How to React When Not Promoted?

How to React When Not Promoted?

While pursuing promotion or increase is a crucial professional milestone, it may also be a frightening experience for some people.

A promotion or increase should be forthcoming from your boss when the time is right; but, if the appropriate time has gone and you are still tapping your foot, you may consider giving them a little push. After all, it’s never a bad idea to reach out and inquire.



Identifying the best method for asking for a raise or promotion is essential before determining whether or not your manager would grant you the requested action.


The time has come for you to ask for the promotion or increase you feel you deserve. You’ve completed all of the essential procedures. “Sorry, no,” your boss says when she summons you in for a meeting. “I’m sorry,” she says, shaking her head. Avoid being too concerned. You will experience a punch in the gut and a jolt to your fragile ego as a result of this reaction. Among your emotions could be dissatisfaction, frustration, and fury.

But it is critical to maintain your composure and to know that you are entering a critical phase of your work life at this point.




Consider taking these proactive next actions to help you ask for more money or a different job in the future, rather than storming out of your manager’s office.



Firstly, express gratitude to your boss.

Taking a moment to digest what has just occurred and then swallowing your pride are the first steps to taking. After that, express your sincere appreciation to your supervisor for giving your request serious consideration. Even while it won’t be the most natural thing to say after hearing the terrible news, it’s a significant gesture that will most likely be appreciated by them much.



2. Consult with others to get their opinions.

However, even though you may be tempted to move quickly and leave the room, stay and ask your boss for his or her thoughts on the situation. In addition to adding salt to an already open sore, requesting input can demonstrate to your boss that you are forward-thinking, willing to continue to improve and work even harder.



In order to overcome any setbacks, ensure that the feedback is specific and that actionable objectives can be established. Encourage him or her to provide specifics if you are told you need to “perform better job.” What particular topics do you think need to be addressed more thoroughly? What are some examples of methods in which you might increase your performance.

3.Develop a strategy.

Make an effort not to concentrate on the bad news after you have left the meeting. Possibly a bar of chocolate or a glass of wine is in order; nonetheless, it is now imperative that you take aggressive actions for that promotion or raise you so much want!



Make a strategy for yourself based on the input you received from your boss. The plan does not have to be for a period of five years. Instead, make a list of short-term objectives that you can complete within a few months. You have a lot of things you can work on. Is there anything more you can do to increase the amount of work you have on your plate? What abilities can you study to help you obtain more experience? Do you have any suggestions? What evidence do you have that you are competent and qualified to do something?



Consider using the SMART technique to define goals: Specific Measurable Achievable Timely (SMART), Measurable Attainable, Relevant, and Timely (SMART), and Timely (timely). The importance of setting realistic and clear objectives cannot be overstated, particularly when you know exactly what you want to accomplish in your next step.



4. Keep track of your accomplishments and achievements.

No need to log every action you make, but consider keeping a brag book to share your achievements. For example, it may be a tiny notepad you keep in your desk drawer, or it could be a Google Doc. Your choice; it is not required to be aesthetically pleasing in any way.



Commence recording your victories in your brag book. As an example, consider the following sentences: You finished a large project ahead of schedule, got excellent comments from a customer, formed a new research committee, and identified and resolved an issue before anybody else realized there was a problem. Congratulations! Please keep in mind that these are illustrative. Include a few extra specifics in order to let others evaluate your accomplishments.



Take the time each month—or even every week—to add something new to your brag book. In order to remind yourself of your successes when it comes time to be considered for a promotion or raise in the future, go back to your brag book.



5.Continue to keep your attention on you.

Getting caught up in comparing yourself to your coworkers is just too simple a trap to fall into. As a result of his chronic tardiness, Jack has earned the position of senior manager. When you plainly outperform Jill in terms of task completion, why did she get promoted?

The result is a rabbit hole of rage, frustration, and emotions of powerlessness, which may be quite dangerous. The only person you should think about after being passed over for a promotion or increase is you. If necessary, take a few days off and let things settle. Whatever you do, though, remember to keep your attention on yourself and your results. It will be unproductive to spend time analyzing the activities of co employees.



6.Take a deep breath and give yourself a pat on the back

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations. Getting that promotion or increase required a lot of guts, but you did it, and at the very least you aren’t in the dark any more. Your time has been better spent taking a hard look at your career and yourself, as well as developing a clear plan to assist you accomplish your objectives and reach your objectives.

Take it easy and relax. While it’s possible that you’ll feel a little weird when you run into your boss at the coffee maker the following morning, just smile and tell them everything is OK and that you’re moving ahead.



7.Remind yourself that you have alternatives.

When you are refused a promotion or a raise, you should never leave your work because of this. As a matter of fact, it is a very inappropriate excuse for quitting.

