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How to identify your spiritual personality.

How to identify your spiritual personality.

What kind of a spiritual being do you consider yourself to be?

Finding out who you are on a spiritual level in a way that is authentic to you is essential since everybody’s spiritual makeup is different.

If you do this, you will be able to predict many of the problems that you will encounter and take a road to the truth that is appropriate for your personality type.

First, let’s take a look at the five different sorts of spiritual personalities, and then we’ll discuss how you might identify your own.

1) The mystical figure

Mystic is the first sort of spiritual personality on our list of possible types.

The mystic is not particularly interested in intellectualism and instead has unconventional experiences that lead to the development and revelation of their spiritual selves.

It’s not that their experiences are illogical or completely incomprehensible; far from it.

It’s simply that a mystic would rather think about things like beauty, truth, and transcendence in ways that go beyond what words can express.

The phrase “the peace that passes all understanding” is used to describe this concept throughout the canonical Christian scriptures.

There are a lot of mystics that are both writers and musicians. There are a lot of other people who do not. Everyone does things in their own special manner.

Throughout history, there have been a great number of mystics who have had very powerful experiences, either with or without the use of spiritually-energizing potions and plants.

Experience and a sense of wonder that transcends the material world are essential for a mystic.

Imagine Sufi mystics dancing continuously in a circle till they should fall down but continue anyhow in a holy trance to get closer to experiencing God and the mystery of existence. They do this in order to come closer to experiencing God and the unknown nature of existence.

This is an example of mysticism.

According to the words of the medieval French mystic Marguerite Porete:

“Ah, Reason,” Love responds, “you and all those who are nurtured by your doctrine will always see with one eye only.”

If any of the following descriptions fit you, you may be a mystic spiritual type:

You place a higher value on spiritual experiences than you do on spiritual beliefs.
It is difficult for you to convey your spiritual views or to incorporate them into an overarching path or philosophy since you struggle with these things.
You are willing to consider a wide variety of spiritual concepts and paths, provided that they are not too dogmatic and provide opportunity for personal investigation and interpretation.
You are attracted to persons that others would deem unusual or bizarre, but who you feel to be deep and knowledgeable. This draws attention to you from such people.
You have a propensity for being very creative, and you express your spirituality via endeavors like as producing music, painting, writing, films, and crafts.

2) The master of the mind

Following the medium as one of the basic categories of spiritual personalities is the mentalist.

The mentalist may have had profound spiritual experiences and mind-blowing realizations, but at the end of the day, they want everything to make perfect sense.

The mentalist is especially concerned with achieving the highest possible levels of consciousness and self-awareness in order to cultivate the will and a distinct, genuine personality.

The mentalist could have had other spiritual skills, but he or she is highly interested in finding a method that can distinguish between falsehoods and the truth.

The purpose of the book Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson is, in the words of the great Armenian-Greek spiritual teacher George Gurdjieff, “to destroy mercilessly, without any compromises whatsoever, in the mentation and feelings of the reader, the beliefs and views, by centuries rooted in him, about everything existing in the world.”

In other words, to be willing to let go of and demolish every false notion that we have that seems to be genuine but actually may be utterly incorrect and damaging, and to do this by at least temporarily letting go of every strong preconception we have and rebuilding from the ground up.

Gurdjieff felt that our conscious mind was really primarily deluded and that our subconscious had the capacity for genuine existence and awareness. He claimed that this potential was hidden deep inside our minds.

It was his contention that the majority of us live our lives in a waking state, in part because we do not keep our minds active and do not make use of the little amount of awareness that we do possess while we are awake to keep ourselves in check and to be responsible.

As Gurdjieff said:

“In order for a man to understand the interrelationship of truth and falsehood in life, he must first understand falsehood in himself, the constant and incessant lies that he tells himself,” said philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.

You’re more of the mentalist or spiritualist kind if you:

You have a strong attraction to spiritual teachings and ways that provide mental challenges and give you a mental rush.
You are turned off by too simplified concepts of spirituality found in popular culture or beliefs about spirituality that are intended to make you feel good, such as the “Law of Attraction.” You find these concepts to be either misleading or incomplete.
If something piques your interest enough, you are willing to consider new perspectives, even if they seem paradoxical or difficult.
You are turned off by emotional spirituality and religion, and you tend to feel a certain bit of mistrust or repulsion when you are around it.
You get a kick out of reading and watching content that is both simple and in-depth, relating to spiritual concepts. You also get a kick out of considering and reflecting on these concepts while delving further into their roots and ramifications.

