How to make Raspberry Cordial

How to make Raspberry Cordial.

30 minutes for preparation TIME FOR COOKING: 30 minutes PERIOD OF WAITING: 2 hours YIELD: Around one quart
This cordial will be ready to drink by the Christmas season if you start a batch when the late summer berry harvest is at its best. However, you may prepare it at any time of year since you can use fresh or frozen fruit in this recipe. Blackberries and wild brambleberry (Rubus) species like wineberry and purple blooming raspberry also work nicely in this recipe.


2 quarts of edible Rubus spp. fruits, such as raspberries, blackberries, or other berries, fresh or frozen
two glasses of hot water
2 cups sugar (use granulated sugar if you care about the color of the finished product)


Thaw the berries if you’re using frozen ones before continuing with the recipe.
Crush the fruit in a large nonreactive (no aluminum, copper, or un-enameled cast iron) saucepan or mixing bowl using a potato crusher or the bottom of a wine bottle.

Add the boiling water and thoroughly whisk. The pot or bowl should be covered with a dish towel and left out for 24 hours at room temperature. Stir often throughout that time.

Pass the fruit mush through a colander or a sieve with fine mesh.

Use a fine-mesh strainer or a colander fitted with cheesecloth to strain the fruit mush. Keep the liquid you strained.

Include the sugar and mix until all of the sugar has dissolved. Stir one more every 15 minutes for one hour (five times total).

Once again strain the mash through a strainer that has been lined with many moist layers of cheesecloth.

Pour the fluid into a spick-and-span wine bottle. Bottles should not yet be corked or sealed since fermentation might cause them to explode. Instead, use a fermentation lock (see Equipment and Useful Resources) or a punctured balloon to close the bottles.
The peak fermentation’s bubbling movement will stop if you’re utilizing a fermentation lock in a matter of months.

If you decide to use a balloon, pierce it with a pin once. The pinprick will enable fermentation gases to escape, preventing the balloon (and bottle) from blowing up. Nevertheless, throughout the time of vigorous fermentation, the balloon will continue to float. The fermentation process will finally deflate at which point you may go on to the next phase.

After the first two days, if there are still no indications of fermentation (the raspberry mixture should be quite foamy on top), add a little sprinkle of wine or baking yeast (really scant, like just a few grains).

The fermentation process ought to be finished or to have diminished after about two months.
Close the bottle’s cap or cork firmly. For a further two months, keep it on its side in a dim, chilly location.

The cordial could be a little bubbly when you first open it to serve it. When decanted to stillness, it is at its finest (this just takes an hour or so). I suggest decanting the whole bottle before putting it in a transparent glass container to highlight its stunning hue.


Here are three recipes that use raw ingredients to actually ferment alcohol rather than using alcohol that has already been created to conserve the basic materials.

In contrast to the year or years most handmade wines need, I picked these specific recipes because they are both excellent and ready to drink in only a few months or weeks. Please visit if you wish to learn more about home brewing.

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