How to deal with Hangover

A great evening may be had by sharing a few drinks with friends on a night out or at a party. But what about the hangover the next day? That's a lot less enjoyable.

The basic physical symptoms of a hangover are undoubtedly known to you: a pounding headache, nausea, and the need to wear sunglasses at the first sign of dawn.


However, hangovers can cause psychological symptoms as well, particularly worry. This behavior has become so well-known that it has earned its own moniker: hangxiety.


What causes this to happen?

The idea of hangover anxiety is very new, and scientists have yet to pinpoint a single reason. They do, however, have a few theories.
Anxiety in social situations

According to Cyndi Turner, LSATP, MAC, LCSW, “many people utilize alcohol as a social lubricant.”
If you suffer from anxiety, particularly social anxiety, you may find that having a drink or two before (or during) a social gathering helps you relax and cope with apprehensive or anxious sensations.
Cyndi continues, “About two drinks, or a blood alcohol content of 0.055, seems to improve feelings of calm and lessen shyness.” However, anxiousness tends to resurface when the effects of alcohol wear off. The effects of a hangover on the body might be severe.

Detox from alcohol
Whether you consume one or five drinks, your body will have to filter the alcohol out of your system at some point. According to Cleveland Clinic, this detoxification stage, which may be considered a mild type of withdrawal, might last up to 8 hours.

You may feel restless, agitated, tense, or jittery during this period, just as you would if you were experiencing more acute alcohol withdrawal.

Withdrawal of emotions

According to Turner, a sort of emotional disengagement might also develop.

When endorphins, your body’s natural painkillers, and feel-good chemicals, are released in reaction to stressful experiences, their levels normally decline over several days, she says.

Alcohol also causes the release of endorphins and a subsequent comedown.

Drinking alcohol may appear to assist dull any physical or mental discomfort you’re experiencing at first. It won’t, however, make it go away.
The combination of declining endorphins plus the knowledge that your issues haven’t gone away is a formula for bodily and mental discomfort.

There are several explanations for the lengthy restroom queue at the pub. The first is that drinking causes people to urinate more frequently than they normally would. Plus, despite your best efforts, you’re probably not drinking as much water as you should.

Dehydration can be caused by the combination of these two causes. According to the source, this might cause anxiety and mood swings.

Deficiency in the B vitamin folic acid
Mood problems might be exacerbated by a lack of certain nutrients. Low folic acid levels have been linked to sadness and anxiety in adults, implying a connection between the two.
Alcohol can also induce a drop in folic acid levels, which could explain why you’re not feeling quite right.

People are also more prone to consume items that might make them feel uneasy.

The use of medication

Certain medicines, such as anti-depressants and anti-inflammatories, may interact with alcohol. You may feel nervous, restless, or agitated when your medicines become less effective.


Other adverse effects of certain medicines include cognitive impairment and significant physical health issues such as ulcers or organ damage.


Check the label of any drugs you’re taking to see if it’s safe to consume alcohol while taking them. Vitamins, herbal supplements, and other over-the-counter medicines are all the same.

Worry or regret
After a few drinks, alcohol tends to decrease your inhibitions, making you feel more relaxed and comfortable. “However, drinking more than three drinks might impair balance, speech, thinking, reasoning, and judgment,” Turner warns.
Because of the influence on your judgment and logic, you may say or do things you wouldn’t normally say or do. You could feel embarrassed or regretful when you remember (or try to remember) what happened the next day.
You could be worried while you wait for your pals to tell you what occurred if you’re not sure what you did.

Intolerance to alcohol

Alcohol intolerance, also known as alcohol allergy, can induce a variety of symptoms that are similar to physical symptoms.

headache nausea fast heartbeat or hammering heart


Sleepiness or excitability, as well as warm, flushed skin, especially on the face and neck, are further signs. It’s also possible to have mood-related symptoms, such as sensations of worry.


Sleep disturbances

Even if you don’t drink much, alcohol might disrupt your sleep. Even if you’ve had enough of sleep, it’s likely not been of the highest quality, leaving you feeling a little odd.


If you suffer from anxiety, you’re undoubtedly aware of this cycle, which can occur with or without the use of alcohol: When you don’t get enough sleep, your anxiety symptoms become worse, but the same symptoms make it difficult to obtain a decent night’s sleep.

