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In 2022 there are 20 ways to be more optimistic.

In 2022 There Are 20 Ways To Be More Optimistic.

In a gloomy environment, it’s often difficult to know how to remain optimistic. Personally, I am a naturally upbeat individual.

Even when I’m at my lowest, I always believe that everything will work out in the end.

However, I am aware that for many individuals, positive thinking is not a natural state of mind. So, in the year 2021, I’ve produced a list of 30 strategies to live a happier life.

 here are 20 ways to keep upbeat.

Keep a journal of your day’s highlights.
Feel good about yourself and others
Gratitude in the mind
Possess the greatest possible viewpoint
attitude of “move on”
Allow your flaws to serve as assets.
Take pleasure in life’s simplicity
Positive tales to read and watch
Relax and enjoy yourself.
Occasionally get enthralled by something.
Make it a habit to maintain a state of tranquility.
All of your adversarial buddies should be silenced.
Allow time for rest.
Participate in a fun workout.
Concentrate on your own ideas rather than those of others.
Take a risk.
Negativity for 10 minutes.
Use CBT.
You won’t know what you’ve got until you’ve had a chance to
Make healthful cuisine appealing to the palate.
Make a plan to make you happy as soon as you wake up.
More energy, greater sleep, and more happiness are all benefits of getting more sleep.
Spend time with a friend’s pet or seek out a location where you may interact with them.
Do something creative to get in the zone.
Make a deal with yourself to be more positive.
Concentrate on something greater than yourself and live for it.
Make your home a source of good energy.
Play games that test your memory.
Make diverse decisions on purpose.
Make a mental picture of yourself in your ideal setting.




1. Keep a journal of your day’s highlights.

We now live in a technologically advanced era. In a matter of minutes, anybody may download music and create short video clips.

So, why not put those resources to good use? Record two good things that occurred to you each day at the conclusion of the day.

Play it back to yourself and take in the positive energy you hear in your own voice.

Listen to it again in the morning to help you start the day with a cheerful attitude.

You may use the recordings as a strong reminder to yourself of how much good is in your life as you accumulate weeks of recordings.

Each day, try to come up with something new that was a memorable experience for you.


2. Make others feel good about themselves

When you make someone else happy, it has a way of making you happy as well. It will also make it simpler for you to be optimistic about your day since it will make you feel wonderful.

Being giving has been proved to make us joyful.

Tell someone you care about what they do for you, or offer to assist someone if you find a chance to do something good for them.



3. Gratitude with intention

Gratitude is said to make us happier and more happy. I believe there is a way for you to take your thankfulness to the next level.

Consider what you may be grateful for in the present moment, as well as why you’re thankful for it. Some instances are as follows:

I’m grateful for the chair on which I can sit.
I like how at ease I am in it right now.
I’m grateful that I can concentrate entirely on what I’m doing right now.
Through mindful appreciation, really delve into how thankful you are.

4. Take advantage of every opportunity to broaden your horizons.

Why are people in some of the world’s poorest locations so content? It’s because they see things from a different viewpoint.

They don’t think about the things they don’t have since they don’t desire them. They value the basic necessities of life that they do have, such as family, friends, shelter, and food.

Knowing what your priorities are in life and concentrating on them is what perspective is all about.

Consider perspective in this light as well. A blind guy on a hospital bed close to the room’s single window is the subject of an ancient short tale.

He shared a room with another guy who was quite pessimistic about life. He had to lie on his back on the other bed, unable to gaze out the window.

Outside the window, the blind guy described a lovely scene. The grumbling guy was enthralled by his descriptions and felt wonderful on the inside.

The blind man died one day, and the other gentleman was given the privilege of sitting close to the window.

He was upset when he went outside and saw nothing that matched the description.

“The guy was completely blind,” the nurse said. He said such things to make you happy and encourage you.”

It’s not so much what you see as it is how you choose to perceive it. Make the decision to be deliberate in your perception of the world.

