How to have Pain-free Periods

How to have Pain-free Periods

When it comes to our general well-being, hormones play a significant role. For women who menstruate, there are a variety of options for supporting the body as it goes through its many stages each month. The natural hormone stages connected with the menstrual cycle, as well as how they are supposed to fluctuate over time, are unfamiliar to the vast majority of people, including myself.

Learning to ride the predictable, typical hormonal waves with grace and ease results in not only increased comfort, but also improved health. 


A fundamental grasp of the hormonal cycle, as well as how to assist the mind and body through each phase, is required to get there.




People are becoming increasingly concerned with how to feel healthier and age gracefully as time goes on. We are interested in learning more about how to eat better, how to sleep better, and how to minimize stress in order to live longer and have a better life. People who menstruate, particularly as they become older, might benefit from learning more about hormone cycles and how they impact mood, energy, and the aging process.




Because hormones are complex, the sooner we understand them and get acquainted with how we feel throughout each phase of the menstrual cycle, the more equipped we will be to support ourselves in the present and over time when natural hormonal changes occur.

Period discomfort, how I despise you. The experience is unparalleled — and when it’s terrible, it’s really, truly awful.



I’ve been having my period for more than 20 years, and the severity of my menstrual agony continues to astound me practically on a monthly basis. Cramps, period discomfort — or primary dysmenorrhea, if you want to get fancy — are quite frequent among women of reproductive age.

Twenty percent of women have period discomfort that interferes with their everyday activities.

a Reliable Source Approximately one in every ten women has such severe pain during their menstrual cycles that they are forced to restrict their activities for one to three days every two weeks. a Reliable Source




That’s one day a month (or more) that you have to write off altogether because your uterine lining has chosen to shed its protective layer on you.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a guaranteed solution to get rid of period discomfort as quickly as you would want. However, there are methods for reducing cramping, alleviating discomfort, and, in some cases, preventing cramps from becoming severe in the first place.

What is the source of cramps throughout your menstrual period?

“Prostaglandins, hormone-like molecules that promote uterine contraction, are often the source of period pain,” says Jolene Brighten, medical director at Rubus Health and author of “Beyond the Pill,” on the origin of period pain.



Although it seems that the discomfort is caused by muscle contractions, it is really the prostaglandins that send you to cramp town. Generally speaking, the higher the concentration of prostaglandins in your body, the worse you feel during your period.

Fortunately, there are methods for reducing those substances in your body and alleviating your pain, but they may not always provide immediate relief.



Relief that has been authorized by science

Those seeking natural pain relief should be aware of some disappointing news. It has been established by the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care that there are only two scientifically proven methods of relieving period pain: the use of birth control tablets and the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDS), such as ibuprofen. a Reliable Source.




This does not imply that they are the only solutions available for pain management; rather, they are the ones with the most scientific support. Unfortunately, there has been very little study into the causes and remedies of severe period pain, which may explain why there are so few medically recommended treatments available.




If you are suffering from chronic, severe pain, birth control may be able to help you manage your symptoms. a Reliable Source Obviously, it won’t assist you right now if you’re trapped on the sofa with cramp agony, but the pill has been shown to reduce menstruation symptoms beginning in the first month of usage.




Even while this doesn’t always work — I still experienced horrible menstrual cramps after being on birth control for years — it’s something worth discussing with your doctor.

The quickest means of relief

Taking ibuprofen with a cup of coffee is the finest thing you can do when you’re suffering from cramps. Evidence shows that a combination of 200 milligrams (mg) of ibuprofen and 100 milligrams (mg) of caffeine (equivalent to one cup of coffee) was quite helpful in alleviating acute pain. a Reliable Source




NSAIDs, rather than simply any pain treatment, should be used to treat cramps if you are attempting to avoid them. In order to feel better, you must take anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen or naproxen (Aleve). If you take Tylenol, you may find that your headache is less severe, but you will still have cramping.




The most effective natural remedies

If you have a sensitivity to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or just dislike using over-the-counter medications, there are still choices for pain management.


Heat pads are used to heat objects.

The use of heat therapy may be the most effective method of avoiding drugs entirely in certain cases.

Hot water bottles, heating pads, and warm baths may all be used to assist relax your muscles and relieve discomfort. Relaxing in the tub or lying down with something warm on your painful stomach may also help to relieve overall tension.



Despite the fact that there haven’t been many research conducted to determine whether heated patches help, there’s no harm in doing something that feels lovely and soothing – particularly during the worst of your period.