Why isn’t this something that happens to everyone?
Why do some individuals wake up comfortable and ready for breakfast after a night of drinking, while others remain wrapped in a blanket, feeling the weight of the world? According to new research, very shy persons are more likely to experience anxiety after a hangover.
A 2019 study looked at 97 persons who drank socially and had various levels of shyness. Researchers instructed 50 of the volunteers to drink as they normally would, while the remaining 47 remained abstinent.
The anxiety levels were then assessed before, during, and after the drinking or sober periods. Those who consumed alcohol saw a reduction in anxiety symptoms. Those who were strongly shunned, on the other hand,


Because alcohol is believed to exacerbate anxiety, you may be more prone to hangxiety if you already have anxiety.

What should you do about it?

If this isn’t your first time dealing with anxiety, you’ve probably already compiled a list of coping strategies. If you have a pounding headache or the room spins when you move, you probably won’t feel like going for a stroll, performing yoga, or blogging about your thoughts.


Control your bodily symptoms.

Hangxiety is most likely influenced by the mind-body link. Physical well-being won’t entirely alleviate anxiety, but it will help you deal with rushing thoughts and anxieties.

Take a few deep breaths, and then take another.
Breathing deeply and slowly might help you relax and calm a racing or pounding heart.
Inhale while counting to four, then exhale while counting to four once more. Do this for a few minutes, or until your heartbeat begins to slow. You may also use the 4-7-8 breathing method to help you relax.
Try meditating with awareness.

If you don’t feel like standing, you can meditate while sitting or resting in bed. It may be beneficial to begin with some deep breathing, so lie or sit back, close your eyes, and concentrate on your thoughts and physical and mental sensations.
Don’t attempt to control, avoid, or unpack your ideas. Simply pay attention to them as they approach you.

Set the tone for the evening
Worrying about what you could have said or done while drinking is a common source of hangxiety. But keep in mind that whatever is true for you is likely to be true for everyone else.
To put it another way, you weren’t the only one who said or did anything you afterward regretted. It’s also conceivable that no one heard or saw what you said (or already forgot about it).
Fixating on the events of the day might exacerbate your sentiments. If you were with a close friend, chatting to them could make you feel better. However, for the time being, it would be beneficial to spend a few minutes evaluating your views.
What are your main concerns? Why?

Talking yourself through what you’re scared of and pushing yourself can help.

How can this be avoided in the future?
Even if you don’t have hangxiety, a terrible hangover might make you desire to never drink again. That’s one method to avoid repeat bouts of hangxiety, but there are other things you can do to lessen your chances of suffering the negative effects of alcohol.

Looking for assistance

Alcohol use isn’t necessarily harmful or troublesome. There’s nothing wrong with letting loose or even getting a hangover every now and again. Moderation, on the other hand, is more difficult for some people than for others.


If you often experience anxiety after drinking, it may be time to take a step back and rethink your situation.

Moderation is key when it comes to alcohol.
“It is an issue if alcohol usage produces a problem,” Turner adds. She teaches alcohol moderation in her work. This is a technique that can assist some people in avoiding the harmful effects of alcohol.

“For women, moderation is generally fewer than two drinks at a time, and for males, it is typically three drinks at a time,” she explains. “At this level, people may experience the pleasant benefits of alcohol before becoming physically impaired.”

She also recommends that you drink in moderation when you:

understand why you use alcohol

Develop new ways of dealing with challenging situations.

Keep your alcohol consumption to a minimum.

Keep in mind that this method isn’t appropriate for everyone.

Alcoholism is a mental illness caused by excessive use of

Moderation alone might make it difficult to manage an alcohol use problem. If moderation isn’t working for you, consider seeking more assistance. It’s possible that you have an alcohol use disorder (AUD).
It’s all too easy to become caught up in a pattern of drinking to alleviate anxious symptoms, only to have them return tenfold the next day. As a result, you may drink more to cope with your worry. It’s difficult to interrupt the pattern on your own.

The 6 Most Effective Hangover Treatments (Backed by Science)

Drinking alcohol, especially in excess, can cause a variety of adverse effects.

The most frequent symptom is a hangover, which includes fatigue, headache, nausea, dizziness, thirst, and sensitivity to light and sound.

While there are a plethora of rumored hangover remedies, from downing a glass of pickle juice to rubbing a lemon in your armpit before drinking, few of them are scientifically proven.

This article examines six simple, scientifically proven methods for overcoming a hangover.