Good point of view. How to be more upbeat



5. Have a forward-thinking mentality

When an automobile hits a pothole, it briefly deviates from its path, but it does not stop.

It just keeps going and going. The same may be said for all of the little irritations in our lives.

You have the option of allowing them to slow you down, fully stop you, or just keep going.

Things don’t always turn out the way I want them to, but I remind myself not to get worked up about it and to be calm.

It’s one of the most effective techniques to keep happy about your career or school if you don’t enjoy your lessons.



6. Make your flaws your strengths.

For a high school homework, I discovered this cracked pot tale on the internet.

A water carrier would carry two pots on a rod over his back. One is on the left side and the other is on the right side. One pot was flawless, while the other was broken.

The ideal pot had a full bowl of water every time he went to obtain water to bring back to his master, while the broken pot only had half because it would leak out.

“What’s wrong?” the water carrier inquired one day after seeing the cracked pot’s sadness. Only being able to carry back half a pot of water made him feel defective, as did the broken pot.

“Pay attention to the blossoms on the way back to the master’s home,” the water carrier advised the broken pot.

When they returned, the cracked pot noticed and began to feel better, until he realized he only had half a pot of water and apologized.

“I plant seeds on your side of the route, and every day we traveled back, you watered the way,” the water carrier said. I’m able to choose wonderful flowers for my lord to appreciate because of your crack.”

As the narrative indicates, we may accept and identify our flaws as assets.

This makes it easier for you to feel good about yourself. I’m not usually the most outgoing person, but that’s a strength since it helps me to listen more effectively.

Recognize how your “weaknesses” provide you with the power you need to feel more confident, and you’ll be better able to maintain a positive attitude.




7. Appreciate life’s simplicity.

I find that just observing and appreciating life’s simplicity may help me relax. And I’m more able to think pleasant things when I’m calm.

Consider the sound of birds outside or the finer points of the colors you see.

It will, at the absolute least, help you divert your attention away from any unpleasant thoughts you may be having.


8. Educate yourself by reading and watching uplifting tales.

The things you pay the greatest attention to have an impact on your thoughts. It’s widely proven, for example, that individuals might get melancholy after viewing the news.

Why? Because there are always a lot of bad tales on there.

Every day, you hear about all kinds of terrible things that happen to individuals. And out of all of that heinousness, you get maybe one feel-good tale that lasts 30 seconds.

It’s the same with social media. When you go on Facebook, all you see is a lot of people whining, and this makes you want to whine about anything.

So, if all of this has a detrimental impact on us, maybe the inverse is also true.

For one week, try to read and watch primarily happy stories. There are websites dedicated just to the finest that the world has to offer.

I’ve noticed that when I quit viewing the news so much, I’m able to be more optimistic about life. Perhaps you will be able to do so as well.




9. Make yourself happy.

We can’t be optimistic most of the time because we allow ourselves to feel miserable the majority of the time.

We’re exhausted because we’re not getting enough sleep, eating enough, or just not laughing enough throughout the day.

I try to make myself feel happy as much as possible during the day. Whether it’s dining, taking a vacation from work, or just having a good time.

It helps me to be less stressed about life, to be less negative, and to be more optimistic.



10. Don’t be afraid to get excited about something once in a while.

Every day, I try to find something to look forward to having the opportunity to do at the end of the day.

It could be a football game I’ve been anticipating, or simply something I’ve saved on YouTube to watch later.

Give yourself something to look forward to in order to feel less down about your day.



11. Make it a habit to be calm.

I alluded to this earlier when I mentioned relaxation, but let’s dig a little deeper. We’re either stressed or anxious most of the time when we’re negative.

Making serenity a habit might help you better cope with life’s stress and worry.

Listening to soothing music, meditating, or just wandering in nature might help you avoid falling into depression.

People often overlook the fact that being more positive also entails being less negative.



