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How to React to a Rejection Message in 6 Different Ways

How to React to a Rejection Message in 6 Different Ways

When we go on our first date, we always hope that the other person would grow to like us as time goes on. It’s true that we’re rejected from time to time, and this is natural. You should never take anything like that personally or get offended. Nobody knows the real reason for rejection, and it’s possible that it has nothing to do with you at all in many instances. 

After receiving a text message rejecting your job application, you should answer in a professional manner. At the very least, it will help you feel a little better afterward. Here’s how to reply to rejection SMS messages in the most effective manner.


1. Do not reply in any way.

In the event that you are unsure of what to say after a female rejects you through text, don’t say anything at all. To be quite honest, that isn’t the most courteous of responses, but it is a type of response. If you genuinely don’t have anything to say, why would you say things you don’t mean simply because you feel like you have to say something to prove your point?


 You may just erase the message and move on from it, particularly if you were the one who was upset as a result. It will be far less unpleasant than attempting to have a discussion with someone who you really want to be with but can’t because of your disability. People suffer mainly because they overthink things, and if you can divert your attention away from that message and just forget about it, you will be back to normal in no time. Remember that you are under no need to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, so don’t be too harsh on yourself if you just don’t want to respond. They’re going to receive the message anyhow.

2. Inquire as to why they rejected you.

Feedback is very vital, even though each individual’s point of view is subjective. You can always gain insight into yourself by listening to and responding to other people’s criticism. You may email something along the lines of: “Don’t be concerned, everything will be OK. Just let me know why you don’t believe I’m a good fit for you. I’d like to give it some thought for a moment.” This would be an appropriate message since you will not come out as sad or clinging. Furthermore, you will seem to be a very mature person. 


They may not be honest with you out of a fear of hurting you even more, but it’s important to inquire nevertheless, even if you’re terrified of the response. As previously said, if you are rejected, it is not because you are unworthy of the position, and you should never take rejection personally. Nonetheless, you may hear what they have to say about you and consider their point of view. Even though no one is faultless, we should all strive to be the greatest possible versions of ourselves.


3. Demonstrate your courtesy.

If someone rejects you, there is no need to be enraged by their decision. Because, if you think about it, you have almost likely been rejected by someone else in the past, you can see that rejections are common and even commonplace. This is an excellent opportunity to practice good manners. Do not place blame or insult on their shoulders as a result of their actions and words. So, what should you send back if you’ve been rejected? 


“Thank you for being very open and honest with me. That is something I really appreciate, and I am in no way offended. I wish you the best of luck!” Please remember that it is difficult for them to notify you of their choice, therefore they will experience tremendous relief when they get a message like this one. If someone doesn’t want to date you, don’t consider them to be a nasty person; instead, try not to lose your cool and be unpleasant to them instead.

4. Maintain your composure.

Sometimes it’s preferable to keep our emotions hidden, particularly if we’re going on a date with someone we don’t know very well beforehand. If they reject you by text, just maintain your composure and assure them that everything will be alright. You are not required to write anything additional; in this circumstance, a shorter response is preferable. 


That is even better if you haven’t already fallen in love with that individual. And I strongly advise against chit-chatting with them if you do not want to be friends with them later. Simply state that everything is OK, and more importantly, be calm since there is absolutely no need for you to be concerned about anything. On the other hand, if you are over over heels in love with someone, it may be best to keep your feelings hidden. Why would you want to make the situation even more unpleasant by expressing your feelings? It is entirely up to you to decide, but just stating that everything is OK can help you avoid potentially awkward situations.


5. Inform them that you are just interested in becoming buddies.

If you want to maintain excellent relations with them, just state your preference. And even if you don’t, you may still tell them something like this since it’s simply another indirect way of saying that you agree with their choice. If you and your buddy don’t become friends on your own, it’s probably because you and your friend aren’t a good match for one another. Here’s what you may say in response: “Don’t be concerned, everything will be OK. Why don’t we continue to be friends? If you want to get together, give me a call. I’ll make every effort to accommodate you.”

6. Simply express your appreciation for their time.

Even if it’s just for one date, that individual made an effort to meet with you in the first place. Even if they don’t want to date you, you should consider it as a tribute to your character. It is not necessary to remain on poor terms with someone since there is no need to do so. Simply state something along the lines of: “I understand what you’re saying. 


It’s kind of you to share your thoughts with me on this matter. I believe you’re fantastic, and I’ve had a tremendous amount of fun with you. Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me today.” It’s the most courteous way to respond to a rejection message, in my opinion.



Even if you’re a little enraged, you should be aware of the right way to reply to a rejection SMS. Consider putting yourself in their place and attempting to comprehend their behaviour. 


You aren’t even required to be totally truthful while speaking with them. You shouldn’t feel horrible about yourself. If your tale has come to an end, don’t waste time rehashing it; just put it behind you and go on. If you wish to respond, then go ahead and do so. Otherwise, simply leave them on read and don’t bother your brain with them. – The most essential thing to remember is to avoid placing blame on yourself.

12 Simple Steps to Finding Inner Peace

Stress, bad emotions, and tight schedules are all part of everyday life for many people nowadays. That is a place we have all been. We both understand how taxing and difficult life can be at times. It might be difficult to attain real pleasure and inner serenity in today’s fast-paced contemporary environment. In practice, though, what does inner serenity look like is a mystery.

