How to pick MUTTON & LAMB for bbq.
It doesn’t matter if you’re cooking delicate young lamb or older sheep (mutton), both are excellent substitutes for beef or pig. It is believed that the amount of sheep available in Kentucky during the late 1800s contributed to the popularity of mutton as barbecue meat in those areas.
Mutton is still a popular dish on many Kentucky restaurant menus, despite the fact that the state’s sheep population has declined significantly. Also known as “other red meat,” lamb is a delicious option. Because it is a smaller animal, there are fewer cuts to choose from when grilling, but this does not make them any less wonderful than their hog and beef counterparts, which are equally excellent.
If you’re searching for something a bit different in your burgers, this ground beef is a fantastic choice. Cook it in the same way you would ground beef.
Mutton and lamb shoulder should be cooked low and slow, similar to how pig shoulder should be prepared. The lengthy cooking procedure softens the tough meat, which may then be sliced and used in sandwiches or other recipes.
Lamb legs may be prepared in a variety of ways, including grilling, roasting, or smoking whole. They’re available with or without the bone; if you choose a boneless leg of lamb, be sure to tie it tightly to guarantee equal cooking throughout.
Lamb chops are excellent for rapid grilling or roasting, whether they are served as a whole rack or cut into individual chops. If they have been divided into chops, thick-cut chops are the best. The soft lamb loin is wrapped in a thick coating of fat, which serves to preserve the meat while it cooks while maintaining its tenderness. If desired, it may be clipped away and Frenched to provide for a more elegant display.
Lamb Chops (Lamb Loin Chops)
Completely cooked chicken CHICKEN, TURKEY, AND OTHER POULTRY
On barbecue restaurant menus, this popular white meat is nearly as ubiquitous as hog, which is a good thing. You may get it pulled like pork, or you can get a half or quarter that has been slow-smoked.
A white barbecue sauce with a mayonnaise base is popular in northern Alabama, and it is often served with smoked chicken. Birds such as turkey, duck, and Cornish chickens are also excellent alternatives for the barbecue grill. In order to choose whether to cook chicken low and slow or hot and quick, you must first determine which portions of the bird you will be utilizing.
In order to get the finest results when smoking chicken or turkey, it’s essential to cook the whole bird at once over the indirect fire for many hours.
Grilling the breasts and wings together or separately is an option, but a quick-grill approach is the quickest and most convenient. Buy bone-in breasts if you want the juiciest meat possible. When slow-smoking or quick-grilling, the bone aids in the preservation of moisture. Boneless, skinless chicken breasts, on the other hand, are excellent for their variety and rapidity of preparation.
THIGHS AND LEGS Just like chicken breasts and wings, thighs and legs may be purchased as chicken quarters or cut up into individual pieces, depending on your preference. The dark meat has a larger fat content, which results in a more flavorful product. These pieces are adaptable and may be cooked slowly over indirect heat or quickly grilled.
The idea that man developed fire and subsequently grilled the first barbeque is a popular one among historians.
When it comes to barbecuing, the beauty is that you don’t need a lot of sophisticated, costly equipment to get excellent results. All you need is a little patience, as well as a few essential tools of the art.
While many professional pitmasters utilize big open pits to smoke their barbecue, you can easily create pulled pork, ribs, brisket, and other beloved dishes on your backyard barbecue grill in no time at all.
The first step is to decide what kind of cooking you’ll be performing in your kitchen. A true barbecue must be cooked slowly over hardwood or fruitwood to get its authentic flavor. Grilling thin foods like steaks, chicken breasts, and other thin cuts of meat is the finest way to prepare them. In little time at all, you can produce delectable results on either a charcoal or a gas grill, and cook barbecue like an expert.
Gas grills are simple to use and can keep a steady temperature for extended periods of time without requiring maintenance. When you’re ready to use them, turn on the propane valve, crank the knobs, and then use the starter to get the grill going. Allow the grill to warm for 10 to 15 minutes on high heat with the burners turned on before starting to cook. Explore your possibilities if you’re looking for a gas grill in the following categories: If you are just getting started, a smaller model is preferable. If you’re cooking for a large gathering, a larger grill is preferable.
Despite the fact that they need more effort, charcoal grills are often less expensive than gas barbecues. They also provide a delicious smokey taste to food and may be used for years of outdoor grilling and smoking activities. A chimney starter is essential for quickly and efficiently igniting charcoal.
You’ll need to think about what kind of charcoal you’re going to use. Both charcoal briquettes and lump charcoal have their advantages and disadvantages.

When you hear the term charcoal, the first thing that comes to mind is undoubtedly charcoal briquettes. These are compacted nuggets of sawdust, coal, and cornstarch that provide equal heat, making them excellent for beginner grillers who are just getting started. Briquettes burn slowly and consistently for extended periods of time, resulting in a fantastic smoking setting.
But be cautious when buying briquettes since certain types are saturated in lighter fluid, and if the lighter fluid isn’t totally burnt off, it might leave a chemical flavor in the meal if it isn’t completely burned off.
