How to be a good influence

How to be a good influence

Perform a charitable deed for the benefit of someone else. Every day, try to do something good for someone else, no matter how tiny the gesture may be. A little act of compassion and charity may have a significant impact. Try to do anything to brighten someone’s day, whether it’s a simple smile or holding the door open for someone.

I want to live in a society that values the environment, cares for all of the creatures who inhabit our planet, and treats one another with dignity. I want to create a society in which individuals make choices based on the greater welfare of everyone rather than on their own personal desires and desires alone. This is something you may have wished for but may not have been able to achieve. Perhaps the information included in this article will be of use. This is my approach on influencing and inspiring people to care for the environment. If it turns out to be quite valuable for you, I will be delighted!




Positive thinking is essential. Anger, negativity, and a sense of doom and gloom, in my opinion, turn people off quite fast.

 Having a nice time is what everyone wants. Being enthusiastic about what you are saying and attempting to be positive are two things that I would encourage. The time for dread and gloom is undeniably appropriate, but that is not always the case. The question of how I maintain my optimism in the face of such challenging circumstances often arises, and my response is straightforward. 




I always keep the broader picture in mind, which is to live in true harmony with the environment rather than destroying our natural environment. But I maintain my optimism by setting little daily or weekly objectives for myself. In recognition of the value of each individual’s life, I believe that if I can encourage even one person to live with greater health and pleasure, I have achieved success for the day. If one less animal is murdered unnecessarily, then I can look forward to something good. If even one person is actually motivated to choose a path that causes less devastation, then I should be pleased with my efforts. By taking a positive approach to life, I am able to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the difficulties of life.




 When I keep my eyes on the broad picture and my heart on each and every precious life that is improved, I am able to chip away at the devastation we are wreaking.

Set the tone by becoming a role model for others around you.

 Hypocrisy is not something that many people I know like hearing. Make sure that if you advise someone to do anything, that you are also following through with the instructions. Even if you just provide an example, you will demonstrate that everything is possible. Rather than wanting to be the first, most individuals prefer to see someone else doing something. Make yourself available to them as that someone else.

Always act with self-assurance and in accordance with your beliefs. Pursue that gut instinct, and follow it with a great deal of enthusiasm for the rest of your days.






Happiness comes from living a joyful life.

 In order to prove to yourself that whatever sacrifices you’ve made for the planet have paid off tenfold in terms of health and pleasure, Clearly demonstrate how what you’ve given up has transformed you into a more complete person filled with enthusiasm and a strong sense of direction. Make it clear that you are not a spectator.

It is better to teach than than lecture. Instead of just preaching anything, try to simply provide the alternatives and explain why you believe they are a better choice.




Think beyond the box. Be original.

 Invent fascinating and engaging methods to inspire people to think about what they’re reading and to care about what they’re reading. It has shown to be effective for me so far. The list goes on and on, from my cross-country bike excursions to trash scavenging for a good cause to spending 1,000 days without taking a shower. Individuals participating in these initiatives have found them to be amusing and interesting, and those who have paid attention have gained valuable knowledge that they did not anticipate.





Understand the subject matter. 

Be well-informed. Whatever it is that you are discussing. Make sure you have the evidence to support your position. Make every effort to ensure that you are not delivering inaccurate information. Become well-versed in the subject matter at hand.


Resources are available. 

Regarding those who you want to have a favorable impact on Make recommendations for excellent films and novels for them. These resources are quite likely to have put together your argument in a succinct manner that will assist them in understanding where you’re coming from and why you’re passionate about something. Check out these 23 films that have altered my life, as well as the Facebook sites I suggest you check out as well.






Concentrate on how they will benefit from any good improvements that take place. 

Educate them on ways to save money while also improving their health and well-being People, I’ve discovered, tend to make choices largely focused on how they will profit as an individual, rather than how the globe as a whole will gain from those actions. Therefore, demonstrate to them how the adjustments they make will have a beneficial influence on their life. These modifications often result in even more altruistic modifications.





Recognize that you will be going against the grain in your endeavors.

 You should expect some difficulties. Accept the challenge and rise to it. It is certain that times will be difficult, and you must be tough on a daily basis. – Maybe not every day, but certainly a lot of the time. Because when you quit up, you are no longer a good environmental effect on the ecosystem..





Consider the situation from a psychological perspective.

