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If I Use Moth Balls, Will Deer Stay Away?

If I Use Moth Balls, Will Deer Stay Away?

If you desire to keep deer away from your flowers but are considering using moth balls to do it, you should reconsider that strategy. Moth balls may be effective in warding off deer, but they are poisonous to other creatures, including your treasured pets, children, and even yourself.

As a result, you should not use moth balls to discourage deer from coming near your property.

We should choose an alternative that is less harmful to the environment, such as predator urine or cinnamon, as your repellent of choice instead.

You will be relieved to know that there is a plethora of merchandise available today that is not only effective but also inexpensive and risk-free; this merchandise can be used to frighten deer away from your gardens and flowers.

Continue reading if you want to find out more about the reasons why mothballs shouldn’t be used to frighten away deer.

We provide an explanation as to why moth balls do, in fact, work, as well as reasons why you shouldn’t use them and other options that are available to you in addition to mothballs.

Let’s get started.

Will Putting Moth Balls Around My Flowers Keep the Deer Away?

In a purely scientific sense, moth balls will be effective in preventing deer from feeding on your flowers and browsing about your house.

Because of the strong stench that these pesticides give out, animals like deer and moths avoid coming into contact with them. Because of the strong odor that moth balls give off, you may anticipate that deer will avoid your flowers and your house as a result of using mothballs.

In spite of this, using moth balls will do more than only prevent deer from entering your yard:

Mothballs have a very poisonous substance that is even harmful to people if they breathe them in.
In the event that your children or pets were to get a hold of the mothballs, it is likely that they would get gravely sick as a result of the exposure.
In other words, you should not expect moth balls to only keep deer away from your garden; you should also anticipate that they will do other functions.

Because of the powerful odor that they give out, it is probable that other forms of animals, such as birds and bees, would avoid them.

Even Worse: The moth balls may be toxic to the local fauna if they are not properly disposed of.

What Characteristics of Moth Balls Contribute to Their Dangerousness?

You may be forgiven for asking what exactly makes moth balls such a risky proposition, given their little size.

Naphthalene is the active ingredient of moth balls, which are also used as a pesticide. The use of pesticides is what keeps moths and deer away from mothballs and other items containing mothballs.

The pesticide poses a significant threat to the vast majority of living things both when it is breathed in and when it is consumed.

Mothballs pose a threat to the health of any animal that comes into contact with them, regardless of whether or not other creatures are around to smell or taste them.

They are going to evaporate at some point, which will result in the release of poisonous gas into the atmosphere. While the moth balls break down, the chemicals will also sink into the soil and infiltrate the groundwater, river, and lake reserves in the area.

Simply being in the same environment as moth balls may cause people and other animals to suffer the following side effects:

headaches, coughing, as well as nausea, eye discomfort, and nasal irritation
Exposure to moth balls has also been linked to cases of hemolytic anemia and, in rare cases, malignancy.

It should go without saying that moth balls pose a significant risk to anybody who uses them in an irresponsible manner.

Should I Use Moth Balls To Keep Deer Away? (Should I Use)

You shouldn’t try to keep deer away from your property by using moth balls because of the damage they bring to the natural environment.

Even while the moth balls will keep the deer away from your property, they have dangerous side effects that may potentially cause injury or even death to your children, pets, and any other animals that may be in the area.

On top of that, it’s against the law to use moth balls as a deer repellent since they’re considered an illicit substance.

The law states that pesticides may only be used for the reason that was designed for that particular pesticide. Because mothballs are not intended for use as a deer repellent and are not manufactured that way, it is against the law to use them in that capacity.

There Are Also Other Methods You Can Use To Prevent Deer From Eating Your Flowers.
Moth balls are not the solution to your problem if you need to deter deer from eating your flowers and eating down your garden.

Choose alternative strong-smelling compounds that will get the job done without threatening your loved ones or the wildlife that lives in the vicinity instead. This will be a better option.

The fact that moth balls have a pungent odor is the primary factor in their effectiveness in warding off pests.

If you want to keep pests away from your garden without resorting to potentially harmful strong odors like mothballs, all you have to do is discover goods that have a powerful odor but are not hazardous to use and then scatter them throughout your garden.

Urine from a Predator

The use of predator urine is one of the least harmful methods for discouraging deer from grazing in an area.

You may choose to buy either synthetic or genuine predator urine to frighten the deer away from your property. In order to scare away any deer that may be in the vicinity, this liquid will be scented to smell like the urine of wolves and coyotes.

Even though it is unpleasant, the odor will not do any damage to the deer or any of the other species that live in the region.

Learn how to apply predator urine around your garden by reading the directions that are printed on the back of the bottle.

It is likely that you won’t need to do much more than sprinkle the liquid about the garden so that the deer can smell it everywhere they go in the area.

Human Hair

Anyone who has spent any amount of time with deer, or who has even just seen them from a distance, is aware of how timid they can be.

When it comes to people, deer are very wary, and they strongly aversion the scent that humans leave behind. Your garden will have a lower chance of being visited by deer if you just sprinkle some human hair across it.

group of deers

Simply disperse human hair in all of the different areas of the garden. Even though the thought of using something like this may make your stomach turn, be assured that it will get the job done and won’t break the bank in the process.

Since of the rain, the human hair will eventually become unusable and need to be replaced because it will be broken down and washed away.

Kitchen Supplies

There are several things that deer really cannot abide, and it’s possible that you already have them in your kitchen.

The essential oil of mint, garlic, cinnamon, citrus fruits, and chili peppers are just a few examples of naturally occurring foods that will discourage deer from eating them.

These food sources all smell and taste wonderful to humans, but their intense aromas and flavors are intolerable to deer and a huge number of other animals.


In the end, you can potentially keep deer away from your property by using moth balls; however, you should not do this.

It is best to avoid using moth balls because of how deadly they are and instead choose for safer options that are still effective in warding off deer but aren’t as hazardous.

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