Lump charcoal, a favorite of pitmasters, is produced when enormous wood logs are gently burnt in a pit to remove the natural water and resin from the wood, leaving behind large pieces of charcoal. When smoking or grilling, this charcoal is simple to ignite and provides a wide spectrum of heat for cooking. Additionally, it imparts a great smokey taste to your dishes.
If you want to take your backyard BBQ to the next level, you might consider purchasing a conventional smoker to use.
There are a variety of models to pick from to meet your specific BBQ requirements.
A bullet-shaped smoker is ideal for beginners since it is compact and takes up less space. This style of the smoker, which starts as cheap as $200, is ideal for the occasional outdoor griller. Most come with a water pan, which is meant to aid in the regulation of temperature and the preservation of moisture while the meat is being cooked. At the smoker, the charcoal and wood are arranged in the bottom below the water pan, and the food is prepared on the top, near the vents.
Known as offset smokers, barrel smokers are especially popular among Texans, who use them to cook their meat. The design places the charcoal and wood to one side of the main barrel and includes a vent for regulating the temperature of the barrel’s interior. The barrel’s design also helps to limit the quantity of smoke that accumulates within it, and the massive drain valves make cleaning a breeze.
Succulent Steak with a Coffee and Chili Rub
Pit smokers are huge, heavy-duty appliances that may be used to smoke food. If you like smoking food, you may want to consider purchasing a large, heavy-duty pit smoker. A modest advantage these smokers have in comparison to little smokers is that they can maintain their temperature for longer periods of time. Furthermore, since they retain more heat, you will need to tend to the fireless often. Even better, with regular maintenance, they will last a lifetime.
If you are used to using gas grills, you will find that a gas smoker provides some of the same benefits. These smokers are often constructed of stainless steel and have a firebox as well as a connected gas grill for all-in-one cooking.
It is not necessary to use a smoker to get an excellent barbecue taste. All you’ll need is a charcoal BBQ in your backyard. Here’s how to get your fire started.
Using a chimney starter, you can: Fill the chimney starter halfway with charcoal, load the bottom with newspaper, and fire the newspaper. (While the grill is heating, place the chimney in the grill.) With an electric starter, you may do the following:
Place the starting on the grill and cover with charcoal to cook for a few minutes. Connect the starter to the charcoal and let it to stand for about 5 minutes to heat. Place a large amount of charcoal on one side of the grill and burn until the charcoal is ashy, about 15 minutes.
Keep the lid covered and let the grill to heat up for approximately 10 minutes before using. In order to get best smoking results, the grill’s temperature should be between 225° and 250° F. To obtain a greater or lower temperature, adjust the air vents as needed. Open the vents to enable more air to flow and feed the fire in order to raise the temperature. Close the vents somewhat, but not entirely, to reduce the amount of heat entering the room.
Once the grill has reached the correct temperature, throw a handful or two of wet wood chips immediately on top of the hot coals to keep them from burning. (The chips should have been soaked for at least 30 minutes before using them. )
Replace the grill grate and position the meat in the middle of the grate, rather than directly over the pile of coals, to finish cooking the meat.
After about 5 minutes, check the thermometer to confirm that the grill has maintained the proper temperature level. Once it happens, you may put your hands on your hips. Make sure to keep an eye on the temperature while also allowing the smoke to remain inside. Add a handful of chips and three or four unlit charcoal briquettes every hour or so until the fire is completely gone.
Christopher Prieto, our award-winning pitmaster, loves to use the Minion Method, which was developed by Jim Minion specifically for the Weber Smokey Mountain cooker, to get his smoker up and running. As Prieto says, one of the benefits of this approach over others is that there is less likelihood that the cooker would run hotter than you want it to. Using a few hot coals to get the temperature up to 225° to 250° is much simpler than starting with a red-hot stove and working your way down to that degree.
The Minion Method is straightforward and prepares the charcoal so that it burns for a longer period of time and with more consistency. The fire should burn between 6 and 10 hours at 225° to 275°, and it should not need any more fuel, making it excellent for preparing meats that require extended, low-and-slow cooking at low temperatures.
Pitmasters who use unlit charcoal chambers will make a donut shape with the unlit charcoal chamber and then fill the hole with lit charcoal to let the charcoal to burn slowly from the inside out. There is one drawback to employing the Minion Method: cooking over unlit charcoal is a risky proposition.
Those with delicate palates may notice an odd taste since the Minion Method goes against the conventional wisdom that charcoal briquettes should be totally ignited and white before being grilled over an open flame. However, this strategy is used by a large number of winning teams on the barbecue circuit and has shown to have no detrimental impact on the quality of their barbecue.
- FILL the charcoal chamber of the smoker with charcoal briquettes that have not been lighted.
- SPREAD numerous pieces of wood behind the unlit charcoal to prevent it from catching fire.
- FILL the chimney starter with charcoal until it is approximately halfway full, then ignite it.
After 7 to 10 minutes, and when the ash-white charcoal at the top of the chimney is reached, pour the ash-white charcoal over the unlit charcoal in the combustion chamber. That’s all there is to it.