How to treat acne during puberty

How to treat acne during puberty

The best way to cope with acne breakouts while going through adolescence
When teens are going through puberty, it is quite natural and entirely typical for them to suffer from acne. Although acne is rarely a significant health danger, severe acne may result in scarring that lasts for a long time, if not permanently.




Acne is most usually seen on the face and neck, but it may also be found on the back and even the breast region in severe cases. As previously said, acne does not cause major health problems, but it does have a negative impact on a teen’s self-confidence and self-esteem, which may be detrimental.


What causes acne to appear?


Acne is a skin condition that arises when an oily substance known as sebum accumulates on the skin’s surface and causes the pores to get clogged.

Not every adolescent develops acne throughout puberty, but the majority of them do as a result of an increase in a particular hormone known as androgen, which occurs in both girls and boys during puberty.




Because they induce the skin’s oil glands to grow in size, these androgens are the ones that cause the glands to release more oil.

It’s also possible that a teenager will inherit acne from his or her parents since, if the child’s parents had acne throughout puberty, the odds of the youngster acquiring it are quite high.

The use of beauty and cosmetic items that are oily in nature also has the effect of blocking the skin’s pores, increasing the likelihood of a teen acquiring acne even more significantly.

Things to keep in mind while dealing with acne

It is important for teenagers to be aware of certain factors in order to avoid aggravating their acne.


Avoid squeezing pimples/blemishes as much as possible.

Avoid touching or scrubbing the skin in the area where the acne is present.

It is possible that acne may worsen as a result of the fluctuating hormone levels that females encounter before to their menstrual cycle.

Also, stress has the potential to exacerbate an existing acne problem.



If you have acne, you should see a dermatologist, particularly if it is severe.

Mental kinds of acne may be treated by family physicians or even pediatricians.

Topical or skin lotions that are available over the counter and include chemicals such as salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide may be quite effective.

Even topical therapies given by a doctor may be quite beneficial in some circumstances.

When it comes to disease, prevention is preferable than treatment:



In order to attempt to prevent the onset of acne in the first place, it is recommended that you follow a few simple tips:



Using excessive amounts of soap on the acne-affected region will simply result in further outbreaks and will not improve the situation in any manner at all.

Given that they are not caused by filth, just softly cleaning the afflicted region twice a day would suffice.



It will also be beneficial to use water-based cosmetic products on the skin that are naturally oil-free.

When one has acne scars, it is normal to feel self-conscious; nonetheless, it is important to realize that scars are not the only thing that defines a person.

Don’t be fooled by urban legends.
There are a lot of misconceptions regarding what causes acne. However, contrary to popular belief, acne is not caused by the following factors:

A soiled appearance

Foods such as chocolate and French fries are examples of this.
Masturbating, having sex, or the absence of either1 are all unacceptable.
Even though it’s difficult when you’re breaking out and your pals have flawless skin, it’s important to remember that acne is not your fault. Acne is caused by hormonal imbalances that occur throughout puberty, rather than by external factors. A person’s genetic makeup determines whether or not they are more prone to acquiring pimples than others.

There are two effective acne treatments available.

There are a variety of acne treatment treatments available to help you clean your skin. Nevertheless, despite promotional promises, even the most powerful products will not perform miracles overnight.. They won’t help you get rid of acne, either.

It will most likely take at least six to eight weeks before you begin to see a difference in the appearance of your complexion. Furthermore, it might take up to 12 weeks to get a complete answer.

With time, you will probably surely notice an improvement in your condition. There’s absolutely no way it’ll be as soon as some acne treatment treatments advertise. 



Start with over-the-counter acne treatments.

In certain cases, over-the-counter (OTC) acne treatments may be sufficient to clear your face, especially if the acne is minor or if you’ve just recently begun to break out.

However, not all acne medications are made equal. The most effective products will have the following active substances listed on the label as active ingredients. 3

Retinoids derived from Benzoyl peroxide
Salicylic acid is a kind of acid.
Make no distinctions between products based on their brand name or the kind of therapy they provide—for example, whether the product is a cleanser, medicated pad, or lotion—and just use what works for you. instead of this, find a product that is within your price range and that is simple to use.

Once you’ve discovered a product that works for you, stick with it! Your acne will return if you don’t stop using it.

You could need a prescription medication.

If you’ve tried a slew of over-the-counter medications and are still breaking out, it’s time to seek professional help. Your healthcare practitioner provides a wide range of prescription acne treatment choices that may assist you in getting your acne under control faster.