 It is as much a matter of psychology as it is of the little activities you are attempting to persuade others to do when it comes to affecting good change in the environment. You should be aware that using the “ignorance is bliss” strategy on purpose might allow individuals to continue doing what they are doing without feeling horrible about themselves. Recognize that individuals responding in rage may indicate that you have forced them to consider something they did not want to consider. It is possible to make significant progress in your cause by studying how the mind works and why we do what we do.





Make an effort not to pass judgment on people and to be welcoming.

 Possibly, you are unaware of the motivations behind their actions. Perhaps they are clinging to traditions that belonged to a deceased family member or relative.. Some would argue that they just cannot comprehend anything else since they have only seen their parents do for decades. There is a possibility that they have internalized socioeconomic or racial stigmas. For everyone of us, life is difficult. Keep this in mind, and be sympathetic toward one another.” Continue to be tolerant while also doing your bit to encourage them to live for something higher than themselves and the few individuals in their immediate vicinity.





Make an effort to be kind. 

Never underestimate the power of compassion in court. In school, compassion is not taught, and it is not something that every parent instills in their children. The ability to be empathetic may need more training. My recommendation is as follows: Create an environment in which you will need the compassion of others. You may learn to be compassionate as a result of experiencing other people’s compassion and needing their sympathy. My solution has been to travel with no money, which I’ve done on many occasions.





Continue in a methodical manner.

 Think about where you’ve come from and where you want to go. Were you formerly involved in the exact same activity as they are now? What did you do to alter yourself? Did you make drastic changes instantly or did it take time? Previously, I was a binge-drinker, a driver of two cars, an animal devourer, and an environmental hazard. Is it reasonable for me to assume that everyone else has already learnt what I didn’t know only five years ago? Making the decision to live an ecologically aware life was a process that I went through week by week, step by step. Enable people to take little moves that will build their confidence and inspire them to go even farther. Find a happy medium with them so that they may take the initial step and the rest will follow naturally.




Make a circle of individuals who share your values. 

Human beings that are really concerned about the other creatures that we share the planet with and the environment as a whole. Someone who has relatives and friends that just do not understand them is someone I feel sorry for. Therefore, spend as much time as possible with individuals who will help you grow and encourage you to go even further. 


If you take time away from it, the difficult moments will be less difficult. You will enhance your level of awareness if you surround yourself with like-minded individuals. As long as you surround yourself with positive individuals, you will naturally evolve into a more positive one. Put yourself in a learning environment, and your IQ will increase.



Negativity and how to cope with it When it comes to coping with negativity, it’s important to understand that negativity will always exist. It’s critical to see beyond the negativity and consider where it’s coming from as well as why it’s being directed at you. Often, you will discover that it has very little to do with you, your actions, or what you are really saying or doing. 



It is common for people to have unfavorable responses to others as a result of what they are experiencing or something that is presently occurring in their life. Simply put, they might be upset with their spouse or a friend and they are unloading their frustrations on you as a result of their behavior. Although the remarks may seem to be directed at you, the fact is that the passion behind them has absolutely nothing to do with you or your situation.



I used to have a girlfriend who was always knocking me down because I was so upbeat and talkative. Later, she explained to me that she was acting in this manner as a kind of self-protection. She wasn’t optimistic or extroverted, and she felt dissatisfied with herself as a result. Consequently, by criticizing me for doing these things, she avoided the need to put up any effort to change herself. As an alternative, she could mentally lower me one step so that she didn’t have to climb up a step to get to where I was.



In a similar vein, in the past, when I saw someone performing something admirable, I would point out a flaw in their performance. Previously, I was a very competitive person who aspired to be the best. I saw brilliance as something that not everyone could possess, and if others had too much of it, it meant that I would have less of it on my own terms. I was able to elevate myself above others and feel better about myself by knocking them down and finding flaws in their grandeur. Thus, there was no pressure on me to do better or to increase my level of accomplishments. By comparing myself to others, I could maintain a high level of self-esteem merely by placing them in a worse position than I was. The realization that we all have the potential to be great has opened my eyes to the notion that there is no such thing as a limited supply or shortage of greatness.



Aside from that, I believe that our brains have a natural inclination to dwell on the bad for whatever reason. The evidence has been shown to me several times during the course of my professional career. 

