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How to Dry Brown Sugar in 4 Easy Steps

How to Dry Brown Sugar in 4 Easy Steps

However, many people discover that the brown sugar they have at home has grown damp and has clumped together into clumps after being rubbed into the meat, which may ruin an otherwise delicious meal. This is not a great state for utilizing as a rub, and it is at this point that you will need to dry it out.





Consequently, how can you dry out the brown sugar enough while maintaining its loose consistency for usage as a rub for your beef dish?

Suggestions for Drying Your Brown Sugar
If your brown sugar has been clumped together as a result of moisture getting into it, the first step is to set it in a bowl and use a spoon to break out as many clumps as you can before continuing. It’s time to begin the drying process after this has been completed.

Here are a few different approaches to taking on this challenge:






1. Allow for air drying

If you reside in a low-humidity location and have the luxury of time, lay the brown sugar out on a sheet and allow it to dry naturally. Heater air dries out the air, which in turn aids in the drying out of the sugar as well.

This is a low-fuss and straightforward method of getting the work done, but it may not be fast enough for some people.






2. Make use of an oven

If you don’t want to wait for the brown sugar to dry naturally, or if you live in a humid location, the second alternative is to dry the brown sugar in the oven on a low heat setting for a few minutes. Setting the oven temperature to no more than between 120 and 150 degrees Fahrenheit should be sufficient.

Keep in mind that you want to distribute the brown sugar on a piece of baking paper as thinly as possible so that the dry air can reach to it.

Some individuals overheat their brown sugar granules during this procedure, which will inevitably result in the granules caramelizing and melting together as a result. When you’re putting up a meat rub for frying or grilling, you don’t want anything like this to happen.






3. Make use of a microwave oven.

You may use a microwave on a low setting to do this. This will be much more expedient, but if you are not cautious with the heat, it might result in a sloppy mess.

Starting the drying process by placing the brown sugar in a microwave-safe bowl on a low heat setting and swirling it around every few minutes will get the job done.

Once you’ve gotten the majority of the moisture out of it, you may continue the process by air drying it or using an oven, as previously mentioned in this section.





4. Make use of Kosher salt and keep it in the refrigerator

Alternatively, if you already have some dried brown sugar, you may combine it with kosher salt and keep the mixture in a sealed container. Make certain that the container is completely sealed.

This will prevent any moisture from seeping into the dried sugar and spoiling the product. Afterwards, you may use it each time you need to massage meat on the grill.




Concluding Remarks
Brown sugar may be a wonderful addition to a pork rub, but it is quite typical for brown sugar to clump together and become wet as it is cooked. The good news is that there are numerous methods for drying out brown sugar that do not result in a smear of brown sugar on your counter top.

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