1. Start your day with a healthy breakfast.
One of the most well-known hangover cures is to have a substantial breakfast.

One explanation is that eating a healthy breakfast might help keep your blood sugar levels in check.
Although low blood sugar levels aren’t always the cause of a hangover, they’re frequently linked to one.
Some hangover symptoms, including as nausea, tiredness, and weakness, may be caused by low blood sugar.
In fact, some studies suggest that maintaining a healthy blood sugar level might help to minimize some of the negative effects of alcohol use, such as the accumulation of acid in the blood.

Excessive drinking can upset the chemical equilibrium in your blood, resulting in metabolic acidosis.

Excessive drinking can upset the chemical equilibrium in your blood, resulting in metabolic acidosis, which is marked by an increase in acidity. It might be linked to symptoms including nausea, vomiting, and exhaustion (4Trusted Source).

In addition to alleviating certain hangover symptoms, a nutritious breakfast may replenish vital vitamins and minerals that might be lost by heavy alcohol use.

Although there is no proof that low blood sugar causes hangovers, having a good, well-balanced, and substantial breakfast the morning after drinking will help alleviate hangover symptoms.

2. Get enough rest.
For certain people, alcohol can induce sleep disruptions and be linked to reduced sleep quality and duration.

While low to moderate amounts of alcohol may enhance sleep at first, research suggests that greater doses and long-term consumption might alter sleep patterns.

A lack of sleep does not create a hangover, but it might exacerbate one.

Hangover symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, and irritability can all be aggravated by a lack of sleep.

Allowing your body to recuperate and get a full night’s sleep will help lessen symptoms and make a hangover more manageable.


3. Keep yourself hydrated
Alcohol use can cause dehydration in a variety of ways.
For starters, alcohol is a diuretic. This implies that it causes an increase in urine output, resulting in a loss of fluids and electrolytes required for normal functioning 

Second, drinking too much alcohol can trigger vomiting, which can result in even more fluid and electrolyte loss.
Although dehydration is not the only cause of a hangover, it does play a role in several of the symptoms, including increased thirst, tiredness, headaches, and dizziness.
Increasing your water consumption might help you avoid getting a hangover by alleviating some of the symptoms.

A decent rule of thumb while drinking alcohol is to alternate between a glass of water and a drink. Although this will not definitely prevent dehydration, it will assist you in limiting your alcohol consumption.

To avoid hangover symptoms, remain hydrated throughout the day by drinking water anytime you feel thirsty.



Dehydration can occur as a result of consuming alcohol, which can exacerbate some hangover symptoms. Staying hydrated can help with symptoms like thirst, tiredness, headaches, and dizziness that come with a hangover.

The next morning, have a drink.
Many people swear by this popular hangover cure, often known as “hair of the dog.”
Though it’s mostly based on legend and anecdotal data, there is some evidence that drinking the next morning can help with hangover symptoms.

This is because alcohol alters the way the body processes methanol, a molecule found in tiny levels in alcoholic beverages.
Methanol is turned to formaldehyde after you consume alcohol, which is a harmful chemical that can induce hangover symptoms.

When you have a hangover, however, consuming ethanol (alcohol) can halt this conversion and prevent the production of formaldehyde entirely. Methanol, rather than producing formaldehyde, is safely eliminated from the body.

However, as this approach can lead to the formation of harmful behaviors and alcohol dependence, it is not advised as a hangover cure.

Drinking alcohol can prevent methanol from being converted to formaldehyde, which may help to alleviate certain hangover symptoms.

Take a look at these supplements to see if they may help you.
Despite the lack of data, several studies have indicated that some vitamins may help with hangover symptoms.
A few substances that have been studied for their ability to alleviate hangover symptoms are listed below:
Ginseng (red): Supplementing with red ginseng decreased blood alcohol levels and the intensity of hangovers, according to one research.

Prickly pear cactus: There is some evidence that this variety of cactus can assist with hangovers. Prickly pear extract was proven to reduce hangover symptoms and reduced the likelihood of hangover severity in half in a 2004 research.

Ginger: According to one research, mixing ginger with brown sugar and tangerine extract alleviated numerous hangover symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Borage oil: One research looked at the efficacy of a supplement that included both prickly pear and borage oil, which is produced from starflower seeds. In the research, 88 percent of individuals reported a reduction in hangover symptoms.
Eleuthero: Also known as Siberian ginseng, one research revealed that taking eleuthero extract reduced the intensity of hangovers and relieved numerous symptoms.

