How to utilize the closet kitchen floor for sex
Cleaning out your closets and donating bags of clothes, shoes, and handbags to charity is as good a time as any. Look! There’s plenty of room in the closet now! So, what exactly are you waiting for? Closets are confined, secluded, dark, and create the appearance of protection, all of which contribute to the desire factor of stand-up sex.
What you’ll need: some floor and wall space; no claustrophobia; lubricant; and a PlaY BY PlaY belt, tie, or scarf.
1. You’ve been working long hours and in close quarters to get rid of whatever you don’t need. But don’t put your nice deed on hold just yet. Try to take pleasure in the benefits of your effort. Begin by doing a full-body press.
2. If your boyfriend is a few inches taller than you (or vice versa), stand on a loaded box or anything substantial enough to support your weight (not a pile of clothing). You want to be able to look each other in the eyes.
3. Hold each other in a casual hug now that you’re facing each other.
4. Gentlemen, bend your knees slightly to allow you to enter her, then gently rise. Make sure you have lubrication on hand if she’s dry.
5. Ladies, with each thrust, bend back slightly so that his pelvic bone rubs on your clitoris.
6. If you’re looking for more penetration, consider standing on one leg and looping your other leg over his. Hold on to her hanging thigh, guys, for support.
Although your woman won’t be able to move much (which might increase arousal! ), you can create tiny motion adjustments by swaying her back and forth.
7. You’re in the closet, so make do with what you’ve got. Wrap a belt, knot, or scarf around the waist of your girlfriend to bind her tight to you and boost the intensity and control.
8. Ladies, stand with your back to your boyfriend, bend at the waist, and have him enter you from behind for even more vertical diversity. Belts, ties, and scarves are very useful for balancing in this posture. Not only will he be able to go deeper, but he’ll also have one hand free to titillate the rest of you until you both shake the closet.
Breakfast Extravaganza
Don’t bother with instant oatmeal. Choose old-fashioned steel-cut oats, which are abundant in B vitamins, calcium, and protein, and have more fiber than a bran muffin, for your breakfast cereal. They cook in between 20 and 30 minutes, which means you’ll have plenty of time to work side-by-side with your partner while the oatmeal pot is boiling and the kids are still in bed, allowing you to build up an appetite.
a kitchen table or counter, a pot of slow-cooking oats or raw oatmeal, a soft stick of butter, milk, maple syrup, and a damp dishtowel are all you’ll need.
1. Once the oatmeal begins to boil, give it a good stir and reduce the heat to low. Meanwhile, prepare the props you’ll need (as outlined in the previous section). Make sure they’re within reach of the pot at all times.
2. After that, undress down to your underwear. For the ladies, arrange yourself so that you are seated on top of the counter or at the kitchen table.
3.As the chef will also be the diner in this scenario, select who will be in charge of the meal preparation. If it’s extremely early in the morning and you and your partner are both drowsy, delegate the task to your boyfriend. He’s more than likely to rise to the occasion more quickly.
4. Ladies, spread your legs wide and prepare to be received. The stick of butter should be the first thing you do, gentlemen. Run it down the inside of your lover’s thighs, rubbing and sucking it as you go, until you reach the outside. Check to see that the butter is at room temperature, not hard and frozen!
5. To get her circulation pumping, create a patty of raw oats and milk in your hand and massage it all over her body, from her legs to her knees, to her neck and shoulders.
calves, and all the way down to her feet Pay close attention to the erogenous soles of her feet. –
If you feel so inclined, you may suck her toes.
6. Using a heated dishtowel, “clean” her up a little more. But don’t even think about leaving her alone for a second. Throw the used towel to the side and reach for the maple syrup when you’re done.’ Take a sip of the syrup and keep it in your lips until you can transfer it to her pussy.
7. Start licking your lips. She will be put into a trance by the luscious and sticky maple syrup. Fill your cock with syrup after she has had a lovely orgasm and masturbate till you reach the peak of your pleasure.