Even in the face of conflict and hardship, inner peace refers to a condition of mental and spiritual tranquillity that is maintained. Moreover, it entails getting to know oneself and learning how to remain calm in the face of adversity. Attaining inner peace may assist you in living a more satisfying, healthier, and happier life.

I, too, am on a quest to find genuine peace inside my heart, and I hope to meet you there. It’s not always simple to find inner peace, but here are some modest measures you can do each day that can help you move closer to your goal.




1. Stop obsessing about things you have no control over. 

The world is filled with unpredictability and things that you have no way of predicting. When things fall out of our control, they may be quite stressful. After all, why should you be concerned about things that are out of your hands? In order to achieve inner peace, you should direct your attention away from things that are beyond your control.

2. Learn to live with your fears.

You do not have to vanquish your worries and concerns in order to achieve inner peace. In any case, attempting to do so would only result in further anxiety. As an alternative, acknowledge that you are terrified of some things and learn to live with your concerns. Their presence in your life is a reflection of your presence there. We should not battle our worries since they are part of what makes us human. Allow yourself to be acknowledged and at peace with your adversary(s).

Third, take it easy.

Everything in today’s world moves at such a breakneck rate that it is almost hard to keep up with the pace of life. To achieve inner serenity, though, it is necessary to take it gently. It is time to put down the phone and learn to flow with life rather than against it. Finally, learn to take deep breaths in order to prevent overthinking and causing further stress to your body.

4. Take some time to reflect about things.

Meditation has been shown in scientific studies to significantly enhance a person’s overall quality of living. When you meditate, your mind becomes calmer, more relaxed, and you can avoid worry and tension from intruding your thoughts. To meditate on a daily basis, I recommend devoting 10 to 30 minutes of your time to it. In order to relax and calm myself after a tough day at work, I’d simply concentrate on my breathing and ignore everything else.


Being thankful is number 5.

Have you ever taken the time to express your thankfulness for all that you have? It is possible to obtain inner peace and real pleasure by being grateful for what you have. Write down everything you’re thankful for and keep a gratitude journal. My daily practice of listing at least five things for which I am grateful serves to remind me of just how fortunate I am.

6. Maintain your integrity.

Put a stop to your pretense of being someone else. It is no longer acceptable to behave or have pretensions from now forward. Simply being yourself is all that is necessary. Quit allowing society to define what you should dress, how you should think, and what you should do. Put an end to your attempts to please people. Only you can decide how you will live your life.

7. Eat a healthy, well-balanced meal every day

Physical and mental health are both enhanced when you eat a nutritious diet. Maintain a healthy diet that provides your body with adequate nutrition to function. Remember to be attentive of what you consume, above everything else. To be more in touch with your body and its processes, avoid being distracted at mealtime. You’ll be able to maintain a positive and healthy self-image in this manner.

Routine physical activity is recommended.

For those of you who have spent your whole life on the sofa, it’s past time to make a shift. Starting today, commit to a regular fitness schedule. It not only benefits your physical health, but it also benefits your mental and spiritual health as well. It may also assist you in achieving inner peace if it is carried out with the correct mentality. The decision to begin lifting weights does not have to be taken immediately. Alternatives include gentle aerobics, walking, swimming, or even yoga as a starting point for getting your heart rate up.


9.Pay attention to your thoughts. 

The number of ideas that pass through our minds on any given day is endless. Remember the last time you took the time to get acquainted with each and every one of them? It is hard to remember every single idea that crosses your mind, but you may teach yourself to become more conscious of them. Pay attention to how your mind functions. Positivity should be encouraged, while negativity should be avoided at all costs.

10.Keep your eye on the prize and don’t strive for perfection

It’s admirable to strive for perfection, but there are limits to everything in life. It is an arduous and ultimately pointless fight to strive for perfection. Ultimately, you’ll never be satisfied with your appearance. Give up on striving for perfection and stop making your life more difficult. Be aware that we are all humans with a proclivity towards miscalculations. Accept responsibility for your mistakes and shortcomings. Accept them as a distinct component of your personality that contributes to your overall well-being

11.Let go of the past and embrace the future

Things must be let go at times, whether it’s a sentimental object, a hopeless relationship, or an unpleasant memory, and we must learn to accept this. Moving forward with your life is essential to achieving inner peace and healing. When things from the past only serve to injure your spirit, there is no purpose in hanging on to them. Acknowledge your wrongdoings with them and learn to let go. It won’t take long for you to feel more at peace with the way things are going in your life right now.

12.Incorporate positive individuals into your life on a regular basis.

Unquestionably, our interactions with others have an impact on our daily lives. Creating deeper meaningful relationships with the people in your life is essential if you genuinely want to attain inner peace. Allow yourself to be free of poisonous and destructive relationships. Place yourself in the company of caring and cheerful individuals who are eager to lend you a hand when times are difficult. Above all else, be nice and sympathetic to those who are being treated unfairly.


Final Words of Wisdom

Finding inner peace is a wonderful, yet challenging, journey to go through in your life. I hope that this essay on how to develop inner peace has at the very least aided you in taking the first step toward genuine peace and happiness. It is important not to dwell on the past and not to be too concerned about one’s future. Stay in the current moment and faithful to your own self-identity instead. Your life and emotions will soon be under your complete control, and you will be at peace.

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