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How to create intense sexual tension

How to create intense sexual tension

When someone is sexually attracted to you, you should react in a fun manner rather than with serious intentions. “she started to tease him, flirting with other guys in front of him”
It’s vital to note that one word stands out above all others in the definition of ‘flirt’ given above. In a light-hearted way, it says



Flirting is not serious—or it may be serious, but it is disguised as lighthearted banter—and should not be taken seriously.
If your effort at flirting is not playful—or if it is sloppy and comes across as too serious—you will come off as plain odd and uncomfortable. Creepy. It all boils down to the following fact:
Implication. To convey information, rather than state it directly, you must use implication. A delicate skill, flirting requires dexterity.
Anyway, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s get into how you can flirt your way into sexual tension that’s tangible enough that you can pluck away at it like the strings of a bass guitar.




But first, a few words on the situation…
What is the point of flirting in the first place?
What’s the purpose of building sexual tension, after all?
If you don’t build sexual tension, you’ll most likely wind up as her friend, at the very least.
It turns out that women are similar to reflective surfaces. If you treat her and converse with her as if she is a friend, she will consider you to be one as well.




 As long as you treat her and converse with her in a way that makes her seem like a desirable partner for sex, you will eventually win her affections as a result of your actions. (Or not, depending on your point of view)
However, you will not be wasting your time being her “friend” in any case.) In order to bed women rather than just befriend them, it is necessary to create sexual tension.
To add to the sexual tension, flirting is the most effective technique. Then there’s the question of flirting. So, to begin, here are two of the most effective approaches, which are…



It’s easy to flirt with someone when you push and pull. When you “push” her away, you can do it either emotionally or physically, but you can also do so both emotionally and physically. When you “pull” her back in, you may do so both emotionally and physically.
Push-pull flirting may be verbal, nonverbal, or a mix of the two, as well as a combination of the two methods. (For instance, “Get away from me, you’re too lovely and seductive.”) playful push )
And why is it that pushing and pulling are such good strategies?




There are two primary reasons for this: first,



1. You put her on a rollercoaster of emotions. From one end of the spectrum to the other
Dopamine and adrenaline are the primary stimulants in the brain. You just can’t help yourself.
2. It demonstrates that you are a gentleman of high caliber You don’t simply throw yourself at her feet and expect her to accept you as your own.




Using the second reason as an example, picture meeting a lady who is amusing and engaging as well as smart and blazing attractive. This woman seems to be a good match for you.
But supposing she doesn’t arouse any curiosity at all? She’s not difficult to seduce, and she almost throws herself at your feet once you catch her attention. After seeing her, you’d think to yourself, “Wow, she’s not as good as I imagined.” You’d lose a certain level of attraction to and interest in her as a result of this..



You may also show that you are not reliant on others. You’re attracted to her—or at least you think you are—but it’s not a huge problem. The only thing you’re doing is letting her see whether she can win you over to her way of thinking and being. For the second time, you flip the script so that she is the one attempting to capture your affections, rather than the other way around.



In addition—and perhaps most importantly—it is enjoyable. And it’s not only for you; it’s also a hit with the female audience.
Let’s move on to another form of flirting that you may use. The fact that you are a high-value person is shown once again via your humorous and all-around enjoyable approach of flirting.  came up with the concept, which is appropriately named…



In order to flirt with her, you must playfully frame the conversation/interaction in such a manner that it seems as if she is the one pursuing you (chase framing). That you’re simply a helpless victim of her relentless efforts to seduce you. That you’ve had a hundred females rushing after you and hitting on you today, and she’s just another one of them attempting to pick you up and seduce you is a common complaint.



The following massage example serves as a fantastic illustration of chase framing.
A nice massage is something that everyone enjoys.
Guy: Do you believe you can attract me with massages?
Observe the process.
When you get the hang of it, chase framing is so easy that you could apply it on nearly anything. As an example, consider:




The girl is unintentionally looking at you as she is really contemplating something.
When you stare at me like that, are you trying to attract my attention?
“No!” exclaims the young lady.
It won’t work, but that’s good. Guy:
“Thongs are my favorite pair of shoes.”
Guy: Please don’t attempt to make me think about you in thongs any longer!
This continues indefinitely.
The following is maybe the most significant point: To be flirtatious, it must be enjoyable. Have a good time and taunt her as though you’re both foolish little fourth graders having a good time on the playground.




