Hummingbirds: What Do They Eat?

Hummingbirds: What Do They Eat?

Every person who keeps hummingbirds in their backyards knows that they sip sugar water, but what else do these birds eat? If you are able to determine which kind of food sources hummingbirds like the most, you will be able to create an alluring buffet in your garden that will not only satisfy the hummingbirds’ nutritional requirements but will also attract them.

Nectar of the Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds get the majority of their nutrition from nectar, which may come from certain flowers or from sugar water solutions. Nectar is both plentiful and popular. Hummingbirds are able to maintain their high metabolic rate, rapid flight, and active lifestyles because to the significant quantity of sugar that is present in nectar.

Since nectar is a liquid, it also provides the birds with the water they need, and hummingbirds do not normally drink from other sources of water. However, nectar does not satisfy the requirements that hummingbirds have for protein, amino acids, and other vitamins and minerals; thus, in order to maintain a well-balanced and nutritious diet, they must consume other foods. ​

Be sure to stick to the instructions while you’re making hummingbird nectar. Combine one cup of sugar (refined white sugar) and four cups of water in a mixing bowl and stir until the sugar is dissolved.

It is imperative that no color or other additives be included in the mixture at any point. You may save any leftover sugar water in the refrigerator for use in the feeder in the next few days if there was any.

Hummingbird Diet

Hummingbirds receive their necessary nutrients from a wide array of foods in addition to the nectar that they drink.

Hummingbirds rely heavily on insects as a primary source of nutrition, particularly small insects, insect larvae, insect eggs, and spiders. Insects are an essential source of fat, protein, and salts for birds, which are nutrients that cannot be obtained from nectar alone. These nutrients are particularly important for hatchlings because of their high rate of growth.

Hummingbirds may hunt for their prey in a variety of ways, including gleaning or picking them off bark, flowers, or leaves; hawking them in midair, or plucking them from spider webs or sticky secretions. Hummingbirds have been seen hunting in all of these methods.

An adult hummingbird has to consume many dozens of insects on a daily basis in order to receive the quantity of protein that is necessary for a balanced diet. However, if they need to regurgitate this nutrient-dense food to hungry hatchlings or if they are in the middle of a lengthy journey, they will consume a significant number of additional insects.


Hummingbirds will drink tree sap from wells excavated by woodpeckers in times when there is a shortage of nectar. Even if the nectar of trees isn’t quite as sweet as the nectar of flowers, hummingbirds may still get enough of the sugar they need from tree sap to satisfy their nutritional requirements. The sap that has dropped down and solidified on the trunk of the tree cannot be consumed, but the birds may be able to pluck insects off of the sticky residue left behind.


Although hummingbirds do not take in pollen in the traditional sense, when they drink nectar from flowers, a significant amount of pollen may get attached to their tongues and bills. Even if it wasn’t consumed in its whole, pollen may still be considered a tangential source of protein due to the fact that some of it get swallowed.

On the other hand, only around 10 percent of the pollen that is consumed is really digested. This demonstrates that while this is a potential food source for hummingbirds, it is not one that they often use.

The ashes and the dust

There is evidence that several species of hummingbirds use minute amounts of ash and sand as food. These items have the potential to be an excellent source of essential minerals and salts, yet only a little amount is required to satisfy the nutritional requirements of a hummingbird.

It’s also conceivable that the birds weren’t eating the ashes or sand at all; rather, they were plucking insects out of the substance with their beaks. In order to better understand the significance of this potential food supply for hummingbirds, more in-depth research and observation are required.


Hummingbirds have been shown to be attracted to certain ripe and luscious fruits. It has been observed that hummingbirds will stealthily drink the juices off fruits such as berries, apples, pears, and oranges if the fruits have been peeled, sliced open, or otherwise have their flesh exposed.

Using Food to Entice Hummingbirds to Your Garden

If you are interested in attracting hummingbirds to your garden, it is important to have an understanding of the foods that these birds consume. Think about the following when choosing what kinds of food to put out so that you may attract hummingbirds:

Honeysuckle and coral bells are two examples of native plants that produce flowers that are particularly rich in nectar. Other such plants include blooming shrubs and trees. Most birds will be attracted to blooms that are red and tubular, and selecting hummingbird flowers that bloom throughout the season will guarantee that a sufficient quantity of nectar is available for many months. It is a good idea to remove flowers from your garden that hummingbirds don’t like and replace them with others that produce more nectar instead.

It is best to abstain from using insecticides or spider sprays in the garden or anywhere around the house, and you should also avoid disturbing the insects in any other way. Instead of using conventional pesticides, you can rely on natural predators like hummingbirds and other birds who feed on insects.

How to Identify a Male or Female Bird.

To imitate the taste of natural nectar, use hummingbird feeders that are loaded with the appropriate sugar solution. Hummingbirds will be drawn to red feeders, and a recipe for hummingbird nectar that calls for four parts water to one part sugar comes the closest to mimicking the ratio of sugar to water found in the nectar of the most popular flowers.

When making nectar for hummingbirds, you should never make use of honey, molasses, fruit juice, or artificial sweeteners since none of these things are sufficient, and some of them might even be harmful to the birds.

Hummingbirds will need adjacent perches to protect their preferred eating spots, so be sure to provide them. Many species of hummingbirds are quite territorial, and when they are, they will utilize a perch as a vantage point from which to watch for potential threats. They will remain in the region if they are at ease there, which will make it simpler for them to find food.

Although many people enjoy seeing hummingbirds at their nectar feeders throughout the summer, these birds also consume a wide variety of other foods. It is important to give a variety of meals for hummingbirds to guarantee that they are never forced to leave your yard due to a lack of food, just as it is important for a decent backyard feeding station to supply a variety of birds seeds and other appropriate foods.

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