3) A Pragmatist Viewpoint

The pragmatist is the next significant kind of spiritual personality after the idealist and the idealist.

The pragmatic is someone who is interested in spirituality, wisdom, and meditation; nonetheless, the pragmatist is not particularly attracted in by transcendent beauty or cognitively hard books and activities.

The pragmatist is interested in the why and the how of things.

The realist seeks a detailed road plan outlining the steps to take to go from point A to point B, or wherever the intended destination may be.

The individual wants to have concrete reasons to pursue a spiritual path, reasons that will have an immediate and positive effect on their day-to-day existence.

The pragmatic is prepared to put in a significant amount of work and genuinely commit themselves, but only if the spiritual teachings make sense to him or her and seem to be thoroughly anchored in the world that can be seen.

As Chinese spiritual sage Confucius said:

“The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones,” says an old Chinese proverb.

You are a sort of pragmatic spiritual person if you:

You find that you are driven to spiritual concepts and practices that have a more practical application or that promise actual outcomes for you in your day-to-day existence.
You do not feel the need to go further into esoteric or sophisticated ideas and knowledge, and instead, you are much more interested in spiritual instructors who can simplify difficult concepts into easy-to-understand teachings.
You are turned off by obscure information and ideas, and you find mystical and mentalist forms of spirituality to be repulsive for the same reason: they focus excessively on personal experience and subjectivity, which you find unappealing.
You don’t have any desire to be a member of a certain identity or spiritual community, instead, you focus on gleaning the teachings and insights that may be found in a variety of schools of thought.
You are ready to ignore the popularity of a spiritual route or the myths that circulate about a certain religious philosophy if you believe that following that path would provide you with more useful guidance for your day-to-day life, your monetary success, and your mental and physical health.

4) The member of the tribe

The tribalist is the following of the primary sorts of spiritual personalities that may be found.

The term “tribalist” refers to a person who favors or even requires being a member of a tribe or collective in order to achieve spiritual enlightenment. This individual is called a “tribalist.”

It’s possible that the tribalist has had a wide variety of miraculous and extraordinary experiences, but they prefer to share them with others.

Even though other people are going through unique things, the tribalist still wants to be in close proximity to them and have fellowship with their coworkers and friends.

Not just in their own lives, but also in the lives of others, the tribalist has to understand their place in the greater scheme of things.

They don’t want to go through life alone or in private conflict; rather, they want to discuss and develop their views, spiritual pathways, and progress with other people.

The tribalist has strong convictions on the degree to which we are all related in the natural world and the need for human beings to share and communicate in order for us to make progress and be a part of a world that is worth living in.

According to the observations made by Chief Seattle of the Squamish and Duwamish peoples:

“Man did not spin the threads of life; he is merely a strand in the tapestry that makes up life.”

Whatever he does to the network, he does to himself, as the saying goes.

You are the spiritual equivalent of a tribalist if:
You yearn for and absolutely need the company of friends and coworkers in order to have a feeling of significance and forward movement in your life.
You have a deep desire to participate in a spiritual practice that, in some way, contributes to the improvement of the world or the society in which you live.
Any spiritual or religious practice that abdicates duty and cares for other people or the natural environment is not worthy of your respect, and you find it difficult to empathize with anyone who follows such a path.
When you are around by other individuals who are also on spiritual journeys and interested in spiritual and deep topics, you will discover that you feel the most like yourself, most powerful, and spiritually maturing when you are among these types of people.

People come to you for guidance in matters of the spirit and find comfort in your company, as well as in the sense of camaraderie and unity that you inspire in those around you.

5) The ultimate authority

The sovereign is the last form of spiritual personality to be discussed here.

The sovereign cannot be placed in any of the aforementioned four categories. They have dabbled in about every spiritual practice that can be found, ranging from voodoo to Mormonism to atheism to mystic Hinduism.