In the event that you aren’t having a good time, she will not be.




The following are some key concepts: 1. Flirting is a fun activity. 

The moment you seem too serious, ladies will flee for the hills. Unless you are careful, you’ll come across as weird, if not downright creepy at times. By smiling, caressing her to let her know you’re playing a joke on her, and speaking in a fun tone of voice, you may maintain a lively atmosphere.





2. Use a push-pull strategy to get her to invest emotionally. 

Using witty dialogue and gentle teasing, “push” her away from you. Pretend you’re both fourth graders who are having a good time on the playground with your friends. You might even physically push her away from you in a fun manner.. Draw her back in by quietly (and so inadvertently) suggesting that you are interested in her. Repeat this process many times, sending her on an emotional rollercoaster ride. Use your imagination to make this an entertaining experience.




3. Pretend like she’s the one who’s following you down the street.

Stay light and humorous, as though you’re two fourth graders who are having a good time playing a game of hide and seek.

Making your way to the bedroom through physical means

Lots of males end up with a beautiful lady, and everything seems perfect.
In this case, there is a genuine connection between the two people, and the lady expresses evident interest in the man. 




The guy even gets a date! There is no action, however, Unfortunately, for some unfortunate folks, a second and even third date is in the cards! However, nothing seems to be taking place at all. At some point, the girl’s attraction wears off, she vanishes (or puts him in the friend zone), and the male is left scratching his head and wondering what happened. The situation seemed to be in perfect order!
Unfortunately, there was just one mistake to be corrected.



The individual was unable to escalate the conversation. A violent confrontation did not occur between him and the other party.
Surprise! You’re right. Women do not have sexual relations with males. Men have a sexual relationship with a female. Men must take the initiative and take the initiative in the connection with other people. Given that you are a male, you must assume the masculine role and assume the position of authority.





You make your way up to her and introduce yourself. Conversations are started by and maintained by you. Obtain her contact information. This is something that you plan out. This continues indefinitely. She will follow your direction. It’s no different when it comes to getting her to bed.



To lead her from approach to coitus, you must be strong and confident.
The woman will normally start taking a little more initiative after the first bang, but you’re the male and you’re the one who is in command and is in control of the relationship even at this point. BUT (and here is where I go off track…) Just as you escalate the contact by taking the initiative when it comes to approaching her, gaining her number, and setting up dates, you must also take the initiative when it comes to increasing physically in order to have a successful encounter.





Make sure that you’re always increasing the stakes. There is only one direction you can go: forward or back.
Increasing or decreasing the level of interest.
When you initially meet a female, you should be physically intensifying the interaction from the beginning. Your time would be better spent elsewhere. 



It’s not necessary to be the mayor of her friend zone unless you want to be that person, of course. It also does not imply that you should drop your trousers the moment you say “hello.” Begin with a little investment and gradually increase your investment.



Putting a frog in hot water will result in the frog jumping immediately out. However, if you slowly bring the water to a boil, the frog will not become aware of the situation until it is too late.. Likewise, escalation of physical force is not permitted.



During discussion, begin with a handshake and/or a gentle touch to her forearm or shoulder (or other non-sexual zones) to underline a point, highlight a joke, or otherwise express interest in her.



Then the intensity increases progressively. When flirting with her, you may playfully nudge her, bring her in close, high-five her, give her a phony palm reading, or toy with her fingers while reciting “This Little Piggy” or anything similar to make her feel more comfortable.



This is followed by a further escalation of the situation. When leading her through a throng, wrap your arm about her and lay your hand on her lower back; rest your hand on her leg; brush lint from her blouse; brush a stray strand of hair off her face; and so on. Greater and more intimacy is being established.



Keeping an eye on her body language is critical as the conversation progresses. Her body language suggests that she is receptive, yet she may be feeling unsettled. Is she tensing up, stiffening up, or moving away, or is she reacting and reciprocating in some other manner?



Maintain a moderate increase in intensity if everything is going well. Assuming, of course, that she is reacting favorably to your touch, you may gradually increase your intensity by bringing it down a notch and then increasing it back up again.





