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How to Thrive When You Don’t Have Money

How to Thrive When You Don’t Have Money

It’s difficult to live when you have no money and no family, much alone .

 An anonymous reader provided the inspiration for these survival strategies. A practical survival guide and emotional support for her relationship were requested by the client.



“What makes things extremely difficult is that I am a black woman, and there isn’t any genuine support for women like me.” It’s like I’m in a condition of continual bewilderment.” He does something that offends, hurts, and makes me consider leaving him every time I believe everything is well with him. 




For the last five years, my husband and I have been experiencing financial difficulties, but what makes matters worse is that he continues to misinterpret my motives. He accuses me of things that aren’t even true to my persona! He’s spent so much time with me, but he doesn’t seem to understand who I am.”




DW continues by stating that she is unfairly criticized by society. DW She explains that when other races of women are in difficult situations, people are willing to provide a helping hand (at times), but when it comes to black women, “they somehow believe that you deserve it. You are not taken seriously or believe you have committed a mistake. Many black women suffer in silence as a result of this phenomenon. 



There is nothing I can think of to do. I’m completely stumped. What are your recommendations for surviving when you don’t have money? Thanks.”

I’m not a black woman, but I understand what it’s like to struggle to make ends meet when money is tight. I’m not sure where DW resides, but I’m aware that certain locations are more difficult to survive than others to live in. 



You’re a woman of color who’s having a hard time just surviving, much alone blossoming. Explain what you’re experiencing. Discuss how you’re feeling and any barriers you’re encountering.




When you ask for assistance, life becomes a little simpler.

Growing up with a single mother who fought with schizophrenia her whole life forced me to learn how to survive and adapt. It took me many years to get out of foster care because she was verbally and physically violent.


 During much of my childhood, we had little money and relied on assistance. Some nights, we camped on the street.



How to Survive When You Don’t Have Any Money: 5 Secrets

As a result of writing hundreds of articles to assist women in creating better lives, I’ve also received thousands of comments from readers who are feeling trapped, helpless, and powerless. “How can I survive (leave my violent spouse, start over, rebuild my life) when I have no money, no family, and no friends to support me?” is the most often asked question I get.




Managing your finances when you don’t have any cash

Because of your financial situation, I am really unsure about your long-term survival. And I know how I survived, how I gained strength, how I recovered, and how I managed to remain healthy and strong…and I know that you WILL survive, too. With this accomplishment, you may proceed with confidence, trust, and faith.




Moreover, I am aware of the following information:




1. You will live up to your own high standards of performance.

The truth is, if you feel you will never be able to endure a miserable marriage, you will not be able to. Unless you are certain that you will be unable to escape an abusive guy, you will remain. If you feel that you are not entitled to the same rights and benefits as other women, you will get what you believe you are entitled to.

Your ideas are very strong – which means that you are quite powerful as well! You have the ability to alter the course of your life and exert influence over your destiny. You have the ability to figure out how to live when you don’t have any money… as well as the ability to wallow in self-pity, misery, and justifications.







2. If you genuinely want something, you will go to any lengths to have it, even stealing.

My mother’s mental condition provided me with the opportunity to learn how to survive. I grew up waiting for welfare checks and distributing food from food pantries. When I was younger, I wore clothing from charity stores since my mother couldn’t afford ballet lessons, milk (organic or ordinary), or missions trips abroad. I grew up reliant on the government for financial assistance.





As a result, when I was 23 years old and had no money, it seemed like a “no-brainer” to go to Social Services and apply for aid. Over the course of more than a decade, I’d worked at numerous professions, beginning as a babysitter in my neighborhood. It wasn’t until I launched my first company that I realized I’d run out of money.




What do you need in order to survive? You are more knowledgeable than I am on how to get it. How have you managed to get by in the past when you didn’t have money? This isn’t the first time you’ve had to deal with this issue.





3. You already know how to live when you don’t have any money, but you don’t want to go through the trouble of learning the necessary skills.


The vast majority of women who leave comments on my articles express their feelings of being alone, confined, and powerless, and their inability to make any changes in their life. They want their spouses would change, they hope their relationships would change, they wish everything was different… 




However, they claim that there is nothing they can do.

After that, people come to me for assistance. I used to attempt to be of assistance, but no one ever listened to what I had to say. You know why, don’t you? Because it was more comfortable for them to stay in their mess than it was to take the necessary steps to transform their circumstances.





4. You are not alone in your feelings.

How to Survive a Situation You Can’t Change says .”When things can’t or won’t change in our life, I believe the most important thing we can do is cry out to Jesus Christ for aid.” “There is no one else who can give us the grace we need to take one step at a time but the One who created us and is in complete charge.”


 I say this because I am well aware that I will never be able to comprehend the ‘why’ of the evil that exists in our world. “However, I may come to my God in humility, repent for having attempted to be in control of my life, and beg Him to take control.”




How to Survive When You Don’t Have a Lot of Cash

Perhaps your lack of faith is the source of your belief that you lack the ability to endure. Perhaps you are unable to trust others as a result of your financial situation.

Alternatively, it’s possible that you’ve just made a few terrible decisions in your life and are now suffering with the repercussions.




In any case, you are not alone yourself. Despite the fact that you are consciously choosing to be alone at this time, the reality is that you are not really alone. You have the option of turning to God for spiritual and emotional support and strength. You have the option of using the power He provides you to reach out to others in search of resources to assist you.






5. You will contact me as soon as you are ready.

The minute you begin to believe that you are capable of learning how to survive, your life will begin to change for the better. The moment you recognize that not having enough money is just a temporary stumbling block in your life, your destiny will raise her head and begin to move closer to you.


What events in your life must occur in order for you to be prepared?







What to Do After That

Please share your opinions on my money-saving methods for surviving when you don’t have any money. Even better, tell me about your spirituality and connection with the Almighty. What are your feelings regarding Him, and what do you think of Him? What does He think of you? What does Jesus mean to you?





Find out how your faith influences your capacity to survive in the wilderness. You possess both strength and vulnerability; you are both powerful and fragile. God’s love and strength surround you, yet you are too fragile to take care of yourself without God’s guidance and blessings.




While I am unable to provide guidance on how to live when one does not have access to financial resources, I do read each and every remark. We welcome your comments on other readers’ posts if you feel moved to do so, as well as the opportunity to offer your own.






According to Oprah, “we all need a goal for our life, and even while we fight to attain that vision, we must submit to a force that is larger than we can comprehend.” “God has the ability to imagine a dream for you that is greater than any dream you could ever create for yourself.”

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