How to keep the backyard from traffic noise?

How to keep the backyard from traffic noise?

How to keep the backyard from traffic noise?

What if you wanted a simple solution to lessen road noise in your backyard? If you’re anything like me, you want to be able to go to your backyard and get away from the stresses of the day.

This includes not being able to hear any traffic noise or children playing on a school playground. In this post, we’ll go over a few suggestions on how to keep your garden from being too noisy.




This is a question we are asked a lot in the autumn and winter, when all of the leaves have fallen from the trees and the acoustics are at their worst.



To summarize, you must erect some form of barrier between yourself and the noise in order to avoid being overwhelmed by it. This may be accomplished with man-made materials such as a fence or with natural elements such as foliage, and we’ll go through those two options as well as others.





There are two kinds of noise reduction.

First, we’ll have to take a look at the two different sorts of methods for reducing noise in your garden. They are as follows:


  1. Deflecting the sound
  2. Attenuation of Sound

Creating anything that enables you to bounce the sound off before it ever reaches you is known as sound deflection.


Many of the barriers constructed near roads are intended to redirect traffic noise up and away from residential areas.


If you imagine sound waves as a stream of water, that is what you are getting at. The most effective method of staying dry is to create a barrier between you and the water that guides the water away before it ever gets close to you.


Due to the fact that your remedy must be as near to the source of the noise as feasible, deflection might be more difficult to deal with.


Most people’s backyards are regrettably near to where the noise is coming from, making it easy to identify remedies that would reduce or eliminate the noise.




The most typical method of sound reduction is to use a horn. You want to absorb as much sound as possible with this strategy. As an example, consider a torrent of water.


In this situation, you want something in front of you that can absorb the water before it reaches you. Alternatively, think of it as an umbrella that protects you from the elements during a downpour.


Noise Barriers are available in a variety of designs.

1. A Wooden Fencing

The wood fence is the most common kind of boundary in most backyards. They are simple to set up and perform a respectable job of protecting your home. At the large box shops, you will be able to get all of the items you need. Fencing panels may also be purchased to make the installation process more convenient.


fence for seclusion in the backyard that is horizontal

Ensure that while you’re erecting a wooden fence that you go all the way down to the ground. This will prevent sound from seeping in at the bottom of the enclosure, as well as your dogs from excavating their way out.


If you wish to build a fence that is 8 feet or greater in height, you need consult with your local authorities first. Anything higher than that requires the acquisition of a permission from the local government. The majority of fences are 6 feet tall.



Furthermore, even though the panels are faster to install, they are composed of thinner material, and the thinner material will not perform as well as the heavier fence boards at absorbing sound or lasting as long.


If you have the financial means, invest in heavier materials. If you’re seeking for an estimate on how much you should expect to spend on a prospective fence, we cover that topic in this post.




Note: If the source of your noise is your air conditioning unit outdoors, you may learn how to conceal your AC unit and place stuff around it to lessen the noise outside.


2. Brick Walls and Fences

Density plays an important role in sound absorption, and a brick fence is far thicker than the majority of other fences that may be installed.


One of the problems with brick fences is that you’ll almost certainly have to hire an entire team to put them up for you. It will almost certainly cost more money and require more time to complete the task at hand. Because it is a more permanent construction, you will be required to get a building permit in most localities.



The majority of developments will construct brick barriers to isolate their residents from outside noise.


3. Shrubbery and bushes

Have you ever observed that the volume of noises is higher in the autumn and winter than it is in the summer? In part, this is due to the fact that the trees and plants have shed their leaves, allowing for more sound to pass through the atmosphere.


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As a result, increasing the amount of foliage in your garden may assist to minimize noise. Consider getting shrubs that can grow high enough to block out the noises if you go this approach.


Also consider planting shrubs that don’t shed their leaves as much in the autumn and winter, so that you can benefit from the decreased noise all year long.


4. The presence of vegetation

minimize the amount of outside noise

Vegetation is quite similar to the notion of shrubbery; however, with vegetation, you may opt to have complimentary plants surrounding your house rather than having them in a certain form.


Choose trees and plants that will reach a height and be thick enough to absorb the majority of the sound before it reaches your backyard or other outdoor living space.


5.Noise-reducing acoustic fencing to reduce traffic noise

You may want to consider installing an acoustic fence in your backyard, since this construction is specifically designed to reduce noise. If you don’t want to spend the extra money on the more expensive brick wall option, this is an option.


It is possible to minimize noise by as much as 50% using an acoustic fence. It is less costly than a brick wall, but it is still more expensive than a wooden or timber fence.


6. The use of water

If you have a specific backyard design plan that includes a water feature, this can be a smart option to consider in order to lessen noise.


The use of a water feature in the backyard might help to lessen traffic noise.

A water feature that cascades into a pond

To be honest, adding a water feature is more like adding white noise to drown out the sound than it is like lessening the volume, but the end result is the same regardless. Using more peaceful sounds to replace distracting background noise that you may appreciate.


An simple water feature to install is a tabletop water fountain, while a more involved installation is the construction of a tiny water stream that flows through your garden..


Burma or Land Structures are the seventh category.

This is a solution that not everyone will be able to come up with on their own time. It is possible to create a burm around your backyard, which would minimize the amount of noise that gets into your backyard.


This isn’t a simple solution, and most people won’t be able to pull it off, but if you are, it would be a fantastic method to minimize noise in your garden and make it more peaceful.



The following suggestions for reducing noise in your backyard would make for a terrific weekend project if you can choose one or two of them to implement. Did you do anything new in your backyard? If so, please share your experience with us in the comments section below.

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