“When I get cramps, I like going for a run,” said no one — and it’s unlikely that they ever will. Although exercise is usually the last thing on our minds when we’re suffering from menstrual cramps, it may be really beneficial.



According to Elizabeth Trattner, a qualified acupuncturist, “working exercise helps lower the number of prostaglandins in the body and improve digestion.” Because prostaglandins are responsible for a large portion of the pain in the first place, anything that lowers prostaglandin levels will help you feel better. In addition, the exercise causes the production of endorphins in the body, which helps to boost your mood.



Trattner stresses that this does not imply that you should attend a bootcamp class if you are in excruciating discomfort. Instead, she suggests that you include exercise into your routine before your period to assist reduce cramps before they begin. Take a stroll or perform some mild movement during your period (when you are not in pain), merely to get those prostaglandins under control before they cause havoc.




Women should strive for 300 mg of magnesium bysglicinate every night in order to ease period cramps, according to Brighten in his clinical practice. She claims that magnesium may be useful in decreasing prostaglandin levels as well as in pain reduction and relaxation.

The unfortunate reality is that you cannot just take magnesium and feel better in a matter of minutes. A nightly dosage, on the other hand, may typically help to reduce cramping during your period.




My ideal period diet is a total cliché: pizza, chocolate, and ice cream for the whole five-day period is what I fantasize of. Unfortunately, this is the worst way to eat if you wish to reduce the severity of your period discomfort. Processed and fried meals have a high concentration of omega-6 fatty acids, which is harmful.



“When our diet is heavy in omega-6 fatty acids, we produce more potent prostaglandins,” explains Brighten. For this reason, anti-inflammatory omega-3 rich foods such as salmon, sardines and walnuts should be included in your diet, according to Dr. Axelrod. These aid in the reduction of inflammation, which in turn helps to decrease the production of those nasty prostaglandins, which in turn helps to alleviate pain.



Trattner suggests that you eat a healthy, fiber-rich diet during the final two weeks of your cycle in order to maximize your results. Sure, it means skipping junk food when you’re in the want for it the most, but it may help to minimize the amount of cramping and agony when your period eventually arrives.



More options are available.

If you’ve tried everything from baths to exercises to fiber-rich meals and you’re looking for something a bit more extreme, there are a few somewhat more unconventional choices to consider.

TENS machine (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)


Even if the idea of hooking up your stomach to a shock machine doesn’t seem very appealing, that is the fundamental theory underlying a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) device. A little pad is applied to the lower abdomen, and the machine transmits electrical impulses to the muscles to help them relax. This decreases the quantity of pain impulses that reach the brain, resulting in pain relief.




It sounds a bit frightening, but it’s really rather mild. The National Health Service in the United Kingdom states that there is insufficient data to demonstrate that the TENS machine gives pain relief, while a tiny research indicated that TENS reduced cramping. a Reliable Source

An electronic device known as Livia, which promises to “turn off period discomfort,” is really a TENS unit. However, like with many women’s items, it is far more pricey! Compared to a Livia kit, which costs $149, a TENS unit purchased on Amazon costs about $27. Make careful to speak with your doctor before shocking your abdomen with electric shocks.




A increasing body of data suggests that cannabidiol (CBD), the non-psychoactive component of marijuana, is a potent anti-inflammatory compound. As a result of the limited number of studies conducted on the substance, there is little scientific evidence to support its usefulness; nonetheless, there are many anecdotal accounts that CBD is effective.




Whoopi Goldberg even has her own line of medical cannabis products that are specifically developed to make menstrual cramps less painful, so at the very least you’ll have an interesting tidbit to share with your friends at your next trivia night.



So, the next time the Red Witch pays you a visit, you’ll be prepared by stocking up on magnesium, ibuprofen, heat pads, nutritious meals, and exercise DVDs before she arrives. Despite the fact that none of these remedies may fully eliminate period pain, they can give much-needed respite from what is known as “women’s best friend.”








Aviva Romm, MD, a Yale-trained, board-certified family physician and women’s health specialist, discusses the ancient blueprint that is designed to coordinate our hormones in her book Hormone Intelligence: The Complete Guide to Calming Hormone Chaos and Restoring Your Body’s Natural Blueprint for Well-Being.



As a way of explaining life cycles, Romm outlines an arc that begins in puberty, continues into the twenties and thirties, may shift a little in the late thirties and forties, and shifts significantly in the mid-to-late forties and early fifties during perimenopause. Romm also discusses the importance of exercise in one’s life cycle.


