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How to Become Better Man simple tips

How To Become Better Man Simple Tips

What exactly is the purpose of life? What exactly is the goal of this?
This is a question that you may have asked yourself at least a few times during your life. And even if you think you’ve uncovered a plausible solution to that query, it just serves to raise new questions in your mind.



Is it true that a man’s life revolves on his relationships with women? When asked why so many single men monks, priests, and voluntary celibates are among the happiest men on the planet, the answer is simple: they are happy.
How come so many married guys are some of the most unhappy individuals on the face of the planet?




Perhaps it isn’t the women’s issue. Perhaps success is the only thing that matters in a man’s life?
So many guys today are suffocating in their never-ending chase of achievement. And when they do attain success, they quickly discover that it is not all that it is made up to be. Some immensely successful men become so dissatisfied with their lives that they commit themselves.
So maybe it isn’t a success after all. Perhaps the most important thing in a man’s life is his happiness?




It has been shown by a pile of scientific research that the more you strive for happiness, the more unhappy you become. The reason for this is based on a reality that should be self-evident from the start: no matter how content you are, you can always be happier if you accomplish this, or if you possess this, or if you achieve this. It’s a game that never comes to a conclusion.
So, what exactly is the purpose of a man’s life?
We’ll have to go back to our biology in order to get the most fundamental answer of all, one that everyone can agree on.




From a biological standpoint, humans are motivated to perform just two things:
1. in order to live; and 2. in order to reproduce.
To survive, one must be proficient in the martial arts, often known as the art of war. And, as history has shown, conflicts are not fought by force; rather, they are won by planning.
Meanwhile, mastery in the Venusian arts, namely the skill of love, is required for reproduction. Moreover, to be successful in the game of love, it is not enough to just be a “nice person.” You’ll also need to be well-versed in the game and disciplined.
Have you noticed anything?



Our two biological thrusts are in direct opposition to one another.
In order to exist, we must be able to protect ourselves against other people.
In order to reproduce, we must learn how to connect ourselves with others, namely with women.
Our biological drives cause us to be in a state of conflict with ourselves. It’s no surprise that so many guys nowadays feel perplexed.
The first step in resolving this conundrum is to recognize that life is not a “either/or” situation.
It’s a “and” proposition, as the saying goes. You must master both survival and reproduction in order to be successful.



Because of this, you will master women, and you will master life itself in the process.
That is the central theme of a man’s existence. It is the only equation that may lead to deep and enduring meaning, the type of meaning that will leave an imprint on the Earth long after we have passed away.



This book is intended to provide you with the most plain and easy method of determining the purpose of a man’s life. For the sake of simplicity, mastery of survival and reproduction requires knowledge of four fundamental areas:

6 Best Ways To Get Her Like You
15 Telltale Signs Your Relationship Is Over

How to Become Better Man simple tips

Energy Flows: Masculine vs. Feminine
Understanding that you are a man is the first step in becoming one.
Nowadays, the majority of males have bought into the illusion that there is no difference between men and women, and that they are equal in every manner.
Allow me to explain why it is a load of nonsense.





The fundamental mathematics of civilisation has always been as follows:

1. Men are the primary protectors of women and children.
2. Women educate and nurture children while also civilizing males.

Take away any one of those responsibilities, and society comes crashing down.
1. If males do not defend women, the number of crimes against women and children increases dramatically.


2. If women do not educate and civilize males, fractured and single-parent households will become the norm, and society would collapse within two or three generations of time.
Here’s the issue: the “fundamental math of civilization” is under great risk RIGHT NOW, according to the problem.



There’s also the ubiquitous misconception that men and women are “equals” in every way.
On the one hand, there’s the widespread myth that everything typically male is “poison.”
This has resulted in the overwhelming message that males get from society being, “We don’t need you.”
As a result, it’s simple to conclude: “At the very least, women today are happier and more powerful.”
Are they, in fact, real?


Talk to enough ladies and you’ll realize one thing they all have in common: they’re all desperate to find genuine guys to share their lives with.
Some have become so desperate that they have given up completely in an effort to maintain their sanity.




