How to make money out of Online Consulting or coaching.
You will draw individuals who want to pay for your knowledge in person if you consistently provide material on a subject that instructs, motivates, or amuses.
Offering your skills online is one of the simplest methods to start earning money.
You don’t need to develop your video and audio abilities or create a book. You just create a page that says “Hire me,” “Book me,” or “Work with me,” and then list the services you’re providing along with a “Buy Now” button or instructions for using PayPal to send you the money.
Based on my personal experience, I have the following advice regarding coaching and consulting services:
Be specific with your offer.
Explain the session’s contents and the payment procedure on your sales page. I provide consulting rather than coaching; the distinction is that I will work with you in a single session to solve your issue before handing you the reins to finish the job.
As a Coach would, I won’t hold your hand during the procedure. A coach will have a package for ongoing conversations and assistance, while my charge is for a 1-hour session including preparation.
Here is a link to my consulting website for your reference; feel free to copy any elements that speak to you. Here is a coaching page illustration from my buddy Mark McGuinness.
Feature endorsements on your sales page.
Work for free with your early clients to get recommendations from satisfied clients as social evidence that you are knowledgeable in your field. Over time, you’ll also get word-of-mouth recommendations if you provide excellent value.
Increase your rates if you’re under too much job pressure. Years ago, I had a very cheap hourly rate, but business became too brisk. Demand decreased over time as I raised my prices.
I also completely remove the consultation link from the shop page when I don’t want any more customers! This is an excellent technique to attract a customer of high caliber who is willing to put in the effort.
Use a questionnaire to help the client express their desires before to the appointment. I email the customer a questionnaire after payment and use it to prepare for the appointment.
Finding out what people need and how to provide value is crucial, but it’s also a good idea to challenge the underlying presumptions of their requests. If a customer doesn’t meet your area of expertise, don’t be scared to decline them. Instead, suggest others in the market who may be able to help them more.
For an enhanced experience, utilize Skype and recording. I use video Skype to do my consultation. This adds a personal element to the conversation, and sometimes you need to see people’s body language in order to really comprehend what’s going on with them. Additionally, you may establish a true rapport. You may use Pamela for PC or eCamm Call Recorder for Mac to record the call.
Both are inexpensive, and you can email the customer a tape of the conversation along with any further remarks later.
What coaching, consulting, or other services can you provide?
2.5 Expert communication
You are also likely to get speaking invitations if you consistently provide high-quality material on a subject that instructs, motivates, or amuses.
When I authored my first non-fiction book, I made a concerted effort to start doing paid professional speaking, and it is still a significant aspect of my career.
Thanks to my books, blog, and podcast, I now get most of my speaking engagements.
Even while I understand that not everyone enjoys public speaking, if you spend a lot of time writing on your own, it may be a great way to meet new people, build your network, and promote your business.
Writing can also be extremely lucrative.
Here are some of my best speaking advice.
Choose who you want to speak to and what you will talk about. If you’ve previously written a book, the subject will automatically present itself, and you may then think about your options. You may choose your target audience and then create a lecture or book that will interest them.
Identify as a speaker. Make a speaking page for it on your website and include it on your business card. Along with your topic of expertise and contact information, it need to include list of endorsements and forthcoming events. Here is an example of my speaker page.
Start speaking at no charge to get experience and references. You may begin modestly and progress with time. In Brisbane, Australia, at a writer’s group, I gave my first public speech in 2008 and described for the first time my experience with self-publishing.
I delivered the keynote address to a ballroom full of several hundred attendees at a publishing conference in 2015. Just like everything worth achieving, it just requires time and perseverance.
Earn money. After speaking for free for a specific period of time, you will need to establish your prices if you want to make money from speaking. I like expressing my enthusiasm, but I’ve discovered something crucial: the size of your speaking fee will depend on the group you address.
Clearly, speaking about the leadership at corporate conferences will earn you more money than discussing self-publishing with a bunch of writers.
Acknowledge and control your anxiety.
The fact is that almost everyone who speaks has anxiety in some form, particularly if you consistently seek out novel situations that are uncomfortable for you. I can, for instance, manage a 30-person workshop for an entire day without becoming anxious.
I am capable of delivering the keynote address at a large conference. However, if you ask me to read a passage from one of my books in front of any amount of audience, I will get really anxious. I am aware of how anxiety makes me feel and I can deal with it. You will need to build routines similar to mine that I use to cope with anxiety.
If you want to take something to the next level professionally, get some training and join a professional organization.
Toastmasters is excellent for learning the fundamentals, but if you’re interested in speaking professionally for a living, you should look into the National Speakers Association in the United States, the PSA in the United Kingdom, or one of the other affiliated groups from the Global Speakers Federation.
Public Speaking for Authors, Creatives, and Other Introverts, which is my book, goes into great length on the attitude and mechanics of speaking.
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