12. Turn off all of your negative friends.

I stopped using Facebook because I felt I was better off without it. However, I am aware that some individuals use it to keep in touch.

So, to reduce the amount of negativity on your timeline, mute all of your friends who often complain.

Do the same with Twitter, Instagram, and any other social media accounts you have. That way, you may go on there and just see great things.

You could also think about practicing social media minimalism.

Another thing to remember while using social media is to not get caught up in how “happy” everyone seems to be.

Always keep in mind that the things individuals post on their timeline are merely a glimpse of their lives.

It doesn’t reveal all of the other horrible things they’re going through, as well as all of their miserable sentiments that they don’t show anybody.

Having that viewpoint will assist you in not being too hard on yourself.


In 2022 there are 20 ways to be more optimistic.

13. Take pauses from your work.

We live in a world that encourages us to push ourselves to the boundaries of our abilities, yet doing so will only leave you depleted of all vitality.

When you don’t have much energy, it’s difficult to maintain a positive attitude.


Whenever you’re working hard on anything, learn to take a break after you’ve done some solid job and reward yourself with a break.


Maintaining your energy levels and overall well-being is your responsibility.


14. Participate in a workout that you like.

Every one else speaks about how exercise makes us feel happier and more optimistic. And it is true that it has an effect on your mood.


However, the majority of individuals I know have a negative attitude about working exercise. Personally, I find it to be rather appealing.


However, for those who do not, there is a method by which you may deceive your body into receiving the exercise it requires.


Find something you like doing. As a result, instead of thinking to yourself, “I have to exercise today,” you will think to yourself, “I am looking forward to dancing today” or “I am looking forward to performing yoga today.”


Not only will you get the physical advantages, but you’ll also reap the emotional benefits, as you’ll be having a good time doing something you like.









15. Concentrate on your own ideas rather than those of others.

Your ideas are those of the most important person in your life. However, we have a tendency to conceive about things in the other manner.


We believe that other people’s opinions are the most significant, and as a consequence, when other people have unfavorable feelings about us, we feel negatively about ourselves as well.


Once you grasp that what other people believe about you is only as relevant as what you determine to be true, you may choose to form your own opinions about yourself and your own life.


Throughout my life, I’ve had numerous individuals say demeaning things about me, and it used to worry me a great deal. Sometimes I’ll even agree with what they’re saying.


I’m able to choose, though, to dismiss what other people say about me that is bad, and instead think only the best of myself because I’ve gained this awareness of selecting what is real about myself.


Because when you live with the conviction that you will not let anyone’s negative to affect your positive attitude, it becomes simpler to be optimistic.


16. Experiment with something new.

Whenever you try anything new, it has the potential to leave a lasting impression on your memory.


If it is present, you have something nice to reflect back on, as opposed to the negative recollections from the past that we might often concentrate on.


I recently experienced a few unique experiences while going to a new location that I had never visited before.


I appreciate reflecting back on those happy experiences in my memory, and it makes it less likely that the unpleasant things will take up space in my head.


Consequently, the more novel things you do, the more positive things you may think about, which might make you feel good and hopeful about the future.








17. Negativity for a total of ten minutes

‘Get Off Your “But”‘ is a book written by Sean Stephenson that contains information regarding this tool. It really gave a lot of helpful suggestions about staying optimistic on it.


But there was one rule in particular that I recall him having learnt to live by. He would allow himself 10 minutes in which to be as negative as he possibly could about whatever he was feeling at the moment.


Afterwards, he would make every effort not to be negative for the remainder of the day.


So, if you need to, take 10 minutes to get all of that bad energy out of your system, and then see how it affects your ability to remain cheerful throughout the day.


Optimism is expressed in this quotation. How to maintain a cheerful attitude.

Practice cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) on a regular basis.

People suffering from anxiety or depression might benefit from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which is widely used by psychologists. But, to be honest, CBT should be taught to everyone.


What it amounts to is countering your negative beliefs with a more rational knowledge of the facts of life.


