How to overcome laziness

How to overcome laziness

1.Make a plan. You won’t go far if you take a magnifying glass outdoors on a bright day and start waving it about.
2.Make solid routines. Routines are one of the most effective techniques to combat lethargy because whatever you do on a regular basis becomes ingrained in your mind.
3.Exercise may help you become less sedentary. Exercise is a foundational habit that, once established, will have a beneficial influence on all aspects of your life.
4.Find accountable partners who are eager to help. It’s easy to catch a case of laziness. You’ll sink to their level if you hang around with lazy folks….
Reduce the number of choices you make. Every action you do has an energy ramification.

We’re all lazy to some degree. Because efficiency is essentially clever laziness, sloth may be a desirable thing occasionally. However, it isn’t the case here. Our emphasis today is on the other form of laziness, the original kind. Laziness that makes you sit on your arse when you should be working. Today we’ll talk about overcoming this kind of laziness. Continue reading below, or listen to the audio version below by clicking Play.



If you take a magnifying glass outdoors on a bright sunny day and start waving it about, you will achieve nothing in the process. However, if you take that magnifying glass and keep it steady, you will be able to harness the sun’s rays to the point that you could boil an egg if you so desired. 


That is what achieving your objectives can do for you… And I’m not referring to the act of boiling your eggs.

I’m talking about how to overcome lethargy and begin to motivate others to take action.

When you create a goal, you are telling your mind that THIS is the area in which your attention and energy should be concentrated. And when you do this, your subconscious will follow suit and assist you in making it happen. It will be simpler to take action, and it will be more difficult to let idleness to get the better of you.



When you establish a goal, you are also setting an intention for yourself. And, more than anything else, a well-defined, forceful objective will be more effective in combating laziness. Why? As a result, objectives have the ability to direct your attention.

Any area of your life where you feel unmotivated is most likely because you haven’t made a firm decision on your goals in that particular field of endeavor. It’s impossible to stay focused when we don’t know what we’re trying to accomplish.

The answer to this problem is straightforward:

Keep in mind that you will not be able to strike a target if you cannot see it. In light of the above, make a list of some compelling, exciting objectives for yourself in each of the key aspects of your life — physical, financial, emotional, spiritual, and so on – and write them down as soon as possible. Having a plan of action will reduce your chances of procrastinating and giving in to laziness, and it will increase your chances of actually getting things done and taking action.


In light of the above, make a list of some compelling, exciting objectives for yourself in each of the key aspects of your life — physical, financial, emotional, spiritual, and so on – and write them down as soon as possible. Having a plan of action will reduce your chances of procrastinating and giving in to laziness, and it will increase your chances of actually getting things done and taking action.
Having a plan of action will reduce your chances of procrastinating and giving in to laziness, and it will increase your chances of actually getting things done and taking action.




Routines are one of the most effective methods of combating laziness since everything you perform on a regular basis ultimately becomes ingrained in your memory. Strangely enough, routines are essentially your brain’s method of being lazy, which is ironic given its purpose. What do you mean? Your brain, on the other hand, is trying to preserve energy to the greatest extent possible, and every time you THINK about doing (or not doing) anything, your brain expends some energy.




And if your brain identifies a routine, it automatically puts it on autopilot by becoming a habit…

As a result, it does not need any more energy or processing power to carry out its functions. The benefit of this is that, over time, you will no longer have to think about certain tasks that you must perform since they will have become natural and automatic. Routines, when used appropriately, may help you overcome your proclivity to be lazy.

The quickest and most successful strategy to establish routines is to carry them out at the same time every day for a period of time. Here are a few illustrations:

Make it a point to exercise at the same time every day.
Spend three hours every morning, at the same time, focusing on your most essential goals and objectives.
Every day, set aside 30 minutes to read for 30 minutes.




In order to cultivate a keystone habit, you must first establish one in your own life. Once established, this behavior will have a beneficial influence on every aspect of your life.

People who exercise not only look and feel better, but they also live longer and healthier lives…

They’re more punctual than you are.

They have greater self-assurance.

They’re more productive and enthusiastic than you may think.

And, sure, persons who engage in physical activity are far less sedentary than those who do not.

