How to Deal with My Husband’s Naggy Ex-Wife

How to Deal with My Husband’s Naggy Ex-Wife

How to Deal with My Husband's Naggy Ex-Wife

How to Deal with My Husband’s Naggy Ex-Wife

Any married couple has difficulties that they must overcome as a unit. The problems might be connected to money or family issues. For example, an ex-lover is a frequent kind. Although an ex-husband and an ex-wife may act in various ways, they are nevertheless quite similar to one another.



How to Deal with My Husband’s Ex-Wife Who Is a Controlling Force in Our Relationship



Dealing with an ex-wife at the moment is something you should consider. If this is the case, you should review these suggestions for dealing with your husband’s domineering ex-wife.





1.Avoid Making Yourself Feel Responsible for Your Mistakes.

In such cases, a domineering former wife will not be hesitant to express herself. At the end of the day, she wants complete control over her life, which includes you and your whole family. This woman may make an attempt to manipulate your emotions in order to get what she wants.

Her remarks may be hurtful, and you may even feel guilty as a result of what she says.






 Allow yourself to feel this way, but resist the temptation. Please ignore your feelings of guilt because if you allow yourself to be affected by them, she will be able to gain control of your actions and life. What I learned from my husband’s manipulative ex-wife and how to cope with someone who is similar is outlined here.





2.Do not ever express your apprehension.

Not only should you avoid being guilt-tripped by your former spouse, but you should also avoid showing signs of dread.. Individuals in positions of authority seem to have an excellent instinct for identifying people who are afraid. You may, however, deceive them by seeming to be afraid of something or someone. Keep your fear of her words and actions hidden by not expressing them. Her actions will simply embolden her to do even more harm to you.






3. Don’t take whatever she says about yourself personally.

Whenever dealing with your husband’s domineering ex-wife, you should avoid taking her statements personally. Yes, the most of what she says to you is likely to be insulting and harsh in nature. Accept responsibility and act in a mature manner. Every word that comes out of her lips is phony. Making you feel horrible about yourself is simply one of her many methods for controlling you

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How to Deal with My Husband's Naggy Ex-Wife

4. get out of her way.

When interacting with your husband’s ex-wife, it is not uncommon for disagreements to occur. This is especially true if she is exerting excessive control over the situation. The temptation to leap into the flames is strong, but resist the temptation. 




Avoid being burnt if at all possible. Conflict with her should always be avoided since it is just not worth your effort. Spend your time and efforts in a more productive manner. This is something you should spend more of your time learning so that you can say nice things to your hubby.




5. Be Firm in Your Opinion

Regardless of what occurs, you must have the courage to keep your ground. In accordance with psychology, the objective of a dominating ex is to win. Make sure you don’t allow your ex-wife use you as a pawn in order to win a game for herself. You must be forceful in whatever you say in order for her to understand that you are not someone to fool with. –








6) Maintain a busy schedule.

Spend your time and energy on something else, as we’ve already advised you to do. Spending them on your husband’s ex-wife would just make you feel worse about your situation.. Plan a holiday or a journey with your family that will be enjoyable. – Go to an amusement park or see a movie with your children! No matter what situation you are dealing with right now, keeping yourself occupied will help to keep you joyful as well.





7.Attempts to contact you should be ignored in most cases.

When dealing with your husband’s ex-wife, most of the time, the best course of action is to ignore her. How many times each day does she call you? She is sending you texts at all hours of the day and night, is she not? Ignore her and ignore the situation. Keep your distance and allow her to make her best effort to reach you. The woman will finally feel exhausted and cease on her own. This includes how to cope with my husband’s narcissistic ex-wife, which is also covered.







8.In public, make an effort to be civil to one another.

How do I cope with my husband’s ex-wife who is abusive and controlling? Attempting to maintain civility with the ex-wife in public might be difficult to do. The best advice I can give you is to just nod and smile in response to anything she says and then excuse yourself. If you want to get away from her, this is an excellent option. You should remain calm and go away if she attempts to get you furious.





According to specialists, a dominating person will go to any length to provoke a rise out of you or make you feel uncomfortable. Providing an explanation or bringing up a subject that might damage your reputation is not something you want to do.





9. Don’t say anything negative about her to anybody.

You really must keep all of her dirty laundry to yourself in this specific instance. Dissing your girlfriend in front of her can only lead to more difficulties. That is something you do not desire. Furthermore, spreading rumors will only serve to give your ex-wife more reasons to despise and harass you. All of it is unnecessary in your life as well.








10.Communicate with your husband in an open and honest manner.

Communication with your spouse should always be open and honest. He is more familiar with her personality since she was his ex-wife. Actually, this is one of the reasons why it’s crucial to know about someone before you start dating them since it might indicate how they would behave in a relationship with you.






Come up with a plan and discuss it with your partner. The only reason to get into a battle with your spouse over this is if he attempts in any way to protect his former wife.








11.Keep nothing from your husband that you don’t want him to know.

Never keep anything from your spouse, and never conceal anything from him. Is his ex-wife sending you threatening SMS on your cell phone? Inform your spouse about the situation as soon as you can. Having strong communication with your spouse is thus quite important. Any negative consequences resulting from the ex-actions wife’s may be discussed with him without fear of reprisals. Keep an eye out for signals that your spouse has abandoned you and your marriage so that you can avoid this from occurring.





12. Keep your children away from your ex-house. wife’s

If you have children of your own with your spouse, make sure they are kept away from the ex. Her poisonous habits are something you don’t want your children to be exposed to, do you? Maintain as little contact with your children as possible if she attempts to do so. Despite the fact that they are aware of her presence, they should avoid spending any time alone with her.







13.Get a Restraining Order issued against you.

You should get a restraining order when things become difficult and hazardous while dealing with your husband’s dominating former wife. You don’t have to feel any shame or remorse about doing it. For the sake of your family, you are undertaking this endeavor. Constantly put your safety first. Your family has earned the right to live a happy life without her presence in their lives.





You still put your family first, despite the circumstances surrounding your ex-wife. Concentrate on it while keeping the ex-wife at bay so that she doesn’t cause any more problems for you. To prevent your husband’s ex-wife from winning, work together as a powerful team.