Take, for example, the notion, “They’re all undoubtedly evaluating me right now,” as an example.


If you think about it, “I don’t know what these folks are thinking, and more than likely, they are more concerned with themselves than I am,” you may dispute that assumption.


Using these kind of strategies to challenge your ideas can help you to become more relaxed, which will result in you having less negative thoughts.





19. Believe in yourself until you feel it

Many people will tell you that you should fake it until you make it. In one sense, it’s sound counsel for individuals who are committed to pushing through to a better state of health in the long term.


However, there are occasions when you simply want to feel well as quickly as possible. You want your optimism to offer you happiness right now, and you want it to do so.


As a result, I advocate “real it till you feel it,” which means doing as many good activities as you possibly can that have the potential to make you happy until you experience it.


All of the things that have been discussed thus far should be tried, as well as anything else that comes to mind.


After all, why put on a phony grin when you can discover something to laugh about that would really make you happy?


After all, why force yourself to believe you’re happy when you can genuinely do everything in your power to make yourself happy?


This is a basic food for thought that you might experiment with.





20. Make your fruits and veggies dishes delectable by seasoning them with herbs and spices.

Most likely, you’ve heard the phrase “eat your fruits and veggies” so many times that it’s become stuck in your head.


The fact that eating healthier may make you happier and more optimistic is almost universally acknowledged. And the majority of the time, folks aren’t all that enthusiastic about doing so.


But who says you can’t spice things up a little? You may locate healthful foods that you actually like eating, or you can flavor them in a manner that makes them taste better to you, depending on your preferences.


That will increase your motivation to eat healthier and provide you with an energy and mood boost that will assist you in remaining optimistic.


Toss some turmeric into tofu or mix some ginger and cinnamon into some oats for a delicious breakfast.


Whatever you can find to make things taste better would suffice in this case. Your body and mind will thank you for taking the time to do it.





21. Make a plan for something that will make you feel happy as soon as you wake up.

We often check our cellphones or computers as soon as we get out of bed.


And most of the time, we check the news or our e-mails, and more often than not, we find something we don’t like, which causes us to start our day in a bad frame of mind.


Whenever I wake up in the morning, I try not to check my phone or laptop first thing to see if anything important has happened.


Instead, I try to just relax and take pleasure in the peace and quiet of the early morning. That allows me to feel more upbeat and optimistic as I begin my workday. I always look forward to my quiet early mornings since they are so peaceful.


Perhaps something completely else is in store for you. Perhaps you could go take a good warm shower as soon as you wake up, or perhaps you could go get your favorite food and have a bite out of it right away.


Whichever method you chose, when you prepare something that makes you feel good within the initial few minutes of your day, it is simpler to be positive about the remainder of the day.







22. Get more sleep, become more vitality, and get more positive.

As I’ve underlined throughout this piece, being optimistic may have a significant impact on how energetic we feel. A lack of sleep also means a lack of vitality for the majority of us.


So, in order to have more energy, you must sleep more, and you will be more likely to have happy feelings as a result.


In fact, I’m nothing near being a sleeping expert, since I often find myself staying up longer than I should.


However, there are several guidelines made by the National Sleep Foundation that might assist us in getting the sleep we need. Some of them are as follows:


Having comfy beds and pillows to sleep on

Having a sleep routine is important.

Keeping big meals away from the dinner table

Make an effort to obtain as much sleep as you can in order to maintain your positive attitude.







23. Spend some quality time with a friend’s pet, or locate a spot where you can interact with them.

Not everyone is interested in taking on the burden of caring for a pet. In fact, the stress of dealing with it may be detrimental to your ability to remain optimistic.


It’s possible to spend time with your friend’s pet, which would be a less stressful method to enjoy the company of certain animals. There are also locations where you can go where they will allow you to interact with animals.


It has been established in studies that pets like dogs, cats, and other animals help reduce stress and make people feel happy. This might be particularly beneficial when you are feeling down.