On the other hand, this gut-punch may sometimes bring forth insight and understanding (albeit not immediately). Perhaps a different work atmosphere or a different employment role might be more conducive to your success. Existing possibilities are always being introduced into the marketplace, and it’s a good idea to keep this in mind from time to time.

How can I regain the confidence of my management after requesting a promotion and being turned down?

“If you’ve never missed a flight, you’re obviously spending much too much time at the airport,” I think. While using this method has resulted in some tense runs to the gate, it has also saved me from spending a lot of time in the airport waiting to board my plane.


In the same line, if you’ve never been turned down for a promotion, you’re probably spending far too much time in your comfort bubble. Leaning into your uncomfortable zone and making requests or taking on tasks where you could fail is an essential component of job development.
So, congrats on taking a significant step forward by requesting a promotion. That demonstrates a high level of desire and self-advocacy, as well as a willingness to take risks in order to achieve your objectives. However, your request has been refused. What steps do you need to take to go forward?

Respond, rather than reacting


I understand if you’re feeling angry, upset, or disappointed; these emotions are common. You were desperate for a promotion, whether for the cash gain or the personal satisfaction that would come with taking on more responsibilities. And you most certainly have legitimate reasons for believing you deserve a promotion – you’ve been working hard, staying late at night, and putting out quality work that you’re pleased of.


If you allow your negative ideas to take control, creating stories in your brain such as “My employer doesn’t appreciate me,” “I’m not very good,” or “Perhaps I should resign,” you will almost surely feel worse than you already do.


What occurs to you constitutes 10% of your life. Your attitude and how you react account for 90% of your results. And you already know that responding with rage or grief isn’t going to help in this case.

Develop the ability to be self-aware.

Take a day to gather your calm, and then examine your circumstances with a critical eye. You’re in no worse shape than you were before since you’re still in the same position. The story continues.
Unless your boss is acting arbitrarily or unfairly, you did not merit a promotion at this time. It’s difficult to hear, but by assuming the best intentions of your boss and turning your attention back to yourself and the things within your control, you may truly recover control of the issue. You most certainly have more influence in your professional life than you know.


The current scenario is as follows: A mismatch exists between where you think you should be (promoted) and where your boss believes you should be (promoted) (not promoted).
This rejection for a promotion is just another sort of feedback that might help you become more self-aware of your abilities. Take this input with a grain of salt and continue to solicit additional feedback from more individuals, more regularly, as time goes on. What exactly are you doing well? What areas do you need to work on? What does it take to perform at a higher level, and where does your work fall short of expectations?


Gaining a better understanding of the gaps between where you are and where you want to be, as well as more self-awareness of those gaps, will enable you to gain a better sense of the opportunities for improvement. You will then be able to concentrate on developing the most important skills you lack, or allocating your time to more important initiatives within the company.


Make sure you and your management are on the same page about what you anticipate.
Returning to your initial question, you don’t have to be concerned about regaining the confidence of your management. In all probability, she struggled to say no to your request for a promotion. No one enjoys having to give unpleasant news. Your manager’s responsibility is to develop a strong team, which includes assisting you in becoming a successful contributor.


As a result, just as you are now becoming self-aware and analyzing how you can develop your abilities and raise your influence, your manager should be thinking about how to follow up on your promotion request with a specific set of next actions to help you in achieving your career objectives.
Promotions are seldom given to employees who haven’t shown themselves. Instead, they occur after you have previously shown regular performance at the next level. They are a lagging indication, meaning that they are only activated when your manager feels that you will continue to contribute with higher seniority than your existing title and job imply.



You may have a well stated list of career expectations for each level in your organization; yet, even clearly documented frameworks are susceptible to interpretation and the specifics of each unique circumstance. As a result, you’ll need to put in some effort to define your path to promotion, determine a realistic timeframe, and determine what other factors need to be taken into consideration (for example, things beyond your control, such as changes occurring within the team, reliance on external partners, etc…). 



The aim here is to minimize as much confusion as possible so that you don’t go into each new cycle hoping for a promotion but still being unclear of your status.



If you compose this yourself, rather than placing all of the responsibility on your boss and asking, “What do I need to do to receive a promotion?” it is more productive and appreciated. This is best expressed as a list of abilities you need to develop, and even more importantly, a list of the outcomes you need to achieve. 




In addition to being named “employee of the year” in terms of self-awareness, you will no longer be required to perceive your boss as someone who is evaluating you, but rather as partners on the same team. After all, if you progress to a more senior position, your boss and the team will benefit from your efforts. It is never a zero-sum game when it comes to growing individuals.
Greetings and best wishes for a productive week packed with honest criticism and a development mentality.

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