How to Reinforce Position Holding for your dog.

How to Reinforce Position Holding for your dog.

The vehicle via which patience is developed is position maintaining. Position holding improves attention, concentration, and self-control. The majority of dogs behave on instinct.
Holding your dog in a position trains him to think. He eventually learns to disregard the stimuli and urges that cause him to misbehave.

What became of STAY?

Most instructors use threatening voices and hand gestures while teaching STAY. Stay was deleted from this section of the language because it was taught in a threatening or frightening way, either by repeating the word with a harsh voice, holding a flat palm in front of the face, or pointing a finger. Positive reinforcement has also been replaced by praising “good SIT,” “DOWN,” or “HEEL” as frequently as the owner desires (this maintains the mental path positive).
Teach holding a position.

There are two components to teaching position holding. The first step is to give your dog time to learn to maintain a position with you at his side for longer and longer periods of time.
The second element is patience, in which you will leave your dog’s side and expect him to stay calm without you. Reinforcing will bring the two together. The SIT command will be used to teach the notion of position holding, and when the concept has been tested and proven with SIT, the DOWN command will be introduced.

Time for Position Holding

Begin by setting a time limit (for example, 10 seconds). Give your dog the order “SIT.” Applaud “good SIT.” Release with BREAK after 10 seconds and applaud “excellent BREAK.” If your dog gets up, return him to the SIT command and praise him again.

It takes around one second to praise “excellent SIT” verbally. Praise every other second when teaching posture holding. This also serves as a helpful timer. Before releasing your dog after a ten-second SIT, praise five times (with a one-second interval in between). This verbal timer ensures that enough appreciation is given throughout the instruction period.

If your dog has problems concentrating during the early position-holding exercises, tempt him with a reward held two feet above his nose in front of his face. If your dog tries to leap for the reward, step on the leash and praise him when he has relaxed in the SIT.

Before offering the reward, release foot stress on the leash and praise “excellent SIT.” When they’ve finished eating their reward, most dogs will let off of the SIT command.

Patience Position Holding

Begin with your dog in an SIT position to your left. Take one or two “sidesteps” to your right side and praise with “excellent SIT.” Return to his side after a brief pause of one or two seconds. “Good SIT,” say it again. You may need to support your dog by using your left hand to retain the leash tension. You’ll want to wean off assistance with leash tightness as you practice this sort of activity. To indicate that the position-holding period is complete, give your dog a BREAK.

Continue with the “step away and back” practice. Before releasing your dog, repeat the step away and return cycle multiple times. Start taking different steps away from your dog in different directions. You may need to support your dog with the leash in the other way every time you shift directions. Always congratulate your dog for staying in the SIT.

Distance Position Holding

Increase the distance as your dog learns to maintain a position: step away from your dog up to the length of the leash. During the teaching phase of posture holding, do not let go of the leash. Before releasing using BREAK, always return to your dog’s side and stop. Your dog should never be able to predict when he will be freed from the command.

You may begin walking in a circle around your dog after your dog can SIT dependably while you walk to the end of the leash and back. This will be a watershed moment. Your dog should trust you with the delicate aspect of the DOWN after he allows you to wander around his rear end.

We’ve seen a substantial correlation between the amount of time your dog lets you go fully around him and when he starts to DOWN on his own.

You’re ready to introduce the corrective NO if you’ve introduced the principles of position holding for time, position, and distance.

Increase the objective time goal gradually.

Increase by five-second intervals until you can sit for twenty to thirty seconds on a continuous basis. If your dog gets out of place, leash him, say NO, and readjust him.
Repeat until you’ve reached your desired time goal. If your dog fails the SIT exercise frequently, reduce the target time objective by a few seconds and continue until your dog improves.

If your dog thinks the reward means the position-holding exercise is over, support him on his shoulders with your left hand’s palm while he eats the treat.
Make certain he does not get up and applaud you. Release him with BREAK after he has relaxed in the posture.

If your dog jumps up fast, correct with NO and then re-command with SIT. Praise and let go.

Increase your walking distance from your dog. In a circle, walk around your dog. Change the orientation of the circle by walking in the other way. Take the leash and return your dog to the beginning position, reprimand with NO, and re-command SIT if your dog gets up and moves away. It is critical to repositioning your dog in the first posture; otherwise, your dog’s respect for the position-holding regulations will deteriorate.

Don’t wait until your dog breaks the order to practice holding the SIT and DOWN positions. Before your dog gets up on his own, practice brief periods and releases him with the BREAK command.

Let your dog know when the workout is over.
Before your dog violates the order on his own, give him a BREAK command. Begin with modest time intervals (five, ten, and fifteen seconds) and gradually advance to thirty seconds and one minute.

The key to patience is via position holding. That is the command you have used the most since starting the teaching process with HEEL.

How To Housebreak Your Puppy In 4 Step

How To Reinforce The HEEL Command With Your Dog.

How To Teach Your Dog Obedience Command Language.

How To Teach Your Dog The Sit Command.

Position holding should account for at least a third of each practice exercise. The majority of dogs are trained to believe that each command lasts between three and five seconds. Position holding allows you to demonstrate to your dog that orders may occasionally endure longer.



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