosphere.

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