Ideas for a Winter BBQ in the Run-Up to Christmas

Ideas for a Winter BBQ in the Run-Up to Christmas

The month of December has come around again. But despite the fact that the weather is chilly and everything seems dreary and damp, many of us have yet to put away our BBQ sets or cover the Open Fire Pit or Grill? We think it’s the ideal chance for one more BBQ session in the Winter before it gets too chilly!



In the event that you’re just interested in providing an evening of entertainment, there are plenty of fast and simple meals for kids that may be prepared over an open fire to satisfy your needs. Even if you were planning on making an elaborate meal for your friends and family, we’ve prepared two traditional dishes for you that will be a big hit with them. If you’re having a BBQ in the winter, it’s a great time to try something new, such as grilled Brussels sprouts or chestnuts.




Be sure to have mulled wine or cider ready to drink before you begin your meal preparation so that you can stay warm while supervising the food preparation and taking on the very difficult position of BBQ master. This is an excellent chance for children and non-alcoholic beverage consumers to sample chai lattes, malt beverages, and hot chocolate.



Sprouts roasted with bacon seasoning and maple syrup are a great way to use your BBQ in the winter.

You either adore or despise Brussels sprouts, depending on who you ask. Even the most adamant non-believers will be persuaded to give them a go with this recipe. Instead of serving as a nutritious side dish, sprouts taste so excellent when cooked properly that they become a pleasant snack enjoyed by both children and adults.



Equipment and ingredients:

Protect your hands from being burned or scorched by hot oil with heat gloves.
A sharp knife for slicing sprouts and chestnuts.
Cooking using a cast iron pan or BBQ frying pan and a cutting board is recommended.
450 grams of Brussel Sprouts from a single package
1 cup extra virgin olive oil, preferably cold-pressed
ground dijon mustard (about 3 tablespoons)
bacon flavor (around 3/4 tsp)
maple syrup (about 2-3 tablespoons)
freshly cracked pepper (around 1/4 teaspoon)
sea salt (quarter teaspoon)



Brussels sprouts should be chopped in half lengthwise and placed in a medium-sized mixing dish. 1 –

Mix the olive oil, dijon mustard and bacon seasoning in a small mixing dish until well combined. 2 – Using a large mixing bowl, evenly coat the Brussels sprouts.

Prepare your non-stick BBQ frying pan by placing the Brussels sprouts on it. Grill for approximately 2 to 4 minutes, turning once or twice, to ensure that all sides are evenly cooked and browned on both sides.

Grill the sprouts for another 3 to 5 minutes or until they begin to caramelize after they have been gently cooked with maple syrup on top.

Removing the sprouts from the flame and seasoning with fresh black pepper and sea salt flakes to taste is step five.

This Winter BBQ sweet and savory snack is ready for you to serve. We’ll go on to something a little more conventional after that. Brussels sprouts are more traditional than anything else, I hear you say. Roasted chestnuts, that’s what I hear.




Chestnuts are often sold on street corners and at Christmas markets, but it is simple to roast your own chestnuts at home, and it may be a pleasant activity to do with children.

Grilled Chestnuts with Sea Salt and Butter on a BBQ in the Winter (optional).

a pinch of flakes of sea salt,
Chestnuts that have been freshly harvested
The oil derived from grapeseed
Chestnuts in a bag.




1 – A little preparation is required before you begin roasting the vegetables. 2 – Check to see if there aren’t any that are old or dry. Chestnuts should be lovely and round; if they are rattling, they should be thrown away immediately. The next step is to wash them thoroughly in case there is any filth on them after you have separated the good from the bad.

Cut across the round side of the nuts with a sharp knife to score them in step two. Because they are allowing steam to escape, this prevents the chestnuts from popping when roasting. Using a peeler will also make it simpler to remove the skin from the flesh and peel them later on.



Cook the chestnuts in a little amount of oil or butter in a BBQ pan until they are hot. Roasted chestnuts will cook in 10 – 12 minutes over an open fire; be sure to stir them every few minutes to ensure that all sides receive the same heat. If you have a smaller grill, it may take a little longer for them to cook through completely. Once you can see that they are well browned and have begun to open up, it’s time to sprinkle on more sea salt to finish cooking them.

4- After they have been roasted, the chestnuts will be easy to break apart. If you’re having trouble opening them without a nutcracker, try using one. Toss them in some melted butter while they’re still hot and enjoy!



Hosting a BBQ in your backyard or in a nearby park is another excellent winter family activity. Not only can you get the whole family engaged in meal preparation and spend a little more time outside, but you can also fool the kids into eating their greens as an added bonus. We think it’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.



Despite the fact that winter BBQs are a lot of fun, they are not as straightforward as they are in the summer. When it comes to starting a fire outside in the winter, particularly when the wind is blowing, it may be rather challenging. A piece of newspaper wrapped up and put on fire is unlikely to be effective, therefore you may want to try using a Lekto Natural Firelighter instead of a piece of newspaper. Not only will they save you time in the kitchen, but they are also free of ink and chemicals, which is still another plus.

READ MORE— Want BBQ All Winter Try These Winter Grilling Ideas Crispy breadcrumbs

The fact that the temperature is freezing outside does not preclude you from enjoying excellent grilled dinners throughout the winter months. In fact, winter is the best time of year to cook on the grill since it allows for quick, simple preparation while also producing excellent, comforting flavor combinations. Starting with appetizers, entrees, and desserts, you can create your whole holiday dinner on your BBQ. You can even prepare the entire meal on your barbecue. Use these savory and festive winter grilling recipes to make the most of your outdoor kitchen or BBQ island this winter.