Start exercising if you wish to overcome your propensity to be lazy.




Laziness spreads like a virus. If you surround yourself with individuals who are sluggish, you will eventually sink to their level.

Seek out someone who is willing and able to hold you responsible for your decisions. This may be a highly driven coworker, a friend, or a member of your family.

Determine who will give you that hard kick in the rear end whenever you need it—someone who will not allow you to miss a single day, no matter what. Someone who will not tell you that “everything is alright” or that “everything is fine.” Someone who will call you out on your laziness because they actually care about you and want to see you succeed in your endeavors.




Every action you do has an energy ramification to it.

It’s similar to how your phone’s battery drains when you use it a lot and have a lot of applications running in the background; your willpower drains when you use it a lot and have a bunch of unresolved choices running in the background of your mind.

When you wake up in the morning, your willpower is at its maximum capacity… Every choice you make during the day depletes your willpower, increasing the likelihood that you will be negligent about your daily objectives.



What’s the bottom line?

If you make fewer choices throughout the day, you’ll free up more mental and physical space for concentrating your energy and willpower on the things that matter most. Concentrate on the major choices and let the irrelevant ones pass you by. You’ll have greater determination to overcome your tendency to be lazy.
Concentrate on the major choices and let the irrelevant ones pass you by. You’ll have greater determination to overcome your tendency to be lazy.




Every time you choose to be lazy rather than take action, you miss out on something incredible…

You have the potential to build something spectacular.

You have the potential to achieve something really spectacular.

You might have been a part of something really spectacular.

In the realm of “coulda,” laziness is a way of life. Laziness is a thing of the past.



However, thinking about the future—in terms of consequences—can help you combat laziness.

What exactly will I lose if I don’t go through with it? What exactly will I gain by doing so? What much of money will I lose if I don’t complete this task? What kind of money will I earn if I do this? When I continue to be a slacker, what will be the result? What wonderful things might I bring about in my life if I learn to overcome my proclivity for inaction and instead take action? Don’t allow a lack of motivation rob you of your future. Consider the ramifications of your actions and begin going.


What much of money will I lose if I don’t complete this task? What kind of money will I earn if I do this? When I continue to be a slacker, what will be the result? What wonderful things might I bring about in my life if I learn to overcome my proclivity for inaction and instead take action? Don’t allow a lack of motivation rob you of your future. Consider the ramifications of your actions and begin going.
When I continue to be a slacker, what will be the result? 



What wonderful things might I bring about in my life if I learn to overcome my proclivity for inaction and instead take action? Don’t allow a lack of motivation rob you of your future. Consider the ramifications of your actions and begin going.
Don’t allow a lack of motivation rob you of your future. Consider the ramifications of your actions and begin going.




You only have one life to live, so make the most of it. And it is entirely up to you whether you want to enjoy life to the fullest or keep it simple and live life to the bare minimum. It is all up to you.

Laziness is often nothing more than a matter of personal preference. In addition, the more times you cast your vote for laziness, the more likely it is that it will become your normal manner of life.

When I’m feeling unmotivated to do a necessary task, I prefer to perform the following: I consider the ramifications of my actions…

If I don’t do this, what kind of long-term PAIN will I be in? What kind of long-term PLEASURE will I be in?


This motivates me because it puts into perspective the fact that the short-term discomfort of performing the task is little when compared to the long-term consequences of neglect.

8. Just go ahead and do it.

When you THINK LESS and DO MORE, you’ll be astonished at how rapidly lethargy fades. A time for contemplation and a time for action are two distinct yet complementary activities. Sometimes all we have to do is get our act together and go to work.

You’ve already given it a fair amount of consideration. You shouldn’t be thinking about what you need to accomplish or what could get in the way of you doing it. It will only serve to obstruct your progress.



As soon as you feel the need, rise to your feet and go for it. Have you ever noticed that the time it takes to put a fantastic concept into action is the largest obstacle to its success? Every day that elapses between having a brilliant idea and taking the steps necessary to make it a reality makes you lazier.

Take advantage of the situation while it is still favorable. Start by placing one foot in front of the other and charging forward.

When you start doing action, you’ll be surprised at how quickly the feeling of lethargy disappears.

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