If you ask me, it does not scream “happy and powerful.”
Do you want to help women?
Want to make a difference in the world?
Begin with yourself.
This is what it means to be a real man.
The most basic definition of a true guy is simply one who is overflowing with male energy.
Men are not subservient, and masculine energy is not.
It is not tolerant of blatant lies.




Every aspect of life that is essentially good and important is linked with this belief system.
It takes control. It has a stronghold. It helps to maintain the fabric of society together, regardless of what the rest of the society thinks about it.
Do you have a strong sense of male energy?




Consider the following scenario: you’re sitting in front of the television, watching your favorite sports team compete live. Afterwards, assume that your girlfriend, a lady whom you like, enters into the room and says she wants to watch something different, such as Grey’s Anatomy.
What are you going to do?




(a) Be a gentlemen and switch to Grey’s Anatomy with her, where you can both laugh at whining physicians. (b) Give her the remote and go do something else while she watches.
(c) Inform her that your game will not be completed unless she does so.
If you choose option (a) or option (b), your wife could believe you’re a kind guy on the surface of things.



She, on the other hand, perceives WEAKNESS on the inside.
And she despises it from the bottom of her heart.
No woman wants to be with a weak guy, no matter how gentlemanly he may seem to be.
What’s the harm in trying?




Because if you’re weak, she won’t see you as worthy of respect.
Her attraction to you will not be able to exist if she does not respect you.
And if she doesn’t feel attracted to you, she can’t possibly love you either.
Consequently, she either ends her relationship with you or leaves you for a stronger person (even if the new guy is NOT a “gentleman”), or she henpecks you to death.
This is one of the reasons why so many “good men” fail to attract female attention.
You’ll also understand why you aren’t as successful with ladies (or as successful in life) as you would want to be today.




Let’s get this straightened up.
The importance of masculine energy in sexual attraction cannot be overstated.
Spiritual teacher David Deida describes sexual attraction as “a force of passion that arcs between the masculine and feminine poles, and all natural forces flow between these poles.” In his book, The Way of the Superior Man, Deida describes sexual attraction as “a force of passion that arcs between the masculine and feminine poles, and all natural forces flow between these poles.”




More male energy and more feminine energy are present in a relationship, and the greater the sexual desire between them is, the better.
In that equation, you only have control over one half of it: the male energy that you generate.
The problem is this: You will never hear a woman confess her attraction to male energy in a public setting.





As an alternative, you could hear them mention that they’re searching for “gentlemen who are courteous, understanding, and loyal.” It turns out, however, that this is only a fiction they tell themselves and others.
But, more importantly, who do they truly feel drawn to?
Men who are powerful, dominating, and motivated by a sense of purpose are without a doubt at the top of the list.




You are to be the guy in this situation.
Because you understand the differences between men and women, you’ve already made an important first step toward becoming that guy.
What’s the next stage in this process?



Its purpose is to understand the distinctions between you and other guys.
That will be the next item on the agenda.




 there is a battle between beta and alpha males.

So, what are the key distinctions between you and other men?
Let’s start with the most fundamental and immediately noticeable distinction of all.
It’s referred to be “glaring” since it’s the first thing that women examine when evaluating your masculinity.




And it has everything to do with whether you’re a “alpha guy” or a “beta male.”
More than anything else, a “alpha man” is considered to be a leader.
First and foremost, he is a self-appointed leader.
Then he takes on the role of a leader of others.



Being a “leader of one’s own self” implies having a sense of purpose in one’s life.
This is very vital, so much so that this book devotes three whole Chapters to the process of discovering, living, and developing one’s purpose.
For the time being, let’s speak about what you should avoid doing.
Are you a beta man who is completely unaware of it?
Try to be fair to yourself and honestly assess how many of the following characteristics you posses:



You have a strong desire to satisfy others. You have a strong desire to please and a strong dislike for being disliked.
You fear and try to avoid unpleasant events as much as possible.
You have a general lack of self-assurance.
You use morality, charity, and virtue as justifications for not taking calculated risks.
You’re always second-guessing your life’s path forward.
You alter your viewpoint in order to conform to the views of others (especially women you like)
If you want other people to like you, you “virtue signal,” or more particularly, you critique masculinity and its expressions in order to get their approval.