Hormones govern a wide range of functions, including:

Mood \Reproduction
The function of the genital organs
metabolism (which regulates body weight and energy levels), among other things
In fact, according to Romm, the menstrual cycle is so closely linked to our overall health that it may be considered “our sixth vital sign,” alongside temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, and pain.


Menstruation, or the loss of the uterine lining, marks the beginning of the monthly cycle. The hormones estrogen and progesterone are at their lowest levels throughout this time period. While it is typical to have modest symptoms in the body as a warning that your period is about to begin, experiencing pain is not. Expect to have low energy levels throughout this period.

During the second phase, known as the follicular phase, estrogen is the dominating hormone, while progesterone levels begin to climb, resulting in increased energy levels, sexual desire, and clarity of mind.



The third phase is ovulation, which occurs normally in the middle of the cycle. It heralds the beginning of the fourth phase, the luteal phase, which is the longest of the phases. During the first few days of the luteal phase, you should expect to feel enthusiastic, sleep well, and be very productive, among other things. These sensations begin to fade around the conclusion of this period, which leads to the beginning of the cycle all over again: menstruation, during which energy levels reach their lowest point.



Over time, as you get more familiar with your own body’s sensations and the foods it needs throughout each phase, you will be able to ride the waves in better harmony and give more assistance to yourself. Of course, you should always consult with your doctor if you have any concerns or feel differently than you did before in the past.

Checking in with Your Physical Self

It is common to have highs and lows in energy levels during the cycle, as well as to detect modest indications before your period begins. The most effective approach to get acquainted with what exactly occurs for yourself is to check in with yourself on a regular basis, since this will help you discover your requirements.


Here are a few options for checking in:

In a diary or journal, take the time to write down how you are feeling physically, emotionally, cognitively, and energetically in the present moment. Have compassion for yourself, no matter where you are in the cycle, and engage in actions that will help you to feel better (see the next section for suggestions).



 Organize a period of time for meditation, either in quiet or with the help of the Chopra app. You will be able to observe how you are feeling during meditation before your mind and body become motionless and silent. You will be able to tell whether your energy level is low and you are tired, or if your energy level is high and you are eager to get on with your day.



Perform a full body scan.

 Maintain a tall and comfortable posture. Take a few long breaths to calm yourself. Relax. Then, using your awareness, scan your body and take note of what you are feeling without judging the sensations you are having. Take note of your feelings and encourage your body to relax. If you scan your whole body from head to toe on a regular basis, you will improve your overall body awareness.



Make yourself a cup of tea.

 Make yourself a cup of tea and take a leisurely sip while being mindful. Relax and sip your tea while taking the time to observe how you are feeling in your body, mind, and spirit while you relax and appreciate it.

It’s time to make some lifestyle adjustments if you’re suffering from severe PMS symptoms and terrible period pain. Allowing your life to be slowed down by periods is a mistake. Take control of your health by following these easy guidelines for pain-free and pleasant periods.


Saffron, also known as kesar, is an effective remedy for PMS and period discomfort. Saffron, often known as sunny spice, helps to improve mood by raising serotonin levels, which drop before periods. It may also help with headaches, hunger, and menstrual cramps. Simply soak a few strands in water overnight and eat it the next day. This should be done a week before to your period’s start date.


Raisins are a nutrient-dense food that women should eat throughout their reproductive years. For a week before your periods, you should soak raisins and Kesar first thing in the morning. Period discomfort and mood swings will be reduced as a result.


Regularly eating bananas is another excellent technique to prevent period discomfort. Bananas, which are high in potassium and fiber, may assist with cramping and bloating during menstruation. Include unripe green bananas in your diet as well as golden bananas.


Legumes are high in potassium, magnesium, and iron and have a high protein content. Include legumes in your diet on a daily basis, such as chickpeas, kidney beans, little yellow lentils (mung dal), red lentils (masoor dal), black-eyed peas, and others. Breakfast or a snack with sprouts is a good idea. For a full nutritious supper, combine your pulses with rice.


This sweet vegetable has a low glycemic index and is high in antioxidants and fiber. To keep strong muscular tissue for a pain-free time, including sweet potatoes in your diet.

A calcium supplement is also necessary in addition to these meals. Menstrual discomfort may be greatly reduced by taking calcium supplements on a regular basis. Calcium aids in the maintenance of muscular tone and, as a result, the prevention of menstrual cramps. Calcium citrate is readily absorbed by the human body, therefore take it at night on a regular basis. Regular exercise is also necessary in addition to these nutrients. With only a few basic techniques, you can enjoy pain-free and smooth periods.

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