8. Everything happened at the perfect time. The oatmeal should be ready at this point. Go your hands dirty and get to work. And don’t forget to add (fresh) butter and syrup to finish it off. Is there anything that comes to mind?
How to utilize the closet kitchen floor for sex
a new load of laundry Pleasure
Do you need assistance with folding the newly cleaned sheets? Call your friend over and ask him to provide a help. Increasing the warmth of the sheet as he approaches and tackling him lustily to the ground.
What you’ll need: massage oil, a stack of freshly laundered clothes
1. Clever ruse! You’ve got him just where you want him; don’t spend any more time with him!
Take even more control over the situation by assisting him in stripping off all of his clothing. Inform him that resistance is hopeless.
2. Walk over to the pile of warm, clean, white laundry and take two towels from there. 3. Bind his wrists together with one hand and his feet together with the second.
3. If he continues to protest, exert even more control by placing a pillow cover over his head. Allow him to take a few deep breaths while telling him not to speak a single word. Demand his attention and he will gladly comply!
4. You’ve finally gotten him where you want him.
It’s your time to undress, but keep your movements quiet so he doesn’t notice what’s going on.
5. Use a liberal amount of the massage oil you have on hand to rub it into his body. Start with his arms and legs, then his torso and feet, and then his loins. Save his loins till last. Don’t be concerned about creating a sloppy mess!
It doesn’t matter if you have to wash the sheets and towels again since you’ve already covered everything.
How to utilize the closet kitchen floor for sex

6. When you see that he has become aroused, roll on top of him and make him squirm. Feel the lubrication of his body and the rise of his crotch.
7. If you get the impression that he is about to blow up, get away from him. Straddle his body, lick his balls and shaft, and then go at him with a rhythmic sucking movement to really get him.
8. Just as he approaches, pull back and glide back on top of him, squeezing his hard cock into your body. You’re both likely to reach a climax at the same time, complete with a delicious explosion.
9. Recognize that your clothes will need to be rewashed—but, hey, if you’re still in dominatrix mood, enlist the help of your appreciative boyfriend to do the task!
If you work from home, you’ll save money.
Many individuals work from home on a part-time or full-time basis, which means there are several opportunities to participate in the traditional role-play of boss and secretary.
10 minutes or less is the estimated time.
A solid swivel chair (ideally leather); a lock on the door; and a swivel chair (preferably leather).
First and foremost, get in the mood for role-playing.
Put on your slinkiest skirt and tightest sweater and knock on the door of a hard-working friend or family member. “Mr. VanBoss, do you need anything?” you inquire in a polite, respectful tone of voice.
But don’t hold your breath waiting for a response; just stroll in with a paper and pen in hand.
Sit across from the boss’s desk and, for a few short seconds, move your legs slightly apart to offer him a fleeting glimpse of your pantyless crotch, a la Sharon Stone.
3. Then stand up and move around his chair, keeping your attention fixed on him as you begin to massage his neck.
4) Say, in your most huskiest “screw me” voice, “Mr. VanBoss, you need to take it easy.” “You’ve been putting forth an excessive amount of effort.” These remarks should be enough to start his thoughts moving in the proper way.
5. After that, turn the chair around and straddle him so that he is unable to move his legs.
Keep it up till you can feel him growing in size. Squirm, nip his ear, mumble wicked suggestions, etc. And then go down on your knees, sliding down to the floor.
7. Use your teeth to pull his zipper down, revealing his genitals. If you were to remark, “Why, Mr. VanBoss, I didn’t know you were so huge,” you would be correct. As you are aware, it is usually a good idea to express gratitude to one’s superior.
The length of his shaft will be emphasized by a long, leisurely lick running over the underside of his shaft from base to tip. Make a circle around his shaft with the flat portion of your tongue.
To get him to climax, concentrate on the frenulum and coronal ridge, which are the points where the glans and shaft come together. Flick and circle it with the tip of your tongue in a constant pattern to make it more appealing. Continue until you have shown to him that you are the one in charge.
shamPOO and BlOW drY
The majority of us wash our hair at least three times a week, if not more often than that. While your man is lathering up, why not give him a quick, hair-raising blowout while he is getting ready? The best part is that you won’t have to disturb your normal morning or night routine, and even better, if you time it well, the kids will be sleeping.