If you possess a greater number of the above-mentioned characteristics, the more of a beta guy you are, the more women will despise you and the more work you will have to do.
To the good news, this is an issue that can be resolved easily.
To be an alpha male, the first need is to be a leader of one’s own self, which is the first step in the process.
And becoming a leader of one’s own self begins with discovering one’s life’s purpose, a magnificent mission that will fill you with energy and propel you ahead no matter what obstacles stand in your way.





Let’s figure out what you’re supposed to be doing in the upcoming Chapter.
Finding Your Life’s Purpose (Chapter 3)
Early in their lives, both boys and girls acquire a sense of purpose for their lives.
Boys go about pretending to be in swordfights and gunfights, as well as playing police and robbers with their friends. They like role-playing games in which they are the “hero.”
In other words, guys have a natural affinity for the martial arts, sometimes known as the arts of war. We’re tuned in to the pursuit of freedom and the triumph over rivalry in the marketplace. It is what distinguishes us as men.




Girls participate in games as well, but they are befuddled by the guys’ frantic desire for thrill.
The majority of their time is spent playing with dolls and pretending to build a family.
In other words, girls are tuned in to the Venusian arts, which are the arts of love and nurture, and are sensitive to them. That is exactly what they want.
Moreover, contrary to what feminists claim, it is NOT what you should seek in your life.
So, if you don’t know what you want to do with your life, let’s go discover out right now.
It is not necessary to have a specific purpose.
First and foremost, getting a lady is not your ultimate goal in life. To start with, let’s be clear about what we’re talking about. Your mission must be greater than the desires of women.




First and foremost, since having women as your entire goal in life is deplorably depressing. It implies that, in your opinion, women are superior than yourself. They’re treated as if they’re a prize to be won, which they aren’t.
Second, it is despised by women. If “getting a woman” is your ultimate goal in life, you’ll go to any length to get it, and women will see you as a weak and unattractive man as a result. And you now know how much they despise and despise those who are weak.
Please take the time to read the following:
It is a woman’s greatest desire to be attached to guys who have a strong and unshakable sense of purpose.




We’ll go into why this is necessary in a later Chapter, but for the time being, know this:
Women can only reach their supporting, nurturing frame of mind in which they genuinely come alive when their mission in life is greater than their own personal needs and desires (or vice versa).




And it’s for this reason why beta guys have such a difficult time with women. Beta guys are dissatisfied with their lives and thus they turn to women for fulfillment.
As a result, their relationships are doomed until they reach an agreement.
Don’t put yourself in that situation. It is possible to rise beyond it. Your life’s mission must be more important than women, more important than sex, and more important than marriage.
So, where do you go to locate it?
Here’s how to do it.





Finding Your Life’s Purpose is a difficult task.
Consider the following question: If money were not a concern in your life and you were not required to work, what would you be doing?
Carry out this workout right now. Take out a piece of paper or start a new document on your computer. Put pen to paper and make a list of all the many activities you’d like to accomplish in your life if money weren’t a problem.





The greater the level of information in your responses, the better. Create a description of what your “perfect day” might look like if money were not a concern. Make a mental note of how you’d feel. Create a description of what a normal month or year might look like in your life. Create a description of how you would get out of bed in the morning and how you would go to bed at night.





Allow yourself as much time as you need.
Once you’ve finished, it’s time to put your “perfect life” into action and make it a reality.
Take a look at the items you’ve included on your list. Then ask yourself: How can I accomplish these goals while still earning a substantial amount of money?
That is how you discover your life’s mission.
You discover your calling when your abilities and interests coincide with the solution of a problem (or the fulfillment of a need) in the world, while also earning a good living in the process.