You will ultimately reach a moment when all that is left is a kiss and, of course, some sex between you and the person you love.
Simply lean in while maintaining eye contact, stare at her lips for a split second, go return to the eyes again, and then move in for the kiss are tried and proven methods for progressing to the kiss.



In addition, there are two factors that you will almost always need in order to properly progress to the kissing phase of the relationship.
The demand for seclusion will arise often. She doesn’t want anybody to think she’s “too easy” or that she’s a slut who kisses random males unless you’re both intoxicated at a nightclub, which is rare. Especially critical if she is in the vicinity of someone she knows.



2nd, you’ll need to have reached that degree of physical exertion. It’s unlikely that she’ll feel comfortable kissing you if you haven’t touched her during the night. And, in many circumstances, she won’t be expecting it, so coming in for a kiss out of the blue will take her off guard, and you’ll almost surely receive the head-turn that will make things uncomfortable.
Confidentiality and comfort in one’s own skin.



For the first problem, which is privacy, there is an easy answer. Locate a location that is relatively secluded and dark to conduct your investigation. Alternatively, you could just take her home with you! It will be more detailed later on how to return home. Another easy remedy exists for the second issue, which is bodily familiarity.



If you feel like being physical, go ahead. It is typically the case that the guys who can bed women the quickest are also the individuals who can’t keep their hands off women.
If she does give you the uncomfortable head-turn and turns away as you move in for the kiss, simply shrug it off and keep going. Continue the discussion as if nothing had occurred and pretend if nothing had happened at all.



In the event she inquires as to what you were doing, just say, “Crocheting” or anything else equally indifferent. Don’t accept a question like that at its value since she plainly understood what she was talking about. It’s a shittest in its most basic definition. To get back on track, let me say that


A great issue might be made out of a kiss rejection, and that is the worst error you can make. Remove the incident from the discourse and go on as if nothing had occurred.
Onward and upward….

All that’s left to do now is kiss her one more time.










It is quite simple to put her to bed. Following the physical progression that leads to the kiss, sex is the natural progression. There’s also little question that she’s into you after you’ve reached that stage —assuming she’s reacting favorably and/or returning your advances.
One difficulty remains, and that is her rationalization hamster, which is the ultimate roadblock to overcome.




No one, including herself, her friends, and even the wider public, wants to be seen as a slut.
How can we come up with a workable solution?
You must feed her reasoning hamster by structuring the discussion in such a way that it seems as though sex “just occurred” during your contact.
You can’t simply say, “Let’s go home and have sex,” no matter how much you want you could. That could work for us guys since we tend to be more rational and plain, but ladies are lot more nuanced beings than we are!




The answer consists of the following components: Deniability that can be defended.
You should feed her rationalization hamster just enough food so that it believes “sex just occurred,” even if you and she are both aware of what coming to your house implies.
Take the following example: “I’ve got an amazing pool table at home; come over and we’ll play a round.”
You may also say something like, “Let’s go have some cocktails at my house,” or, “You haven’t experienced a genuine martini until you sample my handmade XYZ cocktail.”
A weak “reason” will suffice in this case, if the attraction is strong enough. Say, “You have to see my amazing rug!” for example.



For those of you who are traveling to her residence, the same rules apply. In the event that you and she are both outside her home and she seems to be reluctant, as if she is ready to spout some ridiculous excuse such as, “I’ve got a busy day tomorrow and need to get up early…” Then there’s the tried-and-true, “Do you have a toilet?” (or anything along those lines) that will never fail you down.




Despite the fact that some women are just not ready yet, providing her with plausible deniability will go you a long way and, more often than not, will assist you to clinch the deal and move on. Giving her a valid reason to believe she is not a slut is critical. If you make a good job of it, she will feel comfortable enough to allow you to put her to bed.






If you want to go for the kiss (and beyond), here’s a simple, panty-soaking method…
In the event that you’re at her or your apartment and she’s wandering about, looking at something, getting some beverages, etc., gently approach her from behind, put your hands on her hips, go near to her ear, smell her, pull her hair to the side, and bite or kiss the back of her neck.
Afterwards, just indulge in sexual relations

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