How Oil and Water Reacted When They Were Mixed

How Oil and Water Reacted When They Were Mixed

Traditionally, oil and water have been thought to be incompatible. However, there would be no oil if the ocean didn’t exist. In the distant past, all of the oil on Earth was found under the ocean’s surface, and this is where every drop of crude oil started.



 However, although moving tectonic plates have transferred a portion of the oil supply to the continents throughout time, any dry land that now contains oil was originally a part of the ocean floor.



Coal and natural gas, as well as oil, are formed from the petrified remnants of extinct living forms. Woody plants and trees were the original constituents of coal, whereas algae and planktonic organisms were the first constituents of crude oil. They are frequently tiny in size when considered as a whole. 



Imagine having thousands of dollars in your pocket and never seeing them. While populations are growing at an astronomical rate during an explosion, their concentrations become so dense that they alter the hue of the water.


 There are hundreds of miles of whirling ocean blooms visible from orbit, and they can be seen for hundreds of kilometers across the world.



Plankton and algae are devoured by a wide variety of organisms, ranging from other plankton to whales, owing to their position at the bottom of the food chain. Only a few days are left in the lives of the unlucky ones who avoid being devoured, and then their brief existence is over. 


The newly dead diatoms, which are somewhat heavier than water, slowly sink to the ocean’s depths, carrying with them the chemically stored energy of sunshine.



Following their arrival at the ocean’s surface and landing on top of the remains of their ancestors, the newcomers are then covered by the corpses of their descendents. The seafloor accumulates a thick layer of vegetation after millions of generations of this cycle, and the scene is prepared for the production of some crude oil.



To make oil, the fundamental formula is straightforward: take enormous volumes of organic material and bury it with a thick layer of sediments, then apply heat and pressure to the mixture. It is crushed to its hydrocarbon essence, oil, after being sealed in that ultimate slow cooker for a period of 10 million to 100 million years.




Up until the middle of the nineteenth century, whale oil was the most valuable commodity, with crude oil being utilized only in rare instances by the general public.




 When mankind found how to transform crude oil into kerosene, and the internal combustion engine was established, this situation was quickly turned around and flipped back over again. Because the commercial trade in whale oil has been discontinued, the production of petroleum oil has exploded in recent years..

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