Grilled Turkey Breasts

Cooking a whole turkey on the grill is possible, but not recommended. In addition to being able to prepare a whole turkey with this recipe, you certainly must try this creative and delectable twist on a Christmas tradition.





Cut down each side of the back bone and remove it, then loosen and remove the breast bone from the turkey. Remove the neck and giblets, then open the turkey fully flat by cutting down each side of the back bone and removing it. Add salt and pepper to taste after rubbing in olive oil. Direct heat (450-500 degrees Fahrenheit) should be set up on your grill in advance. Grill the turkey for 5-7 minutes with the skin side down, then take it from the grill and set it in a baking dish. Cook for another 15 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit before removing the turkey from the grill and putting it on a cooling rack. 2 12 hours more, basting every hour, until the chicken is tender. The turkey should be covered with aluminum foil and let to rest for 15 minutes before serving after it has been taken from the grill.




Succulent Skewers of Moroccan Lamb

This simple weekday supper from the outdoor kitchen, made with exotic Middle Eastern spices and melt-in-your-mouth lamb, will liven up your winter eating experience.




Cook for 6 to 8 hours at a low temperature in a covered baking dish. In a blender, puree 1 onion, 1 garlic clove, 4 parsley leaves, 12 teaspoon lemon zest, 3 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 teaspoon allspice, and 1 teaspoon salt until smooth; transfer to a baking dish. Grill the lamb skewers for approximately 5 minutes each side for medium rare, or until they are cooked through.




Seared Rib Eye Steaks on the Grill

These grilled rib eye steaks are excellent for a family supper or a special evening of entertaining since they can be served al fresco over a fire pit or on your outdoor BBQ island. In case it’s too cold to dine outdoors, bring this delicious and comforting meal inside to share around the dinner table.

Grill plates should be cleaned and gently oiled before cooking. Using salt and pepper, season 4 bone-in rib eye steaks and cook the steaks for 6-7 minutes each side on a charcoal grill or 8-9 minutes per side on a gas grill for medium-rare.




Grilled Pizza with Cheddar and Spinach.

With an outdoor pizza oven, this meal is ideal for cooking outside throughout the winter months. However, even if you do not have a pizza oven, your outdoor barbecue island may serve as a pizza-making station. These grilled pizzas are quick and easy to prepare, making them ideal for chilly evenings when you want to spend less time outdoors cooking.




Stretch 2 pounds of pizza dough into a 10 by 12 inch rectangle on a baking sheet and spray with olive oil to prevent it from rising too quickly. Cover and cook the dough for 3-4 minutes, or until the bottom is golden brown, over a preheated medium grill set to medium temperature. Cook for another 3-4 minutes after flipping the dough and covering it with cheese (mozzarella or any mild cheese). Toss with young spinach while still hot after removing from the grill. Drizzle with garlic-infused oil to give it a flavorful boost!




Tacos de Pescado Grillad

The highlight of this luscious and spicy meal is an entire grilled fish made on your own BBQ island. For a fun, fresh, and nutritious winter BBQ supper, serve it with hard or soft tacos and your choice of condiments.



Preparing the fish: Take a 2 pound fillet of fresh white fish and season it to your liking with salt and pepper. Cumin, oregano, chile, coriander seed, and salt are some of the spices that are recommended. Allow 30 minutes to 2 hours for the seasoning to marinade. Turn the grill to high heat and clean it gently with oil. Fish should be cooked for 3-5 minutes without moving on a hot grill with the flesh side up. Cook for another 5-7 minutes, flipping gently with two spatulas, or until the salmon flakes easily when touched with a knife. Mix lime juice and cilantro with shredded fish to make a filling for fish tacos that’s very delicious.





BBQ Tofu with a Spicy Kick

Tofu is marinated in a rich and fragrant sauce before being grilled to perfection in this spicy meal that both vegans and non-vegetarians will enjoy. Its sweet and peppery sauce goes nicely with heated noodles or sour coleslaw, and it is vegetarian.

Squeeze 1 pound of extra firm tofu against a stack of paper towels to remove any excess water that has formed. Cubed tofu is seasoned with a dry rub made of 14 cup brown sugar, 1 teaspoon cumin, 1 teaspoon garlic powder, and 12 teaspoon chili powder (adjust the amount to taste). Allow for a 30-minute resting period before using. Preparation: Preheat the grill over medium heat and lightly coat the grill plates with oil. Grill each tofu cube for 3-4 minutes on each side, or until it is lightly browned on the outside. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice and toss well before serving.

grilled apple blossoms (bbq apple blossoms )

Grilled desserts, maybe. With meals this delicious, a grilled dessert is a no-brainer! In addition to its gastronomic merits, this apple dish is visually appealing, with a stunning display of apple slices. The best way to round off your winter dinner from the outdoor grill island, this dessert is served with ice cream or whipped cream.



Small baking apples may be carved into a pattern of your choosing or left intact by cutting off the top quarter, core, and carving. Fill each apple with a mixture of dried fruits, nuts, spices such as cinnamon or nutmeg, brown sugar, caramel, or another sort of sauce of your choosing. – 30 minutes on a covered, medium-heat grill, wrapped in heavy-duty aluminum foil. Garnish with whipped cream or ice cream, if desired.




You don’t have to put away your outside grill just because it’s getting colder outside, as these wonderful winter dishes demonstrate. Besides the flavor of grilled foods in winter, you’ll love the fact that they need less preparation and cleanup. Make use of your outdoor kitchen or BBQ island all year long by preparing these substantial and comforting winter grilling dishes on the grill.

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