What I’m Trying to Achieve
Let me give you an example from my own life, if that would be helpful.
What actually motivates me is the desire for FREEDOM.
I want to be free for myself and my family.
I have the freedom to do anything I choose with my time.
I have financial independence, which means I don’t have to work unless I truly want to.
Freedom from being dictated to by someone else about my schedule.
The ability to train and perform martial arts anywhere you want in the globe.
It is my freedom to educate others how to discover their own life’s purpose.
I engineered my goal into reality in a variety of methods, including:
Working from home is a great way to get away from the corporate environment.
Starting my own company and building an investing portfolio are among my goals.
Making the decision to give up my old vices (drinking, womanizing, bickering on social media, and so on)




Never losing up on my goal, no matter how difficult the situation became.
It’s now your chance to speak.
What You Want to Achieve
After completing the preceding activity, it is possible that you may discover your life’s mission today.
Alternatively, you may discover it gradually over the course of many months or years as you repeat the activity again and over.









That’s OK with me. The very process of attempting to discover your life’s purpose cleanses you. It helps you get rid of the clutter in your life. It allows you to see your own potential for the first time. It increases the power of your manly energy.
When you understand your life’s mission and are living in total accordance with it, you are in a different universe. Every professional accomplishment, as well as every intimate experience with a woman, is multiplied a thousand times over.





You’re certain, down to your toes, that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be and doing just what you’re supposed to be doing.
However, if you’re not linked to your mission, you’ll continue to be weak. You’ll be left feeling empty, unsatisfied, and powerless.
You’ll never be able to penetrate the whole earth, and you’ll certainly never be able to enter any females anytime soon.
Don’t put yourself in that situation.
Discover your life’s purpose. Begin right away.





Living Your Life’s Purpose 

“Do not put on a show that you are more evolved than you are.” David Deida is a writer and actor.

How To Become Better Man Simple Tips



Here’s one of the most significant impediments to discovering and fulfilling your life’s purpose: Fear has developed an unhealthy connection with you.
Fear is a persistent companion. It’s a protective system that has been hardwired into our brains over the course of 200,000 years of evolution.
As a result, contrary to what some goo-roos may believe, you cannot get rid of it. It is only possible to establish a healthy connection with it.
In your connection with fear, there are three various types of partnerships you may have, only one of which is a healthy one.






Start with the first and most damaging kind of relationship: avoidance of the subject at hand.
This is the point at which you become terrified of being afraid.
As a result, you avoid people, things, and circumstances that might make you feel fearful.
You decide not to pursue your desired career. You stay away from starting a company based on your passion. You refrain from pursuing the woman of your dreams.
Consequently, you wind up living an exceedingly monotonous existence, and women will find you unattractive as a consequence of this.
Hostility is the second, and only slightly better, kind of connection you may have with fear, and it is the most dangerous.





This is the point at which you truly run AWAY from terror. Fear has been holding you back for so long that you decide to push headlong into the future without thinking.
You launch your company without having a business strategy in place.
You resign from your position at the first sign of conflict with your supervisor.
You decide to put all of your savings into a “go big or go home” venture.
You marry the first lady who expresses feelings of attachment for you.
Although hostility is somewhat better than avoidance, it is still associated with a negative association with fear. It robs you of your ability to exercise caution, putting you and others who rely on you in grave danger.





This leaves us with the third and only good connection you may have with fear: the dread of failing. Friendship.
Fear has had just one function in the 200,000 years that humans have roamed the Earth: to keep us alive.
Isn’t it the kind of thing that only a loyal friend would say?
The idea is to “relax into fearlessness,” which means treating fear as if it were a friend. That it is simply there to keep you safe, but that it is NOT there to hold you back, is something you recognize.







This results in the following: instead of running away from what you’re frightened of, you approach it with caution, and your strength grows as you live your purpose and do the right thing.
Instead of just exceeding your boundaries, you take a risk and learn something new as a consequence of the experience.
Instead of running away from difficulty, you learn to embrace it, and your manly energy gets stronger and stronger.






