How to teach your dog the come command.

How to teach your dog the come command.

Regardless of where your dog is or what he’s doing, he should come to you and SIT immediately in front of you when called, and cheval Before training your dog COME, read and comprehend all of the stages.

Your dog’s total comprehension of your rules, clarity, and consistency, as well as his degree of respect for you, are all exemplified by the COME command. If your connection is healthy and well-balanced, your dog will COME when you call.

COME is the state of being inside a two-foot-by-two-foot square but straight in front of you. When your dog is asked to COME, he should instantly stop what he’s doing and go into the square, where he should SIT. Until released or given another instruction, your dog should stay in the SIT. Whatever distance (or proximity) your dog is from you, the command has the same meaning.

How to Instruct your dog with the COME command.

COME is signaled by sweeping poker winnings off the table and onto your lap with your right hand. With your right arm outstretched and fingers extended, start at shoulder height. Swipe your hand over your chest toward the middle.

With your dog in an SIT, stand around two feet in front of them. With your left hand, grab the leash with as little slack as possible between your dog and your hand. Give the hand gesture and the order COME at the same time, then swiftly walk backward to encourage your dog to come. Give your dog the order SIT to stop the retrograde movement. Offer a tiny gift and praise, saying “excellent COME.”

The COME Command should be reinforced.

A stationary recall will help to emphasize the COME command. Begin by stepping away from your dog in a SIT or DOWN position (keep the leash in your left hand).
Pause and turn to face your dog while you practice position holding by walking around him. Use the COME command to summon people cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval (verbal and hand signal).
For a good memory, provide verbal and edible praise. Correct with NO and re-command COME if your dog does not answer right away.

Giving a leash signal or calling your dog’s name will not help your dog.

Check to see whether your dog can accomplish this command on his own. Reposition, correct, and re-command your dog if he anticipates your return command. Move around, face your dog, and take a break to desensitize.

Recall your dog from all positions, particularly those when he is looking away from you, to keep him alert.

Whenever possible, refrain from using the COME command. The COME command is connected with a particular action, thus utilizing the generic “come” will dilute the command’s impact.

Even though your dog understands the order COME, he may choose to disregard you on occasion. From the dog’s perspective, it’s critical to comprehend how to utilize this command. Coming in from the cold, being called to the crate, or calling them when you want to take something away from them are all common reasons for calling our dogs to us. The COME command is critical for many more reasons than just negative ones.

A thirty-foot leash (not a retractable leash) is required for establishing a quick yard recall. Put your dog on this long leash every time you walk outdoors with him. Take your dog on a walk around the yard and give him the COME order every few minutes or so. Praise and reward your dog when he or she returns to your front door. Give the correction NO and repeat the instruction COME if he doesn’t return. If necessary, reel your dog in and praise him for obeying the order.
For three months, repeat this exercise 10 times every night. Include the thirty-foot leash recall in your regular obedience-training routine.

PLACE command for your dog

The place is a command that instructs your dog to go and lay down in a certain location. Your dog can get up and spin around while on PLACE, but he or she cannot leave it. The PLACE may be moved from room to room or outdoors (for example, on a terrace), but it must be reintroduced thereafter.
Instruct your students on how to use the PLACE command.

HEEL your dog to the PLACE you’ve chosen. A dog bed, fleece pad, or tiny carpet might be used as this item. Stop (your dog will immediately SIT) and give your dog the DOWN command when you are exactly over top of the PLACE. Command PLACE and point when your dog is DOWN. “Good PLACE” as a reward for your dog.

As your dog DOWNS, order PLACE and praise. HEEL UP TO THE LOCATION NEXT. Bend down and say PLACE, pointing to the location. When your dog lays down on the ground, give him a treat.
The PLACE Command should be reinforced.

If your dog wanders away from the spot, bring him back, deliver a firm NO, and repeat the order. Before disciplining your dog, make sure you lead him back to the spot. To remind him of his proper posture, do not utilize the DOWN command. Perform extra teaching activities if your dog is having trouble.


You’ll need to include controlled distractions to make training useful.
Distractions are objects (food, cats, toys, etc.) or situations (traffic, thunderstorms, veterinary offices, etc.) that cause our dogs’ regular “good” behavior to be momentarily diverted. Distraction training teaches your dog that obedience orders, together with appropriate punishments and reward, are always present in his life, no matter what. Make a note of the objects or circumstances that your dog finds the most distracting.

List them in order of difficulty.

Start distraction training with a less challenging object or scenario. Start distraction training with a “easy” distraction, such as a toy or food, if your dog becomes agitated when visitors come to the door. Two individuals are usually needed for distraction training—one to work with the dog and the other to work with the distraction. Increase the severity of the distraction gradually as your dog gains self-control, working your way up to the most distracting object or circumstance.




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