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Ice Cubes in 10 Surprising Household Applications

Ice Cubes In 10 Surprising Household Applications

Any beverage may be transformed into a delightful pleasure by adding ice cubes. But did you know that ice can be used for a variety of other purposes than cooling your drink? Ice may be used to address a variety of domestic problems, ranging from watering difficult-to-reach plants to wiping chewing gum from clothes and other items. The ice cubes in your freezer may be used to a variety of unique and unexpected purposes, as seen in the following list.

Remove carpet dents with a squeegee

So after deciding to rearrange the furniture, you’ve discovered that you’ve left a lot of unsightly carpet dents where the furniture legs used to be. Place an ice cube in each dent and let it to melt for a simple and fast way to eliminate unwanted scuff marks. Then, using your fingers or a soft brush, fluff up the carpeting as much as possible. Once the surface has dried, no one will be able to tell that the dents ever existed!



Effortlessly Remove Wrinkles

Don’t be concerned about creases in your clothing. Wrap an ice cube in a soft towel and massage it over the creases in your fabric for smooth fabric on the fly. As soon as the creases are a little moist, iron them out and you’re ready to go!


Eliminate Fabric Stains from Your Home

In the case of spilling anything on your clothes, conventional wisdom suggests that you should dab cold water on the stain as soon as possible. Ice cubes, on the other hand, are much more effective in preventing stains from setting in. 




Right away, when you detect a stain, place an ice cube on the stain and keep it there for few seconds before dabbing with a clean paper napkin; repeat as necessary. Additionally, since the ice can be applied to a focused region of cloth, you will not get water all over the remainder of your garment when you use this method.





Getting Rid of Sticky Messes

Another one of the most ancient ice-related techniques in the book is as follows: Ice may be used to get chewing gum out of garments, carpets, and table linens that have become sticky. Simply rub an ice cube over the gum until it freezes and solidifies, then scrape off the remaining residue with the side of a spoon to complete the process. If required, repeat the process until all traces of gum have been removed. This method is also effective for removing candle wax from carpets and fabrics.





Resolve Your Garbage Disposal Issues

If your trash disposal is acting sluggishly, it might be due to a buildup of grease and debris in the grinding mechanism of the disposal. Solution: Pour a handful of ice cubes down the garbage disposal and grind them up until the issue is resolved.


 The freezing water will lubricate the device and loosen any grease that may have accumulated. Remove any unpleasant aromas that may be emerging from the disposal while you’re at it by grinding up a half cup of baking soda or some lemon rinds in with the ice while the disposal is running.





Keep Your Houseplants Well-Watered

Hanging houseplants may be difficult to keep up with, particularly if they’re positioned at a high elevation above the ground. If you want to water your plants without having to stand on a step stool, throw some frozen ice cubes on the ground. As the ice melts, it will gently and efficiently water the plants in your garden. 






This method is particularly effective for plants that are vulnerable to unexpected deluges, such as orchids and African violets, which are particularly susceptible to flooding. Add ice cubes to your Christmas tree stand as an alternative to liquid water since, unlike liquid water, the ice cubes will not overflow over your ornaments and presents.

Ice Cubes in 10 Surprising Household Applications

Remove Splinter with Ease

If you’ve ever worked with wood, you’re probably familiar with the irritation caused by a splinter—and the agony of having to remove it with a needle or tweezers. In order to make the removal procedure less painful, apply a cold compress to the region around the splinter.


Burns, blisters, and bruises may be soothed with this cream.



A cold compress applied to burnt skin may assist to prevent additional damage and reduce the likelihood of a painful blister forming. Simply apply an ice cube to the burn for 10 to 15 minutes as soon as the damage occurs, preferably immediately thereafter. 



A similar effect may be achieved by using ice cubes at the place of contact, where they can help constrict blood vessels and reduce bruising. Wrap the ice in a soft towel or an old T-shirt and apply it to your bruise for 15 minutes. Repeat the treatment every hour or so until the bruise has disappeared.





When caulking, make sure the seams are even.

When you attempt to smooth a seam with your hands, caulk may become a sticky mess, leaving you with an uneven and unsightly finish. Instead, use an ice cube to smooth the bead of caulk; the caulk will not adhere to the ice, and you will end up with a seam that is professional-looking as a result.





Make Your Own Air Conditioner (DIY)

With little more than an ice bucket and a small fan, you can keep yourself cool in the summer heat! A bowl full of ice cubes on a table, with the fan set up to blow over the cubes, and you’ll be treated to a cooling, pleasant wind. In order to make another round of DIY air conditioning, you may re-freeze the water in the bowl after the ice has melted.





Vases and glassware should be cleaned regularly.

Cleanup is notoriously tough when it comes to items such as coffeepots, carafes, vases, bottles, and decanters—especially if they have long, narrow necks. Fill the jar halfway with ice cubes, coarse salt, and lemon juice for a quick and simple approach to clean these glass pieces. For a few minutes, vigorously swirl the mixture to ensure that all of the crud that has accumulated in the bottom of the container has been removed. To keep your glassware bright and beautiful, repeat the procedure as often as necessary.






Make Sure Your Rice Is Properly Heated

The use of the microwave to reheat leftover rice might result in a meal that is crispy, dry, and flavorless. Before microwaving the rice, place one or two ice cubes on top of the grains to ensure that it is deliciously warmed. Adding ice to the rice will melt as it reheats, conserving moisture and making the rice fluffy and appealing throughout the process.





Cooking Soups and Stews with Extra Fat Removed

Getting rid of extra fat from soups, stews, and gravies is a challenging chore that many people struggle with. Instead of using a fat separator or a skimmer, try using ice instead! Ice should be placed in a metal ladle or stainless steel bowl before being skimmed over the surface of the liquid in the saucepan. Fat will congeal and adhere to the bottom of the bowl or ladle as a result of the cold metal, enabling it to be scraped off and thrown.

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