This is something to keep in mind: just as a muscle develops only when it is pushed beyond its limitations, male energy only expands when it is exposed to hardship.
Fear and I have a personal relationship.
Just in case I haven’t said it before, I grew up in a deprived neighborhood in London.
There was gang violence, knife crime, narcotics, and all of that kind of craziness.
Throughout my childhood, I was held up on multiple occasions. I was once cornered and threatened with a knife if I didn’t hand up my phone to a band of thugs. If the cops hadn’t come around the corner at that precise time, I may not be sitting here writing this book.







However, it was the last straw for me. I felt the need to protect myself. That was the beginning of a lifetime passion for martial arts that has lasted to this day.
Judo and Taekwondo were the starting points. Then I started doing strength training, which helped me become jacked. Then I went on to boxing, Muay Thai, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, which were all great experiences.






I was in a great mood, but I couldn’t put my finger on why. I’ve figured it out now. I was in a great mood because I was always pushing myself to the limits of my skills, and I was continually peering over the cliff edge.
I was in a great mood since I was progressing. Thus, begin to instill this idea in your children as early as possible: the only way to be happy in this world is to continually develop and improve.
For a short period of time, your objectives will make you happy. Growth and advancement, on the other hand, will make you pleased for the rest of your life.
Are you putting on enough weight? Are you making sufficient strides forward?





Let us fast forward to the present day. As I progressed in martial arts, I discovered that the less I needed to protect myself, the less I needed to defend myself.
People have stopped making fun of me. Things that used to terrify the living daylights out of me as a youngster were no longer a source of concern for me. I had the impression that there was no issue in the world that I couldn’t fix.
And all it took was for me to approach my fear as if it were a friend.
I didn’t run away from it, yet I didn’t go headlong into it either.






Instead, I allow it to lead me towards making one positive choice after another, and the cycle continues. The change in my life is due to this realization.
It’s now your chance to speak. How do you feel about your connection with fear?
If you’re not sure, do the simple activity below to find out.
Do you have a tendency to shut down and/or flee when faced with pain, stress, or discomfort? If so, you’re not alone. If you do, you’re depriving yourself of something valuable.

hardship and the chance to develop your manly energy Learn to accept the discomfort.
Do you delay on self-improvement? Do you know you should exercise, improve your finances, or acquire a new skill, but you’re putting it off until you’re “less busy”? If that’s the case, then do it for an hour every day, whether you like it or not. You don’t have a life if you don’t have an hour.
Do you use your family as a justification for not pursuing your goals?





If you’re thinking to yourself, “If I weren’t tied down, I’d do it,” or “When my kids are older, I’ll do it,” remember Leonidas from the movie 300. He makes passionate love to his wife one night and then marches to battle the following morning to complete his destiny. It is possible to accomplish both.




Another important aspect of fulfilling your mission is to: Being present in the moment.
Do you find yourself caught in the past? Do you yearn for the good old days? Or do you find yourself reliving the awful events over and again? Or are you always trying to get away from it?
Or are you a prisoner of your own destiny? Do you tell yourself things like, “ONE DAY, everything will be fine”?




If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, here’s the harsh reality: You’re in a bind.
You’re not developing into the guy you should be. And you have to adjust quickly.
One of my ex-girlfriends comes to mind. She was beautiful, intelligent, and all you could want in a relationship.
Except for the time I went to her house for the first time and found everything in shambles. Unwashed pots and pans in the sink, clothes on the floor, dust on the furniture It was revolting.
She was, nonetheless, really attractive. “Well, one day it’ll all be better,” I persuaded myself. “All I have to do now is teach her how to keep a home tidy.”




So I tried for months to teach her, but it didn’t work. Attempting to teach a pig to fly was like trying to teach a pig to fly. It was very aggravating.
Looking back, I understand that the most apparent answer would have been the best one. TO GET RID OF HER. I knew I had a rule that I would only date women who had their lives together, and she clearly didn’t, but by living in the future, I had squandered six months of my life.
So, how about you? Isn’t it true that you’re not living in the present?




Is there anything in your life that you have power over yet it still has you stuck?
Perhaps it’s a job you despise. Or a lady who is in charge of you. Or a duty you took on voluntarily but didn’t have to, and it’s now driving you crazy.
What can you let go of in order to live your mission? Make a list of them and devise an escape strategy right now.

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