Allow me to give you an illustration: It’s a room with 100 individuals, and one of them doesn’t care about you at all. Do the other 99 percent of the population? You spend all of your energy and time on it since it is the only thing on your mind. However, the reality remains that the other 99 persons in the room are in agreement with you on this matter. Even if it seems strange that the one bad individual has managed to capture your attention, this is something I’ve seen and experienced on a variety of occasions.



What happens on social media might have a similar outcome.

 Only three of the 28 individuals who have commented on your picture are critical. The other 25 are all good, but it’s usually those three that you choose to concentrate on in order to feel better. Although these unfavorable comments account for a significant number of your ideas, they do not account for a significant portion of the answers in general. To suggest that this is a matter of nature is an understatement. Fortunately, merely teaching your brain to concentrate on the good may help to reverse this situation.

Peopling with a nasty attitude as well

In order to be successful in today’s companies, you must be able to influence others. The fact that you have a formal position does not automatically imply that you have the ability to influence people. So, what’s the most effective strategy to establish oneself as an informal leader in your organization? Do you know how to persuade colleagues to support your projects and embrace your suggestions? How do you establish yourself as a go-to person for people who are seeking assistance and professional advice?

What the Professionals Have to Say

Being able to exert influence in the workplace has “obvious value,” according to Dorie Clark, author of Entrepreneurial You. As a result, “you get more done and make progress on the tasks that you care about and are accountable for,” which means “you are more likely to get recognized, promoted, and given increases,” according to the author.



 However, according to Nick Morgan, author of Power Cues, obtaining influence in the contemporary workplace is tough. As he explains it, “It’s never been more difficult to persuade people because they’ve never been more distracted.” “Information overload, along with the fast-paced nature of our digital life, has resulted in short attention spans,” says the author. Although this is the case, “commanding influence is more vital than ever before because of the growing focus on achieving outcomes,” says the author. It all boils down to how you handle the situation. Here are a few pointers.




Make new acquaintances.

Clark argues that although it is not nearly a junior high school popularity contest, “at a basic level, one of the reasons why people do things for you” is because they “like you,” such as support your concept or accept your budget, “is because they like you.” It is not necessary for you to be “the most fantastic person in the room” or to ensure that “everyone is swept away by your charm.”




 All that is required is that you have solid working relationships with your coworkers. Of course, this will not immediately convert into influence, but it will “increase the likelihood that people will at least listen to what you have to say.” As a result, make an effort to develop personal relationships with your coworkers and enable them to get to know you better. “In this manner, people won’t be able to attribute ill intents or motivations to you.”





Before you attempt to convince, take the time to listen.

Creating a sense of belonging among your coworkers is the most effective method to win their support for you and your objectives. In one-on-one settings, begin by giving them your whole and undivided attention. It’s true that “the vast majority of us go about with a running to-do list in our thoughts,” Morgan adds, and it shows.




 The fidgeting, preoccupation, and readiness to grab for our phones are all present. Instead, you should “train your mind to be disciplined in its concentration.” “Turn your body toward the other person, freeze in position, and listen” is how to do this. In Clark’s opinion, one of the most significant sources of workplace resentment is the perception that one’s voice is being ignored or mistreated. As a result, seek the opinions and suggestions of your colleagues.




Keep an eye on your body language (and your tone)

People are always evaluating whether or not they can put their faith in you, according to Morgan. The question, ‘Is this individual a friend or a foe?’ is ingrained into our brains,” says the author. “Is this individual attempting to undercut me, or are we on the same team?” 



When it comes to communicating effectively, your body language is crucial. Standing tall and with your shoulders back gives you the appearance of being confident and in charge; slouching and gazing down at your feet has the opposite effect. In Morgan’s words, when you assume a specific [slumping] posture, you think in subordinate terms and speak in subordinate ones, which raises the possibility that you’ll be seen as less authoritative.




 Consider the following scenario:

 you’re at a meeting with a colleague from another division whom you don’t know well. When you are communicating that you are a buddy, Morgan advocates maintaining your arms uncrossed and your hands by your sides, as well as “your body open and aimed towards the other individual.” He also recommends “pitching your voice a bit lower than you typically do” in order to convey strength and authority. It is beneficial to work on this since it counteracts the impact of anxiousness, which tends to raise your tone of voice more than usual.