Taking advantage of this opportunity to spend time with an animal can allow you to experience more happy sentiments.






24. Get yourself into the zone by doing something imaginative.

This was revealed to me while viewing a program about happiness. We are said to feel happy when we do anything creative, such as play music or draw, and we do it without thinking about what we are doing or why we are doing it.


The term “flow” refers to the state of mind that occurs during spontaneous activity. In the past, when I used to play my electric guitar, it gave me a great sense of accomplishment to simply make up songs as I went along.


You never know, it may be the same for you. Try it out and see how it works for you. It has the potential to make you happier and more optimistic.







25. Make a contract with yourself to be more positive.

You may include your friends and family in all of the good feelings as well.


With them, make an agreement that you will all say something encouraging to one another to start the day, and maybe something encouraging to one another to finish the day.


The things that others say to you may serve as powerful affirmations that you can repeat to yourself to improve your good vibrations.


It is the social connection that helps you feel more connected to your friends and family, as well as the wonderful feeling you get from giving them encouragement and having them give you support, that all combine to give you a significant surge of positive.





26. Dedicate yourself to and live for something greater than yourself.

During some of my most difficult times, I found that dedicating myself to something that I considered honorable and inspiring allowed me to remain optimistic in the face of adversity.


When you accomplish something that you really believe important, all of the negative things tend to fade into the background.


Find something to hold on to, whether it’s religion, a hobby, or even simply your family and friends. Concentrate your life on those vital issues, and you’ll feel better about yourself as a result of doing so, as well as helping yourself to be more optimistic.







27. Make your home a good energy source by transforming it.

How do you feel when you take a good look around your house? Is it anything that makes you happy?


I remember going back home for the weekend while I was in college, and my room served as a haven for me.


It was a location that I felt most comfortable in since it was one that I was most acquainted with. And the coziness helped me to rest while also making me feel nice and invigorated.


You may use this method to decorate your room and your whole environment. Organize your wall space by displaying your most significant achievements, such as your degrees or certificates. Make a display with some inspirational phrases or affirmations.


You might also choose colors for the inside that are personally pleasing to you. Put some plants in your house, spray a smell that you enjoy, and make a variety of additional changes to make your home more comfortable.


Put your heart and soul into putting your place together in a manner that makes you feel your best and helps you to be your most positive self.










28.Playing memory games is a good way to pass the time.

This is perhaps one of the most interesting things I’ve discovered lately. As a result, playing memory games to improve your memory might really aid in the reduction of tension and anxiety.


Matching card games are one of my favorite ways to help me enhance my memory. Find a game that you like that can assist you with yours.


Improving your capacity to experience less anxiety will make choosing optimism a more straightforward decision for you.


29.Make deliberate decisions that are distinct from the norm.

This is another another great suggestion that I got from the same happiness video that I discussed before in this post.


According to research, adding diversity to our days, such as taking a different route to work or even carrying out any routine chore in a new way, might make us happier in the long run.


From time to time in my life, I’ve attempted to do things a little differently. Perhaps if you give it a go, it will help to improve your mood and raise your optimism.


30.Count to ten and imagine yourself at your ideal place.

Imagining yourself in a pleasant environment has been proved to be beneficial in terms of our well-being.


A beach with bright blue sky and the sound of the surf crashing is something I like to imagine myself doing while I’m strolling.


Visualizing oneself at the location of your dreams might help you to feel better about yourself. You will feel relaxed as a result of your happy emotions, and as you relax, you will feel more optimistic.





31.Positivity is a result of making intentional decisions.

More positive thinking and behavior is less about forcing yourself to smile or think happy thoughts and more about making conscious choices that encourage it to happen more naturally.


You should be able to automatically feel more positive about life if you follow all of these tips, and you should.


What kinds of decisions do you make to help you feel more optimistic? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this in the comments section. Who knows, you may be able to inspire someone else to be more optimistic as well.

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