5 minutes or less is the estimated time.
It is necessary to have the following items: non-irritating shampoo (kids’ shampoo is good), a big bath towel, a hair dryer, and the PLAY BY PLAY method.
1. Take advantage of the opportunity to join your man in the shower while he is washing his hair. You can rely on the water temperature to be exactly perfect, so jump right in.
2: Get down on your knees and focus your attention on his pubic hair while he is lathering his mane.
Allow the shampoo to slowly stream down his mound.
3. Slowly move the palm of your hand in circles, generating foam and a sense of anticipation.
You’ll be tempted to do something about his bulging crotch, but resist the temptation. Allow him to get more horny before you gratify his need.
4. After his pubic hair has been well cleaned and smelled fantastic, cup water in your palm and rinse carefully. 5. Allow the water to cascade over his genitals, sensually tantalizing them. Again, you’ll both be tempted to take the gratification right away, but resist.
5. Stroke his shaft as you place his balls in your mouth, kissing and sucking them to prepare him for the big finale.
The moment has come to move on to his rockhard crotch. Avert your gaze from being drawn into a position where your face will be blasted with a constant stream of water.
You’ll want to be able to take deep breaths without restriction.
Place his hungry moist cock in your mouth and take rhythmic sucking motions.
To make it even more entertaining, if you have a showerhead that can be removed, lower it and let it rain on his parade (or yours). Then just keep sucking till he shows up.
9. Once he has gotten out of the shower, continue to give close attention to his pubic region. To fluff him up, use a hair dryer on a warm setting rather than a high one. That’s one well-groomed and well-groomed cock!
how to makeup sex
Specifically, not the sort that says “I’m sorry,” but rather the kind that you do when applying lipstick and mascara. Let’s face it, mirrors are infamously seductive. It’s much hotter when you’re doing it while looking in the mirror.
7 minutes or less is the estimated time.
You’ll need lubricant, a mirror, and lipstick for this.
1. In the morning, take your lady by surprise when she’s doing her cosmetics. The only thing that works to get a woman hot is a little panic. Don’t be afraid to grab her from behind and gently persuade her hands free of any makeup or other cosmetics. If the kids are still at home, be sure to lock the door—after all, “makeup” is reserved for adults alone.
2. She’ll be able to see you in the mirror’s reflection, which is a bonus. Return her stare with passion in your eyes, and there will be no doubt as to what you’re there to accomplish. Not much is required of you; just assist her in leaning slightly on the sink while maintaining a steady stare in her direction. Then she should place her hands on the sink to ensure that she will get the assistance she will need.
3. Keep your eyes on each other at all times. It is stated that our eyes are the windows to our souls, and the mirror image strengthens the connection between them.
4. Take her hips in your hands, take the lubrication that’s on the counter, rub it on her, and enter her from behind. Be prepared to hear a scream of joy from someone. Standing increases thrusting force and enables for deeper penetration, and her body is oriented in such a way that the push of your penis will stimulate her G-spot, which will increase your pleasure.
Make a beeline for her lipstick and swirl it over her nipples, making them become pink or red bullets, for extra eroticism!
6. Depending on how much you’re leaned over and how quickly you’re thrusting, your testicles will slap against her vagina, which may be a really stimulating sensation. While you’re thrusting, give her some clitoral stimulation to make it even more enjoyable. Remember to maintain a steady focus on your own image in the mirror as the heat and desire build up. The sound of your ecstasy moans should reverberate off the bathroom walls!
7. After you’ve both experienced orgasm, it’s time to go back to work on your makeup. There’s no question that her mascara will need to be repaired. However, since you’re still experiencing an intimate connection, inquire as to whether she would want you to apply her lipstick. Whether she says yes or no, turn around and give her a sweet kiss of thanks.
How to utilize the closet kitchen floor for sex