Keep in mind that research on the usefulness of vitamins in decreasing hangover symptoms is limited, and further study is needed.


Some supplements have been researched for their capacity to reduce hangover symptoms, including red ginseng, prickly pear, ginger, borage oil, and eleuthero.
6. Drinks containing congeners should be avoided.

Sugars are transformed to carbon dioxide and ethanol, often known as alcohol, during the ethanol fermentation process.


Congeners are hazardous chemical by-products produced in tiny amounts during this process, with various alcoholic drinks containing variable amounts.

According to several research, ingesting beverages rich in congeners might increase the frequency and severity of a hangover. Congeners can also delay the metabolism of alcohol, causing effects to last longer.

Vodka, gin, and rum are examples of low-congener drinks, with vodka having practically no congeners at all.

Tequila, whiskey, and cognac, on the other hand, are all rich in congeners, with bourbon whiskey having the most.

95 young individuals were given enough vodka or bourbon to attain a breath alcohol content of 0.11 percent in one research. It was discovered that high-congener bourbon caused worse hangovers than low-congener vodka.

Another experiment had 68 people consume 2 ounces of vodka or whiskey.

The next day, drinking whiskey caused hangover symptoms such as foul breath, dizziness, headache, and nausea, but drinking vodka did not.


Drinks with less congeners may assist to minimize the frequency and severity of hangovers.



Low-congener beverages, such as vodka, gin, and rum, may help to reduce the intensity and frequency of hangovers.

Ways to Prevent Hangovers Based on Research

Hangovers are the unpleasant side effects of drinking too much alcohol.

They are characterized by headaches, tiredness, thirst, dizziness, nausea, and a loss of appetite and occur after alcohol has left your body.

There are a plethora of hangover cures available, but the data supporting them is either insufficient or speculative.

Nonetheless, a few techniques show promise.


Here are seven scientifically proven methods for preventing or drastically reducing hangovers.

Drinks with a lot of congeners should be avoided.
Alcoholic beverages include ethanol as the major active component, but they also contain various quantities of congeners.

Congeners are generated when sugar-fermenting yeasts produce ethanol (also known as alcohol in this article).


Methanol, isopentanol, and acetone are examples of congeners, which are poisonous compounds.


Hangovers appear to be more frequent and intense in alcoholic beverages with high amounts of congeners.


Methanol, a frequent congener, is significantly linked to hangover symptoms, according to two studies.

Whiskey, cognac, and tequila are all rich in congeners. Bourbon whiskey has a lot of congeners.

Colorless beverages, such as vodka, gin, and rum, on the other hand, have minimal amounts of congeners. Vodka, in reality, has practically no congeners.


Both the incidence and intensity of hangovers were higher for whiskey in trials comparing the effects of vodka (low in congeners) and whiskey (rich in congeners).

Have a Drink the Next Morning
It may seem counterintuitive to treat a hangover by having another drink.

Regardless, it’s a well-known hangover cure, commonly referred to as “hair of the dog (that bit you)”
Although this practice has not been proved to be beneficial, the science behind it is fascinating.
Simply put, increased alcohol consumption is thought to alter methanol metabolism, a well-known congener present in trace levels in various beverages.
Methanol is converted to formaldehyde, a very hazardous chemical, by your body when you consume it. Many hangover symptoms may be caused in part by formaldehyde.

However, drinking alcohol the morning following a night of heavy drinking can avoid formaldehyde formation by inhibiting the conversion process.

Instead, methanol is expelled from your body in a safe manner through your breath and urine. Because of this, ethanol is frequently used to treat methanol intoxication.


However, as a hangover cure, drinking another drink in the morning is strongly advised, since it may merely postpone the inevitable.


Morning drinking is commonly linked to alcoholism, and it’s not worth jeopardizing your health to avoid a few hangovers.

Water is essential to your health.
Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it makes you pee a lot.

As a result, drinking might cause dehydration.


Although dehydration isn’t thought to be the major cause of hangovers, it can induce symptoms including thirst, headaches, tiredness, and a dry mouth.


Fortunately, dehydration is easily avoided if you drink enough of water.


Drinking a glass of water — or another non-alcoholic beverage — between drinks and at least one large glass of water before bedtime is a decent rule of thumb.

Obtain Enough Rest
Alcohol might make it difficult to sleep.

