We all fear the day when someone asks for our phone number and we refuse to give it out. Not only is it difficult to say no to someone, but it also means you’ll have to put in some major emotional effort. When a guy approaches you out of nowhere and asks for your phone number, you must immediately evaluate if it is safe to just say no.
How can you soften the rejection without hurting or upsetting them? What if they refuse to accept no? Have you thought about how you’re going to get out of this situation? Bottom line: There’s a lot of thinking to be done in a short period of time, and it’s not always apparent how to say no when someone asks for your phone number.
But, at the end of the day, you have the freedom to refuse to give out your phone number for any reason, including simply not wanting to. That does not make you “stuck up” or “rude,” but it does make you an independent human being who gets to choose who has contact with you and who does not. Period.

While (to put it bluntly) it’s not just fair that it takes you so much time and effort to politically decline a person that can or may not be well, here are nine tactics to say when a person asks for the number you want and you don’t feel at ease in providing it to him.
The Direct Mind
“I’m not interested, thanks.”
Here’s the deal: This is the best response in fact and is appreciated by the majority. It is brief, delicious, and clear crystal. If you are in a position to utilize this kind of reaction safely, go ahead and keep it true.
Speak about it This is only a bad time
“Thank you, that’s kind of you, but right now, I’m not in a good position. I have say no, therefore.”
The reason why this response succeeds is because it is not their absolute refusal — it flips the problem on you. And that’s not a lie, and to date you’re not in the right spot… But the final part can be left out.
Alien Danger
“Sorry, but to folks I’ve just met, I don’t give out my number. In the past I had a very poor experience.”
This may be true for you, unfortunately. Most of us have experienced providing our figures to somebody, just to repent it if they acted in a thousand various ways like a jerk. Moreover, most people grasp the notion of foreign hazard and, sadly, they are not shocked by the policy in an increasingly awake society.
Offer An Option
Actually I no longer offer my number, but I’d be glad to accept your numbers.”
Take a casual tone
“Thanks, however, Nah.”
Even if it seems weird, it might be enough to discourage the ego from being so simple as to maintain your sound and words informal. It’s warm, disarmament and yet extremely straightforward.
This subtle line of rejection is one I prefer to use in a less safe environment. This is not a no, but your privacy is still safeguarded..
Google give it up
“This is certainly my number, [enter the number of your voice].”
This is the line of refusal of Hail Mary to be rescued when you feel uncomfortable or don’t take a response. Login and reserve it for circumstances such as this for a Google Voice account. The rationale is so if they choose to test it during your time, it will ring to your phone rather than provide a false number or rejection hotline number. After all, though, blocking them is quite straightforward.
Take your Social Media
“That’s lovely to ask, but right now I’m not dating. But if [Twitter/Instagram] you can follow me freely.
When this individual appears rather harmless, you may be more comfortable to provide with them your social handle(s) than your direct telephone number (although, of course, if you do not want to, you are not required to offer them information). In this way, if they really want, they can obviously contact you, but you don’t have to go back to them, you can easily block them as they go up.
Just make it clear to be friends
“Not so far, but as friends, I would be glad to be hanging together.”
Let’s assume that this individual genuinely appears fun and engaging and unattractive—you aren’t drawn to them. As long as they realize it’s simply a platonic gesture, you may give your number. You may offer coffee first and then decide whether or not you would like to maintain it in your life if you are hesitant to share your number with strangers, even strangers who seem chilling.. The sole warning is that in the 1970s you’re going to have to play roles and establish arrangements in advance since your day of communication is impossible. Far out, far out! Far out!
Say you are a partner already
“Thank you, but I had a partner already.” “
You don’t have to claim to “belong” to another person merely to pass that message on, but it is sometimes the best approach to convey your non-resilience and be secure. This alternative again enables you to deflect and alleviate the rejection, no matter if you have a partner so that you are less inclined to do so personally.
It’s never fun to shoot down, but you can at least keep yourself and your privacy protected, and save this individual from as much embarassment as possible.