A sovereign is a person who is preoccupied with spiritual investigation and spiritual quests, but who is unable to make up their mind on which of the many options is the correct one.

The sovereign may go through a lot of turmoil and pain, in part because they look for a single route or try to discover a leader or religion that is really “them,” but they never seem to come across it.

In the end, the sovereign will often go on a journey toward self-knowledge and achieve some kind of internal enlightenment or repentance. This is the typical route that they take.

Consider someone like the esoteric novelist and mystic Israel Regardie, who was a true sovereign but had a very difficult time in his search for spiritual enlightenment.

independent thinker 5 varieties of spiritual personalities and how to identify which one you are and how to cultivate it

Regardie was raised in an Orthodox Jewish family and went through a variety of spiritual ways until finally becoming a type of non-affiliated Christian mystic. These spiritual paths included Thelemitism, Crowley-led sex magic, and New Age spiritism.

In the words of Regardie:

“Redemption can only come from within, and it is worked out by the soul itself with the help of suffering and time, as well as a great deal of effort and strain of the spirit,”

You have the characteristics of a sovereign spiritual type if you:

You have been through a lot of spiritual transitions, but you still haven’t quite discovered “your path” or “your group” in a manner that seems right.
You have a little of a contrarian instinct, and whenever others try to place a certain label on you, you find that you have the impulse to do the opposite or confound their effort to classify you in some way. This happens because you discover that you have a bit of a contrarian instinct.
You go through profound and at times excruciating experiences all by yourself, but you aren’t always sure what they signify, and unlike the mystic, you find it difficult to transform these experiences into creative work that is accessible to the general public.

You have a touch of spiritual attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and you prefer to hop about between many beliefs and routes in order to have a type of do-it-yourself spirituality that only you may be able to truly understand and comprehend.
People who are too solidly inside any one category or spiritual path and are not prepared to investigate or consider ideas from other schools of thought or traditions may quickly bore you to death.
What if none of these descriptions apply to me?
There are primarily two paths open to you if you don’t fall into any of the categories, including the sovereign type, which are as follows:

The first possibility is that you are not very spiritual or that your interest in spiritual matters is not particularly strong.

The second reason is that you are in an unrefined stage of progress, and as a result, you are not now in a position to dissect or analyze the kind of spiritual person that you are since this stage is still in the process of taking place and is very malleable.

The following is something to bear in mind:

In the first scenario, there is nothing in the least bit wrong with someone who does not identify as spiritual.

People don’t always have the time, energy, or inclination to seek spirituality since it’s not for everyone, and the types of experiences and feelings that are linked with spirituality aren’t always something that people encounter.

  • What are we doing this for?
  • What exactly is the point of being born and then passing away?
  • What does love actually consist of?
  • Is there a creator somewhere? A multitude of creators? No one to create?

The mind of a spiritual person is constantly preoccupied with concerns of this kind; nevertheless, other individuals find it more comfortable to let such inquiries recede into the background as they go about their daily lives and concentrate on the accomplishment of more tangible responsibilities.

If everyone was interested in spirituality all the time, then nothing would be done: no new houses would be constructed, airports would be unable to operate, and fields would not be tilled.

In the second scenario, you should become thrilled about this opportunity and keep moving forward with your path. You shouldn’t be concerned with your spiritual orientation right now.

whether you check back on this post in a few months, you’ll be able to notice whether any experiences have become clearer and more established on one kind than others.

Every single day, everyone of us is advancing in a variety of different ways.

There is nothing wrong with you if, when you are going through some type of spiritual awakening or journey, you discover that you are not really in a position to reflect on what is happening to you.

Have fun and remember to keep developing. The answers you seek will eventually materialize, but maybe not always in the shape you anticipate.

Understanding the meaning behind your spiritual make-up
It is crucial to have an understanding of your spiritual type in order to gain insights on what steps to take next and what aspects of your spiritual path to concentrate on.

There are two components that are going to be significant to you, and it doesn’t matter what kind you are.

These include:

Seeking spirit houses
Everyone needs a location that may serve as their “spiritual home.” It might be a physical location, a house, a neighborhood, a tranquil area by the river where we go for our daily stroll, a community, or even a place inside ourselves that we go to for meditation or prayer.