If you stay up too late, it can affect both the quality and duration of your sleep while also altering your whole sleep cycle.


Although lack of sleep isn’t the source of most hangover symptoms, it can add to the weariness and irritability that are so common.
After a night of heavy drinking, getting enough of sleep might help your body recuperate.
Getting intoxicated may not be a smart choice if you are unable to sleep in and relax the next day.

Eat a Filling Breakfast
Hypoglycemia, a disease characterized by low blood sugar levels, is occasionally linked to hangovers.

They’re also more severe in those who have low blood sugar.


Although hypoglycemia isn’t the primary cause of hangovers, it can exacerbate symptoms like lethargy and headache.


Following a night of drinking, a substantial breakfast or late-night meal may assist to keep your blood sugar levels in check.

Supplements should be considered.
Inflammation aids in the healing of tissue injury and the fight against infection.
Many hangover symptoms are thought to be caused by low-grade inflammation, according to evidence.
Anti-inflammatory medications, in particular, have been found to be beneficial in the treatment of hangovers.


Many plant-based meals and medicinal plants may also help avoid hangovers by reducing inflammation.
Red ginseng, ginger, and prickly pear are all supplements that help with hangovers.
The prickly pear deserves special attention. This is the fruit of the Opuntia ficus-indica cactus, which is said to be indigenous to Mexico.

Moderation is the key, or don’t drink at all.
The intensity of a hangover grows in direct proportion to the amount of alcohol consumed.
As a result, the best approach to avoid a hangover is to drink in moderation – or entirely abstain.
The quantity of alcohol required to induce a hangover differs from person to person.
Some people only require 1–2 drinks, while the majority require significantly more. Approximately 23% of people do not appear to develop hangovers, regardless of how much they drink.

Is Pedialyte Good for Hangovers?

Pedialyte is an over-the-counter (OTC) product for fighting dehydration that is primarily promoted for children. When your body does not have enough fluids, you get dehydrated.

You’ve probably heard of Pedialyte being used to try to treat a hangover. Is it, however, effective? What about Gatorade and coconut water as possible hangover cures? Let’s look into it.

What exactly is Pedialyte?
Pedialyte is a substance that is used to help adults and children avoid dehydration. You can become dehydrated if you don’t drink enough water or if you lose water faster than you can take it in.

Your body can lose fluid in a number of ways, including:






Dehydration can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

being ill, especially if vomiting and diarrhea are present; extended exposure to heat, such as working outside in hot weather; and exercising

consuming alcoholic beverages

So, what is it about Pedialyte that makes it so effective in combating dehydration? Pedialyte comes in a variety of flavors, but the traditional version comprises the following ingredients:



dextrose is a kind of glucose sugar.

Zinc is a versatile mineral that plays a role in a variety of bodily processes, including enzyme activity, immune system function, and wound healing.

sodium, chloride, and potassium are electrolytes.

Electrolytes are minerals that help to keep your body’s water balance, pH, and nerve activity in check.

Is it effective as a hangover remedy?
Is Pedialyte effective in the treatment of a hangover? To address this issue, we must first investigate the elements that might produce a hangover.
Hangovers can be caused by a variety of factors.

There are a variety of factors that might contribute to the onset of a hangover. The immediate effects of the alcohol you’ve ingested are the first contributors. These might include things like:

Dehydration. Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it makes you pee more. Dehydration may result as a result of this.

Deficiencies in electrolytes. If you pass too much pee, the electrolyte balance in your body might be thrown off.

Disturbance indigestion. Alcohol might irritate the lining of the stomach.

Blood sugar levels drop. As your body breaks down alcohol, your blood sugar levels may decline.
Disruption of sleep. Although alcohol might make you drowsy, it can also cause you to wake up in the middle of the night since it interferes with deeper stages of sleep.
Other factors that might cause a hangover include:


Withdrawal from alcohol is a painful experience. Your brain adjusts to the effects of alcohol while you’re drinking. Mild withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, headache, and restlessness might occur when these effects go off.

Alcohol metabolism products. When your body breaks down alcohol, a molecule called acetaldehyde is created. Acetaldehyde in high concentrations can cause nausea and perspiration.

