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how to Nurture Your Purpose

How To Nurture Your Purpose

Describe the experience of being criticized in your own words.
Do you think you’ve been wronged? Do you react in a protective manner? Do you have a strong desire to retaliate?
Alternatively, do you behave in a way that a woman would when she is being criticized?
If you can relate to any of the emotions stated above, then you should know what this means:
It’s possible that you’re an approval-seeker who isn’t even aware of it; 2. You don’t have a healthy connection with male energy.




And there are two issues that you must address as soon as possible.
The quickest solution to end your approval addiction while yet maintaining a positive connection with male energy is as follows: The simple act of spending time in the company of other guys, particularly those whose masculine energy you’d want to pick up and channel into your own.




Identify groups of guys who exude manliness, who will not accept mediocrity, and who will not hesitate to call you out when you are acting like a wimp.
Don’t search for groups of males who will “come to your aid” while you are going through a difficult time. Women are in desperate need of compassion. Men are in desperate need of SOLUTIONS. So look for males who can help you become “unstuck” and start developing again.
Recently, one of my friends approached me with a query: “It’s Keisha, dude. I’ve got a question for you.”



We have a strong attraction to one another, and I want to hit her hard. Nonetheless, I don’t want to damage my partner, and I’m concerned she may discover the truth.”
He was fortunate in that our organization did not “support” or empathize with the sufferings of its members. “Come on, dude, you’ve been talking about Keisha for months,” I said, laughing. You should stop wasting your time and just get it over with! Either you bang her or you go on with your life,” says the author.



Cheating, on the other hand, is not acceptable to me. But I don’t think it’s acceptable for males to complain in the same way that women do. And cheating is by far the smaller of the two “evils” in comparison to the other.
My reprimanding, on the other hand, had the desired effect. He shook his head and replied, “You’re absolutely correct, dude. I’m going to forget about it. “I don’t want to mess up what I’ve already prepared at home.”




Do you want to find and develop your life’s purpose?

Afterwards, spend time in the company of guys who will push you above your mediocrity, who will be brutally honest with you, and who will motivate you to develop your potential.
Now is the time to locate such organizations.

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This is what women really want

What percentage of healthy and successful relationships do you think there are out there?
In the United Kingdom, divorce accounts for 40% of all marriages. In the United States, the situation is far worse. More than half of all marriages do not endure till death do them part.
Worst of all, these startling numbers do not take into account the poisonous relationships that exist between couples who remain together “for the sake of the children” or simply because they cannot pay the fees of divorce.




What is it about so many relationships that is so toxic and unproductive?

There are two explanations for this.
First and foremost, the world suffers from a scarcity of genuine gentlemen. Fathers and wives aren’t “showing up,” as the saying goes. They’re not willing to accept responsibility.
And as a result, their children grow up with little understanding of what it takes to have a happy, successful relationship, and the cycle continues to infect their generation.




In this case, provided that you completed all of the exercises in Part I of this book, you should not have any difficulties. In the process of becoming a true man, you’re doing well so far, and as long as you remain on track, you’ll be just fine.
It’s the second thing you’ll have to be concerned about right now.
The second reason why so many relationships do not work out is because males do not understand what women want in their partnerships.




What do women really want?

It is possible that you are in danger if you get your understanding of women from the mass media, what they SAY they want, or what your friends have to say about women.
First and foremost, though, is this:
Never take a woman’s advice on anything related to women.
Have you ever had a similar experience?



how to Nurture Your Purpose

A lady declares that she is looking for a “nice, faithful, and industrious guy,” yet she ends up dating an abusive deadbeat.
Alternatively, a lady may offer you her phone number but never calls.
Alternatively, if a lady behaves coldly towards you, you may decide to cease paying attention to her, only to get furious emails from her questioning why you are ignoring her.
If you haven’t already, take the following lesson into consideration: Women hardly seldom express what they desire. At the very least, they will never be able to explain it honestly and accurately, and this is not always done purposefully.




My question to you is, how many times have you heard a lady express her desire for a compassionate guy who would wine and dine her, only to discover that she ends up with someone who is the polar opposite of what she had envisioned?
Women have a concept of what they believe they want, but what they are truly drawn to is something altogether different….
According to the information in this book, women may urge you in the path they want you to take them in while you’re not looking. However, they should never be relied upon for dating advise.





Is it true that all women deceive?

Being straightforward, “keeping it 100,” and standing by your word are all ideals associated with men.
Women adhere to a separate set of rules. Women rely more on their sentiments than they do on factual information.
That is not to argue that they do not communicate coherently. They are capable of doing so, and when they are in a favorable frame of mind, they often do.
Facts disappear, however, when individuals are agitated or emotional, and their only source of confidence is their own sentiments.
Here’s an illustration: I once informed an ex-girlfriend that I would be taking her out to dinner to buy some Chinese cuisine.