Acquire knowledge and expertise

“Being acknowledged as an expert” inside your business or company, according to Clark, is another method to boost your influence at work. The development of business-critical knowledge and know-how will not happen quickly, but you may take efforts to achieve it. Attending industry conferences on a regular basis, enrolling in a class or specialized certification program, or taking on a leadership position in a relevant professional group are all ways to “immerse yourself in your issue area,” she recommends. “Those are apparent and public indicators,” she argues, that you are keeping up with the latest news and information. Don’t keep your expertise a secret from anybody. An other method of demonstrating your expertise is through “blogging about your topic on LinkedIn or for your corporate newsletter.”



Make a plan of action.

When it comes time to use the power you’ve accumulated to support a certain endeavor or concept, you must be strategic. In order to lead your campaign, Clark advises establishing a “power map.” “Develop an organizational chart of the decision-makers involved in your problem,” she advises. During your progression through the tiers, “ask yourself, ‘Can I personally affect this person?'” Is that the case, who can I contact who may be able to persuade that individual?’ 



After that, start thinking about how and when you will contact each of your numerous coworkers. “Play a war game with the circumstance,” she advises. “Who would be harmed by your intentions, and how can you persuade them to join you?” says the interviewer. What you’re doing is strategizing, not planning.




Give folks what they want if you can.

If you truly frame a problem as a benefit to the individuals you desire on your side, you may boost your impact on that subject. Take into account the requirements, views, and temperaments of each stakeholder. In Morgan’s words, “do your research to figure out what people need to hear and what will attract their attention.” “Make certain that you are addressing the question, ‘What’s in it for me?'” for each individual. He also suggests that you discuss how an idea would “benefit the company” as a whole when you present it. The word ‘we’ should be used instead of the pronoun “we,” as in “We will perceive value.” Clark is in agreement. “If your proposition is genuinely self-serving, people will not queue up to support it.”



Principles to Keep in Mind




Develop personal relationships with coworkers so that they will believe you are attempting to influence them in a favorable manner.

Make it apparent to your coworkers that you respect their viewpoints and beliefs.

Attending conferences or taking on a leadership position in a professional group are excellent ways to broaden your knowledge and skills.



Worry that your efforts to obtain influence are being used to manipulate others. You’re using a strategic approach.

As you speak, slouch a little. Standing up straight and with your shoulders back can help you come off as confident and in charge of your situation.



Overuse of the pronoun “I” Discuss how your ideas will help the whole company and how “we” will realize the worth of your suggestions in your quest for influence.

Case Study #1: Keep up with the latest trends and develop connections with your coworkers so that you may better understand what inspires them.



Work Market, a New York City–based company that assists companies in managing their freelancers and consultants, had Marcy Shinder working on establishing herself as a prominent part of the team even before she began her position as chief marketing officer.


Just before starting work, she made plans to meet with a number of colleagues for casual coffees and meals — one-on-one interactions that were “more personal, less regimented, and enabled us to get to know one another.” According to her, she walked into the meeting with a listening agenda in mind. “I was interested in learning: What are their objectives?” What do they consider to be important? What do they believe it is like to work at the company? “And what exactly do they want me to accomplish?” I inquire.




Marcy made certain that her body language communicated that she was completely absorbed in these chats, which she was. She sat up straight, seemed open and interested, and established direct eye contact with me. According to her, “Body language is really essential, and we train salesmen on it.” “I made a conscious effort to listen intently.”


She gained valuable insight into the opinions, personalities, and motivations of her coworkers during those early meetings, which came in handy when she had an idea to overhaul the company’s website and required their backing to continue ahead.




Those first-person chats enabled her to tailor her sales presentation to each individual she spoke with afterwards. She discussed the company’s goals, for example, with Stephen Dewitt, the company’s chief executive officer. She began by discussing metrics with Jeff Wald, the company’s president and chief operating officer, who is a data-driven thinker. And, in collaboration with the chief customer officer, she concentrated on the client experience.





“It’s the same tale, it’s just that the focus is different,” she explains. Her efforts were rewarded. The new Work Market website will be launched in the spring of this year.


Another method Marcy expands her sphere of influence is to keep up with the latest trends and developments in the business. Her time is spent talking to clients, other chief marketing officers, individuals on company boards of directors and future customers. She also spends 25 percent of her time mentoring young people, according to her. “By doing so, I am kept up to date and have a finger on the pulse of what is going on beyond the four walls of our organization.”

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