You are also not need to consult a dermatologist in order to get treatment. Most likely, your family healthcare professional has dealt with acne issues in a number of adolescent patients. If your normal healthcare physician believes that seeing a dermatologist is important, they may recommend you to one.

There is a benefit in that prescription drugs are often stronger and act more quickly than over-the-counter treatments. Furthermore, they may be effective even when over-the-counter medications have failed. 

If your acne is severe, inflammatory, or leaving scars, you should stop using over-the-counter remedies and begin using prescription drugs as soon as possible instead.

 Make Proper Use of Your Treatments

The ability to maintain consistency is essential for good acne control: You must make use of your remedies on a daily basis. We understand that you are busy, and there may even be moments when you completely forget about us. However, if you do not use them, they will not be able to clean your skin up for you.


Here are a few pointers to help you remember to take your medications on a regular basis and to make sure you’re taking them correctly:

Place them next to your toothbrush as a reminder.
Request your parents’ assistance in reminding you until the behavior becomes automatic.
Read all of the instructions, even if they seem to be self-explanatory.
Make sure to follow all directions given to you by your healthcare practitioner.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
It really doesn’t take much time to get into the habit of utilizing your treatments once you’ve gotten the hang of it.



Steps to Creating the Perfect Blemish-Busting Skin Care Routine

Every day, take good care of your skin.
Even while acne is not caused by not washing your face, the extra oil and filth that accumulates on your face during the day will not assist the situation any. Sweating may also irritate your skin, aggravating acne and making it worse. Because of this, having a proper skin care regimen is essential.



There are no complicated things to use, and it only takes a few minutes each day to maintain your health. A simple face soap or cleanser, as well as a moisturizer if your skin is feeling particularly dry, are all you’ll need. 5

Seventh, Avoid Putting Weird Stuff On Your Face
In the same way that there are several beliefs about what causes acne, there are numerous myths about what may be done to cure it. The internet is teeming with bizarre (and often nasty) home cures that claim to be effective for clearing pimples, such as:6

Cinnamon \Garlic
Lemon juice is a natural disinfectant.
Using alcohol as a rub
Urine \Windex


These treatments are ineffective for a variety of reasons. Acne drugs, on the other hand, will provide you with far greater outcomes.

If you’re anxious to get rid of a large pimple, go for an acne spot treatment rather than a bizarre home cure.


Take Extra Care Not to Shave Pimples

Shaving, on the other hand, is a different story. It’s important to shave as gently as possible if you have pimples in your beard region. You will notice that your skin becomes more red and irritated the more irritation you apply to it.

If at all feasible, shave around pimples.
Keep the tops of your pimples from being shaved off.
Reduce the frequency of your shaves until the irritation subsides.



Acne on the body may also be treated.

Acne may appear on any part of the body, not only the face. Moreover, it is typically found in the following locations:

Back \Chest \Neck \Shoulders
Most drugs that are used on your face may also be used on other regions of your body, including your legs and arms. When it comes to treating body breakouts, benzoyl peroxide soaps and body washes are often employed. 



Furthermore, your healthcare practitioner may prescribe additional drugs, such as oral antibiotics or even isotretinoin, for you. This may vary depending on the severity of your outbreaks.

Tell Someone If Acne Is Making You Feel Down.
Acne may have a negative impact on your self-esteem, even if you don’t want to confess it to anybody. It has the potential to make you feel less confident, insecure, furious, and sad, among other things. These are natural emotions to experience. 




Starting therapy and experiencing some positive effects may be quite beneficial in terms of your overall well-being. Similarly, concentrating on anything other than your skin might be beneficial. During the time you’re waiting for results, you may engage in activities such as sports, music, painting, or anything else interests you.



There will almost certainly be instances when you will be unable to stop thinking about your acne. If acne is taking over your life in a way that you do not want it to, tell someone about it. Inform your parents, a favorite teacher, a church member, your healthcare professional, or anybody else you feel comfortable telling.




Your skin and self-confidence will return after you’ve made it through and gotten over the first shock.

When it comes to your self-esteem and image, acne may be really damaging.


There are a number of misconceptions regarding the causes and management of acne that need to be dispelled. What you need to know is that if you have acne, there is therapy available. It may be possible to discover an over-the-counter or prescription medication that is effective for you by consulting with your primary health care practitioner or dermatologist.

It’s also vital to avoid using home remedies and to stick to a straightforward skin care regimen. Whatever therapy you choose, you must commit to it for an extended period of time in order for it to be effective.

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