Congeners. These chemicals are produced during the synthesis of alcohol and contribute to things like taste and fragrance. They can also make you feel hungover. Darker liquors have a larger concentration of them.
Other medications are available. Cigarettes, marijuana, and other substances all have their unique euphoric effects. Using them when inebriated may result in a hangover.
Individual differences. Everyone is affected differently by alcohol. As a result, certain people may be more prone to getting a hangover.

Hangovers and Pedialyte
If you’re suffering from a hangover, Pedialyte can assist with dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and low blood sugar. It cannot, however, assist with other variables.

Furthermore, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) claims that there is no link between electrolyte imbalance and the severity of a hangover.

The effects of electrolyte supplementation on hangover severity are similar.


For a hangover, Pedialyte vs. Gatorade

You may have seen Gatorade recommended as a hangover remedy. Is there any truth to it?


Gatorade is a sports drink that, like Pedialyte, is available in a variety of formulas. Gatorade has components that are comparable to Pedialyte, such as:




sodium and potassium are electrolytes.

Gatorade, like Pedialyte, hasn’t been studied to see how effective it is at treating hangovers when compared to plain water. Regardless, it may aid in rehydration and electrolyte replacement.

As a result, there is no evidence to support the use of Pedialyte or Gatorade as a hangover treatment. However, those watching their calories may prefer Pedialyte, which has fewer calories than Gatorade.

When in doubt, though, simple water will always be beneficial.

For a hangover, Pedialyte vs. coconut water

Coconut water is a transparent liquid found in the inside of coconuts. Electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and manganese are found naturally in it.
While coconut water might help you rehydrate and cleanse your system,

Coconut water has been studied in the context of rehydration after exercise in the following studies:

According to one research

When compared to water and a carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage, Trusted Source discovered that coconut water was simpler to take in bigger volumes and produced less nausea and stomach upset.

Another research was conducted.

When compared to a typical sports drink, the potassium in coconut water had no additional rehydration advantages, according to Trusted Source.

In general, the possible advantages of coconut water in the treatment of a hangover remain unclear. In this situation, normal water could be preferable.

Hangover prevention with pedialyte
Why not try Pedialyte to help you avoid a hangover?

Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it causes you to lose water. This means it raises the quantity of water you pass via your urine, which might contribute to dehydration. Because Pedialyte is designed to combat dehydration, it stands to reason that taking it before or during drinking might help you avoid a hangover.


However, there is no evidence that consuming Pedialyte is more beneficial than drinking water in avoiding a hangover. In this scenario, it could be preferable to just reach for some water.

While drinking, you should always take a pause to hydrate. One glass of water in between each drink is a decent rule of thumb.

What is the most effective way to get rid of a hangover?
So, what truly works to alleviate a hangover? While there is no cure for a hangover, the following steps can assist to alleviate the symptoms:

Drink a lot of water. If you choose, you can use Pedialyte instead of water to aid with dehydration. Avoid consuming extra alcohol (also known as “hair of the dog”), since it may prolong or exacerbate your symptoms.

Take a bite to eat. If you have an upset stomach, stick to basic meals like crackers or toast.
Use over-the-counter pain medications. These can help with headaches and other symptoms. Keep in mind, though, that aspirin and ibuprofen might irritate your stomach. Avoid acetaminophen (Tylenol) and acetaminophen-containing medications.

Keeping hangovers at bay
Hangovers are inconvenient, so how can you avoid them in the first place? The only way to avoid a hangover is to avoid drinking alcohol.

If you’ve had a few drinks, keep these ideas in mind to help you avoid or minimize the severity of a hangover:


Keep yourself hydrated. Between each sip, drink a glass of water. Before retiring to bed, drink a glass of water.

Eat something before and while you’re drinking. On an empty stomach, alcohol is absorbed more quickly.

Carefully select your beverages. Congeners are found in lesser levels in light alcohols like vodka, gin, and white wine than in dark alcohols like whiskey, tequila, and red wine.

Drinks containing carbonation, such as cha, should be avoided.

Recognize your limitations.

Don’t drink more than you know you can take, and don’t succumb to peer pressure.
To avoid dehydration, takeout Pedialyte may be obtained over-the-counter. It’s frequently used to treat hangovers.


Although Pedialyte can assist with dehydration, there isn’t much research on how helpful it is at treating hangovers. In fact, you’re likely to reap equal advantages from simply drinking water.


Staying hydrated when drinking alcohol, whether with water or Pedialyte, is an excellent method to avoid a hangover. The only certain method to avoid a hangover is to avoid consuming alcohol.

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