How to teach your dog the sit command.

How to teach your dog the sit command.

Start with your dog in front of you, head to the right, and rump to the left. SIT. Move your left hand over the tail and your right hand to the leash buckle. Place your dog in a sitting posture by spinning a ship’s wheel counterclockwise with little pressure (please rehearse this action before attempting it with your dog).

CAUTION: Some dogs don’t like it when you touch their backsides. Desensitize your dog to being touched to prevent being bitten.

Pushing your dog’s hindquarters down is not a good idea. The hindquarters should be softly scooped using a circular motion with your left hand. Pushing and releasing should also be avoided (we call bumping). Maintain gentle pressure throughout the command.

Your right hand should be exactly on top of or just above the leash buckle. If you pull on the leash even tighter, your dog will begin to spin. Your dog will learn the movement linked with the SIT command quicker if he makes fewer unnecessary movements.

Praise your dog with an “excellent SIT” as soon as his rump touches the ground.

This will link the action to the term SIT. If you want to include a food incentive, do it using your right hand while transferring the leash control to your left. Maintain the SIT command for three to five seconds (you may move him rearward towards the rump with little leash pressure), rewarding him every two seconds with the praise “excellent SIT.” After that, use BREAK to free your dog.

SIT Command should be strengthened.

Your dog will start to SIT before you have to put him in the SIT posture at some time throughout the training period. “Good SIT,” say enthusiastically. If you’ve been putting your dog in a SIT with little or no physical assistance,

Begin the reinforcement phase of training for two weeks

By withdrawing physical help and substituting a corrective NO, you may begin to reinforce the SIT command.

SIT. If your dog successfully completes the SIT command, give a big “good SIT” to him. Give a corrective NO and repeat the SIT command if your dog does not complete it. If your dog does not SIT, repeat the corrective NO sequence a maximum of twice before putting him in the SIT position.

A vertical (up and slightly backward) snap and release leash correction is necessary for the corrective NO.


Teach your dog to sit in motion to combine the SIT command with position-holding abilities. Give your dog the instruction SIT while maintaining a close HEEL stance. It’s possible that you’ll have to march in place for a few seconds before your dog finishes the SIT. Praise your dog and continue going ahead until you reach the end of your leash and your dog is still sitting.
Increase your speed until you can HEEL at a normal rate and your dog SITS quickly when asked as your dog improves at the SIT in motion. Within a two-second count, you want your dog to come to a complete halt and sit.

SIT is more than just lowering your dog’s rump to the ground.

We’ll train your dog to SIT from the side to prove this theory. Give the order SIT when your dog is DOWN.
You may have to encourage your dog by caressing his leg joyfully. If you bend over your dog, it will send the message that he should remain down. Also, shift your gaze to the ground, or even better, the horizon.


The individual command is completed when the release command BREAK is sent. Before training your dog BREAK, make sure you’ve gone over all of the steps.

BREAK is a command that should be taught.

You’ll need a clear indication for the finish since every obedience command has a start, middle, and end. Your dog must be able to distinguish between working and non-working situations. He knows he is no longer under command when he hears the release cue BREAK. Breaking free from a command is not a permission to revert to bad conduct.
Not just at the conclusion of the exercise, but during it as well.

Begin teaching BREAK at the same time as you’re training your dog to SIT. Start by facing your dog with your shoulders. You don’t have to stand in front of your dog; as long as your shoulders are facing your dog, you’re OK. Bring your hands together with palms facing each other, waist high, in a natural manner. Pause.

The activities listed below must be completed at the same time. Give the release signal BREAK, stretch your hands shoulder-width apart, and take a step backwards with an excited voice. These moves will help your dog get out of the SIT position. As soon as your dog finishes the SIT command, reward vocally with “excellent BREAK” to help your dog identify this action with the term BREAK.

If your dog refuses to move off the SIT command, repeat the BREAK command with motion aid but add strain to the leash to gently encourage your dog away from the SIT command. When completing the BREAK command, make sure you stand up straight. Your body language is teaching your dog to stay in a SIT if you lean down towards him.

Praise your dog with a “good BREAK” as soon as he or she leaves the SIT command.
The BREAK Command should be reinforced.
Wean off your body movements as your dog improves at maintaining stance, leaving just the hand signal and vocal cue.
This command will cause your dog to release without you having to move your feet. Try a more vigorous voice command if your dog is having trouble getting out of his SIT or DOWN. Give a mild corrective NO and repeat BREAK if he continues to refuse.

Your dog will be laying on the ground in the DOWN position. He may be calm and resting on one hip or side, but not on his back. He isn’t permitted to crawl. Prior to training your dog to DOWN, read and comprehend all of the stages.

The DOWN Command should be taught.

In an SIT command, start with your dog on your left side. Give the DOWN hand gesture while orally stating the instruction. The DOWN hand signal is to place your elbow precisely above your dog’s head (about two feet over his head). Place your palm down and extend your arm horizontally. Do not drop your hand in front of your dog’s head or move your arm downward. Remove your hand signal and put your left hand back on the leash once you’ve delivered the word DOWN. The hand gesture should only be used once.

Kneel down on your right knee or bend at the waist. Place your left hand near the leash buckle and bend your elbow so that your forearm is horizontal. Place your forearm’s middle on top of your dog’s back shoulder blades. Bait your dog just beyond and between his paws with a goodie in your right hand, and say “DOWN” again and over. Follow the motion with your forearm as your dog starts to lay down, but don’t push. Praise “nice DOWN” and offer the reward once your dog is in the DOWN position. Release your dog with a BREAK and get up while remaining on your knees.

How To Reinforce The HEEL Command With Your Dog.

How To Teach Your Dog Obedience Command Language.

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