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How to Make Women Chase You

How to Make Women Chase You

Some of you may have grown up watching movies about a man who follows after a lady, how he wins her over in the end, and how the two of them live happily ever after.
If it doesn’t sound like your childhood, then allow me to give you a little taste of it: That is never how things turn out.



Here’s the reality: The most successful male-female courtships take on the characteristics of a “fatherdaughter” relationship. Consider the scenario of a girl sitting on her father’s lap, attempting to obtain his approval/validation or just seeking love and attention when she is feeling down.




The father caresses and calms her, his love and devotion strengthens her, and she returns to her childhood joy by running out to play with her friends.
That is the dynamic that results in the most fruitful partnerships possible.
If you want a woman to love you, she must regard you as a source of male power; she must see you as her rock, her port in a storm, her tower of strength, and so on. And she must be under the impression that she must gain your favor or else another woman will do it before.




Mother nature is represented by you, and you are represented by the mountain. The elements of Mother Nature may be a peaceful breeze and a beam of sunlight, or she can bring down severe thunder storms and rain. The Mountain, on the other hand, is impervious to all weather conditions.





How to get women to pursue you

Women will be drawn to you if you have a clear goal and purpose in life, one that takes precedence above women, dating, and sexual relations at all times.
Never go out of your way to help any lady since it is her duty.
It might be difficult to maintain this frame of mind when, for example, she calls and requests that you meet. A strong indicator of her want to know more about you. And you’ll be tempted to abandon whatever you’re doing in order to see her face to face.




Unfortunately, the instant you go out of your way to accommodate or pursue her, she quickly knows that you have a strong attraction to her and that you would stop whatever you are doing for her to accommodate her. Her interest in you has waned somewhat as a result of the disappearance of the mystery around you.
What is my recommendation? Please do not give anything away about the plot. Don’t deprive her of the joy she deserves. Create a love story for her that is similar to the ones she reads about in her favorite erotica books all the time.



Yes, if she contacts you and you like her as well, you should schedule a time and location to meet up. After that, meet with her once a week and communicate with her by phone or chat once a week.
Then devote the remainder of your time to fulfilling your life’s purpose.

How Women Fall in Love

How to Make Women Chase You

Obtaining the Woman You Desire

The Woman of Your Dreams
Have you ever had a piece of homework that required you to write an essay about “exactly whatever you wanted” while you were in elementary or secondary school?
Have you ever observed that this kind of assignment is the most difficult of all? With every imaginable subject in the known world and beyond to pick from, it’s as if you don’t know where to begin when you have so many options.








The same is true when it comes to finding your perfect lady to date. If you have no criteria for the women you want to date, as if you’d be willing to date ANY woman, you’ll be at a loss for where to begin or how to get started.




Life is much too brief. Don’t get yourself into a bind like that.
Your ultimate objective should be to be completely clear about

 (1) the kind of relationship you desire and (2) the type of lady you want before you start looking.
And here’s a step-by-step guide to achieving that objective.








Step #1: Determine the kind of relationship you want to be in.

Do you wish to get married and have children?
Alternatively, do you want an exclusive long-term relationship without children?
Instead, do you want to remain single and “date around” with as many women as you are physically capable of dealing with?
Or are you looking for something in the middle?
You can’t have it all at the same time. Make a decision on the kind of relationship you desire and stick to it.


You have the option to modify your “preferred sort of relationship” at any time. The only way to achieve even that is for you to select one right now. So you may make your choice.









Step #2: Identify the kind of lady you are looking for.

Taking a piece of paper, fold it in half lengthwise. Make a list of all of the characteristics that your dream lady must possess in the left column.



List all of the characteristics that your perfect lady should not possess in the right column.
Fill up the blanks with as many attributes as you can in both columns. Provide a great deal of detail. Create a profile for her that includes information such as her skin color, her accent, her IQ, her physical type, her opinions, her political tilt, and so on.








Step #3: Select your top ten characteristics from each column.

Make careful to complete this stage since it is the most enjoyable.
Make a list of the 10 most significant “must-have” characteristics, as well as the 10 most critical “deal-breaker” characteristics, in the women you date.
Afterwards, rank each list from 1 to 10, with “1” indicating the most significant requirement or deal-breaker and “10” indicating the least important need or deal-breaker.




If your perfect lady exists, and you’re madly in love with her, and your only opportunity to win her heart is to send her a love letter, that’s what you’d be doing right now.
Now is the time to write your love letter. Praise her for the characteristics that you admire the most about her.


This stage will help you have a better understanding of your perfect lady, which will make it simpler for you to discover her in real life.







#4: Do a self-examination.

Do you think you’re a good match for your dream woman? Do you think you and your partner are a good match?
Is it more likely that people will look at you and say “Wow, she could definitely do better.”
Now, here’s the snag. You must model yourself like the kind of person you want to attract. And that implies possessing all of the positive “must-have” characteristics you named while possessing NONE of the negative characteristics you stated.





So, let’s be honest for a moment. Is there anything in your personality that you don’t already possess that you should work on developing? And what “deal-breaker” characteristics do you possess that you need to eliminate?
Make a list of your ideas right away.






#5: Get out there and enjoy your life.

By this point, you should have a clear picture of your perfect relationship and ideal lady, as well as the characteristics you need to foster or eliminate.
If you think about what you’ve put down, you could decide to step up your game or tone down your ambitions. That’s perfectly OK.
Getting out there and meeting new ladies is the most crucial thing.
The majority of the ladies you will meet will not fulfill your expectations.
Some, though, will, and they are the ones who will make it all worthwhile in the end.

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