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How Do I Convince My Boyfriend to Marry Me? 5 Things to Keep in Mind!

How Do I Convince My Boyfriend To Marry Me? 5 Things To Keep In Mind!

When you’ve been in a relationship for a long, you realize it’s time to legally unite via the institution of marriage, but your partner has yet to propose or even shown any interest in getting married.




This is not an unusual occurrence, and it might be distressing to be forced to play the waiting game when you really want want to be married as soon as possible, but it is not impossible.




If you’re wondering if it’s appropriate for you to be the one to propose marriage, be assured that in many couples, it is the woman who opens the conversation about marriage.




As a result of the numerous practical considerations and preparations (both financially and socially) that marriage entails, many men would prefer to take their time, even if they are completely committed to the relationship. Fortunately, there are many resources available to help men prepare for marriage.

How Do I Convince My Boyfriend to Marry Me? 5 Things to Keep in Mind!

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As a result, you may need to begin a conversation along these lines in order to get him to start thinking about it seriously.




7 tips to help you start the conversation about marriage with your partner

Here are some pointers on how to ask your boyfriend to marry you, or, more accurately, how to start the conversation about marriage.





1.) Inform him that you want to tie the knot with him.

If your partner does not provide you with a precise response, go ahead and tell him that you want to be married and have a family as soon as you are able to.

The majority of men begin seriously considering marriage only once they see that their partner has made up her mind about getting married.

If he discovers that you are as unsure about marriage as he is, he will not be concerned about postponing it any longer.





2.) Have a good time when you answer the question.

Continue to maintain a lighthearted demeanor when you inquire about marriage, even if you are a bit tense or apprehensive about what his reply will be.

The last thing you want to do is scare the person away from his work. So simply slide the question in as jokingly as you possibly can.



You may say something like “So Mr. Boyfriend, when do you intend to propose to me?” or something like. or “When will I be able to refer to you as my husband?”




3.) Avoid the appearance of being dependent.

If you demonstrate any signs of reliance or neediness, he will find it revolting on some level in your subconscious.

It is true that when a person finds their spouse to be too reliant or dependent on them, the attractiveness factor diminishes for both men and women.




That is why it is even more critical to maintain your composure as much as possible.




4.) Be Open to Discussing the Practical Aspects of the Situation

Marriage is a very other ballgame, and it elevates the relationship to a whole new level of maturity.



There are a number of practical considerations to take into account that you may not have previously considered.

There are social problems to consider, such as meeting with family and relatives, as well as financial concerns, such as obtaining a home and other essentials. It’s possible that your partner has reservations about one or more of these topics.


It is beneficial to discuss the practical issues of marriage with him in order to make him feel more comfortable with the idea.




5.) Avoid putting him under direct pressure.

There is simply no purpose in putting any pressure on him to get married. The reality of the matter is that he is either willing to be married or he is not; the choice is entirely up to him.

If you exert any emotional pressure on him, it will backfire later on, when he will accuse you of being the cause of all of the marital difficulties.




Don’t forget to tell him that your parents and relatives are looking forward to seeing you married as soon as possible; this will place some indirect pressure on him rather than direct pressure on him.





6.) He will accompany you to other people’s weddings.

Plan to attend other people’s weddings together as a pair whenever possible. When you go back, tell him about how amazing the wedding was and how you felt.



In the process, it will put him in a similar frame of mind on a subconscious level and may even inspire him to want to get married himself in his heart of hearts.

Seventh, avoid being too dramatic about it. The last thing you want to do is drop down on your knees and propose marriage in the middle of a busy street. That would be very uncomfortable and unpleasant for the majority of men.




When a male proposes, it’s pretty common for him to do things like this, but when a lady proposes, he could get as red as a beet.

In reality, it is preferable to discuss this subject in a private setting.

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In a nutshell, to summarize…

Finally, when you approach your partner about marriage as a lady, it’s important to maintain your calm and sophisticated demeanor.

Avoid giving the impression that you are “hooked” and that he may take you for granted, since this is a certain way to relinquish entire control over the situation.




 A healthy relationship is one in which both parties have an equal amount of control while not being unduly reliant on the other.


On either side of the equation, neediness or reliance may easily detract from one’s appeal to another.

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