How Common Is CDS?

How Common Is CDS?

As one gets older, the symptoms of CDS grow more prevalent in their presentation. In point of fact, once a dog exhibits one symptom of CDS, it is probable that she will advance to displaying further symptoms. In a survey that was carried out in Australia and New Zealand in 2009 by Dr. Hannah Salvin and others, the overall prevalence of CDS in dogs over ten years of age was approximately 14 percent.

This number ranged from 5 percent of dogs aged ten to twelve years old to 41 percent of dogs aged over fourteen years old. The prevalence of CDS in dogs under ten years of age was not determined by the survey. On the other hand, 85% of these instances had not been diagnosed. A survey that was conducted in the year 2000 by Hill’s Pet Nutrition found that just 12% of pet owners had mentioned these symptoms to their veterinarian.

What are the Most Frequent Behavioral Issues Seen in Senior Dogs?

There are two perspectives to take into consideration when analyzing behavioral issues in elderly dogs. The first category includes the most often seen behavioral issues that are reported by owners of older dogs.

These are the behavioral difficulties that are significant enough for owners to seek a professional evaluation and assistance for their pets, since they are creating problems for either the owner or the pet, or for both of them. These indicators may be the result of CDS or physiological issues, but there are also other behavioral explanations that might be at play.

The CDS is the second category of symptoms that have been observed. These signs are likely to be much more common in older dogs, but they may be so mild or subtle that pet owners do not report them to their veterinarian or may assume that they are just hallmarks of old age.

Although these signs are likely to be much more common in older dogs, they may be so mild or subtle that pet owners do not report them. In addition, a large number of people who own pets are unaware that there are therapeutic alternatives available, some of which may ameliorate the symptoms and maybe halt the progression of the condition.

The symptoms of CDS might be much more subtle, and as a result, they are often unreported and, as a result, ignored. Because of this, it is very essential to keep an eye out for any of these symptoms and to report them to your veterinarian as soon as possible so that an early diagnosis and treatment may be administered.

There is some degree of overlap between the reported behavior issues and the indications of CDS, as can be shown in table 14.1 (on the next page). Because of this, determining the motivation for the shift in behavior is a difficult task.

So, what are some good options for you? Take the initiative and see your veterinarian as soon as possible if you notice any changes in your pet’s behavior or the emergence of any new behavioral indications.

The most essential thing is to pay attention to even the smallest changes in conduct! These symptoms might be the first indicators of a medical condition or of CDS. In any case, early detection gives you the greatest opportunity of resolving the issue, slow its progression, and improve your senior pet’s health and well-being.

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