The answer she gave me was, “No, I don’t like Chinese cuisine.”
My next move was to take her hand and swirl her around, essentially doing a foolish, uncomfortable dance with her that she found amusing.
After we had a chance to catch our breath, I suggested that we go out and buy some sweet and sour prawn balls.



Sure enough, she responded affirmatively, saying, “Sure!”
In addition, we enjoyed some delicious prawn balls.
Is it possible that she lied to me when she stated she didn’t like for Chinese food?
Without a doubt, this is not the case. She was only following her “truth” at the time, which happened to be her emotions. The answer is that it is subjective rather than objective, but that is how women are.



So here’s the fundamental rule: It is not necessary to take her words literally unless she is really joyful and filled with love in her heart. Instead, go with your instincts and believe in your own judgment.
Speaking about trusting your instincts,
Never Take Your Friends’ Dating Suggestions to Heart.
Furthermore, seeking dating advise from your pals is never a wise decision.
What’s the harm in trying?
Because your friends will tell you what they THINK is best for you, rather than what you want to hear.


They are not required to inform you what is effective.
For the most part, you should only seek advise from people who have the kind of relationships you desire for yourself. Otherwise, thank them for their counsel, but go with your gut instinct instead.

In other words, what do women really want?

What’s the solution to our burning question now that you know where NOT to seek dating advice, you may be wondering. What is it that women REALLY desire?
Once again, you must look to science in order to get a credible response.
Over the last 100 years or so, psychology has shown that women have three fundamental wants in life: a place to sleep, food to eat, and companionship.
The ability to feel mentally safe, the ability to feel physically protected, and the ability to feel financially secure are all important.





This is the “fundamental math” of keeping a lady happy for the rest of her life. She will love you forever if you can make her feel all three emotions; if you can’t make her feel even one, she will just regard you as one of her numerous possibilities, and most likely not the greatest one at that.
Let’s take a closer look at each of these fundamental requirements one by one.
Women’s need number one is to feel psychologically secure.




A woman’s mental well-being is essential. She wants to know that she can put her whole faith in you. Only then would she be able to psychologically decompress and be completely herself, free of the pressure to safeguard her reputation or maintain her looks.
In other words, she need the leadership of a strong, purpose-driven, and authoritative man, someone whose passions are completely under his control.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a hater. I support equal opportunity for men and women in the workplace and in higher education.




The type of forced equality brought about by third-wave feminism and the demonization of masculinity as “toxic” are not anything I believe in, and I oppose it.
In fact, it may be claimed that “progressive” ideals such as these are responsible for the breakdown of half of all marriages today.
These new concepts destroy the polarity between masculine and feminine energies, and when you undercut sexual desire, everything else crumbles like a row of dominoes around you.
So what is a guy to do in this situation?
It’s as simple as this: Be a guy. And here are a few tried-and-true methods for developing your masculinity:





Unless you’re at a funeral, never exhibit signs of weakness. And if you feel the need to complain, reserve it for your male buddies and not your female companion.
Never beg or plead for anything. Never, ever put a woman in command of your life or your destiny.
Carry out your life’s work and adhere to your deepest moral principles. If she loves you, she will follow you wherever you go.
“It’s my way or the highway,” says the person who lives by this motto. While you should never abandon your obligations, you SHOULD have the courage to walk away from a lady who is attempting to exert control over your life.




Female Need #2: A sense of being physically shielded
This need is physiologically hard-wired into the bodies of all healthy women around the globe.
Throughout history, women have traditionally been considered the physically inferior sex by their male counterparts.
Wild creatures, competing tribes, and bad men have preyed on them for as long as they can remember.




As a consequence, the ideal circumstance a woman may find herself in has always been one in which she is protected by a strong, competent male. This guy should be able to defend her and her children since he has the power and resources to do so.
Today, of course, there is a far lower chance of harm to women. But keep in mind that this is a naturally ingrained need. Women are still looking for signs of the “killer” in you.




You may demonstrate your “killer instinct” in a number of ways, like passionately guarding your family from the evils of society, ravishing your spouse in bed, or even both.
In other words, it’s not enough to be huge and powerful; you’ll also need to be able to maintain an erection for an extended period of time and provide her with several climaxes.
Female need number three is to feel financially well-provided for.





Is it true that all women are gold diggers?

Yes, to a certain extent. However, not all women are EVIL gold diggers who are just interested in obtaining wealth.
Instead, it is a biological and practical need that must be met. I don’t believe any woman would want to marry a deadbeat guy on a biological level.
If she decides to utilize your money to raise your children, it is a positive development.
That is not a good thing if she spends all of your money on herself alone.




So my recommendation is to find a technique to generate far more money than your family need while yet being in control of your finances. Don’t allow your lady have complete control over your finances; else, you’re asking for disaster.
So there you have it: the three most fundamental requirements of a woman.
What level of preparedness do you have to satisfy each need?
How much work do you think you’ll have to do?
Make a note of it, devise a strategy, then put it into action.

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