Now, let’s break this down by category:

Mystic: A mystic is someone who thrives in an atmosphere that encourages creativity and freedom, one in which they are able to follow a spiritual path that is focused more on the individual’s internal development and freedom than it is on conforming to external norms and regulations.

The Mentalist: The Mentalist belongs in a rules-based environment that makes sense, has rules, and is based on a clear ideology or at least allows the opportunity to base one’s life on a certain set of views. This environment must have a mentalist.

The Pragmatist: A pragmatist is someone who thrives in an atmosphere that is action-oriented, where the focus is on getting things done, and who constantly prioritizes external, real-world outcomes above inward reflection and knowledge.

The tribalist is someone who feels at home in a group setting in which members are bound to one another by more than simply their friendship but also by a sense of shared obligation. This might refer to a spiritual community, a commune, a housing complex with a lot of neighborly interaction, a cooperative farm, or any number of other types of businesses.

The sovereign is an entity that does not belong to any one place. However, the sovereign is well-suited to practically any setting since those settings provide him or her with opportunities for personal development and enable them to develop into even more of an individual.

The sovereign will experience feelings of suffocation and suffocation in a community that places a strong emphasis on the group; the sovereign will experience feelings of isolation and abandonment in an environment that places a strong emphasis on freedom and openness; and so on. However, each presents a new opportunity for the sovereign to develop and go along their own individual path.

Seeking spirit mates
Even those people who sometimes irritate us are necessary for our spiritual growth since we all need companions of some type.

As Gurdjieff said:

“Remember that you come here having already comprehended the requirement of fighting against yourself — only against yourself,” Therefore, be sure to express your gratitude to everybody and everyone who makes this possible for you.

Various types of spirit partners:

The mystic should surround themselves with friends and companions who are a little more grounded in reality for the greatest results. The mystic needs a partner who is accepting and encouraging, but who is equally focused on meeting their responsibilities in the material world and making progress toward their goals.

The Mentalist: A person who is more on the creative or mystical side, such as a mystic or sovereign, works well with someone who is a mentalist since they complement each other well. Having said that, the mentalist is typically fairly open to communicating with most different kinds of spirits. Any spirit partner who respects the mentalist’s demand for reason, rules, and logic might be a good match for them. The mentalist is open to all possibilities.

The pragmatist should focus on finding spirit mates who are also pragmatic, which is often other spiritual pragmatists, mentalists, or tribalists. Finding spirit mates who are similarly pragmatic is preferable for the pragmatist. Because they find it difficult to be around spirituality that is either highly theoretical or extremely emotional and personal, spiritual realists may feel that being overly engaged with other people on the spirit spectrum might be problematic for them. There are, without a doubt, a certain notable exceptions.

The tribalist believes that all forms of spirit partners, with the exception of sovereigns, have the potential to join their tribe. Tribalists can get along with anybody who is willing to be more of a group environment with them, but they find it difficult to connect to sovereigns or people who don’t really gel completely inside a group context. Tribalists can get along with anyone who is willing to be in more of a group environment together with them.

The Sovereign: The Sovereign has the propensity to have one-of-a-kind spirit partners, which may be difficult to anticipate. They may go through significant ups and downs in love and friendship, but in general, they will attract most sorts of people with the exception of tribalists. As the Gurdjieff quotation points out, sovereigns may experience struggle in their relationships; but, they often emerge stronger as a result of such conflict.

If you start by loving yourself, then everything else will fall into place.
Putting an emphasis on loving oneself first may come out as narcissistic or self-centered. In contrast, it is not.

The purpose of this exercise is not to convince yourself that you are superior to other people or to embrace aspects of yourself that you need to work on improving.

It’s about cultivating a connection that’s not just positive but also supportive of… you!

Self-love requires making a commitment to who you are, comprehending the many facets that comprise your identity, and extending to yourself the kind of care and closeness that we often save for our relationships with other people.

Regrettably, we do not learn how to love ourselves from a young age forward. And as a result, we find ourselves caring more about what other people think of us than we do about the things we need on a more basic level.

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